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    15 April 2006, Volume 22 Issue 2
    • The Relationship between Children’s Theory-of-Mind and their Peer Interaction
      SANG Biao, XU Yi-li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  1-6. 
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      This experiment is intended to verify the relationship between theory-of-mind(ToM)performance in young children and their peer interaction in actual lives.The method concerned includes False Belief Test,peer nomination and video-taking which is chiefly about the reactions of children in the pretend play.The result shows young children's TOM performance can reliably affect their peer interaction.TOM-well-developed children seem to be more active,more considerate and more cooperative with their partner during the play,compared to those TOM-less-developed ones.There is no obvious dif erence in children's reactions whether they are playing with their favorite friends or ordinary friends.
      The Interrelations Among Preschooler’s Phonological Awareness, Letter Knowledge and Oral Vocabulary
      GUAN Yi-jie, LI Yan-fang, DONG Qi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  7-11. 
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      With 122 preschoolers between the ages of 3 and 6 from two general kindergartens as subjects,the study explored the interrelationship between the phonological awareness,letter knowledge,and oral vocabulary.The results showed that the correlations between phonological awareness and letter knowledge,phonological awareness and oral vocabulary,letter knowledge and oral vocabulary were all significant.Oral vocabulary predicted significantly phonological awareness and letter knowledge,and letter knowledge and phonological awareness predicted significantly oral vocabulary.
      The Effect Research of Pupil’s Personality Development by GO Games
      HUANG He-lin, KONG Ke-qin, HU Yu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  12-17. 
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      This research used EPQ and SK——Kraepelin Psychological Test to compare the different personality of the pupils in GO characteristic elementary school and common elementary school in Grade 4,5,6. The results are as follows: the extraversion,neuroticism and psychoticism of those pupils who had been trained systematically for several years by GO are better than those of the common pupils;the extraversion is developing with grade.They deal with matters faster and more positively,they have better start-up personality,high-level attention,stronger volition.The research indicated that if the pupils always played GO,it would be beneficial to their healthy development of personality.
      Research on the Prospective Memory of Students with Different Cognitive Styles
      LI Shou-xin, SONG Yan-chun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  18-22. 
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      According to EFT,60 field dependence students and 60 field independence students were selected.The study examined their prospective memory performance,who were from primary school,junior middle school and senior middle schools.The ongoing task was to judge antonym-nonantonym words.The result indicated that:(1)there is no significantly difference of the prospective memory performance in each age group of primary school,junior middle school and senior middle school;(2)field independence subjects performed significantly better than field dependence subjects in the prospective memory task;(3)the prospective memory performance of event-based task is significantly better than the time-based task.
      Self-perceived Peer Relationship Among Different Aggression/Victims Groups
      ZHOU Zong-kui, CAI Chun-feng, ZHAO Dong-mei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  23-28. 
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      This study tested the social competence of different aggression/victims groups and the relations between the scores of friend and mutual-chosen friend and peer nominated like-most and like-least.Participants were 474 elmentary school children from the third grade to the sixth grade.The results indicated that there was no significant differences on the number of self-nominated friend among different aggression/victims groups,but there was significant differences on self-perceived social competence,the number of mutual-chosen friend.and peer like-most nominations.On self-perceived social competence,the pure-aggression group had the highest scores,and the aggressive-victimized group had the lowest scores.On mutual-chosen friend.and peer like-most nominations,noninvolved group had the highest scores,and follows the pure-aggression,pure-victim,and aggressive-victimized groups.
      The Influence of Working Memory Span on Children’s Arithmetical Cognitive Strategies
      CHEN Ying-he, WANG Ming-yi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  29-35. 
