Psychological Development and Education 2009 Vol.25
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A Study of Young Children’s Spatial Location Coding Ability in A Rotation Task
WANG Quan-quan, HU Qing-fen
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 1-6.  
Abstract2038)      PDF(pc) (150KB)(1135)       Save
The importance of spatial learning is not dispute to psychologists.Since Piaget indicate this,many developmental psychologists have studied the spatial ability in children,espatialy the spatial location coding ability. There are two possible ways to code spatial location:egocentric representation and alocentric representation.In Piaget's opinion,the allocentric representation coding didn't emerge until 8 years old.But many Psychologists after Piaget have different opinions on the emergency and development of these two codings.However,we lived in a real world,much of what we interact with in the world is in motion,So we have the need to know the roles and developments of the two spatial location coding when we face to moving objects. This study investigated how young children use spatial location coding in a moving situation.52 children aged from 3 to 5 participated in this study.We used a rotative set to present the problem and let the children make answers.The results were as follows:(1)Children used egocentric representation better than allocentric representation,this method effect was significant;(2)Children aged 5 did better than 3 and 4 2age children in egocentric representation,the age effects were significant;(3)Children aged 5 can use allocentric representation after we show some clues,but the 3 and 4 years old children still failed.
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Study on the Impact of Teachers’ Attitudes and Ways of Guidance on Pre-School Children’s Persistence
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 7-13.  
Abstract2137)      PDF(pc) (930KB)(1368)       Save
This study explores the impact of teachers'attitude and verbal guidance on the persistence of 3~6 years old children,employing a total random experimental design of 3×2×2(age×teachers'attitude×ways of verbal guidance).In this experiment,age,teachers'attitude and ways of verval guidance are all independent variables,and the time of children's persistence on the targeted tasks are the dependent variable.Four experimental cases are designed and implemented in the two randomly selected kindergardens in Shenyang City.The sujectes between 3 to 6 years old are selected in different levels of the yongest,medium and oldest classes and altogether 360 children are involved in the experiment with half females and half males.Thus,each experimental case has 30 subjects covering all the ages and with females and males half by half.The result shows that:(1)the persistence of children between 3 and 6 years old gradually develops with each year and the years between 4 and 5 are the key transformational period;(2)the attitude of different teachers has a significant impact on children's persistence;(3)different ways of verbal guidance have a significant influence on children's persistence;(4)with teachers'positive attitude,multiple times of verbal guidance have the most positive influence on children's persistence.
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Faux-pas understanding among 7 to 11 years old and its correlation with maternal rearing style
DU Dan, SU Yan-jie
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 14-20.  
Abstract2492)      PDF(pc) (825KB)(1315)       Save
This study aimed to investigate the development of school-age children's theory of mind ability and its possible relation with maternal rearing style.Two faux-pas stories and EMBU revised questionnaire were used to test 150 primary school students aged from 7 to 11 and their mothers.The focus was children's recognition of faux pas,emotional understanding,belief(including intention)understanding and the influence of maternal rearing style.The results showed that children's multiple levels of theory of mind ability were still developing even at school age.For higher graders it was multi-dimensional.Mother's score on "deny and rejection" for 9 year-olds was significantly higher than the one for 7 year-olds.For 7 year-olds children,the score of "belief with intention understanding question" was negatively related to mother's score on "over protected".For 8 year-2olds children,the score of "belief together with intention understanding question" was negatively related to mother's score on "punishment and severity".In some developmental ages,children's theory of mind ability might be related to specific maternal rearing style.
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The Effects of Mood State on Set Shifting of Children
ZHAO Li, WANG Yong-hui, WANG Zhen-hong, YOU Xu-qun, YUE Cai-qun
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 21-26.  
Abstract2431)      PDF(pc) (655KB)(985)       Save
Using the emotional films to induce the mood state,this study investigated set shifting ability of 64 children from age 8 to 12 years old at the state of positive or negative emotion.The experiment was a 4(age:8;9;10;12)×2 (emotion:positive;negative)×3(repeat;two shift conditions)mixed design.The results showed that the mood state had significant effect on set shifting,the positive mood state may impair performance on switching condition,especially when switching to a new task set after repeating more items in the same set comparing with switching after repeating less items in the same set.None of the significant differences were observed among children of four age groups in both of the switching conditions,suggesting that children of age from 8 to 12 years all have the capacity to switch on-line between two task sets.
