Psychological Development and Education 2022 Vol.38
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Unstable Control Deprivation Impairs Working Memory Updating
XU Junting, BAO Wei, LUO Junlong
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 1-9.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.01
Abstract1262)   HTML150)    PDF(pc) (1076KB)(679)       Save
Updating function is important for working memory. Some studies found control deprivation can impair the cognitive flexibility in working memory, while others believed that control deprivation can improve information processing capabilities. The important function of working memory updating is to process information. Therefore, the relationship between control deprivation and working memory updating is not clear. The present study intended to investigate whether and how updating function changes in a state of control deprivation. Two experiments were conducted to examine the influence of the stability of control deprivation on working memory updating. The result of experiment 1 indicated that no difference was observed between baseline group and deprivation group in terms of response time and accuracy. Meanwhile, there was no interaction effect between sense of control and difficulty of the updating task. Experiment 2 also demonstrated that there was no difference between baseline group and stable deprivation group. However, compared with baseline group, unstable deprivation showed a lower level of accuracy of the updating task, and the discrimination ability was lower than that of the stable deprivation group. In conclusion, the results of these two experiments proved that stable control deprivation did not hinder working memory updating. Interestingly, under the condition of deprivation of unstable control sense, the performance of updating task was significantly reduced. That is to say, the effect of control deprivation on working memory updating might depend on the stability of its manipulation.
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Employing Signal Detection Theory and Structural Knowledge to Separate Knowledge Acquired from Artificial Grammar Learning
YANG Haibo, DONG Liang, ZHOU Wanru
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 10-16.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.02
Abstract775)   HTML63)    PDF(pc) (857KB)(260)       Save
The logic process of SDT is identical with the PDP (Jacoby,1991), which helps to separate conscious and unconscious knowledge to some extent. The hit means that participants consciously or unconsciously identify the grammatical letter strings as grammatical, which is approximate to the inclusion test, p(hit)=C+UC(1-C).The false alarm means that participants unconsciously regard the ungrammatical letter strings as grammatical, which is approximate to the exclusion test, p(false alarm)=UC(1-C).This procedure can avoid three drawbacks of structural knowledge measures(Ivanchei & Moroshkina, 2018), which conceals the dissociation between conscious and unconscious knowledge. This paper investigates the dissociation between conscious and unconscious knowledge, employing structural knowledge and signal detection theory.With 2 (measure methods:SDTT vs. SKT)×2(degree of learning:30 trials vs. 60 trials) mixed design and the same experimental materials to Ivanchei and Moroshkina (2018)' experiment 2, the results showed that the degree of learning affects the unconscious knowledge acquired, but does not affect the conscious knowledge acquired. Further, in separating the knowledge acquired from artificial grammar learning, the sensitivity of the SDTT is higher than that of the SKT. Additionally, the SKT exaggerated the consciousness components in metacognition.
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Age Alters the Effects of Emotional Valence on the Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying False Memory
GUO Ying, XIAO Hongrui, GONG Xianmin, WANG Dahua
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 17-25.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.03
Abstract1555)   HTML193)    PDF(pc) (1384KB)(698)       Save
Using categorical pictures with positive, negative and neutral valence, we applied a modified version of the simplified conjoint recognition paradigm, combined with a statistical method of multinomial processing tree model to 28 old adults (aged 67.95±4.70 years) and 29 (aged 22.60±2.74 years) younger adults so as to investigate how age alters the effects of emotional valence on the cognitive mechanisms underlying false memory. The behavioral results revealed significant age-related differences in emotional false "remembering". Specifically, both age groups showed higher rates of false "remembering" for negative related probes, but only old adults showed higher rates of false "remembering" for positive related probes. The cognitive mechanism underlying the observed "positivity effects" in false "remembering" among old adults stemmed from the process of phantom recollection, as positive valence promotes the process of phantom recollection only in old adults, but not in younger adults.
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The Effects of Aging on Top-down Attentional Processing under Different Search Situations
WU Xia, ZHONG Xiping, JIANG Yunpeng
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 26-34.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.04
Abstract775)   HTML52)    PDF(pc) (1339KB)(353)       Save
In visual search, top-down and bottom-up processing can flexibly capture task-relative information and inhibit task-irrelative information according to different search situations. Specifically, the top-down processing can be enhanced when target is a salient stimulus among distractors, while the bottom-up processing can be enhanced when the target is not the salient stimulus. However, it is unclear that whether older people can adopt different attentional processing under different target situations as young people. In order to investigate the effects of aging on the flexibility of attention, the present study employed young and old people to participate a spatial cue target paradigm. Participants were instructed to search for a predefined color target and the target displays were preceded by spatially unpredicted color singleton cues. Color consistency of the distractors (consistent vs. inconsistent) was manipulated to change the salience situations of the target, Matching level of cue and target (task-relative vs. task-irrelative) was manipulated to investigate the top-down and bottom-up processing, Validity of cue (valid vs. invalid) was manipulated to measure the effects of attentional capture and inhibition. Results showed that, for young people, the effects of attentional capture for task-relative cues in salient situation was significantly smaller than that in the non-salient situation, suggesting that the young people can flexibly regulate the attentional processing according to different target situations. However, the result was disappeared for elders, indicating a lack of flexibility with aging. More importantly, the results of the IES (RT/ACC) showed a cue validity effect for the task-relative cue and a reversed cue validity effect for the task-irrelative cue in elder, indicating the remaining effects of attentional capture and inhibition of aging. In sum, the present study reveals that aging can decrease the flexibility of cognitive control, but still can retain the attentional capture for task-relative stimulus and the attentional inhibition for task-irrelative stimulus, which challenges the impaired inhibition ability of aging.
