Psychological Development and Education 2015 Vol.31
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Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 1-8.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.01
Abstract2679)      PDF(pc) (1133KB)(1101)       Save
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Thirty-year Study on Development and Cultivation of Chinese Children and Adolescents' Personality
YANG Lizhu
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 9-14.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.02
Abstract3088)      PDF(pc) (688KB)(1327)       Save
Development and cultivation of children and adolescents' personality is the key factor of promoting comprehensively quality-oriented education in the new century. Since 1981, we have combined theoretical study, practical study and experience and have made comprehensive researches on Chinese children and adolescents' personality by adopting synthetical study methods on the basis of comprehensively and systematically commenting on the theory of development of children's personality and finally constructed basically a basic framework for the development and education of Chinese children and adolescents, especially children. This article elaborates on the research results of development of Chinese children and adolescents' personality for over thirty years, systematically expounds the structures of Chinese children and adolescents' personality and important qualities, general characteristics of the development, factors of influencing the development of Chinese children and adolescents' personality, the effective modes of cultivating the development of children's sound personality and makes recommendations for the future researches.
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Self-esteem Development in Children and Adolescents: Theory Construction and Empirical Studies
ZHANG Xiangkui, ZU Jing, ZHAO Yuetong
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 15-20.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.03
Abstract3352)      PDF(pc) (930KB)(1370)       Save
Self-esteem is an important psychological resource consisting of ability and value. It is also the core of individual mental health. We have already been constructing theories and experimenting on self-esteem for years. The theory construction includes the search for the connotation and nature of self-esteem together with the construction of "inverted pyramid" structure model of self-esteem. Meanwhile, we have applied various methods to do a mount of empirical research on the development of individual self-esteem including the observational study on infants' early self-esteem, the study on the relationship between primary school students' self-esteem development and their adaptation to school, horizontal and vertical comparison of the characteristics of adolescents' self-esteem, the study on the relationship between special groups' self-esteem and mental health. Besides, we have analyzed the buffering function of self-esteem towards negative emotions by including failure in lab and memory preference and emotional reaction among tested participants of different self-esteem types. The above studies contribute to enriching the domestic research findings in the field of self-esteem.
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The Developmental Characteristics and Psychological Mechanisms of the Magnitude Representation and Number Concept in Children
CHEN Yinghe
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 21-28.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.04
Abstract2745)      PDF(pc) (833KB)(1216)       Save
The magnitude representation and number concept in children are two important parts in the field of numerical cognitive development. We have extensively and intensively explored these issues in theoretical and empirical study. We investigated and compared the mechanisms of the magnitude representation between large and small range, symbol and non-symbol magnitude. Our studies supplied theoretical and empirical evidence on the development trend of the clue of magnitude representation, linear magnitude representation and its mechanism, as well as the developmental characteristics and mechanisms of the number concept and the relationship between magnitude representation and number concept. The results lay the foundation for later studies on the development characteristics and mechanisms of the magnitude representation and number concept.
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Adolescents' Social Adjustment: A Conceptual model, Assessment and Multiple Protective and Risk Factors
ZOU Hong, LIU Yan, ZHANG Wenjuan, JIANG Suo, ZHOU Hui, YU Yibing
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 29-36.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.05
Abstract3420)      PDF(pc) (972KB)(1485)       Save
It is well accepted among developmental researchers that adolescents' social adjustment affect not only healthy psychological development during adolescence, but also psychological well-being in adult years. we proposed the area-function conceptual model of adolescents' social adjustment and developed a self-report social adjustment questionnaire. Based on this model, we provided data about adolescents' social adjustment, explored the effects of multiple protective and risk factors on adolescents' social adjustment. Overall, we systematically revealed the mechanisms of how the personal and environmental variables influence adolescents' social adjustment jointly, providing new perspectives in this research area. This paper is a review of our research work of this area. Suggestions for future directions were discussed.
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Emotion Regulation Development of Chinese Adolescents
SANG Biao, DENG Xinmei
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 37-43.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.06
Abstract3056)      PDF(pc) (692KB)(1500)       Save
In a period full of "storm and stress", Chinese adolescents' emotion regulation develops rapidly. Cultural values and social norm play important role in the development process of emotion regulation. Most of the prior studies focus on adolescent development under a typical Western culture. However, there are significant differences in the culture values and regulation goal of emotion regulation between Western and Asian cultures. The present review aimed to introduce the studies of emotion regulation development in Chinese adolescents' population and discuss the dominant role of down-regulation during development and the anti-hedonic regulation of positive emotions in adolescence.
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Theoretical Research and Practical Exploration of Adolescents' Scientific Creativity
HU Weiping, HAN Kuikui
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 44-50.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.07
Abstract3363)      PDF(pc) (852KB)(1379)       Save
Based on the theory research and practical exploration in the past 20 years, the research achievements of adolescents' scientific creativity has been combed. It include the concept and structure, measurement and development, influencing factors and mechanism, training thought and mode, The research tendency has been analyzed and some important research directions has been puts forward. In the future, studies on the neurocognitive mechanism and genomics of scientific creativity, scientific creativity research based on context and content, the mechanism of neural plasticity in teaching activities or projects to promote the development of scientific creativity, the cultivation of scientific creativity based on polymerization technology should be strengthen.
