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    15 January 2004, Volume 20 Issue 1
    • A Primary Study on the Development of the Infant’s Trait Inferences
      WANG Pei, ZHAO Zhi-xia
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  1-5. 
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      This study investigated the infants' capacity to use trait as media for making inferences about mental state.The findings showed that for them trait can serve as a basis for making mental inferences: infants' familiarity with trait was remarkably promoted with age, so did their ability to make inferences, however, there is lack of sufficient evidence that they fully understood the mental trait.
      Study on the Relations Among Children’s Social Inhibition, Parenting and Altruism
      LIU Wen, YANG Li-zhu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  6-11. 
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      In this study, 92 children from age 3 to age 5 were selected to explore the causal relationships among children.s social inhibition, types of parents' authority and altruism by lab experiments, video analysis and questionnaires.The results show that: Both Chidren's social inhibition and the styles of parenting have important influence on the altruism under the context of strange situation.And there is interaction on the altruism between children's social inhibition and types of parents' authority.
      The Influence of Beliefs and Covariation in Causal Reasoning
      HU Qing-fen, LIN Chong-de
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  12-17. 
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      The persent study investigated how subjects of three different ages use covariation information and pre-existing belifs in causal reasoning.The results were as follows: (1) The effect of covariation information is much bigger when subjects have no pre-existing beliefs about the problem.(2) Older subjects emhpasis covariation information more than younger subjects in their causal reasoning.(3) The effect of ΔP is not linear.Subjects change their judgements when it increases uo to some thresholds.
      Parent-Adolescent Communication and Adolescents’ Social Adjustment
      FANG Xiao-yi, LIN Dan-hua, SUN Li, FANG Chao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  18-22. 
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      720 7th to 12th grade students from one ordinary middle school in Beijing and one key middle school in Jinan were selected to explore parent-adolescent communication and its relationship with adolescents' social adjustment.Subjects were asked to report parent-adolescent communication,school achievement,self-esteem,depression,shyness,and problem-behaviors.The results show:(1) socio-orientation communication were significant more than concept-orientation communication;Socio-orientation communication and concept-orientation communication of high school students were significant more than ones of middle school students;(2) the percentage of protective communication is the highest,the next is Pluralistic communication,and the percentages of Lassez-faire communication and consensual communication are the least;(3) the same kind of parent-adolescent communication has positive effects on adolescents' social adjustments,also has negative effects on adolescents'social a山ustments.
      The Study of Academic Adaptation Condition of the Senior Middle School Students
      NIE Yan-gang, ZHENG Xue, ZHANG Wei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  23-28. 
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      Using a questionnaire,the study surveyed academic adaptation of 2816 middle school students of five middle school of Guangdong province.The results showed that(1) In the section of test of learning expectation and willpower,the detectable rate of the bad academic adaptation was higher than national theoretical rate;(2) There were significant sex differences among learning motivation,learning method,school environment,family environment and learning expectation:(3) In the section of test of learning expectation,school environment,willpower,the detectable rate of the poor academic adaptation of senior middle school students was significantly higher than that of junior middle school students;(4) The scores of every test of the second-school were higher than those of the firstschool and the third-school,and the detectable rate of which was lower than the others.
      Use Concept-mapping Tactic to Affect the year 11 Students’CognitiveStructures in Biology Lessons
      XU Hong-lin, LIU En-shan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  29-33. 
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      The associate tests were used to explore the year 11 students' cognitive structure after they study content "metabolism".In this study,the correlation coefficient was used to map cognitive structure of the students.The resups show that:(1) concept-mapping tactic,used as the teaching and learning,can change students' cognitivestructure effectively.(2) In the experimental class,the students'cognitive structure is better and logical than that ofthe control class.
      Consideration on Relation Between Online and Personality characteristics for College Students
      LI Xiu-min, YIN Guo-en
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  34-37. 
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      This research surveyed 287 University student by their personality and surfing Interact.To study the correlation between frequency of surfing Interact and personality as well as the correlation between Intemet preference and personality.The results of this research revealed that (1) there exist significant differences between the student of high frequency on Interact and the ones of low frequency in personality.(2) there exist significant differences between the Interact preference and personality.(3) Stability had greater contribution to the preference contents of information and technique,otherwise dare snd illution had contribution to the preference contents of excitement.
      Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Colleagues’Evaluations on Teacher Performance
      CAI Yong-hong, LIN Chong-de
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  38-42. 
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      The research aimed to explore the construction of colleagues'ratings of teacher performance.They advance a theorist construction of teacher performance thn}ugh literature review,open-ended survey,critical incident interview and theoretical analysis.Then they test the construction of colleague appraisal results by confirmative factor analysis.They find that teacher performance includes six dimensions:professional ethics,job conscientiousness, assisting and cooperation,teaching efficiency,teaching value and teacherstudent interaction.The first three dimensions constitute contextual performance,and the others constitute task performance.Ontextual performance has high relation with task performance.
      Comparison of beliefs about knowledge and learning among peoplewith different experience
      YAO Mei-lin, XIANG Li-na
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  43-47. 