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The Relationships between Executive Functions and Problem Behavior: Situational Specificity and Gender Differences
BAI Rong, YAN Rong, WANG Qian, LI Ye, XING Shufen
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 35-44.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.05
Abstract1343)   HTML129)    PDF(pc) (2034KB)(614)       Save
This study examined the relationships between the specific components of executive function (EF) and problem behavior across different genders and contexts. Executive functions of 101 preschool children (48 boys) were measured by cognitive experimental tasks. One year later, boys' and girls' internalizing and externalizing behavior in home-and school-settings were measured by mother's reports and teachers' assessments. The results showed that boys' inhibition, cognitive flexibility, and working memory negatively predicted their externalizing behavior in home-context; their cognitive flexibility negatively predicted externalizing behavior in school-context. Boys' inhibition positively predicted their internalizing behavior only in school-context. For girls, their cognitive flexibility positively predicted externalizing behavior only in school-context. No relationship was found among the girls between EFs and problem behavior in home-context. These findings suggested that the relationships between executive functions and problem behavior showed not only different patterns, but also situational specificity and gender differences.
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The Relationship between Adolescents' Online Positive Self-presentation and Well-being: The Role of Online Positive Feedback and Self-esteem
JIANG Yongzhi, BAI Xiaoli, ZHANG Lu, ZHAO Siqi
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 45-53.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.06
Abstract1893)   HTML245)    PDF(pc) (1160KB)(1226)       Save
In order to investigate the relationship between online positive self-presentation and well-being, and the mediating role of online positive feedback in the relationship between them and the moderating role of self-esteem on this mediating model. A survey research method was adopted in which the social networking self-presentation questionnaire, social networking positive feedback questionnaire, oxford well-being questionnaire as well as the self-esteem Scales were administered to 1804 middle and high school students. The results indicated that:(1)The relationships between online positive self-presentation, online positive feedback, self-esteem and well-being were significantly positive correlation; (2)Online positive self-presentation not only had a direct negative predictive effect on well-being, but also affects well-being through the mediating role of online positive feedback; (3)Self-esteem not only moderate the direct effect of online positive self-presentation on well-being, but also moderate the first half of the mediating effect of online positive self-presentation on well-being through online positive feedback. The research reveals the mechanism of the relationship between online positive self-presentation and well-being of adolescents, which helps to guide adolescents to promote the development of positive psychological quality through the use of social networks.
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Relationship between Social Anxiety and Academic Engagement among Adolescence: The Mediating Role of Intentional Self-regulation and the Age Difference
ZHOU Aibao, HU Yanbing, LIU Jingtao, LU Xiaoyong, WANG Youli, ZHOU Yingxin
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 54-63.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.07
Abstract1976)   HTML264)    PDF(pc) (1270KB)(1336)       Save
In this study, 1597 adolescents were recruited from 6 middle schools, high schools and universities. On the one hand, the characteristics of social anxiety, intentional self-regulation and academic engagement in the development of adolescents were investigated; On the other hand, the study was investigated to examine the mediating effect of intentional self-regulation and the moderating of puberty between social anxiety and academic engagement. The results showed:(1) As adolescence age, their levels of social anxiety decrease; Compared to middle and late adolescence, the level of academic engagement is low in middle adolescence; (2)The social anxiety can significantly negative predictor of the academic engagement of adolescents; (3)The intentional self-regulation plays a completely mediating role between social anxiety and academic engagement; (4)The mediating effect of intentional self-regulation in middle and late adolescence was significant, but the mediating effect of intentionality self-regulation is not significant in early adolescence. It means:(1)Adolescence can reduce their levels of social anxiety as they age; (2)Middle adolescence is faced with complex developmental tasks, which are not conducive to their academic engagement; (3)Social anxiety can significantly predict adolescents academic engagement, and intentional self-regulation is the intermediary bridge between middle and late adolescence.
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Relationship between Mother's Son Preference and Parent-child Communication: The Moderating Role of Children's Gender
LIU Chunhui, LIU Sijia, GUO Xiaolin, LUO Liang
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 64-71.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.08
Abstract1570)   HTML203)    PDF(pc) (967KB)(914)       Save
Son preference is a phenomenon in which parents prefer sons, breed more sons and invest more in sons. In present study, the mothers of 653 fifth grade students were surveyed in order to explore the relationship among son preference, parent-child communication and children's gender. Results are below:(1) Mothers of non-only and migrant children, with lower levels of education, more than 2 children in the family, and children ranked second and above with the children tested have higher levels of son preference; (2) Moderation modeling indicated that children's gender plays a significant moderating role in the relationship between mothers' son preference and the parent-child communication. Further simple slope test showed that for girls, parent-child communication showed a significant downward trend with the increase of mothers' son preference; for boys, mothers' son preference did not significantly predict parent-child communication. This moderating effect reveals the negative impact of son preference on daughters' parent-child communication, suggesting that in the context of emphasizing gender equality, son preference is still a noticeable phenomenon, especially in the key period of child personality and habit formation, mothers who are the primary caregivers deserve more attention.
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How Does Computational Fluency Refine Math Anxiety in Early Elementary School Children? Evidence from Variable-oriented and Person-oriented Analyses
WU Jiawang, LI Hongxia, SI Jiwei
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 72-80.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.09
Abstract989)   HTML86)    PDF(pc) (1187KB)(581)       Save
To explore the relationship among computational fluency, interest in mathematical learning, teacher support and math anxiety in early elementary school using variable-oriented and person-oriented approaches, 592 children in the second grade of elementary school were measured by the Scale of Interest in Mathematical Learning, the Questionnaire on Perceived Mathematics Teacher Support, the Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale and the Chinese Rating Scale of Pupil's Mathematics Abilities. Variable-oriented analysis revealed that computational fluency could predict math anxiety not only through interest in mathematical learning, but through interest in mathematical learning and teacher support indirectly. According to the LPA of computational fluency and interest in mathematics learning with the person-oriented analysis, we identified 3 latent profiles-low ability-low interest type, high ability-high interest type and low ability-high interest type-and found that these profiles differentially predicted math anxiety. Specifically, low ability-low interest type children's math anxiety was significantly higher than the other two types, while there was no significant difference between low ability-high interest and high ability-high interest types children in math anxiety. These findings emphasized the importance of computational fluency, interest in mathematics learning and teacher support in preventing and intervening math anxiety of children in the early grades of primary school.
