Psychological Development and Education 2000 Vol.16
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Social Support during the Transition to University: Its Characteristics and Change
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (1): 1-5.  
Abstract1834)      PDF(pc) (521KB)(1292)       Save
The present study examined the characteristics and change of social support during the transition to university among 374 freshmen.The results indicated that the levels of social support from parents,peers and teachers were significantly different both at the beginning and the end of the first semester.The levels of freshmen's perception of total social support and the support from parents and peers increased while the levels of social support from teachers decreased after the freshmen entered the universities.The correlation analysis showed that the change in the levels of freshimen's perception of total social support was associated with the support from parents and peers in universities more closely.
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The Influence of Training on Rejected and Neglected Children
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (1): 6-11.  
Abstract2592)      PDF(pc) (667KB)(1822)       Save
The purpose of this study is to examine the different influence of three differenttraining methods on rejected children and neglected children aged 4-6 year in kindergarten.The subjects were sixteen rejected children and sixteen neglected children who were selected by using peer nomination measurement.The training methods consist of behavioral training,cognitive training and emotional training.The results show that (1) There is no significant differences of effect between three training methods.(2) The cognitive training is more suitable for rejected children and the behavioral training is more suitable for neglected children.(3) There are age discrepancies in use of training methods.The behavioral training has more effects on younger children and the cognitive and emotional training have significant advantage for older children.
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Research on the Development of Self-conscionsness in Audescence
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (1): 12-18.  
Abstract2825)      PDF(pc) (585KB)(1800)       Save
The purpose of this study is to examine development of the student's general self-esteem,specific self-consciousness and independent consciousness from 7 to 11 grade.The result shows that:1.With grade's improving,the general self-esteem,specific self-consciousness and independent consciousness become gradually more and more deep and stable.2.The focus of student's self-consciousness is gradually converted from physioloical aspects to mental aspects and social intercourse.3.The development of student's general self-esteem differs from that of the specific self-consciousness.
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The Experimental Study about Children’s Judhment and Attribution Patterns of Moral Emotion in Prosocial Context
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (1): 19-23.  
Abstract2147)      PDF(pc) (175KB)(1257)       Save
Using the approach of the clinica1 conversation as to the story's context,thisstudy ana1yses judgment and attribution patterns of mora1 emotion of 4-and 6-year-o1d children in prosocial moral contexs.The results are shown as fo1lowing: (1) In prosocial contexts,young children are inclined to judge the actor can experience negative emotion,while older chi1dren be1ieve the actor wi11 be glad due to his good deed; (2) In attribution tasks,4-year-o1d chi1dren are consequence-oriented,whi1e six are from consequence-oriented to moral-oriented; (3) The prosocia1 types don't effect judgement and attribution of moral emotion,(4) Even 4-year-old can make judgment and attribution for his own emotional experience accord with moral ru1es in perspective-taking tasks.
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4-and 5-Year-Old Children’s Counting: Its Principles and Appliance
周燕, 庞丽娟, 赵红利
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (1): 24-29.  
Abstract2114)      PDF(pc) (494KB)(1082)       Save
04 young children from three kindergartens' middle classes were tested for their counting competence.We used the standard counting task to test children's principled understanding of counting.As Gelman and Gallistel (1978) have found,we deduced the stable-order principle,the one-to-one principle and the cardinality principle in Chinese children's counting.And we also found that 4-and 5-year-old children can't apply counting to solve simple arithmetic problems in number reproduction task.
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The Study of the Influencing Factors on Parental Awareness
桑标, 杜乃芳
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (1): 30-36.  
Abstract2365)      PDF(pc) (672KB)(1087)       Save
In this study the concept of parental awareness is hypothesized to explain why parents adopt different types of parenting.Using a questionnaire in samples of 300 couples of parents,we found that: (1) There was no age effect of maternal awareness and fatherly awareness; (2) There were no educational level and vocation effects of the fatherly awareness; (3) There were significant differences both in maternal awareness and fatherly awareness according to the different parenting person; (4) For the maternal awareness,there was neither child age effect nor child sex effect,for the fatherly awareness,there was no child age effect but existed child sex effect.
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A Study on Junior’s Preinstructional Conceptions about Chemistry——Research on Psychology of Learning Science
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (1): 37-42.  
