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    15 October 2005, Volume 21 Issue 4
    • Development of Desire Understanding by Children Aged between 2 and 5 Years
      SU Yan-jie, YU Tao, FU Li, WANG Yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  1-6. 
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      Desire understanding is one of the important components of children's theory of mind.5 tasks were used to examine the existence of multi-levels in desire understanding.79 children by Children Aged between 2 and 5 Years participated in these tasks which were simple desire reasoning,desire formation understanding,conflicting desire understanding,own-past desire understanding and other's desire understanding.Results showed that different developmental characteristic in different tasks.All children did much better in own-past desire understanding than that of simple desire reasoning,desire formation understanding,and conflicting desire understanding.And the results also showed other-desire understanding was better than conflicting desire.This research revealed that children's desire understanding contained many aspects,which developed at different pace.
      A Study on the Structure of Self-regulation of Children Aged between 3 and 5 years
      YANG Li-zhu, DONG Guang-heng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  7-12. 
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      Confirmatory factor analysis was deployed to study the structure of Self-regulation of Children Aged between 3 and 5 years,and the results show that it consists of four dimensions:continence,persistence,consciousness and self imposed delay of gratification,the relations among them are isolative and correlative.According to the results,we designed two observing field experiments,and compared the results from experiments and questionnaire.We found these two results are high-related,and it shows that the questionnaire has good reliability and validity.
      Studies on the Relation between the Development of Theory of Mind and Deception of the Preschoolers
      LIU Xiu-li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  13-18. 
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      This study adapted two standard task of theory of mind and two tasks of deception and chose 3-6-years-old preschoolers as subjects,discussed the relation between preschooler's theory of mind and deception.The results followed as below:(1) The performance of preschoolers are disaccord in the different false-belief tasks,but there is the general developmental trend:3-year-olds can not own the ability of theory of mind,the important developmental period of theory of mind is age 4~51(2) 3-year-olds cannot hold deception of concealing intention,but 4-year-olds can.(3) 3-year-olds can deny having looking the toy,but it is not until age 6 that children could begin to own the competence of the feigning ignorance.(4) There is the significant correlation between theory of mind and concealing intention,but there is not the significant correlation between theory of mind and denial of looking or feigning ignorance.
      The Development of Social Withdrawal from Early to Middle Childhood
      SUN Ling, CHEN Hui-chang, PENG Xiao-ming, CHEN Xin-yin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  19-23. 
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      The purpose of this study is to explore the developmental trends of the subtypes of social withdrawal from early to middle childhood.The sample was from a longitudinal project.One hundred and seventy-six subjects were assessed at 4 years old,among whom 149 subjects were also measured at 7 years old.The three subtypes of social withdrawal(reticence,passive-withdrawal and active-withdrawal) were measured by laboratory observation in both study sessions.The results indicate that:(1) Three subtypes of social withdrawal reduced rapidly from 4-year-old to 7-year-old.(2) Reticence and passive-withdrawal were modestly stable across the three years,while activewithdrawal was unstable.(3) The more the withdrawn behavior displayed at age 4,the more it decreased in the three years.(4) Reticence tended to merge into passive-withdrawal partly in middle childhood.
      The Relationship between Children’s Mathematics Anxiety and Add-and-Subtract Cognitive Strategy Selection and Implement
      GENG Liu-na, CHEN Ying-he
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  24-27. 
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      This study primarily probed selection and implement of 90 pupils ranged from grade one to grade three with different level of math anxiety on the add-subtract problems strategies.Experimental,observational and verbal report procedures were used.The results were as follows,Compared with low-mathematical anxiety children,High-mathematical anxiety children used more speaking aloud and gesture,but use less match position.Compared with low-mathematical anxiety children,High-mathematical anxiety children showed higher implement accurate rate on speaking aloud,gesture and decomposition-ten strategies,but lower implement accurate rate on vertical-count and match-position strategies.With the development of children,mathematical anxiety show more influence on children’s strategy selection.
      A Study On the Structure and Development of Adolescents’ Creative Tendencies
      SHEN Ji-liang, WANG Xin, SHI Bao-guo
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  28-33. 
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      Explored the structure and development of adolescents' creative tendencies through questionnaire survey.476 subjects were included in this investigation.Among them,128 are from primary school(grade 5~6),156 are from junior high school(grade 7~8),and the others are from senior high school(grade 10~11).Results showed that:1) adolescents' creative tendencies consist of five factors:self-confidence,curiosity,exploration,challenge and willpower; 2) the development status of adolescents' creative tendencies exhibits a converse "V" shape.The grade 7 students of junior high school gain the topmost score in our research.
      The Detection of Angry Expression in Children Aged 13 to 15 Years
      GE Ji-yan, GUO De-jun, WANG Zheng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  34-39. 
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      This study recruited children aged 13 to 15 years to investigate the efficiency of facial expression by means of a visual search task.Participants searched displays of schematic faces and were required to determine whether the faces displayed were all the same or whether one was different.The results showed that:(1) When displays contained the same faces,children were slower in detecting the absence of a discrepant face when the faces displayed angry rather than happy expression.(2) When searching for discrepant face in otherwise ident ical faces,children were faster in detecting angry face than happy face.(3) The search slopes for angry targets were lower than for happy targets.These results suggest that the det ection of the angry face and the detection of the happy face were serial search.
