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    15 July 2002, Volume 18 Issue 3
    • An Investigation on the Image of Peasant in the Heart of Urban Primary School Children
      ZUO Bin, XIAO Yu-lan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 17(3):  1-5. 
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      An questionnaire was used in this study to investigate the image of peasant in the heart of urban primary school children.It was found that urban children's image to peasant was mostly positive but there were still a few negative figures about peasant.This kind of impression on peasant from the children had significant difference comparing with the real image of peasant.The influencing factors on this kind of stereotype were discussed also in this paper.
      A Comparative Research on Adolescent’s Modernity in Personality between Town and Countryside
      ZHANG Xing-gui, ZHENG Xue
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 17(3):  6-11. 
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      According the Modernity and Traditionality scale workout by Dr.Yang Kuo shu,300 junior and senior high school students in class two and undergraduates were tested.The result indicates that there is stgnificant difference of students individual modernity between town and country,the same as different sex and different levers of education.Students from country are more traditional than town and students form town are more modernistic than countryside.As far as the different in sexes,male students are more traditional than female students.With the increase of education,the students traditionality would be weaken and modernity would be strengthen.
      The Effects of Authorities on Children’s Moral Judgment in Moral Dilemma Events
      LI Ying-li, WU Si-na
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 17(3):  12-17. 
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      This study examined children's judgments regarding moral events influenced by their authority concepts.The recent studies on this respect were conducted mainly through routine moral events.This study used moral dilemma events to exam children's judgments, and included some consideration of the influence of authority's attribution.When invest igated through moral dilemma events, children can be induced to judge moral events by the authority's viewpoints in the events; The results showed that children's moral judgements will change according to high authorities (principal and teacher) opposite viewpoints, but seldom change according to low authorities (class president and child) opposite viewpoints.
      Development of Teacher-Student Relationships and Its relation to Factors in Primary School
      WANG Yun, WANG Xiao-hua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 17(3):  18-23. 
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      14 teachers completed the student-teacher relationship scale (STRS) to access their relationship with 498 primary school students.The results indicated: (1) there were significant differences between grades on teacherstudent relationship; (2) The difference between genders is significant, schoolgirls' teacher-student relationship are better than that of schoolboys'; (3) children with higher academic achievement got higher score in STRS than children with lower academic achievement.(4) children's grade,gender,academic achievement all have significant direct effects on teacher-student relationship.
      Development of the Caricature’s Cognition
      SONG Guang-wen, REN Zhen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 17(3):  24-28. 
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      200 subjects were selected from grade 3 and 5 of primary school, grade 2 of junior middle school, grade 2 of senior middle school, and freshman of college.They were required to name 12 caricatures.The results showed: (1) There remained a very significant age characteristics, and 2 rapid developmental periods.They were from 9 to 12 years old, and from 14 to 18 years old; (2) There was a little difference between gender in the cognition of caricature as a whole, but there were no significant differences between gender in each grade.
      Research on the relationship between Teacher Leadership Behavior and Children Peer Relations
      LIU Chang-jiang, ZHENG Ri-chang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 17(3):  29-33. 
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      The study investigated the relationship between teacher leadership behavior perceived and anticipated by children and children peer relations.The subjects were 180 primary school children of 4th and 6th grades in Bei-jing.We used sociometry to measure the children peer relations, and a Teacher Leadership Behavior Questionnaire to assess teacher's leadership behavior perceived and anticipated by children.The prominent findings are as follows: (1) the perceived Laissez-faire leadership does not contribute to children peer relations, while the perceived democracy leadership and authoritarian leadership have no effect on them significantly; (2) the perceived authoritarian leadership can build up a cohesive team; the perceived democracy leadership helps to conciliate the team.
      Elementary School Students’ Understanding of the Social-regulatory Functions of Emotion
      LUO Zheng, GUO Dejun, FANG Ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 17(3):  34-39. 
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      This paper inspected elementary school students'(Grade 2,4,6) understanding of the social-regulatory functions of ermtion.Students thought that anger's effect was different from the effects of sadness and fear on socialregulatory function:anger signaled expresser's power or dominance,eliciting recipient's fear and apology;sadness and fear signaled expresser feel weak,eliciting recipient's sadness and goal reinstatement,and sometimes fear can elicit recipient's happy.Students thought there were no different effects on expresser's social goal armng anger, sadness and fear.There were Mme grade differences in elementary school students'understanding of the social-regulatory functions of ermtion.
      Influencing Factors of Autobiographical Memory of 4 Years old Chidren
      YU Feng-ru, CHEN Hui-chang, HOU Jing, CHEN Xing-yin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 17(3):  40-45. 
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      76 four years old children were asked to talk their own experiences of having birthday to a strange experimenter and other three strange peers in laboratory to identify their autobiographical memory and oral expressive characteristics.A coding schedule was used to code their speaking expression.Results reveal that four years old children could preliminarily make autobiographical memory.The average events regarding birthday that they told were 1.7, and the average Chinese characters they spoke were 25.There was no relationship between children's temperament types and autobiographical memory.The relationship between maternal caring styles and children's autobiographical memory achievement was stronger than its relationship with father's caring styles.
      The Polysemous advantage effects and Its Development in Identification of Chinese One-Characters
      DENG Yuan, PENG Dan-ling, WEI Ruo-hong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 17(3):  46-52. 
