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15 March 2025
Volume 41 Issue 2
The Effects of Different Language Conditions and Executive Functions on Memory Integration in College Students
ZHAO Xiaomei, CHENG Shi, LIU Zihan, LIU Hong
Psychological Development and Education. 2025, 41(2):  153-162.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2025.02.01
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Two experiments were conducted using a separate sentence paradigm to investigate memory integration performance in monolingual and bilingual conditions for adult college students with varying levels of executive functioning. The study controlled for presentation language and questioning language to create monolingual and bilingual conditions. The study found that the presentation language of the stem fact during the encoding stage had an impact on memory integration. Specifically, better performance was observed when the first stem fact was presented in the dominant language. Additionally, the questioning language of the integrated fact influenced memory integration, and the integration effect decreased as the difficulty of switching between the questioning language and the encoding language increased. Furthermore, the study found that executive function interacted with the encoding language condition but not with the retrieval language condition. This suggests that the effects of executive function and language condition on memory integration varied depending on the processing stage.
Attentional Biases in 5~7 Years Old Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder When Viewing Emotion-themed Picture Books
WANG Wei, CHENG Yiyun, WU Yang, XUE Licheng, LI Yongxin, Zhao Jing
Psychological Development and Education. 2025, 41(2):  163-172.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2025.02.02
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The present study used an eye-tracking technique to examine attentional biases in 15 5 to 7-year-old children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), 15 children with intellectually delayed (ID), and 19 children with typically developing (TD) when reading emotion-themed picture books. We used emotion-themed picture books involving four types of emotions (i.e., happiness, sadness, anger, and fear). Results showed that: (1) Children with ASD paid more attention to the body areas of pictures than the face areas, while a reversed pattern was observed in TD and ID children; (2) Faces with happy expression drew more attention than those with fearful expression in children with ASD. These results provided valuable insights into the training of emotional understanding in ASD children.
A Meta-analysis of the Effects of an Afternoon Nap on Cognitive Function
QIAN Liu, RU Taotao, CHEN Yuping, ZHANG Chenze, ZHOU Guofu
Psychological Development and Education. 2025, 41(2):  173-184.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2025.02.03
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In accordance with the PRISMA-Protocol, a meta-analysis of 42 studies (total sample size = 1751) was conducted to examine the effects of an afternoon nap on cognitive function and its moderator variables with task performance. Results showed that compared with the control condition, an afternoon nap had a moderate positive effect size on cognitive function (g = 0.59, k = 130, p < 0.001). Results of the subgroup analyses showed that the cognitive domain and age were significant moderators. An afternoon nap could improve executive function, declarative memory, and procedural memory, but not attention function; compared with the youth, the minor and the old could get more benefits from napping. Besides, other moderators (i.e., nap duration, experience with napping, sleep restriction the night before, and the time point of re-testing tasks after napping) had no incpact on the effects of napping.
Sensitivity and Attention Avoidance of Left Behind Adolescents to Negative Evaluation of Others
YANG Ling, LI Na, ZHANG Yang, SHI Linping, ZHANG Mingfei, WU Jiangkun
Psychological Development and Education. 2025, 41(2):  185-195.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2025.02.04
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This study explored the sensitivity and attention bias of left behind adolescents to others’ evaluation. Experiment 1 used the social incentive delay task to investigate the sensitivity of left behind adolescents to the evaluation of others. The results showed that the reaction time of left behind adolescents under the negative evaluation cues of others was significantly shorter than that under the positive evaluation cues of others, and the accuracy rate under the negative evaluation cues of others was significantly higher than that under the positive evaluation cues of others, The reaction time of non left behind adolescents under other people’s positive evaluation cues is significantly shorter than that under other people’s negative evaluation cues. Experiment 2 used the dot-probe task to investigate the attention bias of left behind adolescents towards the evaluation of others. The results showed that the reaction time of left behind adolescents to negative evaluation words was significantly longer under consistent conditions than under inconsistent conditions, and the attention bias index and attention detachment difficulty index of negative evaluation words were significantly less than 0, There is no significant difference in the reaction time of non left behind adolescents to positive and negative evaluation words under consistent and inconsistent conditions. The above results show that compared with the positive evaluation of others, the left behind adolescents are more sensitive to the negative evaluation of others, and show attention avoidance and attention detachment facilitation; Compared with the negative evaluation of others, non left behind adolescents are more sensitive to the positive evaluation of others, and do not show attention bias.
