Psychological Development and Education ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 305-314.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.03.01

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The Influence of Different Context Shift on the Recall of Category-example Words under the Condition of Repetitive Learning

TONG Yuguang, LI Yaping, LIU Zhiguo, SONG Yaowu   

  1. Education College of Hebei University, Baoding 071002
  • Published:2022-05-17

Abstract: In order to investigate the effects of internal mood shift and external context shift on category-example words recall under repeated learning condition, this research referred to the retrieval practice paradigm and conducted two experiments. Experiment 1 selected 96 participants and manipulated them to maintain their initial learning mood between the initial learning and repetitive learning stages or shift to a cooperative mood or a competitive mood; experiment 2 selected 64 subjects, and the subjects performed initial learning and repeated learning in different external contexts, either in the first learning situation or in the repeated learning situation during the test. The results of the recall test showed that compared with the baseline words that had not undergone repetitive learning, the recall rate of repetitive words in the same category were higher than that of the baseline words, showing a promotion phenomenon; an internal mood shift occurred, or an external context shift occurred and test occurred in the repetitive learning context, the recall rate of other words in the same category were lower than that of the baseline words, showing a weakening phenomenon; an external context shift occurred but test happened in the previous learning context test, the recall of other words in the same category were higher than the baseline words. This result can be explained by the three-dimensional view of association emergence-exposure-cue expansion.

Key words: repetitive learning, retrieval induced forgetting, context shift

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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