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    15 January 2006, Volume 22 Issue 1
    • Relationship among Children’s Emotion Understanding, Prosocial Behavior and Peer-acceptance
      ZHAO Jing-xin, SHEN Ji-liang, ZHANG Wen-xin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  1-6. 
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      The relationship among children's different level of emotion understanding,prosocial behavior and peer acceptance was investigated in a sample of 131 children aged 3 to 6.The result indicated that different trends existed for the development of children's emotion label,emotion decoding and second-order emotion understanding.In general, children's ability of emotion decoding and prosocial behavior significantly predicted the variance of their peer acceptance, however,the association of peer acceptance with prosocial behavior and emotion understanding changed as a function of children's age.For children under 5 years of age,emotion decoding was the best predictor of social preference,while prosocial behavior was the best predictor of peer acceptance for older children.
      The Relationship between Children’s Theory of Mind and Parent-Child Play’s Participative Style, Emotion Communication in the Parent-Child Interaction
      LI Yan-yan, SANG Biao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  7-12. 
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      This study tries to explore the relationship between ToM and parent-child play's participative style and emotion communication through an observation of parent-child play.The results indicate that:(1)After control of age,children's ToM is significantly related to their initiatively joining play,suggesting play of participative style and mother's teaching play.(2)After control of age,there is a positive correlation between children's ToM and their sharing positive affect. Same result is not found between children's ToM and their mothers.sharing positive affect.Some discussion on these findings are also given.
      The Role of Home Literacy in Children’s Phonological Awareness
      RUAN Fu-jin, ZHOU Hui, LI Feng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  13-17. 
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      The relation between home literacy and children's phonological awareness was examined on the basis of questionnaires and phonological awareness.The results of structure equation model demonstrated that home literacy could be classified into home literacy resource and home literacy activities,while activities included formal and informal home literacy activities.The three aspects of home literacy contributed independently to children's phonological awareness. Home literacy activities mediate between home literacy resource and children's phonological awareness,and only informal home literacy activities contributed significantly to the phonological awareness.
      The Experiment on FOK Judgment Development of Excellence Student and Inferior Student
      BAI Xue-jun, LIU Hai-juan, SHEN De-li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  18-22. 
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      Feeling of Knowing(FOK)Judgment is a kind of monitor judgment of metamemory.This article used the RJ R paradigm researched the FOK judgment of excellence student and inferior student.The result showed FOK judgment of excellence student and inferior student had significant difference and they had different developmental trend.
      Eye Movements Performance Under Endogenous and Exogenous Cue In Learning Disabilities
      WU Yan, SUI Guang-yuan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  23-28. 
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      Classical cue paradigm was employed to examine the endogenous and exogenous attention in learning disabilities group and age-,gender-,education-matched group with the equipment of EYELINKⅡ.The results happened to be that under the conditions of low endogenous cue predictivity and long SOAs of exogenous cue,no cue validity effects was found in all groups;subjects in grade 6 performed better than those in grade 3;there were no differences on response time and cognitive speed between learning disabled and matched groups but with significant differences on cognitive span and strategy.These results indicated that the attentive quality of learning disabled differed from matched group to some extent.
      Cognitive Event Related Potential P300 in Children Working Memory Development
      LIANG Fu-cheng, WANG Xue-yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  29-34. 
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      The equipment Evoked Potential Compact Four was used to investigate the neuroelectrical features and age characteristics of children's working memory development. The results showed that:(1)There was a negative correlation between the child's working memory and the latencies of the P300,but there was a positive correlation between the child's working memory and the latencies of the P300.(2)General trend of P300 development of children was that the latency of the ERP dropped with age increased,whereas amplitude went up obviously with age increased.(3)There were no significant differences between two genders on P300.
      A Study on the Emergence and Development of Chinese Orthographic Awareness in Preschool and School Children
      LI Hong, PENG Hong, SHU Hua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  35-38. 
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      The study was to explore the emergence and development of Chinese orthographic awareness and the correlation between the orthographic awareness and vocabulary in 474 preschool and primary school children.Figures,ill-components non-characters,ill-structure non-characters,pseudo-characters and real characters were used as stimuli. Subjects were required to judge whether a stimulus was a legal character or not.The results showed:(1)Children's orthographic awareness emerged and developed gradually.The orthographic awareness didn't appear in preschool,until grade one.It grew with the increase of grade.(2)Preschool children can only discriminate figures among stimuli and school children are aware of the legality of structure and component.The awareness of structure was more easily acquired than the awareness of component.(3)The orthographic awareness developed based on children's vocabulary.Reading ability was correlated with different aspect of orthographic awareness in different developmental stage.