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Meta-analysis of The Relation Between Executive Function and Theory of Mind:The Role of Inhibitory Control and Set Shifting
SU Yanjie, YU Jing
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 51-61.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.08
Abstract3074)      PDF(pc) (907KB)(1609)       Save
The development of the Theory of Mind is of great significance for individual's socialization. This study proves that executive function can effectively predict the level of the Theory of Mind (r=0.37, p<0.001) by meta-analysis with cross-culture and cross-population stability. This relation is stable in one's life, proving the expression of executive function. However, in different stages of development, Theory of Mind is influenced by different components of executive function (Q1=411.75, p1<0.001, df1=90; Q2=219.49, p2<0.001, df2=50). Under age 3, inhibitory control plays a key role. Between 3 and 12 years old, the Theory of Mind is controlled by the combined effect of inhibitory control and set shifting, while during adolescence set shifting becomes more important. As to adulthood, both inhibitory control and set shifting could have a positive impact on the Theory of Mind.
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The Development of Peer Relationship in Childhood
ZHOU Zongkui, SUN Xiaojun, ZHAO Dongmei, TIAN Yuan, FAN Cuiying
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 62-70.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.09
Abstract3341)      PDF(pc) (1147KB)(1912)       Save
Peer relationship has been valued extensively by researchers due to its important role in individual psychological adjustment. This review introduced the authors and their team's long-term research work in the area of peer relationship in childhood, which has been based on 13 years project of the Children's Peer Relationship Database in China and Unite States. Main topics discussed including the developmental characteristics of peer relationship and the influence factors and effects, longitudinal study, China-American comparison and the internet communication. Through description of the peer relationship's characteristics, developmental tendency and cultural diversity during childhood, some significant results were summarized from main indicators. Finally, feasible advices were offered for further research direction based upon the perspective of internet communication, social network analysis and individual centered analysis.
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The Investigating of Situation and Factors of Adolescents' Ideals in China
YAO Benxian, ZHOU Xiao, QUAN Lijuan, ZHANG Ling
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 71-77.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.10
Abstract3318)      PDF(pc) (859KB)(1112)       Save
To examine the situation and factors of adolescents' ideals in contemporary China, adolescents' ideal questionnaire from the project of national philosophy and social science "the investigating of situation adolescents' ideals in China" by adopted to investigate 5000 adolescents in 12 cities of 12 provinces. The results found that the level of adolescents' ideals were higher. Comparing to female adolescents, male adolescents' body ideal was higher and moral, personality, academic, life and occupational ideals were lower. Junior school students' moral, personality, life and social ideals were higher than senior high school students and college students, and material, body, life and occupational ideals were lower than college students, particular senior high school students' life and occupational ideal were lowest. Furthermore, the regression analysis found that father's educational level had a positive effect on adolescents' occupational ideal, and mother's educational level had a positive effect on adolescents' life ideal. In addition, household income predicted positively adolescents' material, life and body ideal.
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The Reflection and Exploration of the Research on the Psychology of Affective Instruction
LU Jiamei
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 78-84.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.11
Abstract2740)      PDF(pc) (947KB)(884)       Save
The article mainly covers four aspects of the study, which demonstrates what the author and his research team has pondered and explored in the area of the psychology of affective instruction during the past thirty years. 1. The trigger of the research on the psychology of affective instruction: combined with author's personal teaching experience and the status quo of the neglect of research on emotional psychology; 2. The exploration of emotional classification, function and mechanisms has laid a solid foundation for research on the psychology of affective instruction; 3. Promoting the series of research on the psychology of affective instruction from the basic and practical aspects; 4. Extending the research on the psychology of affective instruction from the macro perspective of social-psychological level and the micro perspective of biological-psychological level.
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Eye Movement Control in Chinese Reading: A Summary over the Past 20 Years of Research
BAI Xuejun, LI Xin, YAN Guoli
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 85-91.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.12
Abstract2871)      PDF(pc) (831KB)(1189)       Save
Researches on eye movement control in Chinese reading over the past 20 years were reviewed systematically. The oculomotor control system in reading has to make constant decisions in relation to the two issues: (1) what determines "when" to move the eyes; and (2) what determines "where" to move next? A great deal of research has investigated how word boundary information, word frequency, familiarity, predictability, semantic transparency, concreteness, the characteristic of non-fixated words and age of acquisition influence the "when" decision. There are also researches (though comparatively limited) investigating how font size, stroke complexity, character structure, word length, word construction, inter-word spaces, frequency, predictability, reasonability, readers' age and reading ability influence the "where" decision. Both commonalities and differences of the characteristics of eye movement control exist in reading Chinese and alphabetic language scripts (like English). Therefore, in order to establish a model of eye movement control in Chinese reading, we should consider the current findings and the nature of Chinese characteristics.
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Teachers' Psychology: Perspectives from the Expertise and Professional Development
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 92-99.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.13
Abstract2656)      PDF(pc) (985KB)(1144)       Save
The development of teachers' psychology has become an important research field in educational psychology. Recent years have witnessed fruitful researches on teachers' teaching expertise development from the perspective of cognitive psychology and teachers' psychological characteristics and mental health from the perspective of professional psychology. Based on the existing achievements at home and abroad, this paper proposed suggestions regarding further teachers' psychological researches in China.
