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    15 October 2002, Volume 18 Issue 4
    • The Interpersonal Attribution of Responsibility and the Will of Helping
      ZHANG Ai-qing, LIU Hua-shan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  1-5. 
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      Interpersonal attribution of responsibility is a new field that connects attribution researches with judgments of behavioral responsibility.It gives a new angle of view to the judgment of behavior responsibility by applying attributional theory to the analysis of responsibility of failed behavior.This research tested the relationships between attributional controllability and the will of helping,204 subjects attended this experiment,and two structural equation models which reflected the relationships among controllability,affect,responsibility and helping were set up.EQS was used to test the models and the data fitted both Weiner's model and ours well.The results suggested that the relationships between interpersonal attribution of responsibility and the will of helping were that attributional controllability contributed the judgment of responsibility and the response of affects,and then linked with the will of helping; and in this process,judgment of responsibility and the response of affect had a two-way interrelationship.Controllability had a close relationship with judgment of responsibility,but they were of different variables.These results had the effects across situations.
      Research on the Effect of Stimuli-presenting Mode on Junior Middle School Students and Undergraduates’ Classification
      YIN Guo-en, DAI Bin-rong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  6-10. 
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      In all,120 subjects including junior middle school students and undergraduates from Yancheng city,whose eyesight and intelligence were normal,were randomly selected and participated in this experiment.The stimuli materials were consisted of 50 perceptually different pictures which were divided into 3 sets (a、b、c).The stimuli materials were presented in 3 conditions (A、B、C),and on the base of subjects' performance and explanation,the dependent variables were the results of classification based on single-dimension characteristics,whole similarity,two-phrase strategy and other strategies.The experiment design included within-subjects and between-subjects,in which each of the 3 sets of stimuli materials and each of 3 present conditions took turns.The χ2-test was performed on the datum with SPSS8.0 for windows.The results showed: (1) The stimuli-presenting modes had greatly significant effect on undergraduates' classification,but made no significant effect on junior middle school students.(2) Under B and C conditions,The results of classification between junior middle school students and undergraduates was significant,but under A condition there was not significant difference with junior middle school students and undergraduates.(3) The perceptual characteristics of stimuli had no significant effect on subjects' classification.
      Young Children’s Ability of Causal Inferences in Different Patterns of Variation and Covariation
      HU Qing-fen, LIN Chong-de
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  11-16. 
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      The present study investigated how young children make accurate causal inferences on the basis of five patterns of variation and covariation.The results were as follows: (1) In these different patterns of variation and covariation,the children showed different ability in reasoning and they have more difficulty in some special patterns.(2) The children's ability of causal inferences in these five patterns developed in order.(3) The children's performance didn't improved according to the increasing in times of contingency.(4) Children use the information of different patterns of variation and covariation,rather than times of contingency of potential cause and effect in their causal inferences.
      Comparative Research into Response Characteristics of Social Information Processing between Top Pupils and Learning-Disabled Ones
      ZHENG Xin-jun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  17-21. 
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      This study,by using situational stories and constructive interviews,is devoted to different characteristics between top pupils and learning disabled ones in fourth-grade primary students.The result indicates during the whole process the latter reacts worse than the former as far as quantity.Top pupils pay more attention to the influence of trait cues on others' behavior,yet learning disabled ones depend only on the situation to estimate.As a result,their social jedgment or self-evaluation is either good or bad.
      Experiment on the Comprehensive Ability and Strategies about Three Kinds of Time Adverb of 4-6 Year Old Children
      BI Hong-yan, PENG Dan-ling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  22-25. 
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      The purpose of the study was to investigate the development of 4-6 year old children in comprehension of time adverb and analyze the strategies children used during the comprehension.The participants were 72 children randomly selected from kindergarten including three groups aged 4,5 and 6 years old with half boys and half girls in each group.The tests were carried out individually.The methodology of the study was characterized by qualitative and quantitative analyses.The results showed that: (1) children's comprehensive ability of different kinds of time adverb was different,the performance of "now" time adverb was better than that of "past" time adverb,and the performance of "future" time adverb was the worst,meanwhile,no significant developmental effects among ages; (2) the cognitive capacity of different words in "future" time adverbs was different; (3) the strategies of children during the comprehension were mixed in existence,and the capacity of creating effective strategy increased with ages.
      The Developmental Characteristics of Children Addition Strategy in 5-7 year-old
      WO Jian-zhong, LI Feng, CHEN Shang-bao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  26-30. 
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      This study focuses on exploring the developmental characteristics of 72 5-7 year-old children's strategy selection through the strategies children use to solve simple addition problems.It indicates that with increase of age,the proportion of retrieval strategy children used increased and it gradually became the major one while that of counting strategy decreased.Only few children were found to use rounding strategy,decomposition strategy and strategy of rowing numbers in mind.On the whole,5-7 year-old children did not show the tendency of using many kinds of strategies.Retrieval strategy and min strategy are the better ways for them to solve simple addition problems.
