Psychological Development and Education ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 1-9.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.01.01

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Unstable Control Deprivation Impairs Working Memory Updating

XU Junting1,2, BAO Wei1, LUO Junlong1   

  1. 1. Department of Psychology, College of Education, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234;
    2. Gaomi No.1 High School of Shandong Province, Gaomi 261500
  • Published:2022-02-17

Abstract: Updating function is important for working memory. Some studies found control deprivation can impair the cognitive flexibility in working memory, while others believed that control deprivation can improve information processing capabilities. The important function of working memory updating is to process information. Therefore, the relationship between control deprivation and working memory updating is not clear. The present study intended to investigate whether and how updating function changes in a state of control deprivation. Two experiments were conducted to examine the influence of the stability of control deprivation on working memory updating. The result of experiment 1 indicated that no difference was observed between baseline group and deprivation group in terms of response time and accuracy. Meanwhile, there was no interaction effect between sense of control and difficulty of the updating task. Experiment 2 also demonstrated that there was no difference between baseline group and stable deprivation group. However, compared with baseline group, unstable deprivation showed a lower level of accuracy of the updating task, and the discrimination ability was lower than that of the stable deprivation group. In conclusion, the results of these two experiments proved that stable control deprivation did not hinder working memory updating. Interestingly, under the condition of deprivation of unstable control sense, the performance of updating task was significantly reduced. That is to say, the effect of control deprivation on working memory updating might depend on the stability of its manipulation.

Key words: control deprivation, stability, working memory updating

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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