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The Prevention and Intervention on Adolescent Internet Addiction
FANG Xiaoyi, LIU Lu, DENG Linyuan, LIU Qinxue, SU Wenliang, LAN Jing
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 100-107.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.14
Abstract4174)      PDF(pc) (1142KB)(1866)       Save
Internet Addiction Disorder has become a risky factor for physical and mental development and academic performance of adolescents. According to the studies about psychological prevention and intervention on adolescents’ Internet addiction in the past more than 10 years, there were different psychological treatment approaches and modalities, among which is predominated by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and group counseling. The programs in this field tend to integrate multiple approaches and modalities. Based on previous studies and different counseling theories such as Family Therapy, CBT, Motivational Interviewing, and internet addiction theories such as psychological need satisfaction, we have developed multi-level comprehensive prevention and intervention programs applied in the individual, family, or school, most of which have been tested by empirical studies. Future research can focus on biological factors of Internet addiction among adolescents, to eventually develop a systematic biopsychosocial program for psychological prevention and intervention on adolescents' Internet addiction.
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The Psychological Development of Chinese Left-Behind Children and Migrant Children in Urbanization Process
SHEN Jiliang, LIU Xia, ZHAO Jingxin, SHI Baoguo
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 108-116.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.15
Abstract3031)      PDF(pc) (1204KB)(1177)       Save
the psychological development of Chinese left-behind children and migrant children has a great influence on both children's healthy growth and social harmony and stability. Since 2004, we have made comprehensive and profound researches on the psychological adjustment outcomes, its developmental environment, influence factors and psychological mechanisms of Chinese left-behind children and migrant children. In this article, we first discussed the developmental characteristics and developmental environment of the two disadrantaged children's psychology, and then elaborated Chinese migrant children's psychological adaptation in city and its influence factors. We also reviewed Chinese left-behind children's emotional and behavioral adaption in the rural area and the effect of protective and risk factors. Finally, some feasible advices were offered for further researches.
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Adolescent's Psychological Reactions Following Traumatic Events: Influencing Mechanism and Intervention
WU Xinchun, ZHOU Xiao, LIN Chongde, CHEN Jieling
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 117-127.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.16
Abstract3173)      PDF(pc) (1287KB)(1336)       Save
Psychological reactions among adolescents after Wenchuan earthquake were concerned by the society. Our team carried out a 6-year longitudinal research on the psychological reactions post-earthquake, which could also provide evidence for the intervention among adolescents. The present article aims to introduce the work done by our team, including theoretical review, mental health state of adolescents after Wenchuan earthquake, influencing mechanism and psychological intervention among adolescents following trauma. Then, we outlined a theoretical framework for the study of post-traumatic mental health among adolescents, summarized the state and changing tendency of posttraumatic stress disorder, depression and posttrauamtic growth respectively, analysized the influencing factors and mechanisms of posttraumatic stress disorder and posttrauamtic growth, proposed guideline for psychological intervention, and explored the direction for the future study.
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The Relationship between Online Social Support and Online Interpersonal Trust of College Students': A Moderated Mediation Model
SUN Xiaojun, ZHAO Jing, ZHOU Zongkui, XIE Xiaochun, TONG Yuantian
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (2): 129-136.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.01
Abstract3144)      PDF(pc) (897KB)(1548)       Save
Based on social cognitive theory, this study constructed a moderated mediation model to examine whether online social efficacy mediated the relation between online social support and online interpersonal trust, and whether this mediating process was moderated by self-esteem. Based on cluster sampling, 432 college students were recruited to participate in this study. The results indicated that: (1) internet age significantly negatively predicted online interpersonal trust;and online social support significantly positively predicted online interpersonal trust; (2) online social efficacy played a partial mediating role between the online social support and internet interpersonal trust; (3)the mediation of online social efficacy was moderated by self-esteem. In the term of high self-esteem individual, online social efficacy played a partial mediating role. But for individuals with low self-esteem, the mediating effect of online social self-efficacy was not significant, and online social support only had direct effect on online social support.
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The Micro-Change of Representational Depth: Path, Rate and Sources
ZHANG Huan, XIN Ziqiang
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (2): 137-148.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.02
Abstract1969)      PDF(pc) (1549KB)(846)       Save
As a key index of cognitive development, the representational depth refers to the highest level of relations in a problem represented by individuals. Previous studies have revealed that the development of representational depth is a monotonic increasing process with age. However, these cross-sectional studies conducted in a long time scale (e.g. several years) could only reveal the differences of representational depth in the group level at different ages. Micro-genetic study with dense observation could reveal the change process of representational depth and its mechanism. Based on a sample of 68 fifth graders, the present study used the micro-genetic method to explore the change path and rate of representational depth occurred in the Gear-System task as well as the sources of these changes. There were six sessions in the experiment. In each session the turning direction of driving gear was presented and then participants were required to infer the turning direction of target gear. They were asked to think aloud about their solution attempts, and the recorded protocol was analyzed to determine their representational depth in each task. Results showed that: (1) the development of children's representational depth could occur at a short time scale. (2) This micro-change path is mainly a monotonic increasing process from first-level depth to third-level depth, while there are great individual differences. (3) The rate of change is more rapid at the beginning stage than at the following stages. (4) More frequent practice and self explanation, more complex practice patterns and more difficult tasks could facilitate the increasing of representational depth. It is concluded that the change path of representational depth at the macro and micro levels may be similar, which suggests that representational depth can be viewed as a key index of children's ability to represent problems. Furthermore, although the frequency of practice and the difficulty of task have an effect on representational depth, the effect seems to be weakened as practice continued.