      The Difference of Implicit Sequence Learning in 11-year-old Children Between Cognitive Styles
      WU Guo-lai, WO Jian-zhong, BAI Xue-jun, SHEN De-li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  39-42. 
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      This study examined the cognitive styles of 143 11-year-old children,30 children of impulsive style and the same number of children of reflective style from them were used as final subjects.Their implicit learning is examined by the sequence learning research paradigm.The findings show that:(1)The RT of impulsive style children is lower than that of reflective style children,but they have no significant difference with a proportional measure of magnitude.(2)In the generation task,the performance of all cognitive style children is equal in the inclusion and exclusion conditions,and their performance is lower than random rate level.This means that two cognitive styles children have no significant difference,and their sequence learning is mainly implicit.
      Development of Self-disclosure of Middle School Students
      QIU Li, CHEN Hui-chang, YUE Yong-hua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  43-46. 
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      The present study examined the developmental trend of 6 dimensions(attitude,taste,study,money, personality and body)of middle school students'self-disclosure.The results indicate:(1)in the whole period from junior to senior middle school,the students'self-disclosure assumes rising in all of the 6 dimensions;in both the period from grade 1 to 2 of junior middle school and the period from grade 1 to 2 of senior middle school,few varieties take place and Grade 2 in junior middle school to Grade 1 in senior middle school is a turning point.(2)there are significant differences among the level of 6 dimensions of the students'self-disclosure,the self-disclosure on the taste and the study dimensions are more than on the attitude and personality dimensions,and once again more than on the body and money dimensions; (3)on all of the dimensions,there are no significant differences in gender while grade differences are great and gender and grade interact with each other.
      Optimistic Bias toward AIDS/HIV Among Chinese University Students
      WANG Wei, LIU Li, ZHOU Ji, ZHOU Ning
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  47-51. 
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      This study explores the optimistic biases toward HIV/AIDS among Chinese University students.The data were collected by the method of questionnaire;278 students from six universities in Beijing completed the questionnaires.The data analysis shows that the participants demonstrate both strong optimistic biases about the personal risk of HIV/AIDS infection,and about the personal possibility of recovery from the disease in case of infected.Also,no statistically significant correlations were found between participants' knowledge about HIV/AIDS and their optimistic biases towards contracting HIV,and between their knowledge and their optimistic bias towards recovery from AIDS in case of infected.
      The Relationship of Decision-making and Self-respect, the Achievement Motivation of College Students
      WANG Pei, YANG Jin-hua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  52-57. 
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      106 College students containing 46 males and 60 females from Northwest Normal University was examined by use of the Self-Esteem Scale(SES,Hasenberg,1965)and the Achievement Motivation Scale(AMS).Through the frames designed in our experiment,We intend to investigate the relationship between college students career decision-making and self-esteem,the achievement motivation to insight into whether the influence from the framing effect occurred on college students career decision-making.The results showed:(1)pursuing success and the tendency of career decision-making were related,those who avoid failure and their career decision-making existed negative relation,the self-esteem level and the tendency of college students career decision-making were related,however without significance;(2) the variable of avoiding failure in the motivation and the framing effect interacted with each other on college students career decision-making;(3)the self-esteem level had influences on college students career decision-making;(4)the framing effect functioned the tendency of college students career decision-making,and significant influence was showed on above tendency.
      Development of Pupil’s Question-asking
      XIAO Hao-yu, ZHANG Qing-lin, SHI Hui-ying
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  58-62. 
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      This study is intended to explore the development of children's question-asking.90 pupils selected from 3 grades(second/fourth/sixth)were provided with 4 stimulations for asking questions about them.The result shows:(1) Pupil's question-asking increased with grade;(2)The effects of stimulations produced interaction with grades in question-asking,the questions asked by grade 6 pupils about pictures excelled that about articles;(3)The meta-cognition of the reason on question-asking of the pupils increased with grade.
      Primary School Students’ Conceptions of Mathematics Leaning: the Study of its Structure and Feature
      LI Qiong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  63-68. 
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      This study investigated the structure and feature of primary school students' conceptions of mathematics leaning by the method of questionnaire.The results showed that(1)there were four factors,named the interest of mathematics learning,the involvement of classroom learning,the views about mathematics,and the quality of classroom discourse, which could satisfactorily explain the variance of primary school students' views of mathematics leaning,and(2)the former two factors showed a significantly decreasing trend with the increasing grade of primary school students,however, the latter two factors showed reverse one,and(3)the boys were significantly higher than girls for the former two factors, meanwhile the girls showed better quality significantly than boys for the latter two factors.
      The Facilitating Effects of Goal Setting on the Persuasiveness of Writing Difficulties Students’ Persuasive Essays
      WU Hong-jun, LIU Xiang-ping, DU Ying
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  69-73. 