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Grade 10 Students' Achievement Goal Orientation Patterns and Their Academic Adjustment: Based on Latent Profile Analysis
XU Xinpei, MO Lingfei, LIU Ming, DENG Ciping
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 81-89.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.10
Abstract1042)   HTML70)    PDF(pc) (1105KB)(527)       Save
The present study aimed to investigate high school students' achievement goal orientation patterns and their academic adjustment. Participants were 732 students in grade 10, from four high schools located in a major city of China (i.e., Beijing, Xi'an, Guangzhou and Fuzhou). Data were collected on students' reported achievement goal orientations, academic efficacy, academic self-handicapping, learning strategies and test anxiety. The results showed that:(1) Student achievement goal orientations could be divided into four types, namely, success-oriented group, academic-indifferent group, typical and non-typical mastery-oriented group. Typical and non-typical mastery-oriented groups were the majority; (2) The students in success-oriented group had the higher score on adaptive academic indicators (academic efficacy and learning strategies) and maladaptive academic indicators (self-handicapping and test anxiety) than typical and non-typical mastery-oriented groups; academic-indifferent group had the lowest scores on all variables. These results support the multiple goal theory and have important implications for the prevention and intervention of academic maladjustment.
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The Relationship between Perceived Discrimination and Left-behind Adolescent's Loneliness: The Moderating Roles of Separation Age and Separation Duration
ZHANG Yihan, ZHANG Ting, ZHAO Jingxin
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 90-99.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.11
Abstract1075)   HTML113)    PDF(pc) (1461KB)(582)       Save
A total of 1177 left-behind adolescents were recruited from five middle schools in Shandong province, including 394 adolescents from two-parent-migrant families and 783 adolescents from father-migrant families. These adolescents completed self-report scales on investigating relationships between perceived discrimination and loneliness, examining the moderating roles of separation age and separation duration the relationships. Results indicated that:(1) The adolescents from the two-parent-migrant families showed a significantly higher level of perceived discrimination than the adolescents from the father-migrant families, and the level of boy's loneliness was higher than girls; (2) Perceived discrimination significantly positively predicted left-behind adolescents's loneliness, especially for adolescents from two-parent-migrant families; (3) Perceived discrimination significantly predicted loneliness of adolescents from two-parent-migrant families when those adolescents separated from their parents at a younger age; Perceived discrimination strongly predicted left-behind adolescents's loneliness, especially for adolescents with shorter separation duration; (4) Separation duration moderated the relationship between perceived discrimination and adolescents's loneliness in father-migrated families, and the moderating effect varied according to the separation age.
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The Relationship between Cumulative Family Risk and Emotional Problems among Impoverished Children: A Moderated Mediation Model
YUAN Yanyun, WANG Zhihang, SUN Qing, WANG Dongfang, YIN Xiayun, LI Zhihua
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 100-108.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.12
Abstract1024)   HTML159)    PDF(pc) (1181KB)(602)       Save
With a sample of 468 Chinese impoverished children (mean age=13.76 years, SD=2.88), the current study aimed to examine the association between cumulative family risk and emotional problems, and further to explore the potential mediating role of school connectedness and the potential moderating role of self-esteem on such relationship. Results showed that:(1) Cumulative family risk positively predicted emotional problems among impoverished children; (2) School connectedness played a mediating role in the relationship between cumulative family risk and emotional problems, that is, cumulative family risk could predict children's emotional problems in poverty via school connectedness; (3) Self-esteem served as a moderator between cumulative family risk and school connectedness. Specifically, self-esteem buffered the impact of cumulative family risk on school connectedness, and this buffering effect of self-esteem was smaller under a higher level of cumulative family risk. Overall, these findings suggested that family risk factors and school connectedness are key predictors of children's emotional problems in poverty, and we should not be over-optimistic about the protective role of self-esteem in impoverished children.
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Father Coparenting and Adolescent Depression in Nuclear Families: The Mediating Roles of Father-child Attachment and Mother-child Attachment
ZHAO Fengqing, CHENG Beibei, LI Yixuan, LIU Zhibin, LIU Bing, ZHANG Baoshan
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 109-117.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.13
Abstract1715)   HTML133)    PDF(pc) (1532KB)(1027)       Save
Based on family system theory, this study examined the relationship between father coparenting (four dimensions:integrity, consistency, conflict, and bias) and adolescents' depression, as well as the mediating roles of parental attachment. A total of 890 junior high and senior high school students from nuclear families finished father coparenting, father-child attachment, mother-child attachment, and depression measures voluntarily. The results showed that:(1) Coparenting integrity significantly and negatively predicted adolescents' depression, and coparenting conflict significantly and positively predicted adolescents' depression, while consistency and bias did not predict depression significantly; (2) Coparenting integrity, consistency, conflict, and bias significantly predicted adolescents' attachment with mother, supporting the "crossover effect"; coparenting integrity and conflict significantly predicted adolescents' attachment with father, supporting the "spillover effect"; (3) The mediation analysis showed that the direct effect of coparenting integrity, consistency, and conflict were not significant, coparenting integrity and conflict may influence adolescent depression via mother-child attachment, while the mediating role of father-child attachment was not significant. These results would contribute to the knowledge of father coparenting, benefit the practice of family education, and promote adolescents' positive development.
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The More “Gossip”, the More Addicted: The Relationship Between Interpersonal Curiosity and Social Networking Sites Addiction Tendencies in College Students
DING Qian, WANG Zhaoqi, ZHANG Yongxin, ZHOU Zongkui
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 118-125.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.14
Abstract1649)   HTML254)    PDF(pc) (1119KB)(1026)       Save
Based on the Uses and Gratifications Theory and the Limited Resource Model of Self-Control, the present study examined the relationship between interpersonal curiosity and social networking sites (SNS) addiction tendencies among college students. On this basis, a moderated mediation model was constructed to investigate the mediating role of Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) and the moderating role of trait self-control. Through a convenient sampling, 621 college students who had been using WeChat Moments or QQ zone in a comprehensive university in Hubei or Henan provinces were recruited to complete a battery of questionnaires. Results indicated that:(1) Interpersonal curiosity was positively correlated with FoMO and SNS addiction tendencies, and negatively correlated with trait self-control; FoMO was positively correlated with SNS addiction tendencies, and negatively correlated with trait self-control; and trait self-control was negatively correlated with SNS addiction tendencies; (2) FoMO played a mediating role between interpersonal curiosity and SNS addiction tendencies, trait self-control moderated the second half of this mediating pathway. In particular, compared with the students with high trait self-control, the indirect effect was more significant for the students with low trait self-control. The present study reveals the influence of interpersonal curiosity on SNS addiction tendencies and its mechanism among college students, which has certain guiding significance for the intervention of college students SNS addiction.