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      The influence of working memory span on children's arithmetical strategies was examined in a sample of 113 primary school children in grade 2.The results indicated that the strategies selection of children with different span had significant difference.These strategies included speaking-aloud,hand-moving,count-in-mind,vertical-formula,decom-position,make-up-the-number,guessing and quit.The execution of the strategies of different span children was also distinct.When the span was aligned from the lowest to the highest,selection of speaking-aloud strategy showed a shape of wave,and the hand-moving,count-in-mind and guess indicated threshold trends,and the vertical-formula,decomposition and quit had the traits of ladder.Chiefly,the performances of children's arithmetical cognitive strategies were obviously limited to their working memory capacity.
      A Study on the Characteristics of Social Comparison Among Children With Learning Disabilities
      XING Shu-fen, LIN Chong-de, YU Guo-liang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  36-39. 
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      The present study examined the characteristics of social comparison of children with LD with 95 children of pri 2 mary school from grade 3~5,applying the method of interview.The results showed that:(1)seventy percent of children with LD spontaneously compared the academic performance with that of their normally achieving children,which was out-group comparison,their motive was self-improvement;only six percent of children with LD compared their academic performance with that of their poorer achieving peers,their motive was self-enhancement;(2)the frequency of social comparison and temporal comparison of children with LD was significantly lower than that of normal children,which indicated that the children with LD not only avoided social comparison,but neglected the temporal comparison;(3)the target level of social comparison of children with LD was significantly lower than that of normal children,and the target level of social comparison of children with LD declined from grade 3~5,showing that the higher grade,the stronger self-protection.
      A Research On Computational Estimation Emotion With Mathematical Learning Disability
      ZHANG Yun-xian, SI Ji-wei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  40-45. 
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      Using self-designed materials,compared with mathematically gifted students,this paper investigated the computational estimation emotion with mathematical learning disability.Subjects were 40 sixth graders from two elementary schools.The results showed that:(1)the total achievement of MD is significantly lower than that of the gifted students. On the mathematical confidence and emotion identification of computational estimation dimensions,the achievement of MD is rather inactive.(2)only the emotion identification of computational estimation is closely related to their achievement of computational estimation.
      The Mental Lexicon of Chinese Compound Words——Evidence from a Case with Developmental Dyslexia
      TIAN Xiao-mei, WANG Chun, LI Tong, MENG Xiang-zhi, ZHOU Xiao-lin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  46-51. 
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      The mechanism of selection errors in Chinese character naming of a developmental dyslexic case S was investi-gated in three experiments:Chinese character naming,lexical decision and making compound words.There were three main findings.The result of Experiment 1 showed that S made many selection errors compared with the age and IQ mat ched controls.The numbers of selection errors occurred in first morphemes or second morphemes of compound words were not significantly different;Experiment 2 showed that S was confused with two morpheme's positions in a compound word;Experiment 3 showed that controls produced more words than S with the character that S made selection errors and frequencies of the words which may lead S to produce select ion errors was significantly higher than average frequencies of the rest words.These results provide support to Zhou&Wilson(2000)'s multi-level representational model,the results also extend Zhou et al's model by showing interaction between morpheme frequencies and morpheme semantic structures in S's Chinese character naming.
      The Developmental Characteristics of Junior High School Students’ Friendship
      WANG Ying-chun, ZOU Hong, ZHANG Qiu_ling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  52-56,119. 
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      In this study,638 subjects were surveyed by three questionnaires.The results showed that:(1)In friendship perception dimension,students in grade one had higher scores than in grade two.Girls were higher than boys in almost all facets.(2)In friendship behavior dimension,girls'behaviors were more positive than boys'.(3)Girls'satisfaction at friendship were higher than boys',and boys had more anxiety.(4)In different friendship perception,students showed different behavior and experienced different emotion.
      The Development of High-School students’ Aggressiveness
      HE Yi-su, LI Hong-yu, FENG Lei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  57-63. 