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      Students with writing dif iculties wrote persuasive essays in 3 different goal conditions.Students in the general goal condition were asked to write an essay according to a topic,and the general goal is that the audience should be agree with their positions.Students in the subgoal condition were given the same general goal plus explicit subgoals based on the elements of argumentative discourse.Students in the oral argument condition were showed the same general goal and subgoals,besides,they also had an oral argument with their partners before writing.The result was that students in the subgoal condition produced more persuasive essays than the general goal condition and the oral argument plus subgoal condition.Students in the subgoal condition and the oral argument plus subgoal condition wrote more integrated essays than the general goal condition.In all goal conditions,subgoal improved the essays' persuasiveness of students with writing difficulties the most.
      Effects of Different Self-evaluation Forms on High School Students Writing
      YAO Mei-lin, XU Shou-sen, YANG Yong-ning
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  74-79. 
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      The study explored the effects of 3 different kinds of Self-evaluation on writing of senior high school students. The results showed that Self-evaluation improved the writing performance to some extent.However,it had no obvious positive effects on the motivation and Self-efficacy of learning in short period.Product Self-evaluation enhanced the accuracy of Self-evaluation on writing,while Process Self-evaluation made little improvements on writing.The integration of Product and Process Self-evaluation facilitated the writing activities significantly.
      A Study on Influencing Factors on Teacher’s Professional Identity
      SONG Guang-wen, WEI Shu-hua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  80-86. 
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      In order to evaluate the present state of teacher's professional identity,177 teachers in elementary schools and middle schools were surveyed by a questionnaire designed by the authors.The results revealed that the overall level of Chinese teacher's professional identity was positive;there were significant differences between male teachers and female teachers,between elementary school teachers and middle school teachers,between different titles of professional positions,between different professional motivation teachers,between different salary satisfaction teachers.
      The Relationship between Sensation Seeking, Parent-Child Relation and Mental Health of Middle School Students
      Chen Li-na, Zhang Ming
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  87-91. 
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      Scales were used to explore the relationship of adolescents' sensation seeking,parent-child relation and mental health.370 middle school and high school students participatedin the study.The results showed:(1)The demographic variables(gender,couple parents or not,grade,and economic status)had influence on mental health.(2)There are significant relationship between variances of disinhibition sensation seeking,parent-child relation and mental health: disinhibition was positively related with mental health,parent-child relation was negatively related with mental health and disinhibition.(3)After controlling the demographic variables,disinhibition and parent-child relation still played significantly predictive roles on mental health.(4)Disinhibition played a mediate role in the relevance between parent-child relation and mental health.
      A Study on Beliefs of University Students’ from Different Grades and from Different major
      SONG Xing-chuan, JIN Sheng-hua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  92-96. 
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      The 1100 university students were investigated by Spiritual Belief Questionnaire,its result is as follows:the higher the grade,the more junior will have been a turn in the development of religion and god worship,the more sophomore will have been a turn in the development of political,racialism and nationalism,the more university students will have been believing about money;comparing with another speciality,law is apt to believe religion,god and money, industry and agriculture are prone to believ in political belief,racialism and nationalism.
      Comparison of Four Equating Methods in Common-Item NonEquivalent Group Design Based on The Classical Test Theory
      JIAO Li-ya, XIN Tao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  97-102. 
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      Four equating methods in common-item non-equivalent group design based on the classical test theory were compared.The research data was selected from the TIMSS1999 database.Both the equating Standard Error and a cross-validation analysis were used as the evaluation criteria.And the CIPE program was used to compute the data.We came to a conclusion that,in our research situation,the linear equating procedures were superior to the equipercentile method. Of the linear equating methods,the Tucker linear method was better than the Levine Observed Score equating method, and the Braun-Holland linear method was not appropriate.The Frequency Estimation equipercentile method was with large equating error,and should not be used.
      Psychometric Analysis of Adolescent Future Orientation Questionnaire in Chinese Cultural Context
      Zhang Ling-ling, Zhang Wen-xin, Ji Lin-qin, Jari-Erik Nurmi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(1):  103-108. 
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      Future Orientation Questionnaire(FOQ)developed by Finnish psychologist Jari-Erik Nurmi and his colleagues was introduced,and its appropriateness for use on adolescents in Chinese cultural background was evaluated. Psychometric analysis indicated that the Chinese version of FOQ had good internal reliability and test-retest stability. Results of Exploratory Factor Analysis indicated that the questionnaire had good construct validity.Criterion-related validity was also examined by using the measure of self-esteem and depression as the criterion.Overall,the results suggested the Chinese version of FOQ provides a reliable and valid measure of future orientation in Chinese cultural context.