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Effects of Mental Health of Disabled Children on Parenting Stress: A Moderated Mediation Model
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 126-133.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.15
Abstract940)   HTML134)    PDF(pc) (1100KB)(604)       Save
Adopting Parenting Stress Index-Short Form, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire to investigate 199 parents of disabled children in this study, to explore the relationship between mental health of disabled children and parenting stress, and to reveal the mediating role of prosocial behavior, as well as the moderating role of the influence level of difficulties. The results displayed that:(1) Emotional behavior problems of disabled children positively predicted parenting stress; (2) Prosocial behavior mediated the relationship between mental health of disabled children and parenting stress; (3) The influence level of difficulties moderate the mediating effect, when the influence is smaller, the mediation effect is more significant. The results suggest that prosocial behavior plays a buffering role in the relationship between mental health of disabled children and parenting stress, and the effect will be more obviously when the influence is smaller.
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The Mechanisms of Poverty Impedes Children's Executive Function
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 134-143.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.16
Abstract844)   HTML50)    PDF(pc) (1137KB)(380)       Save
Children from low socioeconomic status backgrounds generally show poorer executive function performances, which may far reach into their adulthood as compared to their peers from more affluent families. In response to reveal the underlying mechanism between poverty and children's executive function, significant research efforts have been made from a range of levels, such as behavior, physiological and brain level. In this review, the relationship between poverty and children executive function was studied comprehensively by systematical reviewing of recent research literatures on cumulative risk, adaptive load and prefrontal structure and function. It is important to note that several aspects such as the positive effect of poverty on certain components of children's executive function, the mechanism of deprivation risk, adaptive load and the neural mechanism of related brain areas are necessary for future study. Additionally, an integrated framework of behavior-physiology-brain underlying the poverty is introduced for expanding future research fields.
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What is Intelligence? Adults' Naïve Theories of Intelligence
WANG Zhiqiao, HU Qingfen
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (1): 144-152.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.17
Abstract928)   HTML50)    PDF(pc) (983KB)(343)       Save
Naïve Theories of Intelligence are laypeople's empirical understandings about intelligence. As an important part of Naïve Theories, naïve theories of intelligence enrich our knowledge of how people understand the real world. The present article reviewed a wide range of studies about adults' naïve theories of intelligence through three topics:adults' concepts of the nature of intelligence, their influence factors, and adults' estimations of self and others' intelligence. Across cultures, adults' concepts of intelligence include three components invariably, i.e., problem solving ability, verbal ability, and social competence. These results resemble the conclusions scientific theories of intelligence drew. Environment, culture, and age of the prototypes also influence adults' conceptions of intelligence. Moreover, adults are mediumly accurate when estimating self and others' IQ. In conclusion, adults have mediumly precise understandings of both the components and the extent of peoples' intelligence. Personal experiences from variable sources might shape adults' naïve theories of intelligence.
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Proactive Interference Effects on the Orthographic-working Memory in Chinese Children with Spelling Difficulties
WEN Kailing, CHEN Ping, YANG Shuang, NING Ning
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 153-160.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.01
Abstract1238)   HTML168)    PDF(pc) (1095KB)(663)       Save
The orthographic working memory (O-WM) is the temporal storage of radicals during Chinese character writing. One of the key functions of O-WM is maintaining the representational distinctiveness of radicals. Literatures on the O-WM system of Chinese writing processes are mainly from the case studies on dysgraphia patients, O-WM deficits in Chinese children with spelling difficulties have rarely been reported. The present study investigated the visual and auditory proactive interference (PI) effects on radical recognition in two experiments separately. Results showed that:(1) the visual PI effect was found in children with spelling difficulties, but not in the control group (Exp.1); (2) the auditory PI effects were not observed in both groups (Exp.2). The results indicate that the visual representational distinctiveness function of O-WM is impaired in children with spelling difficulties, and support the view that Chinese radicals are represented in the O-WM on the basis of visual features.
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“Retrieve Practice” Impede Mood Congruence in Memory
MA Xiaofeng, WEN Meiqi, SHI Kai, DU Qingqing, YAO Bei, MU Yuan, HUO Xiaoning
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 161-170.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.02
Abstract1665)   HTML135)    PDF(pc) (1441KB)(590)       Save
A wealth of researches has indicated that emotions can affect different memory processing stages, such as memory coding, storage and retrieval. However, the impact of emotions on memory coding will vary depending on the coding strategy. The affect infusion model believes that the generation of mood-consistent memory to a large extent depends on the processing strategies used by individuals in specific situations. When adopting high-permeability processing strategies(such as heuristic strategies:tasks are relatively simple, familiar, and self-independent), the degree of emotional penetration is higher; when using low-permeability processing strategies(such as motivation-driven strategies:have clear goals and motivations, and occupy a large number of cognitive resources), the degree of emotional penetration is lower. Current research on mood-consistent memory principally focuses on the effects of explicit and implicit processing methods on mood-consistent memory. No studies have yet explored the inhibitory effect of low-permeability processing strategies on mood-consistent memory at the level of explicit memory. In the study, two experiments were conducted to test the effect of coding strategies on mood-consistent memory. In Experiment 1, adopting ordinary college students as subjects, and the experimental design of 2 (coding strategy:retrieve practice strategy, repetitive learning strategy)×2 (part of speech:negative words, neutral words). The purpose of Experiment 1 was to explore the effects of different memory coding strategies on mood-consistent memory. It was found that the main effect of coding strategy is significant, the main effect of part of speech is significant, and the interaction between coding strategy and part of speech is significant. A further simple effect analysis found that the subjects recalled more negative words than neutral words when using the repetitive learning strategy, showing obvious mood-consistent memory. When using retrieve practice strategy, no matter whether it was in the final test or in the three extractions during the learning phase, the recalled negative words and neutral words had no significant difference, which effectively suppressed the mood-consistent memory. In Experiment 2, adopting non-clinical depression college students as subjects, and also adopted the experimental design of 2 (coding strategy:retrieve practice strategy, repetitive learning strategy)×2 (part of speech:negative words, neutral words), which was aimed to study the effect of different memory coding strategies on mood-consistent memory. The results were the same as in Experiment 1.The experiment had the following results. Firstly, memory coding strategy has a regulating effect on mood-consistent memory, and retrieve practice strategy as a high-quality coding strategy can effectively suppress mood-consistent memory. Secondly, the research results indicate the boundary conditions of mood-consistent memory and have important implications for the learning and memory of non-clinical depressed individuals.