      The Relationship of Adolescents’ Personality with Their Internet Recreational Service Preference
      LIU Ming-xin, LEI Li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  40-45. 
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      It is a fashion to use recreational service of internet.In order to prevent adolescents from excessive attention to plaything sapping the will in the virtual world,it is necessary for us to clarify the happenings in the adolescents' using recreational service of internet and guide their online behaviors having a definite object in view.This study explores the relationships of personalities,social support and the use of internet recreational services by surveying a sample of 339 adolescents through questionnaires.The results shows that(1) objective social support and perceived social support have direct and positive effects on the use of recreational service provided by internet;(2) Agreeableness,extraversion have indirect influences on the use of recreational service provided by internet through objective social support,perceived social support and the use of social support;(3) objective support could influence perceived social support,and perceived social support could influence the use of social support.
      A Study on The Complexity of Ideal Self-Representation and Its’ Roles of Self-Regulation of Adolescents
      LI Xiao-wen, SUN Xiao-ling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  46-51. 
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      This study sought to conduct a kind of measurement on the complexity of adolescent ideal self-representation,and to examine its' role of self-regulation on depression and peer relationship.Results showed that there was no significant difference for the complexity of adolescent ideal self-representation between the middle-school students and the high-school ones,while it was not the case for gender:the level of complexity of female ideal self-representation was higher significantly than that of male students.Analysis revealed that complex individuals will be buffered against the effects of stressful life events,and will experience less depression; the similar relation also showed in peer relationship:the more complex the ideal self,the better the peer relationship.In addition,results also revealed that the ideal self-representation and depression association was mediated by resilience,which implied that ideal self-representation may be an important ingredient of resilience.
      The Age Differences of Stroop and Reverse Stroop Effect
      LIU Zhao-min, LIU Chang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  52-55. 
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      This study investigated the age differences of Stroop and reverse Stroop effect.Results showed that:The factor of age is significant in the false rate.And the false rate of middle school students is higher than the high school ones and undergraduates,but there is no difference in the later two; In addition,whether in color task or in word task,the reaction time and false rate of the incongruent condition are both higher than the congruent condition,that is,the Stroop effect and reverse Stroop effect are respectively found in both tasks.
      A Study on Classroom Information Processing Strategies of Primary School Teachers
      ZHANG Xue-min, SHEN Ji-liang, LIN Chong-de
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  56-60. 
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      The present study was intended to research the classroom information processing strategies of primary school teachers and the relationship between these strategies,these strategies included selective attention,insight and representation.The results showed that the development of different strategies has high level consistent and there were no subjects different between different strategies.The path analysis model showed that the selective attention,insight and representation strategies were the key components of primary school teachers' classroom information processing strategies.
      The Features of Different Stages and Grades Students’ Perception of Teachers’ Assessment Behavior
      ZHAO Xi-bin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  61-67. 
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      Students' perception of Teachers' Assessment Behavior(TAB) includes two main elements,namely,operational factors and basal factors.Operational factor includes "identifying assessment target","collecting information" and "feedback"; Basic factor includes "expecting and inspiriting","communicating and understanding","concerning process of learning".Based on the investigation of 746 students from grade 4 to grade 9,the characteristic of different stages and grades students' perception of TAB were explored.The result indicated:Except for "expecting and inspiriting","communicating and understanding",primary students' perception of both basic factors and operational factors is significantly better than junior high students'.In primary school,no significant differences among students' perception of TAB in different grade are found.As to basic factors,7-grade students' TAB is significantly better than 8-grade and 9-grade students'.As to operational factors,perception of 7-grade students is significantly better than 8-grade students.
      The Correlates of Teacher-student Interpersonal Behavior
      LIU Gui-zhen, XIN Zi-qiang, CHI Li-ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  68-72. 
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      In the present study the various correlates of teacher-student interpersonal behavior were explored through measurement of 347 teachers.The results showed that there were differences between teacher's interpersonal behavior of men and women,urban and rural areas,and different type of schools,and it was affected by teacher's beliefs and student's characteristics,that is to say,there were different change patterns of teacher's interpersonal behavior in different grades.The study and conclusion are helpful for understanding the influence of statistical variables,teacher's beliefs and student's characteristics on teacher's interpersonal behavior,which is heuristic to improvement of teacher-student interpersonal behavior and teacher's quality.Furthermore,the study on teacher-student interpersonal behavior provided a new perspective for the researches of teacher's behaviors.
      Teacher’s Concept on Children’s Preparation for School-attending
      ZHANG Xiang-kui, SUN Lei, LI Da-wei, GAI Xiao-song
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  73-78. 