Abstract2044)      PDF(pc) (584KB)(1194)       Save
The exploration and transformation on students' preinstructional conceptions is a gotspot in the field of science learning psychology and science educational research.The systemic study on it hasn't been carried out in China,however.In this investigation,153 juniors have a written test on their preinstructional conceptions about chemistry and some representative students were interviewed.The investigation indicated that it's very popular that the juniors own preinstructional conceptions on some basic concepts of chemistry,especially alternative frameworks.On the base of the investigation,the trait,types and sources of the conceptions are also discussed.Some instructional strategies are put forward to impel students to change their own conceptual frameworks and develop their understanding of chemical concepts.
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Research on the Learning Strategies in Mathematics
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (1): 43-47.  
Abstract2691)      PDF(pc) (508KB)(1374)       Save
Based on the investigation on 437 grade eight students' motivation and strategies in mathematics learning,this study continued to explore the effect of different training methods,training time,and student's gender on the mathematics learning.Result indicated that (1) the training methods (etc,discussing,thinking with the experiment's guides,teacher's instruction in class) make an impacton the result of training; (2) the time of training effect its result; (3) the result of training also is influenced by the student's gender.
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A Development Study on Five-factor Personality Questionaire for MIddle School Students
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (1): 48-54.  
Abstract3046)      PDF(pc) (500KB)(2065)       Save
on the basis of previous studies and interview of midd1e school students,Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire for Midd1e School Students was deve1oped.This questionnaire was used to analyze personality of 304 middle school students.Results showed:a) Five major factors were abstracted by exploratory factor ana1ysis.The five factors were named Openness,Extraversion,Agreeableness,Conscientiousness and Neuroticism.b) The reliability and validity of the Questionnaire was satisfactory.The Cronbach's α,correlation coefficients between each domain and the tota1 score,and half-split reliability of the questionnaire were high enough.Each domain of the questionnaire was significant related to that of NEO PI-R.Student's self-rating and parents' rating were also related.
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Making of the ADHD Scale for Elementary School Students
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (1): 55-59,23.  
Abstract2270)      PDF(pc) (205KB)(1564)       Save
The paper describes our working in the first ADHD scale in China.The scale contains five factors: they are inattentive,hyperactive,impulsive,arousing problem and immaturity.The inestigatition show that the scale get a satisfied reliability and validity.The re-test reliability of the scale is 8902.The same quality of the scale is between.9202-.9448.
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Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (1): 60-63.  
Abstract3240)      PDF(pc) (68KB)(3982)       Save
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Research on The Measurement Of Goal Orientation And It’s Impact on Academic Performance
徐方忠, 朱祖祥, 林芝
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (2): 1-6.  
Abstract2378)      PDF(pc) (521KB)(1152)       Save
This paper revised the Button goal orientation Questionnaire and studied the relation between goal orientation and academic performance.The reliability and validity of the revised questionnaire were desirable.58 college students who were at 2 grade were sampled,goal orientation questionnaire was administered for them,performance data were obtained from all subjects being studied in this term,partial correlation analyses revealed that,the relations between performance goal and academic performance,and between learning goal and academic performance were different across all the subjects,and its' were also different with different subject's difficult level.This suggested that relation between goal orientation and performance can changed with the resource acquired.
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Effects of Mind Factors on Academic Achievement of High School Pupils
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (2): 7-12.  
Abstract2397)      PDF(pc) (701KB)(1430)       Save
The degree of effect of mind factors,suth as prior knowledge、learning strategy、intelligence and non-intellectual factors et al.,on academic achievement as well as its mechanism with junior high school pupils was examined with questionair method and scale method.The analyses of data revealed that :1)there were significant positive correlations between mainly mind factors and academic achivement;2) the direct factors led to pupils' differences on acadiemic achievement were prior knowledge、learning strategy and non-intellectual factors and the degree of effect of prior knowledge was obvously stronger than that of learning strategy and non-intellectual factors;3)an important indirect effect of intelligence and non-intellectual factors on academic achievement by prior knowledge,not by learning strategy,was found.
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Developmental Features of Advertisement Cognition of the Students in Primary and Middle School
陆跃祥, 陈勃
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (2): 13-16.  
Abstract1937)      PDF(pc) (427KB)(905)       Save
Advertisement Cognition Questionnaire was administered to 783 students in primary and middle school.The results indicated significant grade differences existed in cognition level of advertisement importance,advertisement belief,and advertisement intention.Significant gender differences were found only in advertisement belief.The trajectory of advertisement cognition development presented critical period.