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Middle School Students' Explicit and Implicit Stereotypes towards Poverty-stricken Students
ZHANG Fengjuan, WU Huan, LYU Junwei, WANG Danyang, LIU Xixi
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 171-177.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.03
Abstract1299)   HTML146)    PDF(pc) (932KB)(802)       Save
The present study aimed to explore the explicit and implicit stereotypes held by middle school students towards poverty-stricken students. By using research method of personality lexicology and open questionnaire, study 1 investigated middle school students' explicit stereotypes towards poverty-stricken students in the following five aspects:appearance, characters, behavioral habits, academic performance and interpersonal communication. It found that the descriptions of explicit impression could be classified into three types:positive, negative and neutral. In study 2, the Single Category Implicit Association Test (SC-IAT) was used to examine middle school students' implicit stereotypes towards poverty-stricken students. The results showed that the reaction time of compatibility task (poverty-stricken students + negative words) was significantly shorter than that of incompatibility task (poverty-stricken students + positive words). It indicated that:compared with positive stereotypes, middle school students held significantly negative implicit stereotypes on poverty-stricken students.
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Family Cognitive Environment and Development in 0~3 Year Olds: A Moderated Mediation Model
ZHANG Heyi, HONG Xiumin
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 178-185.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.04
Abstract1376)   HTML215)    PDF(pc) (924KB)(838)       Save
The present study aimed to examine the mechanism by which family cognitive environment, early child care experiences, and effortful control influenced the development in 0~3 year olds. The study involved 5914 parents of 0~3 year olds, using questionnaires and scales for data collection. Two primary results emerged from the study:(1) Children's effortful control mediated the relationship between family cognitive environment and child developmental outcomes; (2) Children's early child care experiences moderated the mediating effect of effortful control on the relationship between family cognitive environment and child developmental outcomes. When children had early child care experiences, the effect of family environment on children's effortful control was stronger.
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The Reciprocal Relations between Executive Functions and Language Ability: The Moderating Effects of Socioeconomic Status
WU Guojing, CHENG Xuelin, LI Ye, BAI Rong, XING Shufen, LI Yuhua
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 186-194.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.05
Abstract1043)   HTML114)    PDF(pc) (1528KB)(577)       Save
The present study explored reciprocal relations between three components of executive functions (EFs) and language ability respectively, as well as whether socioeconomic status (SES) moderate the relations. A total of 258 preschoolers (Mage=4.98, SD=0.74) were tested on three components of EFs and language ability at two time points over one year. Results showed that:(1) Three components of executive function-inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility and working memory at T1 could all predict language ability at T2; (2) Language ability at T1 could predict inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility and working memory at T2 respectively; (3) SES played a moderating role in some of the relations between executive functions and language ability. Specifically, language ability at T1 positively predicted cognitive flexibility at T2 when family SES was high. These findings indicate that there are reciprocal relations between three components of executive functions and language ability among preschoolers, and SES moderates some of the relations above.
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The Influence of Parent-child Attachment on the Executive Function of Left-behind Preschool Children: Grandparent-child Attachment as a Mediator and Moderator
WANG Ying, ZHU Haidong, ZHANG Xinyi, XIAO Yan
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 195-206.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.06
Abstract1336)   HTML144)    PDF(pc) (1303KB)(720)       Save
This study examines the relationship of the executive function of left-behind preschool children with grandparent-child attachment as both a mediator and a moderator and parent-child attachment. A total of 155 preschool children left behind in rural areas of Nanchang, their parents and grandparents were interviewed combined with the executive function task set and Waters Attachment Q-sort Items. The following results can be obtained:(1) parent-child attachment was positively correlated with grandparent-child attachment and the executive functional subcomponent of inhibitory control ability at a significant level; grandparent-child attachment is significantly positively correlated with the executive functional subcomponent of inhibitory control ability and cognitive flexibility; (2) grandparent-child attachment played a moderating role in the impact of parent-child attachment on the inhibitory control ability of left-behind preschool students; (3) grandparent-child attachment played a mediating role in the impact of parent-child attachment on the inhibitory control ability and Cognitive flexibility of left-behind preschool students. It is hence concluded that the development of children's executive function can be promoted by the increasing quality of parent-child attachment and grandparent-child attachment.
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Intergenerational Transmission of Grit: The Mediation Effect of Parenting
LI Ting, ZHANG Youwen, LI Yueyi, HUANG Zheng
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 207-215.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.07
Abstract1411)   HTML208)    PDF(pc) (1217KB)(1044)       Save
From the perspective of intergenerational transmission,the present study investigated the relationship between parents' grit and offsprings' grit and explored the mediation effect of parenting. Methods:Questionnaire survey method was used to investigate the data of 302 teenagers in grade 1 and 2 of three middle schools in Beijing and their parents. The research tools include Grit-Scale,Parental Bonding Instrument(PBI). Results revealed that:(1) parents' grit and the two factors "consistency of interests" and "perseverance of effort"were all significantly positively predicted the offsprings'.The intergenerational transmission of grit existed; (2) Paternal and Maternal care partially mediated the relationship between parents'grit and offsprings' grit. Conclusion:The findings suggest that the intergenerational transmission of grit exists and parents' care partially mediates the course of transmission.