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Development of Children's Number Line Estimation: the Influence of Mental Distance
ZHANG Fan, LAI Yinghui, CHEN Yinghe
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (2): 149-156.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.03
Abstract2366)      PDF(pc) (815KB)(777)       Save
A total of 109 7-to 9-year-old children were selected to take the number line estimation task. The aim was to test how their mental distance, numerical representations, and accuracy of estimation developed with age. The results showed the following: Mental distance did exist among 7- to 9-year-old children, and the range of mental distance might exceed 10 for 7-year-old children and gradually disappeared between 7- to 9-year-old; Influenced by mental distance, children's number line representational models changed from exponential to linear; In accordance with the change of representational models, the accuracy of estimation improved with development.
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The Effects of Trained Lexical Categories on Color Perception: Evidences from ERPs
ZHONG Weifang, RU Taotao, LI You, PENG Shaoling, MO Lei
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (2): 157-164.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.04
Abstract2211)      PDF(pc) (1654KB)(1040)       Save
The current research investigated how lexical categories affected color perception. In Experiment 1, participants received a short-term color name and color re-organization training, which aimed to change two within-category colors into between-category colors, and then finished a visual search task. Results showed that, after training, participants distinguished two colors similar to the trained colors faster in the right visual field than in the left visual field. In Experiment 2, participants received the same training as Experiment 1, and then completed a visual Oddball task. Results showed that the deviants similar to the trained colors evoked larger vMMN effects in the right visual field than in the left visual field. These findings suggested that the trained lexical categories distort or warp color perception in a short time. In addition, the trained lexical categories distort or warp the perception of a color category rather than a certain color exemplar.
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The Influence of Nap Deprivation on Prototype Elicitation Effect in Scientific Innovation Problem Solving
LI Wenfu, GONG Zhengxia, QIU Jiang, ZHANG Qinglin
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (2): 165-170.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.05
Abstract2499)      PDF(pc) (779KB)(958)       Save
The present study was designed to explore the nap-deprivation effect on the process of prototype heuristic in scientific innovation problem solving. 32 scientific innovation problem were selected from the real world and divided into high-heuristic effect (HHE) problem and low-heuristic effect (LHE) problem. The learning-test paradigm was used. Specifically, we used “1 to 1” and “8 to 8” paradigm, that is, learn 1 heuristic prototype and then solve 1 scientific problem or learn 8 heuristic prototypes and then solve 8 scientific problems. 36 subjects with nap habit were enrolled and distributed randomly into nap-deprivation group (NDG) or normal nap group (NNP). Dependent variables consisted of the rate of prototypal events activation and the rate of scientific problem solving. The results showed that: 1)the main effect of experimental paradigm, group and material were significant on the rate of prototypal events activation and the rate of scientific problem solving;2) any significant interactive effect was found. The results suggested that the nap-deprivation influenced the application process of heuristic information and the activation process of prototype events.
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The Landing Positions of Older and Younger Adults while Reading Spaced Text
BAI Xuejun, GUO Zhiying, WANG Yongsheng, GAO Xiaolei, YAN Guoli
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (2): 171-179.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.06
Abstract2426)      PDF(pc) (1273KB)(1063)       Save
The present study investigated the landing positions of elder and younger adult readers when reading spaced Chinese text. 14 older and 14 younger adults participated in the current study, with their eye movements recorded using an SR research EyeLink 2000 eyetracker. The Chinese sentences in the experiment included normal unspaced text and word spaced text (text with spaces between words). The results showed that: (1) there was a similar pattern in saccadic target selection between younger adults and older adults while reading both unspaced and word spaced text, with a strong tendency to fixate the word center in single-fixation cases, and to fixate the word beginning in multiple-fixation cases; (2) For elder adults, the probability of fixations landing at the end of the words was lower while reading normal unspaced text than word spaced text. However, for young adults, there was no difference of the probability of landing at the end of the words when reading normal unspaced text and word spaced text. The results indicated that there were landing position effects while reading spaced Chinese text for elder readers and younger readers.
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Effect of Autonomous Motivation and Family's Social Class on The Relationship between Teacher's Autonomy Support and Junior Middle School Students' Academic Engagement
CHEN Jiwen, GUO Yongyu, HU Xiaoyong
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (2): 180-187.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.07
Abstract3042)      PDF(pc) (1029KB)(1549)       Save
The present study examined a mediated moderation model which integrated the mediating effect of junior middle school students' autonomous motivation and moderating effect of their family's social class between teacher's autonomy support and students' academic engagement.Learning Climate Questionnaire,the MacArthur Scale of subjective SES,Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-A) and modified Classroom Engagement Inventory (CEI) were administered to 1211 junior middle school students. Based on MacArthur Scale score of 3 points or less, 6 points above as screening condition, 374 typical lower-class students and 117 typical higher-class students were selected to constitute a sample of 471 students. Results showed that: (1) Teachers' autonomy support was positively associated with students' academic engagement; (2) Autonomous motivation could partially mediate the relation between teachers' autonomy support and engagement; (3) Family's social class moderated the association between autonomous motivation which aroused by teachers' autonomy support and engagement.