The Influence of Attachment on Self-esteem and Interpersonal Adjustment in College Students
LIAO Chenxi, WANG Dahua
Psychological Development and Education. 2025, 41(2):  196-205.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2025.02.05
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Previous studies have proved that attachment can affect interpersonal adjustment. This study explored the mechanism of attachment affecting interpersonal adjustment from the perspective of self-esteem. In study 1, with 271 college students recruited, questionnaires were used to investigate the mediating role of self-esteem in the relationship of attachment and interpersonal adjustment. The results showed that attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance significantly predicted interpersonal adjustment respectively, and the mediating effects of self-esteem were both significant; analysis of structural equation model with all variables revealed the significant mediating effect of self-esteem between attachment avoidance and interpersonal adjustment. In study 2, taking 63 college students as subjects, the laboratory priming paradigm was used to explore the effect of attachment security priming on state self-esteem and interpersonal adjustment in real interpersonal interaction scenario and compare the differences of interpersonal adjustment scores between different evaluation subjects. The results showed that state self-esteem in the attachment security priming group was marginally significantly higher than that in the control group; attachment security priming can improve the score of self-reported interpersonal adjustment, but not the score evaluated by others.
The Influence of the Sense of Power on the Sensitivity to Moral Norms: The Role of Sense of Control and Need for Structure
ZHOU Yuhao, ZHANG Feng, XIAO Weilong, FAN Liting, SUN Binghai
Psychological Development and Education. 2025, 41(2):  206-215.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2025.02.06
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The traditional view divides the individual’s moral judgment into utilitarianism or deontology, while the CNI model can further divide the individual’s moral judgment into sensitivity to consequences, sensitivity to moral norms, and general preference for inaction versus action. Based on CNI model, Gawronski and Brannon (2020) explored the influence of the sense of power on moral judgment and found that the sense of power only affects the individual’s sensitivity to moral norms, but failed to clarify the difference in the influence of high and low sense of power on individuals’ sensitivity to moral norms. To further clarify the difference, a control group was added in Experiment 1, and it was found that the low sense of power increases individuals’ sensitivity to moral norms. Based on power-dependence theory and the compensation control theory, Experiment 2 verified that the sense of control and the need for structure played a chain mediating role in the process of the influence of the low sense of power on individual’s sensitivity to moral norms. In conclusion, this study reveals that the low sense of power increases individuals’ sensitivity to moral norms. And the low sense of power increases the need for structure by reducing the sense of control, and then increases the sensitivity to moral norms, providing support for the power-dependence theory and compensatory control theory.
Direct Access to Orthography in Second Language Written Production: Evidence from Different Writing Modes
LIU Yueyue, HE Wenguang, SHEN Guoqing
Psychological Development and Education. 2025, 41(2):  216-225.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2025.02.07
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To compare the role of phonology in orthographic access and the influence of language processes on action execution during Chinese-English bilinguals handwrote or typed second language(L2) words, the picture-word interference paradigm was adopted to explore the phonological and orthographic effects on the cognitive coding and action execution of the two different writing modes. Experiment 1 found that during handwriting, the orthographic priming effect appeared earlier than the phonological one in the phase of cognitive coding, and the former was still active in the phase of action execution. Experiment 2 found that during typing, the orthographic priming effect was also earlier than the phonological one in the phase of cognitive coding, nevertheless, no effects arose in the phase of action execution. In conclusion, these findings demonstrated that: (1) Semantic could access the orthographic representation directly in the phase of cognitive coding for both handwriting and typing, which supported the orthographic autonomy hypothesis; (2) For handwriting, the orthographic process could be cascaded to the action execution, providing evidence for the cascaded model; however, linguistic processes were terminated before action execution for typing, which was in line with the serial model.
Coparenting and School Adaptation in Families with Junior Middle School Students: The Role of Parental Involvement and Attachment and Parent Difference
LIU Chang, WU Xinchun, ZOU Shengqi
Psychological Development and Education. 2025, 41(2):  226-234.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2025.02.08
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Based on ecological model of coparenting, a total of 1370 junior middle school students were surveyed to explore the effect of coparenting on school adaptation and examine the mediated role of parental involvement and attachment. Structural equation modeling results revealed social competence was mainly influenced by family integrity of coparenting, via the chain mediations of parental involvement and attachment. Antisocial behavior was influenced by family integrity, conflict and disparagement, in which the effect of negative coparenting behaviors on school adaptation mediated by parental attachment. Reprimand was the only dimension for which father had more contribution to social competence than that of mother. In addition, significant differences in mediating effect per gender of parent were mainly found that the associations between family integrity, conflict and school adaptation. The effect size of mediating role showed significantly greater of father than that of mother, excepting serial mediation in the associations between family integrity and social competence. These findings suggested that family integrity and attachment played an important role to school adaptation.