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The Influence of Awareness of Isomorphic Problems and Students’ Cognitive Style on Geometry Problem-solving Transfer
杨卫星, 王学臣, 张梅玲
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (2): 17-21,27.  
Abstract1927)      PDF(pc) (645KB)(1040)       Save
The relation between middle school students' cognitive style and their geometry achievement, and the awareness of the related isomorphic problems on geometry problem-solving transfer had been examined in the experimental research.Results suggested that during the process of geometry problem solving,the level of the awareness of the related isomorphic problems was one of the major factors that influenced the problem-solving transfer no matter what kind of cognitive style the students had.The relation between middle school students' cognitive-style and their geometry achievement was positivly correlated.
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Influence of Scheme Instruction on Reading Abilities Inference Abilities and Self-Efficiency among Grade 4and Grade 5 Students
张向葵, 暴占光, 关文信
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (2): 22-27.  
Abstract1884)      PDF(pc) (603KB)(1326)       Save
With 160 Ss selected from grade 4 to grade 5 in primary school of Yi Fu,Song Yuan City,the study aimed to investigate the influence of schema instruction on self-efficiency,inference abilities and reading abilites of Ss.Results indicated:(1)Scheme instruction was better than the normal teaching method,which improved subjects reading abilities significantly.(2)The scheme instruction was more helpful in grade 5 students' inference abilities.(3)Scheme instruction improved students'self-efficiency significantly.
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Experimental Research of the Advance Organizers Strategies in History Classroom Teaching of Middleschool
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (2): 28-32.  
Abstract2153)      PDF(pc) (528KB)(1125)       Save
The Advance Organizer is an important conception of educational psychologist D.P.Ausubel. Teaching withadvance organizer strategies can benefit a lot to students' learning of meaningful verbal material by helping them build some connections between new and previous knowneldge.This research tries to test the theorical hypothesis by natural experimental method.We chose middle school students as subjects,Chinese history knowledge as materials.The results show:The average progress in the experimental class is greater than in the controlled class,and this kind of effect is gained mainly by improving students' understanding.
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Design of ARCS Interests Scak
郭德俊, 马庆霞, 赵凤贞, 袁惠萱, 林海波
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (2): 33-37.  
Abstract2831)      PDF(pc) (603KB)(2038)       Save
This study was theoretically based on Keller's ARCS model,and the items were presented by the form of motivating strategy.ARCS interest survey(A-10,R-14,C-15,S-13)was developed by means of open-ended survey and interview.Three hundred forty-nine 4th-and 5th-grade students responded to ARCS interest survey.One hundred fifty-nine 4 th-grade students of them also responded to IMMS and CES&CIS.Items were conducted by factor analysis,and forty-nine items were identified (A-10,R-13,C-14,S-12).The results showed high reliability and validity.The results also showed that attention was related to relevance,and confidence was related to satisfaction.
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The Reliability and Validity of Noncognitive Questionnaire for College Students
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (2): 38-43.  
Abstract1991)      PDF(pc) (565KB)(1033)       Save
The 10 noncognitive factors,which are selected according to their relation to intelligence,are identified by the rational analysis and the interview with both psychological or educational experts and college students.Items are edited according to their definitions.After revising several times of the items,the final version is decided.The data showed that this questionnaire is reliable and valid.As for the construct validity,further study is needed.
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方晓义, 郑晓齐, 玉井宽, 大野裕美
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (2): 44-48.  
Abstract2485)      PDF(pc) (453KB)(2296)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (2): 49-52.  
Abstract2137)      PDF(pc) (430KB)(2224)       Save
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徐芬, 包雪华
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (2): 53-56,64.  
Abstract1796)      PDF(pc) (187KB)(1507)       Save
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张忠山, 吴志宏
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (2): 57-60.  
Abstract2057)      PDF(pc) (374KB)(1050)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (2): 61-64.  
Abstract1840)      PDF(pc) (452KB)(945)       Save
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The Relation between Crawling Status and Mother-Infant Socioemotional Interaction:Difference by Infants’ Age
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (3): 1-6.  