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The Impact of Cooperation Index and the Description of Payoff Matrix on Cooperation of the Prisoner’s Dilemma of Children
SUN Xin-yi, CHEN jing, LI Hong, LI Xiu-li
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 27-33.  
Abstract2565)      PDF(pc) (895KB)(1004)       Save
Using the Prisoner's Dilemma task to research the impact of cooperation Index and the description of matrix on coopertation of the Prisoner's Dilemma.Subjects were 91 children and 101 adults.The results show that:(1)there are more cooperation in the conditon of "avoidance" description than in "approach" type,and no impact of the description type of matrix on adult.(2)Children were not sensitive with the index of cooperation,and the average cooperation ratio was significantly higher than adults',and showed cooperation tendency.The average cooperation ratio of adult increased with the cooperation of the index increased,but always below 0.5,and showed competition tendency.
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Measuring Students’ Representation Level on Arithmetic Word Problems:Based on the Relational-Representational Complexity Model
XIN Zi-qiang, ZHANG Li
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 34-40,53.  
Abstract2023)      PDF(pc) (752KB)(1232)       Save
Students often have difficulty in solving arithmetic word problems.According to the relational-representational complexity model developed by Xin Ziqiang(2003-2008),the difficulty of an arithmetic word problem is determined partly by the relational complexity of variables in the problem.Based on the model,in the present study,a test consisting of 24 arithmetic word problems with different levels of relational complexity was designed for measuring children.The test was administrated to 165 students from grade 4,5,6 and 7.Results showed that:(1)prior analyzed problems'relational complexity(involving analysis of relational complexity of variables in every item)could predict most variance of task difficulty(73.7% of error percentage,78.7% of a difficulty index of Rasch model),and the criterion validity with the SOLO taxonomy test was 0.65;(2)students'representation levels on the test improved with grades. Such results indicted that the test is an effective and reliable instrument for measuring children's representation levels changing with grades.
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Age Differences of Middle School Students’ Narcissism and Its Relationship with Social Adjustment:Self-esteem as a Mediator
ZHOU Hui, ZHANG Bao, ZHENG Shan-shan
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 41-45.  
Abstract2857)      PDF(pc) (163KB)(1638)       Save
To explore the age differences of middle school students.narcissism and its relationship with social adjustment, 459 students from Grade 1 junior school to Grade 2 senior school finished questionnaires on narcissism,self-esteem and social adjustment.Result indicated:a)there were grade differences on students.narcissism;Students in Grade 3 junior school had lower narcissistic level than that in Grade 1 senior school;Since the effect size of grade difference was small, it should be cautious when explaining this result;b)narcissism was positively related to social adjustment;c)self-esteem mediuted the relationship between narcissism and social adjustment.
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The Influence of Test Anxiety on False Memory
CHEN Shun-sen, TANG Dan-hong
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 46-53.  
Abstract2501)      PDF(pc) (192KB)(1270)       Save
The Cognitive Test Anxiety Scale was used to select 75 students as subjects with higher,medium or lower test anxiety respectively from 550 students.Then the Deese-Roediger-McDermott(DRM)paradigm was used to evoke the subjects.false memory to explore the influence of test anxiety on their false memory.The results showed that:(1)The DRM paradigm was effective in eliciting subjects.false memory of non-presented lures;(2)The medium test anxiety subjects.false memory was least;(3)The higher anxiety subjects.false recognition in arousal situation was significantly higher than the other two groups in normal situation.The subjects.medium test anxiety would decrease their false memory and enhance their cognitive performances.
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Readers’ Reality-predictive and Preference-predictive Inferences in Narrative Comprehension
LÜ Chao, MO Lei, WU Li-mei
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 54-60.  