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      361 subjects with different academic or practical experience were investigated on beliefs about knowledge and learning.The results showed that people with different experience held different beliefs in four dimensions such as control over one's own learning, speed of learning, organization of knowledge and stability of knowledge.
      The Role of Sentence Boundary on Maintaining the GlobalCoherence in Discourse Reading
      HE Xian-you, LU Ai-tao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  48-53. 
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      Four experiments were conducted using a line-by-line reading paradigm to examine the role of sentence boundaries.In Experiment 1,readers were delayed in noticing a contradiction on a target line when the sentence continued onto a post-target line.Consistent with this,in Experiment 2,target line was an intact sentence.The result of a recognition probe demonstrated that there was no significant difference between the consistent version and inconsistent version.The participants noticed the contradiction as soon as they completed reading the target line.From Experiment 1 and Experiment 2,it could be concluded that sentence boundary play an important role in reading.They may be a signal which lets the readers integrate the current sentence before they read the following sentence.The goal of Experiment 3 was to investigate whether it was necessary in discourse comprehension.The result of Experiment 3 demonstrated that sentence boundary was sufficient to facilitate the integration of related background information but not necessary.Now that the period can affect the discourse comprehension,what about the semicoto n?In Experiment 4,the result showed that the semicolon made no difference in integration of current sentence.In a word,period is an influential factor to reading but semicolon not.
      A Pilot Investigation on Error Management of Students in High School
      LIU Ru-de, JIANG Tao, LI Yun-fang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  54-58. 
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      A pilot investigation on error management of 110 students in a high school in Inner Mongolia had been administrated with a questionnaire about error management of high school students made according to the findings of group interviews.The results showed that 1)these students recognized the importance of errors made in problem solving,and held active attitude to them,but they lacked clear awareness and systematic strategies of managing them;2) the excellent students were significant high in the attitudes and beliefs of error management than the ordinary students;(3) there were no significant difference between the excellent students and the ordinary students in the behaviors and strategies of error management;the former was significant high than the later in some behaviors of error management,however,the later was significant high than the former in a specific strategy of error management.
      A Study on the Characteristics and Influential Factors of Primary School Teachers’ Class Instructional Design
      ZHANG Jing-huan, JING Sheng-hua, CHEN Xiu-zhen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  59-63. 
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      The authors used several methods such as work-analysis,investigation,structural interview in the primary teacher groups selected with random sample method.The results showed that: (1) within the six abilities the abilities of instructional media selection,instructional objectives compiling and students analysis were lower than abilities of instructional method selected and using,instructional task analysis and assessing of learning outcomes; (2) school type,teachers' education and teaching experience were the main influential factors that affect the abilities of class instructional design.
      A Research of the Relationship Between Elementary School Students’ Mental Quality and Their Academic Achievement
      ZHANG Da-jun, LIU Yan-ling, GUO Cheng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  64-69. 
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      Investigated 1247 elementary school students with Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices and the Mental Competence Inventory,this study explored the relationship between students' mental quality and their academic achievement.The results of variance analysis (ANOVA) and Cluster analysis showed:(1)the mental quality of top academic achievement group is the best,and the middle academic achievement getup is better than that of bottom academic achievement group.(2) students' mental quality varies in different grades and in different academic achievement groups.(3) most of the students of top academic achievement getup are the ones that have the best mental quality,and the students of middle and bottom academic achievement groups are in the bad mental quality level.
      Impact of the Family Factors on College Students’ Depression and Alienation
      RAO Yan-ting, ZHANG Hong-xia, LI Xiao-ning
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  70-76. 
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      To investigate the depression and alienation state of college students, and the influencing factors, 1900 college students from 19 colleges and universities in Jiangsu province were surveyed by questionnaires.One-Way ANO-VA was applied on the scores of CES-D scale, Alienation scale and possible family influencing factors of mental health.It is resulted that approximately 14.7% college students got a score over 20 in CES-D scale, 3.3% students got a score under 30 in Alienation scale.The factors of single child, hometown, family monthly income, the familial bond, family communication, family confliction, parents.education, occupation and their expressiveness, all influence college students.depression and alienation state in different extent.It is concluded that the impact of family factors still exists in college students.mental health.
      The Development Of the Coping Style Questionaire
      SHI Lin, FENG Dan-jun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  79-82. 
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      The research has brought forward one theory about coping style.The Coping Style Questionnaire newly developed according to the theory can divide individuals into four coping styles,including flexible coping style,problem coping style,emotion coping style and abnormal coping style.The preliminary research indicates that the questionmire has good reliability and validity.1115 subjects have been surveyed using the questionnaire.The results showed 160 subjects of flexible coping style,420 subjects of problem coping style,394 subjects of emotion coping style and 141 abnormal coping style.The development of the questionnaire offers one valid tool for our stress and coping research in the future.
      The Applyment of Sandplay in Counseling Practice and Empirical Study
      GENG Liu-na, ZHANG Ri-sheng, ZHAO Hui-chun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(1):  83-86. 
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      Recent years, Sandplay study has made big progress in counseling practice and empirical study, but right now the focus of Sandplay area is to combine the above aspects, then make them supplement each other, in order to prompt the Sandplay into the mainstream of counseling and therapy.