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    15 October 2003, Volume 19 Issue 4
    • A Research on 3 to 5 Yearold Children's Self-imposed Delay of Gratification A under Four Attention Conditions
      YANG Li-zhu, XU Li-min, WANG Jiang-yang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(4):  1-6. 
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      In order to explore the attention mechanism and the development of self-imposed delay of gratification, 120 children aged 3 to 5 with median self-control ability were distributed over 4 attention conditions,both delayed and immediate rewards present simultaneously,only immediate reward present,only delayed reward present,and no rewards present.The results suggest that the mean delay time of young children's self-imposed delay of gratification was the longest under the no rewards present condition,and the mean delay time were shorter under the other three rewards present conditions.This phenomenon shows the crossage stability.In addition,the results also suggest that the development self-imposed delay of gratification has significant difference among 3 to 5 years old children,and it shows the developmental tendency with age increasing.
      The Development of Theory of Mind and Its Relations with Inhibitory Control
      XU Fen, WANG Wei-xing, GAO Shan, Mark Sabbagh
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(4):  7-11. 
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      The present study examined the developmental level of Theory of Mind(Tom for short)between 3-and 4-year olds and whether there is any relationship between the performance of false-belief task and inhibitory control task.The results showed that there is a significant change between 3-and 4-year olds,and the children's who gave correct answer in false-belief task did better in inhibitory conflict task than those who had wrong responses in false2 belief task.Moreover,there were significant correlations between the score in task of false-belief and in the task of inhibitory conflict except for false-belief of others.
      The Impact of Adolescent’s Social Behaviors on Their Peer Relations
      XIN Zi-qiang, SUN Han-yin, LIU Bing-yuan, CHI Li-ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(4):  12-16. 
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      This study explored the impact of adolescent's social behaviors on their peer relations based on investigation of 349 adolescents.The results showed:(1)The four-factor structure of the revised Class Play Scale was extracted and examined.The four factors include prosocial behaviors,aggressive behaviors,withdrawal behaviors and controversial behaviors.(2)The prosocial and controversial behaviors can predict adolescents' positive nominations;Aggressive and with drawal behaviors can predict their negative nominations;Prosocial behaviors lead to social preference and prosocial,aggressive and controversial behaviors result in social impact.(3)Popular adolescents have more prosocial and controversial behaviors,while refused adolescents have more aggressive and withdrawal behaviors.There are some subtypes in popular and refused adolescents.
      The Historiometric Study of the Early Family Environment and Parental Behavioral Style of Chinese Social Creative Personalities Who Passed Away After A.D. 1840
      GU Chuan-hua, CHEN Hui-chang, XUE Jing-jing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(4):  17-22. 
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      In this historiometric study,early family environment and parental behavior of 30 Chinese social creative personalities who passed away after A.D.1840 were rated based on their biographies or autobiographies,from ten dimensions of Chinese Version of Family Environment Scale(FES-CV)and five dimensions of Parental Behavior Inventory(EMBU)on an interval scale.The results were as follows.(1)Their family scored higher on the dimensions of control,organization,cohesion,independence,moral-religious emphasis,and scored lower on the dimension of conflict;three main components(family values and interpersonal relationship,family order,family activeness)were drawn from the ten dimensions of FES-CV through exploratory factor analysis.(2)"Stern-father-and-loving-mother" parental behavioral style was the most common one;two main components(parental sternness and parental loving-kindness)were drawn from the ten dimensions of EMBU through exploratory factor analysis.(3) Cluster analysis indicated that,both their early family environment and parental behavioral style could be classified into two(low-control traditional and high-control traditional family environment,stern parental behavioral style and loving parental behavioral style.
      The Influence of Peer Acceptance on Implicit Social Cognition of Middle School Students
      ZHENG Xin-jun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(4):  23-26. 