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The Relationship between Growth Mindset and Grit: Serial Mediation Effects of the Future Time Perspective and Achievement Motivation
ZHAO Yafei, ZHAI Xiangping, ZHANG Guangxu, LIANG Xin, XIN Sufei
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 216-222.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.08
Abstract1693)   HTML183)    PDF(pc) (1163KB)(990)       Save
In this study, we aimed at exploring whether future time perspective and achievement motivation could mediate the association between growth mindset and college students' grit. We used the Growth Mindset Scale, Future Time Perspective Questionnaire, Grit-12 and Achievement Motivation Scale to survey 548 college students from 2 universities in Shandong Province. The results indicated that:(1) there is a significant positive correlation between future time perspective, growth mindset, girt and achievement motivation; (2) the growth mindset could exert effects on girt indirectly not only through future time perception and achievement motivation solely, but also through the chain mediating effect of future time perception and achievement motivation.
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The Relationship between Adult Attachment and Theory of Mind: The Mediators of Cognitive Fusion and Experiential Avoidance
GE Guohong
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 223-235.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.09
Abstract1203)   HTML133)    PDF(pc) (1688KB)(708)       Save
This study aims to explore the relationship and internal mechanism of adult attachment, cognitive fusion, experiential avoidance and theory of mind. The experiment and questionnaire were adopted to measure 312 adults in ZheJiang province. The results indicated that:(1)Insecure adult attachment negatively predicted theory of mind; (2)Experiential avoidance played a mediating effect between adult attachment and theory of mind; (3)Cognitive fusion had no mediating effect between adult attachment and theory of mind; (4)The two types of adult attachment (attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance) show different serial mediating roles:cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance played a partial mediating role between attachment avoidance and theory of mind, while a complete mediating role between attachment anxiety and theory of mind. This study investigate the internal mechanism of adult attachment and theory of mind from the perspective of psychological flexibility and explore the practical significance of acceptance and commitment training in improving adult's social cognition ability.
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The Role of Awareness of Compound Word Structures in Chinese Children's Reading Comprehension
ZHANG Chao, CHENG Yahua, LI Liping, FAN Yuting, WU Xinchun
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 236-243.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.10
Abstract732)   HTML56)    PDF(pc) (816KB)(305)       Save
The role of awareness of compound word structures in Chinese children's reading comprehension was examined in a one-year across-grade longitudinal study. In total, 382 children (first, third and fifth graders) participated at two-time points. The interval was one year. Results showed that:(1) After controlling for gender, IQ, character recognition, vocabulary, RAN, phonological awareness, and morphological awareness, awareness of compound word structures was a unique predictor of concurrent reading comprehension of Grade 3 at T2, Grade 5, and Grade 5 at T2, but not uniquely related with the concurrent reading comprehension of Grade 1, Grade 1 at T2, and 3; (2)After controlling for autoregressive effects and other related variables, awareness of compound word structures in Grade 3 and 5 was a unique significant predictor of children's reading comprehension performance one year later. These results indicated that awareness of compound word structures played a developmental role in Chinese students' reading comprehension.
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The Influence of Perceived Class Climate on Academic Engagement among Special Education Normal School Students: The Mediating Effects of Professional Identity and the Moderating Role of Future Orientation
CHEN Yirong, WU Zhongliang
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 244-253.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.11
Abstract975)   HTML118)    PDF(pc) (1351KB)(552)       Save
This study aims to explore relationship between perceived class climate and academic engagement among special education normal school students, and explore the mediating effects of professional identity,as well as the moderating role of future orientation, based on a survey of 582 special education normal school students with the Perceived Class Climate Scale,the Academic Engagement Scale,the Professional Identity Scale,and the Future Orientation Questionnaire.The results show the following:(1) perceived class climate could positively predict special education normal students' academic engagement;(2) perceived class climate influenced special education normal students' academic engagement directly and indirectly through professional identity;(3) future orientation moderated relationship between perceived class climate and special education normal students' academic engagement. Moreover,future orientation moderated the second half of mediation models, the relationship between professional identity and special education normal students' academic engagement. The current study not only enrich the theory of pre-vocational education of special education normal school student,but also provides new perspective for practice in improving educational quality of special education normal students.
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The Associatioin between Parental Psychological Control and Adolescent Smartphone Addiction: The Role of Online Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Environmental Sensitivity
JIANG Xinyue, LIN Yue, LIU Qinxue
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 254-262.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.12
Abstract1693)   HTML243)    PDF(pc) (1118KB)(1183)       Save
The present study constructs a moderated mediation model to examine whether online psychological needs satisfaction mediates the relation between parental psychological control and smartphone addiction, and whether this mediating process is moderated by environmental sensitivity. A total of 1320 senior high school students completed questionnaires assessing their demographics, parental psychological control, smartphone addiction, online psychological needs satisfaction and environmental sensitivity. Results revealed that:(1)When controlling for smartphone usage time, parental psychological control significantly positively predict smartphone addiction; (2)Online psychological needs satisfaction played a mediating role in the relation between parental psychological control and smartphone addiction; (3)The indirect effect was also moderated by environmental sensitivity.
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The Effect of Parent-child Relationship on Mental Health of Middle School Students: The Chain Mediating Role of Social Support and Psychological Suzhi
WANG Xu, LIU Yanling, LIN Jie, LIU Chuanxing, WEI Lingzhen, QIU Hanyu
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 263-271.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.13
Abstract1674)   HTML225)    PDF(pc) (1140KB)(1242)       Save
This study aimed to explore the effect of parent-child relationship, social support and psychological suzhi on the mental health of middle school students, through questionnaire by investigating 10190 middle school students from the first year of junior high school to the third year of senior high school in 23 provinces (cities) in China. The results indicated that:(1) There were significant positive correlations among father-child relationship, mother-child relationship, social support and psychological sushi, and all of them were negatively correlated with mental health problems;(2) Father-child relationship had more influence on mental health of middle school students than mother-child relationship;(3) Parent-child relationship affected mental health of middle school students through two mediating paths:① The separate mediating role of social support and psychological suzhi; and ② the chain-mediated role of social support and psychological suzhi. This study further the internal psychological mechanism between parent-child relationship and mental health of middle school students, and at the same time, can be used as theoretical guidance for educators to prevent and interfere with mental health problems of middle school students.