Abstract1971)      PDF(pc) (2061KB)(796)       Save
When readers experience narratives,their expectations about the likelihood of narrative events are informed by two types of propensity.Reality-predictive inferences incorporate real-world constraints involving,for example,time and space and so on;preference-predictive inferences incorporate concerns about outcomes that emerge from the plot.The goal of this article was to explore the role of these two types of inferences in narrative comprehension.Participants read stories in which the scenario provided a biasing context and a preference statement.The experiments assessed participants reading times for statement describing the state of events following different scenarios.Experiment 1 demonstrated that readers could immediately encode both reality-predictive and preference-predictive inferences in text reading.In Experiment 2,readers were grouped according to their scores of EPQ.Results showed that for the affectivity oriented readers the activation of preference-predictive inference were stronger than that of reality-predictive inference and vice versa for the non-affectivity oriented readers.
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The Risk Aversion in Gamblers with Different Self-Esteem
YANG Juan, ZHANG Qing-lin
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 61-65.  
Abstract2084)      PDF(pc) (1028KB)(1016)       Save
In order to explore the risk aversion in gamblers with different self-esteem,263 college students finished the Rosenberg self-esteem scale,the implicit association test and played blackjack 140 times.The results were as follows: (1)In the blackjack game,all the participants were inclined to avert the high risk.(2)Among the high explicit self-esteem participants,people with lower implicit self-esteem were more likely to avert the risk.Among the low implicit self-esteem participants,people with higher explicit self-esteem were more likely to avert the risk.Risk aversion reflected people's ego-defense mechanism,therefore,these results displayed that people with higher explicit and lower implicit had ego-defense strategies.
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Phonological Instruction Promotes the Phonological Awareness and Knowledge of Letters of Children in Kindergarten
ZHENG Xiao-bei, WANG Zheng-ke, LIU Dong-mei, XU Jie, LI Wen-ling, MENG Xiang-zhi
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 66-71.  
Abstract2219)      PDF(pc) (263KB)(1532)       Save
Phonological awareness plays a key role in the acquisition of English reading.In the present study,the authors trained the children in phonological awareness by the self-made materials and games according to the development of English phonological awareness in which the children can learn alphabets,words,and sentences.Sixty-three 3-year-old children(from a normal kindergarten in Beijing)were recruited into two groups by random.One is the experimental group with phonological instruction,and the other is the control ing group with the traditional method.After eight weeks, the children in experimental group outperformed obviously the control group on the sylabic awareness,rhyme awareness, phonemic awareness and knowledge of letters,especially the first two.These results showed that phonological instruction can(possibly)promote the phonological awareness in kindergarten.
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The Training Study of Chinese Children and Adults’ Audiovisual English Phonetic Perception
LI Yan-fang, DONG Qi
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 72-78.  
Abstract2260)      PDF(pc) (922KB)(1147)       Save
With 22 primary school students in Grade 5 and 29 freshmen as the subjects,the study explored the effective way for the Chinese children and adult to discriminate difficult English phonemes.In the pre-and post-testing,all the subjects were required to discriminate/s/and/θ/in the audio-only,audio-visual congruent,audio-visual incongruent and visual-only modality.Then half of the subjects received the audio-only training,and another half received audiovisual training,the training process lasted for ten days,and thirty minutes each day.The results showed that:(1)After training,the children received audiovisual training performed significantly better than those received audio-only training in the visual testing modality,there was no difference in other testing modality;(2)In all of the testing modality,there were no significant differences between the adults received audio-only training and audiovisual training.The results showed that,compared with the adults,children showed more strong plasticity of audiovisual phonetic perception.
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A Comparative Study on the Synergistic Learning of Implicit and Explicit Between Excellent Students and Students with Learning Disabilities
GE Cao, SHEN De-li, BAI Xue-jun
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 79-82,91.  