      Development of Chinese Children’s Early Word Awareness
      XU Fen, Bruce Homer, Kang Lee
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  31-35. 
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      The present study discussed acquisition of Chinese young children's word and syllable awareness and the age differences.The participants aged from 4-to 6-year-old were asked to repeat a last word or sound in sentence task and story task and to circle one word or sound which experimenter said on the script.The results showed that: (1) 4-year-old children's correct responses were under 50% in word awareness and syllable awareness tasks,and the same as 5-year-olds in word awareness task.(2) 6-year-old children made correct responses over 90%.(3) all children's performance was much better in syllable awareness task than in word awareness task.
      4-6th Graders’Attachment to Parents and Its Associations with Peers Relations
      YU Hai-qing, ZHOU Zong-kui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  36-40. 
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      This study examined the developmental changes in 4th,5th,6th graders' attachment security to parents and the respective role of child-mother and child-father attachment on children's different domains of social functioning.Results showed that children's perceptions of parental availability and attachment to mother decreased significantly with age.Attachment to mother and father differs,too.While children's access to parents and attachment to father didn't differ as a function of age.It was found that social behaviors and nominations of best friends were better predicted by the quality of child-mother attachment than by that of child-father attachment.Friendship quality and social anxiety were related to attachment to both mother and father.Children with two secure attachments had advantage over others.
      The Developmental Characteristics of Junior High School Students’ Social Strategies and Peer Acceptance
      GAO Kun, ZOU Hong, LIU Yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  41-46. 
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      This study examined the social strategies of 314 junior high school students who came from two common middle schools of Beijing.The results showed: (1) The reliability and validity of 0the social strategies questionnaire for junior high school students0 are satisfactory according to the criteria of psychological measurement.(2) Grade differences are significant on the following strategies: negative behaving in initiating interaction situation; avoiding,asking for help and negative behaving in solving conflicts situation; negative behaving,asking for help and passively waiting in maintaining relationship situation.(3) Gender differences are significant on the following strategies: negative behaving and avoiding in initiating situation; negative behaving and negative behaving in maintaining relationship situation.(4) Those who have different peer acceptance level show significant differences on the following strategies: negative behaving in initiating situation; negotiating,negative behaving and compromising in solving conflicts situation; negative behaving,avoiding and communicating in maintaining relationship situation.
      Research on the Characteristics of Values of Middle School Students in Shenzhen and Compare with Middle School Students in Beijing
      SHI Qing-min, YU Ji-ai, LUO Wei-lin, JIN Sheng-hua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  47-51. 
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      This research investigation shows the characteristics of values between middle school students in Shenzhen and Beijing on the basis of the Questionnaire of Chinese Value Orientation.The results were as follows: the returned overseas Chinese students presented higher scores in subjects such as "Orientation of law and rule" and were significantly different comparing with the local Chinese students resident in Shenzhen.Comparing with female students,male students presented higher scores in "Orientation of money and right","Orientation of love","Orientation of family" and were significantly different.In "Orientation of justice and doctrine" the results were immensely significant.According to above mentioned results Shenzhen questioned students comparing with their counterpart Beijing students presented significant difference in evaluating conformity Orientation,family and love.
      Influence of Cognitive Styles and Subjects on Reading Transfer
      LI Shou-xin, CHEN Hong-min
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  52-55. 
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      The effect of reading-transfer was investigated on the condition of different subjects and having clear structure or not in text when senior students cognitive styles were different.The results indicated that,(1) The effect of reading-transfer on the conditionof haveing clear structure in text was significantly superior to that on the condition of having vague structure in text.(2) There was no significant difference between field-dependent and independent students effect of reading-transfer to different subjects.(3) No significant difference was found between field-dependent and independent students on the conditon of having clear structure in text.But the performance of field-independent students were significantly better than that of field-dependent students on the condition of having vague structure in text.
      The Effects of Classroom Goal Structures on Students’ Achievement Goals
      LI Yan-ping, GUO De-jun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  56-60. 
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      The present study investigated the effect of classroom goal structures on students' achievement goals,and the applicability and validity of the TARGET model in classroom instruction of middle school in China.70 seventh graders from two classes participated in the study.One class as experimental class received the mastery-oriented classroom structure intervention.The other was the control class.This study lasted one learning year.Results showed that two classes had significant difference in students' motivational pattern at post-intervention.Students in the experimental class were more oriented to mastery goals,and had more positive attitude toward learning.
      The relationship between Students’ School Adaptation and Teacher Leader Behavior
      LIAN Chuan-de, ZHENG Ri-chang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  61-64. 
