Psychological Development and Education ›› 2015, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 230-238.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.02.13

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Attachment and Subjective Well-being of Junior Middle School Students: the Mediating Role of Self Esteem

DENG Linyuan, MA Bohui, WU Yongxin   

  1. 1. Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875;
    2. Beijing 166 middle school, Beijing 100006
  • Online:2015-03-15 Published:2015-03-15

Abstract: This study explored the influence of parental attachment, peer attachment on the junior middle school students' subjective well-being, and the mediating effects of collective self-esteem and self-esteem between them. 857 students from Grade 7 to Grade 9 in two general junior schools participated in the survey. The results reveal that: (1) The developmental trend of girls' mother-child and father-attachment levels were like a U-curve, while Grade 8 is a turning point, boys' father-child and mother-child attachment levels had a downward trend with grade increasing, while Grade 9 was the lowest, with no significant difference between Grade 7 and Grade 8. (2) Boys' collective self-esteem level was significantly higher than girls, with U-curve developmental trend; gender and grade differences in individual self-esteem were not significant. (3) Boys' life satisfaction was significantly higher than girls', and both decreased by grade increasing; sex and grade differences of positive emotions were not significant; girls' negative emotions began to turn from Grade 8, while Grade 7 experienced the least negative emotions, but no significant differences between Grade 8 and Grade 9; boys' negative emotions were not significantly different between grades. (4) parent-child attachment and peer attachment had significantly positive relationship with collective self-esteem and individual self-esteem, as well as subjective well-being. (5)Mother-child attachment, peer attachment, individual self-esteem and father-child attachment predicted junior middle school students' life satisfaction positively, and predicted negative emotions negatively; peer attachment, self-esteem, mother-child attachment and collective self-esteem predicted their positive emotions positively. (6) Parent-child attachment, peer attachment not only could directly influence the subjective well-being of junior middle school students, but also had an indirect effect through two ways (attachment→collective self-esteem→subjective well being; attachment→collective self-esteem→individual self-esteem→subjective well being).

Key words: Junior middle school students, Subjective well-being, Attachment, Self-esteem

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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