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      With the reduced schedule of Process-Dissociation-Procedure,the present study investigates the implicit/explicit achievements of middle school students with different peer acceptance,referring to Chinese characters about interpersonal relations as experimental material.The results reveals that(1)the subjects present more obvious implicit cognition on the Chinese characters of poor interpersonal relationship;(2)those students with poot peer acceptance show more sensitiveness to the Chinese characters of poot interpersonal relationship in their implicit memory.
      Research on the Relationship between Middle School Students’ Thinking Styles and Personality Traits
      LIN Feng-xun, MENG Qing-mao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(4):  27-32. 
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      The purpose of the present study was to explore the relationship between thinking styles and the five-factor personality traits.Four-hundred-and-ninety-seven middle school students from Beijing participated in the study. Participants responded to the Thinking Styles Inventory(Long Version)based on Sternberg's theory of mental self-government and to the Five-factor Personality Questionnaire for Middle School Students(Zou Hong et al,2000). The results indicated that:(1)there exist consistent patterns of relationships between thinking styles and the five-factor personality traits;(2)the predicted effect size of thinking styles to the five-factor personality traits is more power than reveres.
      The Spatial Transitive Reasoning Ability and Strategies Analysis of Primary School Children Under Different Experimental Materials
      BI Hong-yan, FANG Ge, YU Hai-xia
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(4):  33-38. 
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      The purpose of the study was to investigate the development of elementary schoolers in spatial transitive inference and analyze the strategies children used during reasoning. The participants were 72 children randomly selected from one middle level primary school including three groups aged 7,9 and 11with half boys and half girls in each group.The tests were carried out individualy.The methodology of the study was characterized by qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results showed that:(1)Children's ability of the spatial transitive reasoning increased significantly.The 7 year olds developed this kind of reasoning ability,and the 9 and 11 year olds had preliminarily possessed the ability;(2)The experimental materials had an effect on children's transit ive inference.Children's performance of figure materials was better than that of word materials;(3)The increasing of number of premises has no effect on children's transitive inference;(4)Children using the model constructing strategy to resolve problems became more and more with age.Nearly all 11 year olds were able to use it.
      The Strategies of Middle School Students’ Distributing Working Memory Resources in the Running-Arithmetic Tasks
      LIU Hui-juan, WO Jian-zhong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(4):  39-45. 
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      274 graders from 7 to 12 were selected from two middle school to explore the strategies of adolescents' distributing working memory resources in solving the running-arithmetic problems.The results showed:Multiple strategy has been used in adolescents' distributing working memory resources.There are at least eleven strategies that individuals used for distributing working memory in solving the running-arithmetic problems.Different strategies differed in the accuracy and solution time.The external strategy is superior to the internal strategy and the associative strategy of internal and external.The different strategies are quite different in the solution time.If the percent of strategies use,accuracy and solution time are all considered,middle school students are more likely to use strategies in more accuracy.
      A Study on 3-5 Years Old Children’s Pattern Ability
      SHI Ya-juan, PANG Li-juan, TAO Sha, CHEN Yao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(4):  46-52. 
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      Thsi research was designed to explore the developmental characteristics and regularities of children's pattern ability.249 children aged 3-5 years participated in this study.We tested children's abilities of pattern duplication and extension with standard procedure.The results indicated:1.With the increase in age,children's pattern duplication increases gradually,and the development from 3.5-years old to 4.5 is very quick;children's pattern extension increases gradually,and the development from 4-years old to 5-years old is very quick.2.Girls'developmental level of pattern extension is higher than boys'.3.Children's developmental level of pattern duplication is higher than that of pattern extension and the differences decrease gradually from 3 to 5 years old.4.With the increase in age,children's level of errors in the pattern duplication and extension decrease gradually.
      Item Exchanging Effect Of Psychological Representation In Chinese Causational Clause
      ZHANG Jin-qiao, MO Lei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(4):  53-56. 
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      This paper describes one experiment designed to examine the item exchanging effect of psychological representation in Chinese causational clause.It is easy for reader to form a "cause→effect" constant psychological representation,while the items order of Chinese causational clause are "effect→cause",the items of psychological representation will exchange.This result shows that reader probably have a series cognitive processing according to inherent directionality of "cause→effect" when they read Chinese causational clause.