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      In the research,we used group sample method to select 538 students.Then we examined the relationship between students'school adaptation and teacher's leader behavior they perceived with "Questionnaire of Student Behavior in School" and "Teacher's Leader Behavior Questionnaire".The effect of gender factor and the students' school adaptation difference under every leader type were analyzed.Students' school adaptation had the positive correlation with teacher's democracy behavior and the negative correlation with authoritative and indulgent behavior.Democracy leader type was better than authoritative and indulgent ones,and there was no significant difference between authoritative and indulgent leader type.The result was not affected by the gender of student and teacher.
      A Study of Development in Separation Anxiety of Children
      LUO Zeng-rang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  65-69. 
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      By using pictorially aided paradigm and pictorial rating scale,to explore 80 children's separation anxiety of four age levels.The results showed: (1) Children's separation anxious gradual decrease with age.(2) Separation anxiety was found highest in the 3-5age group.(3) Scores for the unmitigated situation were found higher than for the mitigated one across the age range of 3-14 years.(4) Two exclusively distinct factor corresponding to the two separation situations.
      Hierarchical Analysis of the Impact of Context Variables on the Teaching Effect
      LIU Hong-yun, MENG Qing-mao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  70-75. 
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      This paper measured the effect of 182 college teachers' teaching using questionnaire of assessment of college teacher's teaching effect.The method of HLM is used to analyze the impact of teacher-level context variables on the effect of teaching.The teacher-level context variables which we considered are teacher's gender,age,educational level,the student's major of teaching,the student's grade of teaching,size of class and the type of course.The purpose of this paper is more reasonablely analysis the impact of teacher-level context variables on the evaluation of teacher's teaching effect using the method of HLM.Therefore we can compare the evaluation result of different teachers objectively.We drew the follow conclusion: (1) The result of using HLM is more reasonable and accurate than using the traditional method of regression analysis and ANOVA; (2) The impaction of teacher-level context variables,such as teacher's gender,educational level,the students major of teaching and the class size,is not significant.(3) The teacher-level context variables,such as the teachers'technological title,age,students' grade of teaching and the course type of teaching have the significant impact on the evaluation effect of teaching.(4) The explanation ratio of teacher-level context variables to the total variation between 33.51 percent and 42.78 percent.
      Constructing of the Scientific Creativity Test for Adolescent
      SHEN Ji-liang, HU Wei-ping, LIN Chong-de
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  76-81. 
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      On the basis of Scientific Creativity Structure Model and the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking,the Scientific Creativity Test for Adolescent (SCTA),a 7-item scale,was developed.Results based on the data of 1307 English adolescents and 1087 Chinese adolescents showed that: (1) the SCTA has high reliability,including Coefficient alpha,rater reliability coefficient and test-retest reliability; (2) the SCTA has high construct validity.Result of exploring factor analysis showed that the test has only one factor.
      Normative Data of the Chinese Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale: Findings based on Hong Kong and Beijing Samples
      LI Hong, Kai FONG Chan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  82-85. 
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      The purpose of the study was to establish the normative data of both Beijing sample and Hong Kong sample for Chinese version of Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale (C-KMS).The study would not only provide the normative data of marital satisfaction for those two major cities,but also suggest the references for further studies on Chinese marital satisfaction in major cities of China.The C-KMS was administered to 1218 married people.The study includes two substudies: study one (599 Beijing sample) and study two (619 Hong Kong sample).The C-KMS was found to have high internal consistency (alpha=93 for Beijing sample; alpha=96 for Hong Kong sample),and well established validity as a scale.The results showed that the normative data for Beijing sample is 15.18,and for Hong Kong sample is 16.13.
      The Review of the Development of Children’s Behavioral Inhibition
      WANG Zheng-yan, HOU Jing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  86-90. 
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      Contemporary study of behavioral inhibition plays unique role in temperament research.Encounter with a person,object,or situation that is unfamiliar or unexpected is one of the most pervasive features of human experience.The present article summarized three most important research questions: the development and modification of behavioral inhibition research methods,the stability of children's behavioral inhibition,and the relationship between children's behavioral inhibition and different cultures.The present article provided a starting point from which to explore some questions that needs to be further inquired in future.
      The New Improvement of Item Selection Method in Computerized Adaptive Testing(CAT)
      ZHANG Zhong-hua, XIE Xiao-qing, ZHENG Ri-chang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(4):  91-96. 
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      The traditional item selection method in CAT are facing more and more problems just like the safety of testing,item exposure rate and the balance of item usage etc.The new improvement of a-stratified selection method-A-STR and BAS-can partly solve these difficult problems.A-STR and BAS can effectively control the exposure rate of high discriminating items,increase the exposure rate of low discriminating items,balance the item usage,improve the testing efficiency and decrease the cost of testing management.BAS and a-STR provide a more powerful method for CAT item selection and also strike out a new idea for developing CAT in China.