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The Relationship of Teachers' Caring Behavior and Students' Academic Development: The Mediating Role of Learning Self-efficacy
LEI Hao, XU Guigui, SHAO Chaoyou, SANG Jinyan
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (2): 188-197.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.08
Abstract3081)      PDF(pc) (1031KB)(1555)       Save
This study discusses how the Chinese middle school students' learning self-efficacy plays a mediating role between the teachers' caring behavior and the students' academic Performance. This study investigates 1340 middle school students by using teachers' caring behavior questionnaire and the Chinese version of the students' learning self-efficacy questionnaire, and collects their midterm test scores. Result: (1) Teachers' caring behavior score is higher than “3”; Students' learning self-efficacy has a high score, score of 3.73. (2)Correlation results show that there was a significantly Positive correlation among the teachers' caring behavior, middle school students' learning self-efficacy and academic Performance. (3)Middle school students learning self-efficacy Plays a Partial mediating role between the teachers' caring behavior and the student's academic Performance, effect value is 0.25; Learning Self-efficacy contained two constructs, Learning ability self-efficacy and Learning behavior self-efficacy, Learning ability self-efficacy could explain Partial variance of Teachers' Caring Behavior (effect value is 0.18) and Students' Academic Development and Play Partial-mediating role, and so did Learning behavior self-efficacy (effect value is 0.04); Learning ability self-efficacy could explain more variance and mediate the relationship more.
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The Influence of The Familiarity of Distractions and Cognitive Styles in Text Reading
CHE Xiaowei, ZHANG Qian, LI Shouxin
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (2): 198-203.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.09
Abstract2511)      PDF(pc) (690KB)(845)       Save
The present study explored how the familiarity of distractions and individual cognitive styles influenced text reading by using familiar and unfamiliar words. The study included two stages. In the first stage, participants with different cognitive styles read eight passages and then answered three questions. In the second stage, participants studied a list of 16 words for free recall, consisting of 8 previously familiar distracting words, 8 new familiar words, or consisting of 8 previously unfamiliar distracting words, 8 new unfamiliar words. Half of the participants were cued about the relevance of previous distractions and text reading before recalling the words in the memory test. The results are as follows: the influence of the familiar words was significantly higher than that of the unfamiliar words for field independent participants, while there were no significant differences for field dependent participants. Furthermore, the number of old words (previously distractions) recalled was significantly higher than that of new words in the cued memory task for both familiar and unfamiliar words. The results indicate that: (1) compared to field dependent individuals, field independent individuals are more easily influenced by familiar distractions in text reading; (2) familiar words could lead more significant interference than unfamiliar ones in reading, possibly due to the activation of individual experience rather than the processing priority of familiar words.
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The Stability of Internalizing Problem and Its Relation to Maternal Parenting during Early Adolescence
XU Fuzhen, ZHANG Lingling, WEI Xing, ZHANG Wenxin, CHEN Liang, JI Linqin, CHEN Xinyin
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (2): 204-211.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.10
Abstract2811)      PDF(pc) (940KB)(1282)       Save
Early adolescence is a particularly vulnerable period of internalizing problem. Internalizing problem during early adolescence frequently would persist into the whole adolescence and adulthood, resulting in poor prognosis and increasing the risk of education, unemployment and other antisocial behaviors in the future. Existing researches reported that internalizing problem in early adolescence were associated with maternal parenting, and many researchers have found that adolescents' previous developmental characteristics could influence the manner in which mother treated them. This longitudinal study was to examine the stability of adolescent's internalizing problem and the prediction of maternal parenting, on one hand, and gender differences, on the other hand. A total of 502 young adolescents (252 for boys and 250 for girls), 11-year-olds filled out the Youth Self-Report about internalizing problem subscale and their mothers finished questionnaire about their parenting style at two times (T1/T2) within a 1-year interval. Results were as follows: Young adolescents tended to maintain a high level of stability of internalizing problem, and girls reported higher level of internalizing problem than boys. Maternal parenting of supervision-discipline at T1 could predict a significant increase in adolescents' internalizing problem at T2 for boys, but this wasn't the case for girls. Previous level of early adolescents' internalizing problem could moderate the prediction of maternal warmth-conduct and supervision-discipline on the following internalizing problem. Specifically, as for boys with higher level of internalizing problem, their mothers' warmth-conduct and supervision-discipline could predict a significant increase in internalizing problem one year later. Conversely, for girls with higher level of internalizing problem, their mothers' warmth-conduct could predict a significant decrease. When it comes to those adolescents with lower level of internalizing problem, their mothers' warmth-conduct and supervision-discipline couldn't predict significantly the following outcome. Based on self-report and mother-report data, the shared method variance could be avoided. But our sample was a bit homogenous, consisting of mostly adolescents from high level of family socioeconomic status. So the results should be re-tested in other samples with different family context.