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      This study investigated the developmental characteristics of high school students'seven types of aggression by use of questionnaire.823 high school students took part in the study.The results indicated:(1)Both the reliability and validity of High School Student aggressiveness Questionnaire are much higher.(2)With the increase of the grade,high school students'aggressiveness level increased,in respect of each dimension of aggressiveness.(3)On each of those dimensions of aggressiveness(i.e.nonconformity,verbal aggression,physical aggression,malice,suspiciousness,except for self aggression and irritability),the boys'level was significantly higher than the girls'.(4)On the dimensions of non-conformity and suspiciousness,common school students'aggressiveness level was significantly higher than that of key school students'.
      The Measure of Learning Motivation and the Relationship Between It and Self-Efficacy of College Students
      CHI Li-ping, XIN Zi-qiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  64-70. 
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      Data were collected from a sample of 270 college students with the Working Motivation Inventory(WMI)and General and Domain-Special Self-Efficacy Scale.Firstly WMI was revised and its reliability and validity were tested;then the relationship of self-efficacy and learning motivation was examined.The results showed:(1)the revised WMI had a good construct validity and reliability;(2)there were gender differences on challenge and depending on others'evaluation:the males challenged more difficulties than the females,and the females more depended on others'evaluation than the males;(3)both general and domain-special self-efficacy positively correlated with intrinsic motivation,challenge and enjoyment;negatively correlated with selection of simple task.
      Effect of Encoding of Multiple Examples on Problem solving Transfer and the Psychological Mechanism
      XING Qiang, MO Lei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  71-75. 
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      Using the probability principle problems as the materials,two experiments had been conducted to examine the effects of the encoding of multiple examples on problem solving transfer and the process.Experiment 1 probed into the effect of variability of multiple examples combined with the different Self explanation modes on different degree transfer.Experiment 2 using the technology of think aloud,the learning activity and the characters of problem solving had been analyzed in the condition:"multiple/elicited","multiple/spontaneous","uniform/elicited","uniform/spontaneous".It is indicated that:when variability of multiple examples combined with the elicited self-explanation mode,it is beter for transfer and schema generalization.Self-explanation has the key role in understanding principle and acquiring the generalized schema.Different subjects have the different self explanation mode.
      A Research on Pupils’ Realistic Considerations on Problematic Word Problems and Related Factors
      XU Su
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  76-80. 
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      A test consisting of 7 word problems that were problematic from a realistic point of view was administered to 207 pupils in Grade 6.The subjects were first asked to solve the problems themselves,and afterwards to evaluate four different answers given to each word problem.The results showed that:(1)The percentage of pupils having realistic considerations is 36.6%,higher than the percentage of pupils having realistic answers(27.3%)significantly;(2)In realistic considerations,the high-achievers were better than average-achievers significantly,the average-achievers were better than low-achievers significantly.In evaluating realistic answers "impossible to know",the high-achievers were higher than average-achievers and low-achievers significantly,while in evaluating no-realistic answers they were lower than average-achievers and low-achievers significantly;(3)A significant increase of realistic considerations was due to the instructional condition.And there was significant interaction between instructional factor and mathematical performance.As in evaluating the realistic answers "impossible to know" and no-realistic answers,the instructional condition had no influence on the subjects.
      EFL Writing Students’ Metacognition in the Context of Formal Classroom Instruction
      WU Hong-yun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  81-84. 
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      This study attempts to set up teaching principles of EFL writing under the theoretical framework of metacognition constructed by J.H.Flavell.The empirical study lasted approximately 10 months,in 2 academic terms.The subjects in the experimental group involved 62 first-year university students from two natural classes.The defining characteristics of metacognition in EFL writing were then analyzed by resorting to such research instruments as openended questionnaire and weekly journal.The results showed that EFL learners'metacognition in writing confirmed the Flavell's theoretical framework of metacognition,which consisted of metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive experiences.Metacognitive knowledge involved three types of knowledge:task,person and strategy whereas metacognitive experiences are either positive or negative.And metacognition is developmental.The findings have significant pedagogical implications for EFL instructors and researchers.
