Psychological Development and Education ›› 2006, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (1): 63-68.

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Primary School Students’ Conceptions of Mathematics Leaning: the Study of its Structure and Feature

LI Qiong   

  1. Center of Teacher Education Research, Beijing Normal University, Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences in Universities
  • Online:2006-01-15 Published:2006-01-15

Abstract: This study investigated the structure and feature of primary school students' conceptions of mathematics leaning by the method of questionnaire.The results showed that(1)there were four factors,named the interest of mathematics learning,the involvement of classroom learning,the views about mathematics,and the quality of classroom discourse, which could satisfactorily explain the variance of primary school students' views of mathematics leaning,and(2)the former two factors showed a significantly decreasing trend with the increasing grade of primary school students,however, the latter two factors showed reverse one,and(3)the boys were significantly higher than girls for the former two factors, meanwhile the girls showed better quality significantly than boys for the latter two factors.

Key words: primary school students, mathematics, conceptions of mathematics learning

CLC Number: 

  • G442
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