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The Relationship between Family Function and Middle School Students' Suicide Attitude
CHENG Kexin, YOU Yayuan, YE Baojuan, CHEN Zhizhong
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 272-278.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.14
Abstract1032)   HTML129)    PDF(pc) (1007KB)(622)       Save
To explore the relationship between family function and suicide attitude of middle school students, a sample of 517 middle school students was recruited in the study to complete family function inventory, self-rating depression scale, Barratt impulsiveness scale and suicide attitude questionnaire. The results indicated that:(1) Impulsiveness mediated the effect of family function on middle school students' suicide attitude; (2) Depression mediated the effect of family function on middle school students' impulsiveness; (3) Depression mediated the effect of family function on middle school students' suicide attitude. Depression and impulsiveness played a chain mediating effect between family function and middle school students' suicide attitude.
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The Relationship between Interpersonal Emotion Regulation and Implicit/Explicit Positive Emotions: The Moderating Effects of Emotional Regulation Difficulties and the Mediating Effects of Expressive Suppression
SUN Juncai, SUN Yaru, ZHANG Wenhai
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 279-286.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.15
Abstract1478)   HTML158)    PDF(pc) (993KB)(735)       Save
Interpersonal emotion regulation is an important way of social emotion regulation. In order to clarify its relationship with positive emotions, we conducted a survey, the interpersonal emotion regulation scale, implicit and explicit positive emotion scale, expression inhibition scale, and mood regulation difficulty scale were used. Results of 1159 participants showed that:(1) interpersonal emotion regulation significantly predicts implicit and explicit positive emotions; (2) and difficulty in emotion regulation is a moderator of interpersonal emotion regulation predicting implicit positive emotions; Inhibition of expression is a mediator of interpersonal emotion regulation predicting explicit positive emotions. This indicates that the use of interpersonal emotion regulation has a beneficial tendency for positive emotion, but its effect is related to the individual's emotional characteristics.
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Effect of Parents' Phubbing on Adolescents' Self-injury: A Perspective of Experiential Avoidance Model
HE Can, WEI Hua, XIE Xiaochun, LEI Yuju
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 287-294.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.16
Abstract1245)   HTML102)    PDF(pc) (1022KB)(731)       Save
Based on the experiential avoidance model of self-injury, this study examined the impact of parents' phubbing on adolescents' self-injury, and the mediating effect of anxiety and experiential avoidance. Eight hundred and eight middle school students completed a battery of questionnaires including Parents' Phubbing Scale, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II, and Adolescents' Self-harm Scale. The results showed that:(1) Parents' phubbing was positively correlated with adolescents' anxiety, experiential avoidance, and self-injury; anxiety and experiential avoidance were positively correlated with self-injury; (2) Anxiety and experiential avoidance played partial mediating roles in the relationship between parents' phubbing and adolescents' self-injury; (3) Anxiety and experiential avoidance exerted a sequential mediating effect on the association of parents' phubbing with adolescents' self-injury. That is, parents' phubbing influenced adolescents' self-injury through anxiety and experiential avoidance. In summary, this study uncovers the mechanism underlying the relationship between parents' phubbing and adolescents' self-injury from the perspective of emotion and coping strategy, which has implications for the prevention and intervention of adolescent self-injury behavior.
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Neurobehavioral Perspectives on the Developmental of Fear Learning
ZHOU Xiao, ZHAO Yiyan, HUANG Lihui, LEI Yi
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (2): 295-304.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.17
Abstract962)   HTML77)    PDF(pc) (1009KB)(416)       Save
Fear can help individuals defend against threatening situations. Studies demonstrate that fear develops in infancy, but amygdala-dependent fear learning does not occur in this period. Whereas, amygdala functional connectivity can predict the early fear response. Fear in childhood is characterized by deficit in safety learning and over-generalization, which are consistent with a slowly developing hippocampal learning system that leads to a dissociation between old and new stimuli. Adolescents exhibit impairing fear extinction due to the late maturation of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Although fear is essential for survival, its impairment is a hallmark of psychiatric disorders including anxiety disorder. We review the existing evidence for the abnormal acquisition, extinction and generalization in adolescents with anxiety disorders. Finally, we provide an updated view for future research including increasing research on developmental populations especially in infantcy, innovating fear research paradigm which is more suitable for adolescents and developing safe and effective interventions to further promote our understanding of anxiety disorders in adolescents.
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The Influence of Different Context Shift on the Recall of Category-example Words under the Condition of Repetitive Learning
TONG Yuguang, LI Yaping, LIU Zhiguo, SONG Yaowu
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (3): 305-314.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.03.01
Abstract933)   HTML115)    PDF(pc) (1417KB)(607)       Save
In order to investigate the effects of internal mood shift and external context shift on category-example words recall under repeated learning condition, this research referred to the retrieval practice paradigm and conducted two experiments. Experiment 1 selected 96 participants and manipulated them to maintain their initial learning mood between the initial learning and repetitive learning stages or shift to a cooperative mood or a competitive mood; experiment 2 selected 64 subjects, and the subjects performed initial learning and repeated learning in different external contexts, either in the first learning situation or in the repeated learning situation during the test. The results of the recall test showed that compared with the baseline words that had not undergone repetitive learning, the recall rate of repetitive words in the same category were higher than that of the baseline words, showing a promotion phenomenon; an internal mood shift occurred, or an external context shift occurred and test occurred in the repetitive learning context, the recall rate of other words in the same category were lower than that of the baseline words, showing a weakening phenomenon; an external context shift occurred but test happened in the previous learning context test, the recall of other words in the same category were higher than the baseline words. This result can be explained by the three-dimensional view of association emergence-exposure-cue expansion.