Parental Marital Conflict and Bullying among Middle School Students: Roles of Deviant Peer Affiliation and Sensation Seeking
LIU Shen, FAN Hang, WANG Zhe, SONG Minghua, TENG Han
Psychological Development and Education. 2025, 41(2):  235-244.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2025.02.09
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In order to investigate the relationship between parental marital conflict and bullying among middle school students, and to explore roles of deviant peer interaction and sensation seeking, the current study used the questionnaire method to investigate 508 middle school students. The results showed that: (1) When controlling gender and grade, parental marital conflict significantly positively predicted middle school students’ bullying; (2) Deviant peer affiliation partially mediated the relationship between parental marital conflict and middle school students’ bullying; (3) Sensation seeking moderated the latter half path of “parental marital conflict → deviant peer affiliation → middle school students’ bullying”. The findings of the current study are not only conducive to understanding the relationship between parental marital conflict and middle school students’ bullying and its internal mechanism from the perspective of the ecosystem theory, but also provide theoretical and empirical evidence for preventing and intervening the incidence of middle school students’ bullying.
The Longitudinal Effect of Harsh Parenting on Problem Behaviors of Left-behind Adolescents in Single-parent Custody
GAO Yemiao, BAI Rong, LI Jinwen, WANG Hui, LIU Xia
Psychological Development and Education. 2025, 41(2):  245-255.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2025.02.10
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The present study used a longitudinal design, in which 855 rural adolescents completed a battery of questionnaires at two-time points, to explore the long-term effect and underlying mechanisms of harsh parenting on problem behaviors of left-behind adolescents in single-parent custody. The results showed that: (1) Harsh parenting had a long-term predictive effect on problem behaviors of both left-behind adolescents in single-parent custody and non-left-behind adolescents; (2) Harsh parenting had an indirect effect on problem behaviors of left-behind adolescents in single-parent custody by increasing their negative affect, while harsh parenting only had a direct predictive effect on problem behaviors among non-left-behind adolescents; (3) There was a significant interactive effect of friend support and harsh parenting on both negative affect and problem behavior among left-behind adolescents, and the interaction pattern was consistent with the compensation effect, i.e., the direct and indirect predictive effects of harsh parenting on adolescents’ problem behaviors were significantly weaker as the level of friend support increased, while the interaction effect did not occur among non-left-behind adolescents.
Longitudinal Effects of School Connectedness on Adolescent Smartphone Addiction: The Mediation of Social Anxiety and Moderation of Parent-adolescent Attachment
ZENG Chengwei, ZHANG Bin, ZHANG Anqi, ZENG Yixin, DAI Huifeng, XIONG Sicheng, WANG Yanan, YANG Ying
Psychological Development and Education. 2025, 41(2):  256-264.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2025.02.11
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Based on the cognitive-behavioral models and the development system theories, the present study investigated the role of social anxiety and parent-adolescent attachment in the longitudinal relationship between school connectedness and adolescent smartphone addiction. A total of 408 adolescents in Changsha were selected to participate in this study, and participants were assessed at two measurement waves, one year apart. Results revealed that: (1) Social anxiety played a longitudinal mediating role in the effect of school connectedness on adolescent smartphone addiction; (2) The effect of school connectedness on social anxiety is moderated by parent-adolescent attachment. Specifically, for adolescents with high parent-adolescent attachment, school connectedness has a stronger negative predictive effect on social anxiety. The findings help to reveal the internal mechanisms of smartphone addiction in adolescents and have enlightening implications for guiding adolescents to use smartphones healthily.