      The Relation Between Achievement Goal Orientation and Performance Under Success or Failure Condition
      LIU Xiao-ming, WANG Yan-mei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(4):  57-61. 
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      This study adopted a 3×2×2 design,using 213 Chinese primary students at Grade Five and Six as subjects,and investigated the different achievement goal's influence on performance between failure condition and success condition which were manipulated by instruction.The results showed that:(1)The students of mastery goal reported the highest performance in both conditions among three groups.The performance under failure condition was higher than that under success condition;(2)The difference of the performance-approach students'performance was no significant between two conditions.Performance-approach goal students reported higher level of performance in failure condition than performance-avoidance goal students,The performance of performance-approach students was slightly higher than performance-avoidance students in success condition;(3)Compared with that under success condition,the performance-avoidance students reported lower performance.
      The Effect of Different Attributional Induction on the Post-Failure Test of Different Students on Self-Esteem
      TIAN Lumei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(4):  62-65. 
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      Using 2×2 between-subject design of two factors to investigate the effect of induction to different attributional modes on the post-failure test of different students on self-esteem.The results showed that:(1)Overall,the groups with high self-esteem had significantly higher scores on the post-failure test than those with low self-esteem; (2)After internal attribution,the group with high self-esteem had very significantly higher scores than the group with low self-esteem on the test;but after external attribution,the scores of the two groups had no obvious difference;(3)For the high self-esteem,the scores on the post-failure test after internal attribution were higher than those after external attribution,but not significantly;for the low self-esteem,the scores on the test were higher significantly after external attribution than after internal attribution.The results of this study will be of benefit to the educational practices for school-students such as attributional retraining or attributional direction and so on.
      Investigation on the Primary School Teacher’s Scientific Quality
      ZHANG Qi, TENG Guo-peng, ZHENG Lin-na, WANG Yan-jing, WANG Yan-jing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(4):  66-69. 
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      The aim of the investigation lies in the interest of finding out the scientific quality of the primary school teachers.265 teachers,selected from nine primary schools in Dalian,have been asked to answer a series of questionnaires about the scientific knowledge,nature and methods.The results showed:(1)The teachers graduated from the university or college,have much better scientific quality the teachers that graduated from the secondary teacher school.(2)The teachers have known well the scientific knowledge on the primary school scientific book. But they have not known well the scientific knowledge on the junior or senior middle school scientific book.(3)The teachers with longer teaching age,showed worse scientific quality.
      Loneliness as a Function of Sociometric Status and Self-Perceived Social Competence in Middle Childhood
      ZHOU Zong-kui, ZHAO Dong-mei, CHEN Jing, JIANG Jing-chuan, Rachel Hundley
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(4):  70-74. 
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      Scales and peer nomination were used to examine the relations between sociometric status,self-perceived social competence and loneliness in a sample of 554 primary students from Grades 3~6.The results indicated that (1)There was significant gender difference on scores of loneliness,and boys scored higher than girls.(2)There was significant sociometric group difference on scores of loneliness.The low-accepted children scored significantly higher on loneliness than the normally-accepted and high-accepted,and the normally-accepted didn't score significantly higher than the high-accepted.(3)Among high-accepted children,those who perceived their social competence negatively scored higher on loneliness than those who did averagely,and those who did averagely scored higher than those who did positively;but among normally-accepted and low-accepted children,there were no such findings.
      Growing Group Counseling Experimental Research on Improving Undergraduates’ Coping
      LIU Chun-yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(4):  75-81. 
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      The research study the feasibility and efficacy of growing group counseling on improving undergraduates' coping and coping ability.Twenty-eight undergraduates were randomly assigned to two groups.Study group was intervened with growing group counseling for 2 months and was followed up for 3 months.Coping Style Scale,SDS, SAS and Social Support Scale were used to evaluate the effect.The result indicated that growing group counseling can improve undergraduates'coping,alleviate their anxiety and depression and strengthen their social support.