      Study on the Relation between Research Productivity and Teaching Effectiveness in University
      WEI Hong, Chen Xue-zhu, ZHAO Ke
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  85-88. 
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      The study is on the relationship between research productivity and teaching effectiveness in university.According to our discovery,instructor's research productivity and teaching effectiveness is positively correlated.Instructor's research productivity increased teaching effectiveness.
      Animal-Assisted Therapy and Development of Special Children
      SONG Ling, WANG Yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  89-93. 
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      Animal-assisted therapy(AAT)is a goal directed int ervention in which an animal that meets specific criteria functions as a medium.Through the human animal interaction,AAT may improve/sustain the sick/disabled individual(sphysical function;strengthen the individual's interactions with others,and then adapt themselves to the society.AAT would help to lessen the anxiety of children,promote their socialization,and especially reduce problem behaviors of children with emotional disorder,ADHD,autism,or CP,meanwhile,facilitate their development.
      Promoting Emotional Competence of Fourth Grade Students in Elementary School
      Kou Yu, Xu Hua-nu, Ni Xia-ling, Tang Ling-ling, Ma Lai-xiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  94-99. 
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      Based on the conception of integrating emotional,cognitive and behavioral development,this study attempted to promote emotional competence of fourth grade students in elementary school.Results suggested that after a series of six group activities,students'emotional vocabulary,capacity of emotional recognition and regulation were enhanced.The outcomes of peer nomination and interviews with guiders showed that after intervention,students attained more positive mood,higher ability of self-control and sociability,and their maladaptive behaviors,like aggression and peer rejection, were reduced.
      A Comparison Study Between Guangzhou and Macao of Physical Self-Satisfaction of Middle School Students
      XU Sian, NIE Yan-gang, SU Bin-yuan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  100-103. 
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      1179 middle school students were measured by the physical self-scale.The results showed that there were difference in the physical self-satisfaction between Guangzhou and Macao.Students in Guangzhou were more sactisfy with their body than those in Macao.And the same result was found in the comparison of boys and girls.The development of students physical self fluctuated with the growth of grade.
      The Latent Structure of Sense of Coherence in Chinese Cultural Context
      ZHOU Hou-yu, ZHENG Quan-quan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  104-107. 
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      The current study explored the latent structure of Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence Scale(13-item)using 1230 Chinese subjects.EFA(exploratory factor analysis)and CFA(confirmatory factor analysis)results supported Antonovsky's theory of Sense of Coherence(SOC)being consisted of meaningfulness,comprehensibility and manageability; and the revised scale was suitable to the Chinese subjects.
      Teachers,Job Involvement:Its Structure and Influencing Factors
      SHENG Jian-sen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  108-112. 
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      Teacher's job involvement has been identified as a variable accounting for individual attitudes difference towards their jobs.This study was conducted on 432 primary teachers with "Scale of Teachers'Job Involvement",which is compiled by the author.The results showed that the job involvement consists of three factors,namely.job importance, job pleasure and job absorption.There are significantly different job involvements among different genders,teaching ages and teaching purposes.The job involvement of female teachers is significantly higher than male teachers.With the growing of teaching age,teacher's job involvement takes on a waving increase.The job involvement of those teachers who choose teaching as their ideal profession is significantly higher than that of those who choose teaching for other factors, and those who have no choice but to be teachers unwillingly have the lowest job involvement.
      Development of the College Students’ Contingencies of Self-Worth Scale
      WANG Lei, ZHENG Xue
      Psychological Development and Education. 2006, 22(2):  113-119. 
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      The College Students'Contingencies of Self-Worth Scale developed in the present research includes 3 subscales to measure contingency of self-worth on interpersonal acceptance,moral principle or personal goals,respectively.The analysis to the scale's psychometric characteristics indicated its good reliability and structural validity as well as its applicability for measuring Chinese college students and conducting comparison within different groups.Furthermore,some suggestions on the usage of the scale were put forward.