Abstract2440)      PDF(pc) (599KB)(1118)       Save
According to the current standard,120 excellent students and 120 students with learning disabilities were selected.Bi-conditional artificial grammar letter strings and match-edit task paradigms in implicit learning research was used,this two kinds of students'implicit learning as well as the synergistic learning of implicit and explicit manipulation was to be compared.The results were as follows:(1)There was no significant difference in implicit learning performance between excellent students and students with learning disabilities.Performance of excellent students in explicit learning, the synergistic learning of implicit and explicit(first learn in implicit learning and then the explicit learning as well as the alternate learning)was significantly better than that of students with learning disabilities.(2)Scores of excellent students in explicit learning,and in the synergistic learning of implicit and explicit were significantly higher than the scores of implicit learning.There was no significant difference between the performances of students with learning disabilities among four kinds of learning styles.These results suggested that effect of conscious learning and its synergistic learning with unconscious learning for excellent students was better than unconscious learning,whereas effect of conscious learning and its synergistic learning with unconscious learning for the students with learning disabilities had no significant difference with unconscious learning.
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The Effect of Representational Mode of Information and Personality Traits of Learners on the Learning in Multimedia Environment
KANG Cheng, ZHOU Ai-bao
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 83-91.  
Abstract2263)      PDF(pc) (997KB)(1153)       Save
The research involves in two experiments.The first one,the declarative knowledge is the study content,in the second,the study content is the procedural knowledge.Under the two conditions,the two experiments respectively explore the influence of informational representational modes,the different cognitive style and spatial ability of learners on the multimedia learning effect in multimedia environment in between-subject design.The result indicated,Firstly, different cognitive style had influence on the learning effect of declarative knowledge in multimedia environment,while representational modes of multimedia information and spatial ability of learning did not.Secondly,as for the retention of procedural knowledge,representational modes of multimedia information and cognitive style of learners had influence on the learning effect of procedural knowledge in multimedia environment,while,the spatial ability of learners did not. Moreover,different cognitive style had different impact on different presentation modes of multimedia information. Finally,as for the transfer of procedural knowledge,representational modes of multimedia information,cognitive style and spatial ability of learners had influence on the learning effect of procedural knowledge in multimedia environment. Besides,different cognitive style and spatial ability had different impact on different presentation modes of multimedia information.
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Relationship Between Attachment to Parents and Peers and Coping Style of the Left-home Kids in Junior Middle School
XIAO Cong-ge, CHEN Xu
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 92-96.  
Abstract2091)      PDF(pc) (755KB)(1613)       Save
This study investigated the relationship between attachment to parents and peers and coping style of the Left-home kids in J unior Middle School.By convenient sampling,492 Left-home kids in Junior Middle School and 514 Non Left-home kids completed Inventory of parent and peer attachment(IPPA)and Coping Style Scale of Middle School Students(CSSMSS).The results indicated:(1)The Left-home kids scored higher than those Non Left-home on the attachment to parents and peers.On problem-solving and help-seeking,the Left-home kids'scores was lower.On feeling-ventilation,the results were diverse.(2)There were significant correlations between parents and peers attachment and coping style.Attachment to parents and peers was positively related to problem-solving and help-seeking.On fantasy and tolerance,the results were diverse.Trust to,communication with and alien to parents and peers were related to coping style.
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A Study of the Predictive Validity of Explicit and Implicit Self-esteem for Subjective Well-being of University Students
GENG Xiao-wei, ZHANG Feng, ZHENG Quan-quan
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 97-102.  
Abstract2803)      PDF(pc) (785KB)(1915)       Save
To examine the predictive validity of explicit and implicit self-esteem for subjective well-being(SWB)of university students,based on the Implicit Association Test(IAT)and scales,a total of 111 university students was tested.Results showed that(1)self-esteem consisted of dual components which involve an implicit component and an explicit component.(2)explicit self-esteem and implicit self-esteem could both predict SWB of university students significantly.
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Teacher’s Job Satisfaction and Performance:The Mediating Role of Job Burnout
MENG Hui, LIANG Qiao-fei, LI Young-xin, XIONG Mei
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 103-107.  
Abstract2419)      PDF(pc) (175KB)(1572)       Save
This longitudinal study is intended to examine the relationships among job satisfaction,job burnout and performance.Data were collected from 398 kindergarten and primary school teachers.Results of the SEM showed that job satisfaction was positively related to performance,and the relat ionship was mediated by emotional exhaustion.Job satisfaction was the best predictor for three dimensions of job burnout,emotional exhaustion was negatively related to performance,depersonalization and personal accomplishment were not related to performance.