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Relationship between SES and Social Adjustment of Left-over Children: with Perceived Discrimination as The Mediator
SU Zhiqiang, ZHANG Dajun, SHAO Jingjin
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (2): 212-219.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.11
Abstract2903)      PDF(pc) (1010KB)(1490)       Save
This study examined the mediation effects of perceived discrimination (including personal and group discrimination) for the relationship between SES and Social adjustment in left-over Children. The participants were 542 Chinese lief-over children with an age range of 10~18years. Data were collected by using SES (three indicators: parental education, parental occupation, household income), Personal/Group discrimination Scale, Postitive/Negative affect Scele, The self-esteem Scale, and Behavior Problem Scale. The results showed that: (1) There was a significant positive relationship between left-over Children's SES and Social adjustment. (2) With respect to the personal discrimination, the Group discrimination mediated the relationship between SES and Social adjustment left-over children; (3) A multi-group analysis indicated the mediation model of Group discrimination was no significant gender differences, and the males with high group discrimination are more likely to have social adjustment problems than the female counterparts.
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The Impact of Classroom Composition on Psychological Adjustment of Left-behind Children: Contrast Effect or Assimilation Effect?
HOU Ke, LIU Yan, QU Zhiyong, ZHANG Yunyun, JIANG Suo
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (2): 220-229.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.12
Abstract2566)      PDF(pc) (1272KB)(1167)       Save
Using survey data of 4021 rural children from 103 classes (grades 4 to 9)in Henan and Shanxi Provinces, this article examines how classroom composition, measured by the proportion of students from an intact family background,effects the psychological adjustment (depression, self-esteem, and future-related stress) among rural adolescents,and whether the association differs by family background. After controlling for individual characteristics, class characteristics and school fixed effects, we find that with increasing percentages of students from an intact family background at their classroom,left-behind children experienced low levels of self-esteem,individuals from a non-intact family background experienced more future-related stress. Also we find children had higher depression in a class with high average depression level,regardless of the children's family background.
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Attachment and Subjective Well-being of Junior Middle School Students: the Mediating Role of Self Esteem
DENG Linyuan, MA Bohui, WU Yongxin
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (2): 230-238.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.13
Abstract3204)      PDF(pc) (1300KB)(1674)       Save
This study explored the influence of parental attachment, peer attachment on the junior middle school students' subjective well-being, and the mediating effects of collective self-esteem and self-esteem between them. 857 students from Grade 7 to Grade 9 in two general junior schools participated in the survey. The results reveal that: (1) The developmental trend of girls' mother-child and father-attachment levels were like a U-curve, while Grade 8 is a turning point, boys' father-child and mother-child attachment levels had a downward trend with grade increasing, while Grade 9 was the lowest, with no significant difference between Grade 7 and Grade 8. (2) Boys' collective self-esteem level was significantly higher than girls, with U-curve developmental trend; gender and grade differences in individual self-esteem were not significant. (3) Boys' life satisfaction was significantly higher than girls', and both decreased by grade increasing; sex and grade differences of positive emotions were not significant; girls' negative emotions began to turn from Grade 8, while Grade 7 experienced the least negative emotions, but no significant differences between Grade 8 and Grade 9; boys' negative emotions were not significantly different between grades. (4) parent-child attachment and peer attachment had significantly positive relationship with collective self-esteem and individual self-esteem, as well as subjective well-being. (5)Mother-child attachment, peer attachment, individual self-esteem and father-child attachment predicted junior middle school students' life satisfaction positively, and predicted negative emotions negatively; peer attachment, self-esteem, mother-child attachment and collective self-esteem predicted their positive emotions positively. (6) Parent-child attachment, peer attachment not only could directly influence the subjective well-being of junior middle school students, but also had an indirect effect through two ways (attachment→collective self-esteem→subjective well being; attachment→collective self-esteem→individual self-esteem→subjective well being).
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Intervention on Peer Relationship Promoting Middle School Students' Prosocial Behavior
YANG Jing, YU Junxuan, KOU Yu, FU Xinyuan
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (2): 239-245.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.14
Abstract2859)      PDF(pc) (831KB)(1212)       Save
Based on adolescents' conceptual representation of prosocial behavior and their emphasis on peer relationship, combining social skills training and cognitive training, we designed intervention courses with regard to improving peer relationship, which included establishment of peer relations, maintenance of peer relations, and conflict resolution. The intervention courses lasted ten weeks (45 minutes per week). Results showed that the intervention courses not only significantly improved the students' peer relationship, but also promoted their prosocial behaviors, especially the dimensions of altruism, commonweal-rule, and interpersonal relationship. Discussion focused on the implications for understanding the role of peer-relationship intervention courses in cultivating adolescents' prosocial behavior.