Abstract1992)      PDF(pc) (569KB)(1144)       Save
This study explored the relation between crawling status and the transformations of mother-infant socioemotional interaction among different age groups. 79 mothers with infant aged 8-9-month were interviewed with standardized procedures in the laboratory. The results indicated that crawlers and their mothers showed more frequent and stronger socioemotional behaviors toward each other than pre-crawlers and their mothers. Furthermore,the differences were significant in 9-month-old group while there was no significant difference in 8-month-old group,which suggested that the effect of crawling status on infant-mother interaction may be age-specific.
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Relations among Primary Schoolers’ Academic Achievement, Prosocial Behavior and Peer Acceptance/Rejection
王美芳, 陈会昌
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (3): 7-10.  
Abstract2292)      PDF(pc) (572KB)(1566)       Save
Relations among children's academic achievement,prosocial behavior and peer acceptance/rejection were investigated in a sample of 402 fifth and sixth graders in primary school. It was found that (1)significant differences existed in the prosocial behavior among children with different academic achievement.(2)Prosocial behavior positively predicted children's peer acceptance and negatively predicted peer rejection,while academic achievement only positively predicted children's peer acceptance. (3)Prosocial behavior predicted children's peer acceptance more than academic achievement did.
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Depression and Anxiety of Secondary School Students: Structure and Development
阳德华, 王耘, 董奇
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (3): 12-17.  
Abstract2306)      PDF(pc) (529KB)(1809)       Save
This study,involving 500 secondary school students in schools,explored the structure and development of student's depression and anxiety.CES-D and RCMAS were used to measure student's depression and anxiety.The results showed that(1)Depression and anxiety of secondary school students had their internal structures.(2)There were significant differences between different grades on depression and anxiety.The levels of depression and anxiety increased with the student's grade intreasing;(3)there were not significant differences between boys and girls on depression and anxiety.
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The Relationship Between Social Models and Smoking Behavior
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (3): 18-24.  
Abstract1919)      PDF(pc) (551KB)(1574)       Save
The present study assessed the impact of best friends,parents,schools and mass media as role models influencing adolescents smoking behavior.The results showed that:(1)best friends'and fathers'smoking behavior,parents'and schools'attitude towards adolescents'smoking,male teachers'smoking behavior,cigarette advertises were significantly related to adolescents'smoking behavior;(2) the effect of best friends'smoking behavior,mothers'smoking behavior and attitude,outdoor advertises were stronger predictors for girls than for boys;(3)J unior middle school students were more influenced by best friends'smoking and schools'sttitude.While senior middle school students'smoking behavior was more predicted by fathers'smoking behavior and outdoor cigarette advertise;(4)the magnitude of four social factors'effect on adolescents'smoking was:best friends'smoking behavior,fathers'smoking behavior,cigarette advertise around schools,mothers'and schools'attitude towards smoking.
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The Influence of the Organization of Text Themes on the Effects of Text Signals
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (3): 25-29.  
Abstract1938)      PDF(pc) (519KB)(989)       Save
The effects of the different organization of the text themes on the retention of the topics information and the total information of the text were explored. The results showed that both the organization of text themes and the text signals had separate significant effects on the retention of text themes information,but there were no significant interaction. However,there were significant interaction between them on retention of the tatal information of the text. The facilitating effects of the text signals on the themes-organized text were much more bigger than that of themes-unorganized text.
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Efficacy Beliefs Processing Style and Failure-coping Strategy: Characteristics of Self-regulated Learning and the Relationships among Its Components
汪玲, 雷雳, Tanja CULJAK
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (3): 30-35.  
Abstract2282)      PDF(pc) (597KB)(1260)       Save
Self-regulated learning involves not only cognitive aspect,but also motivational and behavioral components,while there are few studies on the whole structure of self-regulated learning and the relationship among its components. The present study explored the relationship among efficacy beliefs, processing style and failure-coping strategy,as well as the relationship among these variables and study performance.
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A Survey on Teachers’Perception and Readiness for Information Techology Education in Hong Kong’s Primary and Secondary Schools
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (3): 36-41.  
Abstract1943)      PDF(pc) (633KB)(892)       Save
146 teachers in Hong Kong's primary and secondary schools were investigated for their computer experience,epistemological view of learning and teaching,attitude toward CAI,and perception of CAI.The results showed that there were much more teachers with positive attitude toward CAI than those with negative attitude.However,most teachers had not yet recognized the unique potential of computers and their role in changing the instructional paradigm.Teachers'attitude toward CAI was significantly related to their computer experience.Teacher's perception of CAI was significantly related to their computer experience as well as their epistemological view of learning and teaching.
