Psychological Development and Education ›› 2004, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 70-76.

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Impact of the Family Factors on College Students’ Depression and Alienation

RAO Yan-ting1, ZHANG Hong-xia1, LI Xiao-ning2   

  1. 1. Nanjing University, Nanjing, 21093;
    2. Wayne State University, USA
  • Online:2004-01-15 Published:2004-01-15

Abstract: To investigate the depression and alienation state of college students, and the influencing factors, 1900 college students from 19 colleges and universities in Jiangsu province were surveyed by questionnaires.One-Way ANO-VA was applied on the scores of CES-D scale, Alienation scale and possible family influencing factors of mental health.It is resulted that approximately 14.7% college students got a score over 20 in CES-D scale, 3.3% students got a score under 30 in Alienation scale.The factors of single child, hometown, family monthly income, the familial bond, family communication, family confliction,, occupation and their expressiveness, all influence college students.depression and alienation state in different extent.It is concluded that the impact of family factors still exists in college students.mental health.

Key words: college students, depression, alienation, family factors

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