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School Climate and Pathological Online Game Use among Adolescents: The Moderated Mediation Model
ZHU Jianjun, ZHANG Wei, YU Chengfu, ZHOU Shasha, SUN Guojian, ZHEN Shuangju
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (2): 246-256.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.15
Abstract2713)      PDF(pc) (1251KB)(1224)       Save
The present study investigated the relationship between school climate and adolescents' pathological online game use (POGU), and was to explore the mediating effect of school engagement as well as the moderating effect of father-child/mother-child relationship. The school climate questionnaire, school engagement scale, parent-child relationship questionnaire and pathological online game use questionnaire were administered to 3056 adolescents (M age 16.33, male 1602) from senior high school in XXX province. Results were as follows: (1) school climate could negatively predict adolescents' POGU. (2) school climate influenced adolescents' POGU directly and indirectly through the school engagement. (3) father-child/mother-child relationship moderated the mediated path. Moreover, mother-child relationship moderated the relationship between school climate and school engagement, while father-child relationship moderated the relationship between school engagement and adolescents' POGU. The results showed school engagement played a partial mediation effect in the relationship between school climate and adolescents' POGU. In addition, for individuals with better mother-child relationship,school climate could positively predict school engagement, but for individuals with worse father-child relationship, school engagement had the trend to negatively predict adolescents' POGU.
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The Temporal Trajectory for Subective Well-being among Chinese College Students
LIU Jie, HUANG Xiting
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (3): 257-263.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.03.01
Abstract2304)      PDF(pc) (751KB)(880)       Save
Temporal trajectories for subjective well-being incorporate individuals' appraisals of their past, present, and anticipated future well-being. The exploration on the well-beings that are evaluated from the past, present and future perspective has important significance for a comprehensive understanding of the essence of well-being. To explore this subjective temporal trajectories among Chinese college students, two studies were designed. In study 1, we asked 130 participants to fill the Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale. The results showed that the ratings for their past and present well-being do not have significant difference, but are both lower than the rating of future well-being, i.e. past well-being= present well-being < future well-being. The trajectory of subjective well-being among Chinese college students is different from the western trajectory (past well-being < present well-being < future well-being). In study 2, an designed experiment asked 45 students to evaluate some adjectives about happniess and unhappniess, which revealed a same trajectory of subjective well-being with Study 1.
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The Relationship between Proactive Personality and Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students: The Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Knowledge
LI Hailei, ZHANG Wenxin
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (3): 264-270.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.03.02
Abstract2250)      PDF(pc) (750KB)(1313)       Save
1208 undergraduates of grade one to four completed the Proactive Personality Scale (PPS), Entrepreneurial Knowledge Questionnaire and Entrepreneurial Intention Scale of Undergraduates during school hours, in order to explore the relations among proactive personality, entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial intention. The results indicated that: (1) Males reported significantly higher levels of entrepreneurial goal intention than of females; (2) Proactive personality positively predicted entrepreneurial goal intention and entrepreneurial implementation intention; (3) Entrepreneurial resource knowledge partially mediated the relation between proactive personality and entrepreneurial intention. Specifically, proactive personality predicted entrepreneurial resource knowledge positively, and entrepreneurial resource knowledge predicted entrepreneurial goal intention and entrepreneurial implementation intention positively; (4) Entrepreneurial theory knowledge partially mediated the relation between proactive personality and entrepreneurial implementation intention. Specifically, proactive personality predicted entrepreneurial theory knowledge positively, and entrepreneurial theory knowledge predicted entrepreneurial implementation intention negatively.
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The Roles of Categorical Perception of Speech Soundsin Early Reading Development
JIANG Wei, ZHANG Linjun, SHU Hua
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (3): 271-278.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.03.03
Abstract2246)      PDF(pc) (895KB)(1228)       Save
In this study 172 children from kindergartens and elementary schools aged 5~7 years were tested on a battery including speech perception (categorical perception tasks), phonological awareness (syllable deletion, rime detection, onset detection, and tone detection), working memory and character recognition. The results showed that (a) categorical perception and phonological awareness improved gradually with age, (b) categorical perception was highly correlated with phonological awareness, especially rime and syllable awareness, (c) in the model of early reading development, categorical perception didn't directly affect Chinese character recognition. Our results indicate that the role of speech perception in early reading development is mediated by phonological awareness.
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Marital Conflict and Preschool Children's Parenting Styles: The Moderating Role of Parental Emotion Regulation Strategies
WANG Mingzhu, ZOU Hong, LI Xiaowei, ZHANG Wenjuan, WANG Yingqian, JIANG Suo
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (3): 279-286.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.03.04
Abstract2673)      PDF(pc) (942KB)(1435)       Save
The present study aimed at exploring the differential associations of marital conflict with authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting, and the moderating role of parental emotion regulation strategies. 285 preschoolers' parents participated in the questionnaire survey. The results showed that: (1) Marital conflict could negatively predict authoritative parenting and positively predict authoritarian parenting in parents of preschoolers while the difference in the magnitude of the associations was nonsignificant. (2) Parental emotion regulation strategies moderated the relation between marital conflict and authoritative parenting, for both fathers and mothers. For parents who used fewer cognitive reappraisal strategies or more expression suppression strategies, marital conflict could negatively predict authoritative parenting. However, the prediction effect was not significant for parents who used more cognitive reappraisal strategies or fewer expression suppression strategies. In addition, the moderating effect of parental emotion regulation strategies on the relation between marital conflict and authoritarian parenting was not found.
