Psychological Development and Education ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 223-235.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.09

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The Relationship between Adult Attachment and Theory of Mind: The Mediators of Cognitive Fusion and Experiential Avoidance

GE Guohong   

  1. Department of Public Administration, Ningbo Administration Institution, Ningbo 315012
  • Published:2022-03-24

Abstract: This study aims to explore the relationship and internal mechanism of adult attachment, cognitive fusion, experiential avoidance and theory of mind. The experiment and questionnaire were adopted to measure 312 adults in ZheJiang province. The results indicated that:(1)Insecure adult attachment negatively predicted theory of mind; (2)Experiential avoidance played a mediating effect between adult attachment and theory of mind; (3)Cognitive fusion had no mediating effect between adult attachment and theory of mind; (4)The two types of adult attachment (attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance) show different serial mediating roles:cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance played a partial mediating role between attachment avoidance and theory of mind, while a complete mediating role between attachment anxiety and theory of mind. This study investigate the internal mechanism of adult attachment and theory of mind from the perspective of psychological flexibility and explore the practical significance of acceptance and commitment training in improving adult's social cognition ability.

Key words: adult attachment, cognitive fusion, experiential avoidance, theory of mind, acceptance and commitment training

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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