Bullying Victimization and Adolescents’ Pro-bullying Bystander Behaviors: The Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement and Perceived Antibullying Class Norms
BAO Zhenzhou, CHU Yijia, WANG Fan, LIU Xixi, YU Mingshen
Psychological Development and Education. 2025, 41(2):  265-275.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2025.02.12
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Bullying victimization is the risk factor of pro-bullying bystander behaviors. However, little is known about how and under what condition bullying victimization is related with pro-bullying bystander behaviors. Based on the social cognitive theory and risk and protective factor framework, the present study examined a moderated mediation model to explore whether moral disengagement would mediate the relationship between bullying victimization and pro-bullying bystander behaviors and perceived antibullying class norms as protective factor would moderate the direct and/or indirect pathway. A total of 1562 adolescents (Mage = 14.39 years, SD = 1.00) was recruited to participate in this study and completed relevant anonymous questionnaires. Data was analyzed using SPSS 26.0 and Mplus 8.3. The results indicated: (1) Bullying victimization was positively related to pro-bullying bystander behaviors; (2) The relationship between bullying victimization and pro-bullying bystander behaviors was partly mediated by moral disengagement; (3) Perceived antibullying class norms moderated the indirect pathways between bullying victimization and pro-bullying bystander behaviors. The present study revealed that how and under what condition bullying victimization is associated with pro-bullying bystander behaviors. Those findings contributed to our understanding of the underlying psychological mechanisms of pro-bullying bystander behaviors and provided suggestions for future bullying prevention interventions.
Impact of Parental Conflict on Non-suicide Self-injury in Early Adolescence: Longitudinal Mediating Effects of Depression
WANG Yulong, LI Rong, CHEN Huilin, LIN Xiuyun
Psychological Development and Education. 2025, 41(2):  276-283.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2025.02.13
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To examine the relationship between parental conflict and the impact on the development of non-suicide self-injury in early adolescence, a questionnaire-based follow-up survey was conducted on 851 early adolescents in 3 consecutive visits. The results showed that:(1) In early adolescence, there was an overall increasing trend in the development of the parental conflict, depression, and non-suicide self-injury, and the initial levels of parental conflict and depression were all significantly negatively correlated with their rates of development; (2) The initial level and rate of development of parental conflict can influence the development of non-suicide self-injury in early adolescence indirectly through the initial level and rate of development of depression. Thus, there is a longitudinal mediating role for depression in the effects of parental conflict on the development of non-suicide self-injury in early adolescence.
Infants’ Learning in Second-person Interpersonal Interaction: The Natural Pedagogy Hypothesis
XU Huiyan, WANG Xiaoying, CHEN Wei
Psychological Development and Education. 2025, 41(2):  284-291.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2025.02.14
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Social cognition theories have increasingly highlighted the importance of second-person dynamic interactions on learning. The Natural Pedagogy hypothesis proposed by cognitive developmental psychologists Csibra and Gergely suggests that infants are able to quickly understand what “you” (the adult) are teaching and effectively complete “my” (the infant’s) knowledge learning based on teleological representations of behavior during face-to-face interactions. It occurs during communication, modeling, and generalization. Specifically, human infants are sensitive to ostensive signals, tend to develop referential expectations and interpret information as generalized knowledge. The second-person interaction approach led by the Natural Pedagogy hypothesis has a profound impact in social cognition and can be essential in children’s early social learning. In the future, relevant empirical research should be strengthened.
Attentional Blink in Children: The Developmental Fine-tuning in the Temporal Dimension of Attention
LIN Yue, SU Yanjie
Psychological Development and Education. 2025, 41(2):  292-304.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2025.02.15
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Attentional blink is a phenomenon that reflects the limitation of visual attention in processing multiple targets within a concise time window. However, sacrificing the processing of the second target is beneficial to the refinement of the first target, thus also reflecting a cognitive strategy. The trade-off between simultaneous processing of multiple targets and maintaining the representation of target features is reflected in the development of attentional blink. As children grow older, they make more errors when reporting the second target during the blink, but the time window of the blink shortens, and the blink also recovers more quickly. Children also made more swap errors and feature binding errors than adults. This development trajectory reflects the developmental fine-tuning in the temporal dimension of attention, which may depend on the development of children’s perception and attention, working memory, and inhibitory control. Future research can further explore the developmental fine-tuning in the temporal dimension of attention based on integrating behavioral indicators and neural correlates. Attentional blink also provides a novel approach to exploring the development of children’s consciousness awareness and cross-model integration.
Journal Information
  • 心理发展与教育
    Psychological Development and Education
    国际刊号:ISSN 1001-4918
    国内刊号:CN 11-1608/B