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      The polysemous advantage effects and its development in identification of Chinese one characters were examined in lexical decision task.Subjects were primary students of grade 3, 5 and college students.The results showed: (1) The polysemous advantage effects were observed in low frequency characters across groups.(2) The error rate falls and the polysemous advantage effect weakens as the grade grows and ability of learning characters improves.The advantage of Polysemy in word identif icat ion has been developed in grade 3.The response pattern in grade 5 approaches to that in college student.The explains of results are given from the view of different semant ic feedback quantity and processing pattern in high/low frequent word ident ification.
      A Comparative Study on the Phonological, Graphic and Semantic Connection of Chinese Character Between Poor Readers and Normal Readers of Fourth Grade
      TIAN Xue-Hong, ZANG Ya-Fei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 17(3):  53-56. 
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      The subjects in the research were pupils of grade 4 who were divided into twa groups:normal readers and poor readers.The differences in the phonological,graphic and semantic connection of Chinese character between the two groups were examined in reporting target ward,writing pinyin,dictating and choosing tasks.The results indiGated that:(1) there were significant difference in the intensity of the phonological,graphic and semantic connection of Chinese character between normal readers and poor readers.(2) The phonological-graphic and the graphicsemantic connections of the poor readers were influenced largely by their less distinct orthographic representation.
      Effect of Selective attention and Insight on Classroom Information Perception of Primary School Teachers
      ZHANG Xue-min, SHEN Ji-liang, LIN Chong-de
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 17(3):  57-62. 
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      Selective attention and insight are important cognitive ability of teachers' perception.Based on previous theoretical studies on teachers' expertise, the present study intended to explore How teachers' selective attention and insight influenced on processing speed and discriminat ion of classroom information.The results showed that, selective encoding and selective comparison had significant effect on processing speed of classroom information, and selective attention had significant effect on discrimination of classroom information.There was no significant effect of selective combination on processing speed and discrimination of classroom information.There was significant positive correlation between selective attention and selective encoding, selective combination, and selective comparison.
      A Comparative Experimental Study on Delay of Gratification between Excellent Learning Students and Students with Learning Disabilities
      LIU Yan, ZHANG Ming, XU Guo-qing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 17(3):  63-67. 
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      In present study, we compared the delay of gratification in different environments between students with Learning Disabilities (LD) and excellent learning students (ELS).2×3 experimental design were employed in a sample of 107 pupils with LD and ELS from 4 or 5-grade of two primary schools in Changchun.The experimental results showd that the interaction between subjects and environments was significant.Further analysis indicated that delay of gratification in ELS was significantly higher than that of students with LD in environment Ⅰ and environment Ⅱ, but there was not in environment Ⅲ.As for ELS, self-control ability was higher in first two environment than the last, and there was significant difference between environment Ⅱ and environment Ⅲ.As for LDS, the delay of gratification was higher in last two levels, and there was significant difference between environment Ⅰand environment Ⅲ.This study may contribute to both theory construction and practical instruction.
      Coping Strategies and Perceived Social Support among University Studnets: Its Relationship and Gender Difference
      LI Wei, TAO Sha
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 17(3):  68-73. 
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      The present study examined the relationship between coping strategies and perceived social support as well as its gender difference in late adolescence by asking 423 university students to fill out questionnaires.The results indicated that (1) Male and female students all resorted more to active-solving problem strategies, while the attention distracting strategies were used fewer and the negative-solving problem strategies were used the fewest.(2) The level of students' perception of social support was positively correlated with active-solving problem and seeking emotional support while being negatively correlated with negative-solving problem and attention distracting coping strategies.The contribution of perceived social support was relatively higher on the seeking emotional support coping for female students while being relatively higher on the active-solving problem coping for male students.(3) The difference of studnets' coping strategies could be found not only between different gender groups, but also between groups with high-level or low-level perceived social support even within the same gender group.Male students reported using significantly more negative-solving problem and fewer seeking emotional support strategies than female.Whether male or female students, those who with higher perceived social support reported more positive-solving problem and seeking emotional support coping strategies while less negative-solving problem and attention distracting coping strategies than those who with lower perceived social support.
      The Relationship among Cognitive Appraisal, Psychological Control, Social Support and Stress Facing College Entrance Examination in High School Students
      ZHANG Xiang-kui, ZHANG Lin, MA Li-wen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 17(3):  74-79. 
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      The present study investigated the relationship among cognitive appraisal, psychological control, social support and the stress in high school students, while the students of senior high school were facing College Entrance Examination.The 324 high-school students were randomly selected as subjects coming from key school, general school and private school in Hebei province, respectively.Results showed that psychological control of students from key and general school was significant higher than students from private school, and seeking social support among girls were higher than boys.There are negatively correlative between negative cognition appraisal, psychological controls, social support and the stress, and positively correlative between positive cognition appraisal and the stress.Negative cognition appraisal, psychological controls, social support had directly effect on the stress driven from college entrance examination, but positive cognition appraisal had indirectly effect on the stress through psychological controls and social support.
      The review of the attachment methods
      HOU Jing, CHEN Hui-chang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 17(3):  80-84. 
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      The development and richness of the attachment research are on the basis of the development of its research methods.The present article summarized three most influential attachment research methods corresponding to different age-stages among the attachment research fields: Strange Situation.Attachment Q-set, and Adult Attachment Interview, and made some comments on the advantage and disadvantage of the three attachment research methods as well as their relationships among them.