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      Preparation for School-attending is key features needed by children to benefit from the incoming formal education.Results means(1) five-domain model of NEGP could be used in describing Chinese children's school readiness,but some differences still exist and need to be paid attention to;(2) among the problems of five-domain of NEGP,the teachers attach the greatest importance to the domain of "social and emotional development" and "approaches toward learning",less importance to the domain of "cognition and general knowledge" and "language development" while the domain of "physical well-being and motor development" shares the least emphasis;(3) the perception of kindergarten teachers is similar to that of elementary teachers;(4) according to elementary teachers' opinion,children's self-help skills,learning skills and peer interaction skills are not as good as being expected.At last,the application of NEGP model in China and suggestions about future researches were discussed.
      The Development of Undergraduates’ Learning Strategies
      ZHAO Jun-feng, YANG Yi, SHI Bao-guo
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  79-82. 
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      Using the College Students' Learning Strategies Questionnaire,we tested the development of 364 undergraduates' learning strategies.The results shows:1) the total learning strategy level of undergraduate doesn't rise in according with the increase of their grade.2) Cognitive strategy level and resource management strategy level of the fresh students are lower than other grades,however,metecognitive strategy level and emotional strategy level of the fresh students are higher than other grades.3) The total learning strategy level of girls is higher than that of boys'.4) Cognitive strategy level and resource management strategy level of the liberal art students are significantly higher than those of science students.
      The effect of Peer Conflict-resolution Intervention on Pupils’ Cooperation Behavior
      WANG Lei, TAN Chen, KOU Yu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  83-88. 
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      This research was developed to find an effective way of improving pupils cooperation behavior.After applying a 6-week program named "six step conflict-resolution training" to the pupils in the experimental classes,the level of these pupils' conflict-solving strategies in both hypothetical and everyday situations is proved significantly higher than that of the pupils in the control classes; also,according to the interview with the teachers in experimental classes,researchers found that these pupils could apply the high-level conflict-solving strategies in their daily life.It is proved that the "six step conflict-resolution training" program can improve the level of conflict-solving strategies both in the hypothetical and everyday situations,so this program is an effective way to develop pupils' cooperation behaviors.
      The Study of the Actuality of Teenagers’ Depression of Body lmage
      LUO Bo-wei, GAO Ya-bing, YE Li-hong, ZHOU Li-hua, PEN Wen-po
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  89-93. 
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      Based on a self-designed questionnaire of teenager s body image Depression,we random sampled 3121 students from middle or high schools and universities and made an investigation.Result:1) There are 22.3% teenagers with depression of body image.And the ratio of female is higher than that of male.2) There are 44.0% teenagers with abnormity of exponent of fatness,33.7% teenagers is leaning to thinness and 10.3% teenagers is leaning to fatness,the front is that the ratio of male is higher than that of female and the back is that the rat io of female is higher than that of male.3) There are 7.6% teenagers with depression of stature.And the ratio of female is higher than that of male.4) There are 8.9% teenagers with depression of sex.And the ratio of female is higher than that of male.5) There are 5.2% teenagers with depression of sexual organ.And the ratio of male is higher than that of female.6) There are 5.1% teenagers with depression of feature.And there is no different between female and male.
      Construction of Self-assessment Test on Creative Thinking Abilities of High School Students
      LUO Fang, MENG Qing-mao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  94-98. 
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      Creative thinking is composed of many thinking styles,and creative thinking ability is a multi-dimensional structure.The instruments are meant to be maximal performance tests that cannot have a comprehensive and complete assessment of creative thinking ability which has a multi-dimensional structure.Creative thinking ability has been regarded by some researchers as an intrinsic and stable intellective attribute of individuals which can be assessed through Typical Performance Tests.Such an approach was used in the present thesis,in which a set of creative thinking ability self-assessing Test was composed to evaluates typical habits and behaviors of individuals in real life.Both theoretical and empirical approaches were adopted in the present thesis,yielding the following findings:(1) This study constructed a ten-dimensional structure of creative thinking ability as evaluation dimensions;(2) After two times examining,the formal test was composed,with good reliability and validity.
      A Study on the Internet Dependence of College Students:the Revising and Applying of a Measurement
      BAI Yu, FAN Fu-min
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  99-104. 
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      This study focused on the internet dependence of college students in China.Comparing with other scales aiming at internet addiction,chose Chinese Internet Addiction Scale's revision(CIAS-R) as the scale which could be revised to be a measurement of the internet dependence of college students.Based upon this adapted scale,chose a sample with 388 students who came from 5 normal colleges in Beijing,this study tried to establish a standard in order to distinguish internet dependence students from normal students.According to this standard,a student population could be divided into 3 groups,which were named normal group,internet dependence group,and internet addiction group respectively.Compared these 3 groups in the percentage that internet activities took up in the whole leisure time,the scores of Obsessive-Compulsive(OC),and the scores of interpersonal sensitivity(IS) of SCL-90,the results showed that the 3 groups had significant differences on those aspects.
      Development of College Working Stress Scale
      LI Hong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(4):  105-109. 
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      The purpose of this study was to develop a college working stress scale in the assessment of stresses of university staff.Five procedures were conducted including two sub-studies.The total sample consisted of 187 university staff from two universities in Beijing.Results of the study indicated that internal reliability was very satisfactory(Cronbachα=0.92),test-retest reliability was satisfactory(Cronbachα=0.75).The scale possessed high validity.