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Competitive Reward Structure and Valence of Outcome on Children’s Achievement Attributions
张学民, 郭德俊
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (3): 42-46,17.  
Abstract2068)      PDF(pc) (611KB)(1156)       Save
This study examined how success and failure outcomes under competitive and noncompititive reward structure influence children's achievement attributions,and self/other reward ratings.The experi-mental design is a 2×2×2 three-factor design with one repeated measure.Fifth-grade primary school boys(N=36)and girls(N=38)solved a set of achievement-related puzzles,working in pairs which one success and one failur at the puzzles.After solving these puzzles,each subject attributed and rated self/other's achievement outcomes.The results showed that reward structure and valence of outcome are important determinants of self/other attributions and evaluations.The effects of reward structure on self/other competence attribution,self/other rating on luck attribution,valance of outcome on self/other reward were significant.These results showed that Chinese primary school children tend to attribute self/other achievement outcomes to ability and luck,and ignore the effects of effort and task difficulty.
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Research on Speed Reading Training for Junior High School Students
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (3): 47-50,29.  
Abstract2081)      PDF(pc) (525KB)(1032)       Save
Two speed reading experiment were conducted among junior high school students to explore the effectiveness of speed reading training.The results indicated:(1)The reading speed,valid speed and reading scores could be improved significantly by systematic training on speed reading.(2)Speed reading eraining was less effective for articles with high levels of difficulty.(3)The reading pattern of question-text was better than the pattern of text-question in terms of reading speed and valid reading speed.
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周仁来, 靳宏, 张凡迪
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (3): 51-54,62.  
Abstract2094)      PDF(pc) (521KB)(1044)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (3): 55-58.  
Abstract1825)      PDF(pc) (438KB)(1213)       Save
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王国英, 沃建中
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (3): 59-62.  
Abstract2004)      PDF(pc) (494KB)(1243)       Save
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朱俊卿, 陈会昌
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (3): 63-64.  
Abstract1963)      PDF(pc) (210KB)(1191)       Save
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The Developmental Characteristics of Alpha Band in Children Aged from 6 to 12
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (4): 1-7.  
Abstract2544)      PDF(pc) (502KB)(1622)       Save
In the present work,12-channel electroencephalography(EEG) of 228 children aged from 6 to 12 were recorded and analyzed by Encephalofluctuography Technology(ET).The research put emphasis on the developmental characteristics of alpha band ranged from 8 to 13 Hertz.The results obtained were as follows:(ⅰ) The alpha band components of different frequencies indicated different features with age.(ⅱ) The ratios of different frequency components did not show any obvious sex difference. (ⅲ) The dominant components of children's alpha band changed while age increased.(ⅳ)Marked as-cending trend of the average frequencies of alpha band was found with age.But there was no significant sex difference between boys and girls.
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The Influence of Stressful Life Events, Personality on the Middle School Students’ Coping Styles
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (4): 8-13.  
Abstract2614)      PDF(pc) (615KB)(2204)       Save
Three questionnaires were administrated to 329 middle school students to explore the relationships among the stressful life events,personality and coping styles.The results showed:(1) the stressful life events were mainly from study,parents,teacher/peer,environment,self-development and time-scarcity;(2) the personality of middle school students could be described by five factors:extraversion,agreeableness,consciousness,openness and neuroticism;(3) the coping styles of middle school students mainly included active coping and avoidance coping;(4) agreeableness,consciousness,openness made positive contributions to the predictions of active coping.Grade,extraversion and openness had both direct and indirect effect on avoidance coping by stress intensity.
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The Structural Dimensions of Children’s Social Attributes and Their Effects on Social Behaviors
Psychological Development and Education    2000, 16 (4): 14-19.  
Abstract1963)      PDF(pc) (657KB)(1355)       Save
The study examined the structure of children's social attributes and their effects on social behaviors among 734 children of 3-to 6-year-old.The result of factor analysis indicated that children's social attributes consist mainly of empathy,self-control,responsibility,self-confidence,the courage and volition of overcoming difficulty.The principle component analysis showed further that empathy and self-control are the key elements of social attributes,and they have important effects on children's social behaviors.
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