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Cognitive Inhibition and Artistic Creativity: The Moderating Effect of Cognitive Style
CHENG Lifang, HU Weiping, JIA Xiaojuan
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (3): 287-295.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.03.05
Abstract2275)      PDF(pc) (1004KB)(1024)       Save
114 undergraduates were recruited to complete the Mittenecker Pointing Test, Embedded Figure Test and the collage design as the measure of cognitive inhibition, cognitive style and artistic creativity respectively. The results showed that (1) Cognitive inhibition showed significant negative relationship with artistic creativity and it can predict individuals' creativity, communicative level and general impression significantly, likeability and imagination marginally significantly. (2) Cognitive style moderated the relationship between cognitive inhibition and artistic creativity, which showed that cognitive inhibition predicted creativity, imagination and communicative level of individuals who were inclined to field independence, whereas it can't predict artistic creativity of those inclined to field dependence.
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The Development of Children and Young People's Collaborative Facilitation
TANG Weihai, AN Yanpei, WANG Xiangmei, LIANG Fucheng, LIU Xiping
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (3): 296-302.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.03.06
Abstract2354)      PDF(pc) (679KB)(860)       Save
This research explored the development of individuals' collaborative facilitation of different ages in different retrieve sequences and learning materials. The design was a 5 (age: 9 years old, 11 years old, 14 years old, 17 years old and 20 years old) × 3 (recall sequence: CII、ICI、III) × 2 (learning materials: pictures or texts) between-subjects design. The results showed that collaborative facilitation appeared in all ages of both CII and II recall sequences, and the final memory performance in these two sequences had no difference. What's more, the amount of collaborative facilitation of 17 years old participants was higher than 9, 11, 14 and 20 years old. There was no difference among other age. No matter how old the participant was, there was no difference between picture and texts on the collaborative facilitation amount. These suggest that the order of collaborative memory has little impact on collaborative facilitation. The effects of collaborative facilitation in 17-year-old individuals are the best.
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The Mediating Role of Social Behavior between Children's Trust in Peers and Peer Acceptance and Its Gender Difference
LI Qinggong, WU Sufang, FU Genyue
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (3): 303-310.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.03.07
Abstract2707)      PDF(pc) (920KB)(1158)       Save
Previous studies have consistently shown that children's trust in others has positive effect on their peer relationship. However, the mechanism of how children's trust influence peer relationship is still unclear. This study tested the mediating role of social behavior on the relation between trust in peers and peer acceptance. The gender difference of the effect was also explored. Participants were 366 children (198 boys and 168 girls) from grade 3 to grade 6. Participants were tested on trust in peers, social behavior (i.e., prosocial behavior, withdrawal behavior, aggressive behavior), and peer acceptance. The results revealed:(1) Both prosocial and withdrawal behaviors were significant mediators on the relation between children's trust and peer acceptance, whereas the mediating effect of aggressive behavior was not significant. (2) There were also significant gender differences in the mediating effect of social behavior: the mediating effect of prosocial behavior was stronger for girls than boys and the mediating effect of withdrawal behavior was stronger for boys than girls. These findings thus offer a new insight into how children's trust influences their peer relationship.
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Moral Disengagement and College Students' Deviant Behavior Online: The Moderating Effect of Moral Identity
YANG Jiping, WANG Xingchao, GAO Ling
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (3): 311-318.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.03.08
Abstract2433)      PDF(pc) (927KB)(1198)       Save
The present study examined the moderating effect of moral identity in the relationship between moral disengagement and deviant behavior online using a sample of 550 college students. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. Results revealed that male college students had higher scores than female college students on measure of moral disengagement in grade 3 and grade 4. But no significant gender differences were found on moral disengagement in grade 1 and grade 2. Results also found that moral disengagement had a positive effect on college students' deviant behavior online. Meanwhile, moral identity had a negative effect on college students' deviant behavior online, and significantly moderated the relationship between moral disengagement and deviant behavior online.
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Association between Parenting Stress and Child Behavioral Problems: The Mediation Effect of Parenting Styles
LIU Yapeng, DENG Huihua, ZHANG Guangzhen, LIANG Zongbao, LU Zuhong
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (3): 319-326.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.03.09
Abstract2824)      PDF(pc) (948KB)(1279)       Save
This longitudinal study aimed to explore whether parenting styles mediated the associations of parenting stress with child behavioral problems. 364 children and their parents participated in this study. Father and mother reported their parenting stress at 6 months, parenting styles at 24 months, as well as behavioral problems of children aged 48 months, respectively. The results showed that parental parenting stress positively and significantly predicted their overprotective and harsh parenting. Maternal overprotective parenting negatively predicted preschoolers' externalizing problems, while paternal overprotective parenting positively predicted internalizing problems. Paternal harsh parenting was positively associated with both internalizing and externalizing problems. Maternal parenting stress was directly related to externalizing problems. However, paternal parenting styles played full mediating effect in the associations of their parenting stress with child internalizing and externalizing problems. These results indicated that maternal parenting stress was directly related to externalizing problems, while paternal parenting stress influenced their parenting styles, which in turn resulted in preschoolers' behavioral problems.
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