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The Bias of the Mapping in Clean and Dirty Metaphor of Moral Concepts
DING Fengqin, SUN Yishu, Zhao Huying
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (3): 315-322.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.03.02
Abstract831)   HTML74)    PDF(pc) (926KB)(319)       Save
On the basis of conceptual metaphor theory, this paper discussed the bias of the mapping in clean and dirty metaphor of moral concepts. Experiment 1 investigated the influence of clean and dirty priming on the moral judgment of neutral stimulus. Experiment 2 investigated the influence of moral and immoral priming on the clean and dirty judgment of neutral stimulus. The results showed that: (1) there was no significant difference in the moral judgment of neutral stimulus between the clean and dirty stimuli; (2) there was a significant difference in the clean and dirty judgment of neutral stimulus between the moral and immoral words. Compared with the immoral words, the subjects in the moral words priming group were more inclined to judge the cleanliness of neutral stimulus. The results of the two studies suggested that there was a bias in the clean and dirty metaphor of moral concepts. The mapping power from the target domain moral to the origin domain is stronger.
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The Effects of Marital Quality on Children’s Pro-social Behavior: The Chain Mediating Model of Parental Positive Emotion Expression, Parenting Behavior and the Gender Difference
WANG Siqi, ZHAO Binxuan, WU Hong, LIU Wei
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (3): 323-330.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.03.03
Abstract1629)   HTML203)    PDF(pc) (1255KB)(1291)       Save
To explore the chain mediation mechanism among marital quality, parental emotion expression, parenting behavior and children’s pro-social behavior. Dyadic adjustment scale, self-expression in the family questionnaire, parental parenting behavior and strengths and difficulties questionnaire inventory were employed into this study to investigate parents of 442 pupils from grade 1 to grade 6 in two schools in Guizhou Province. The results show that: (1) marital quality is positively correlated with children's pro-social behavior; (2) positive emotional expression and parental acceptance companionship play a chain mediating effect between marital quality and children’s pro-social behavior,which contain three significant mediating pathways: the separate mediating effect of positive emotional expression parental acceptance companionship, and the chain mediating; (3) There is also significant gender difference in the chain mediating effect. Therefore, the results provided a reference of empirical research for the increasing of children's pro-social behavior by improving marital quality, enhancing positive emotion expression and adopting positive parenting behavior.
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Parental Self-esteem and Adolescents’ Subjective Well-being: The Chain Mediating Roles of Parent-adolescent Trust and Adolescents’ Self-esteem
TIAN Weiyi, XU Jianjie, LYU Guanglin, WANG Yinan
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (3): 331-338.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.03.04
Abstract1347)   HTML203)    PDF(pc) (990KB)(970)       Save
To examine the relationship between parental self-esteem and adolescents’ subjective well-being, the present study recruited 233 senior high school students along with their parents. Students completed the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Positive and Negative Affect Scale, and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Parents completed the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the Trusting Relationship Questionnaire. The results indicated that (1) parental self-esteem was positively associated with adolescents’ subjective well-being; (2) parent-adolescent trust mediated the relationship between parental self-esteem and adolescents’ subjective well-being; (3) adolescents’ self-esteem mediated the relationship between parental self-esteem and adolescents’ subjective well-being; (4) the results of mediation analysis showed the chain mediation effect of parent-child trust and adolescents’ self-esteem on the link between parental self-esteem and adolescents’ subjective well-being. The present findings have important implications for revealing the contributors of adolescents’ subjective well-being as well as its internal mechanism.
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The Trajectories of Impulsivity during Early Adolescence: Identifying Latent Subgroups and Influence Factors
LIN Lin, QIU Shaojie, LIU Yu, YANG Yang, YANG Ya'nan, JIA Xuji, XU Zhansheng, BAI Xuejun
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (3): 339-347.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.03.05
Abstract887)   HTML82)    PDF(pc) (1136KB)(471)       Save
Based on the model of person-environment transaction to investigated the developmental trajectories and its influence factors of impulsivity traits in adolescence. 210 adolescents were recruited from one junior high school in Tianjin, China. They completed the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS), Family Environment Scale (FES), and the Perceived School Climate Scale (PSCS) for three times in one year. Latent growth models, latent class growth analysis, and logistic regression were used to analysis the data. The results were as followed: (1) the impulsivity traits showed a linear growth trend during early adolescence, and there were three subgroups with different starting levels and varying rates of change: consistently high group, consistently low group, and increasing group; (2) intimacy of family environment and teachers’ support had significant predictive effect to the subgroups. In general, the dynamic changes, individual differences and influence factors of impulsivity were revealed in early adolescence in this study.
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Relationship between Student’s Perceived Teacher Bullying Attitude and Student Bullying Behavior:Mediating Effect of Student Bullying Attitude and Moderating Effect of Gender
LI Beilei, GAO Ting, ZHANG Lili, ZHOU Nan, DENG Linyuan
Psychological Development and Education    2022, 38 (3): 348-357.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.03.06
Abstract1154)   HTML173)    PDF(pc) (1370KB)(947)       Save
School bullying has an extremely negative impact on student’s positive development and teacher is one of the most important elements to prevent and intervene school bullying. The present study sought to explore the relationship between student’s perceived teacher bullying attitude and student bullying behavior and the mediating effect of student bullying attitude between them, as well as the moderating effect of gender on this mediating effect. A total of 698 7th- and 8th- grade students from two public middle schools of Beijing were investigated with School Bullying Scale, Student’s Bullying Attitude Scale and Student’s Perceived Teacher Bullying Attitude Questionnaire. The results found that: (1) Male students showed more bullying behaviors in general and of different types than their female classmates and they also hold more positive attitude towards bullying, while the teacher seriousness attitude towards bullying perceived by female students was significantly higher than that perceived by male students; (2) Student’s perceived teacher seriousness attitude towards bullying significantly predicted student bullying behavior negatively; (3) The effect of student’s perceived teacher bullying attitude on student bullying behavior can be partially mediated by student bullying attitude; (4) There was an significant gender difference of this mediating effect of student bullying attitude. Specifically, males partially while females fully mediated the effect of teacher bullying attitude on student bullying behavior by their bullying attitude.
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