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The Influences of Teacher’s Stress on Job Burnout:The Moderating Effect of Teaching Efficacy
LIU Yi, WU Yu-ju, XING Qiang
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 108-113.  
Abstract2327)      PDF(pc) (558KB)(1684)       Save
Based on the study of the questionnaire of 743 teachers in middle and primary schools,the thesis probed into the moderating effects of teaching efficacy on the relationship between occupational stress and job burnout.Findings of the study confirmed the following aspects:(1)Sources of stress such as characteristics of teaching posts and students could effectively predict teachers'job burnout.As length of service increased,the main predictor varied from characteristics of posts to social characteristics.(2)Moderating effects of teaching efficacy varied with demographic indicators,of which general teaching efficacy and personal teaching efficacy manifested different moderating effects.(3)General teaching efficacy demonstrated linear moderating effects while personal teaching efficacy presented quadratic moderating effects. The nature of these two moderating were determined by various occupational stress sources.
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The Effects of Role Stressors on Physical Health and Mental Health among Chinese Teachers
LI Chao-ping, ZHANG Yi
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 114-119.  
Abstract2639)      PDF(pc) (792KB)(2404)       Save
The applicability of the role stressors scale was investigated under Chinese context.Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)of data from a sample of 586 teachers from six different schools confirmed the three-factor structure,and Cronbach's alpha coefficients for all three scales were above 01701 Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA)of data from another sample of 612 teachers further confirmed its'factorial validity.Then hierarchical regression analysis was used to explore the effects of role conflict,role ambiguity and role overload on teachers'physical health and mental health. Results showed that role overload,role ambiguity and role conflict were all negative predictors for teachers'physical health and mental health.
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The Measure of the Work-family Conflict of Chinese Elementary and Secondary School Teachers
WU Ming-xia, ZHANG Da-jun, CHEN Xu, YU Lin, GUO Cheng
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (1): 120-127.  
Abstract2586)      PDF(pc) (1006KB)(1408)       Save
This research was aimed to explore the structure of the work-family conflict(WFC)of Chinese elementary school and secondary school teachers,and to develop the qnestionaire to investigate it.The structure was revealed according to the review of current literature,open-ended questionnaire survey,interview with teachers,and data analysis bused on 1025 efficiency samples.The WFC structure of Chinese elementary school and secondary school teachers consisted of two parts:work interfere with family(WIF)and family interfere with work(FIW).Each part included 3 dimensions:emotion,mental resources and behavior pattern.Based on this structure,the questionnaire was developed which had 22 items and was proved to be of good reliability and validity so that it could be used to investigate the WFC of Chinese elementary school and secondary school teachers.
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Development Trend of False-belief Understanding among 3-to 5-Year-Olds
LI Yan-ling, CHEN Ying-he
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 1-7.  
Abstract3679)      PDF(pc) (831KB)(1429)       Save
This study,based on the previous research results supporting expression accounts,used phased false-belief task to explore development trend of young children's false-belief understanding.101 3-to 5-year-olds participated in this study,and method of experiment was conducted.Results suggested that (1) This new task reserved the advantages of classical false belief task and it could outline the development trend of young children's false-belief understanding.(2) 3-to 5-year-old children had different levels of false-belief understanding.(3) By analyzing these children's development models,it was found that false-belief understanding of each age group was the base of their further development,which supported expression accounts.
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An investigation of Imaginary Character in Children’s Fantasy Play
LI Xiu-shan, LI Hong, LEI Yi, SUN Xin-yi, LI Xiu-li
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 8-12,27.  
Abstract2307)      PDF(pc) (620KB)(2150)       Save
145 preschoolers aged 4-to 6-years were measured with structured interview to investigate the situation of imaginary character in Chinese children.And the imaginary character included the phenomenon of imaginary companion and impersonation.The results showed that:(1) the phenomena are relatively common in China,42.7% children with imaginary companion,and 44.8% with impersonation.(2) the invisible type of imaginary companion is rare,almost all imaginary companions are personated toys.Most preschoolers think their imaginary companions are younger.Among them,boys tend to animal identity and girls are likely to have the human being type imaginary companion.(3) boys are apt to impersonation,especially impersonating cartoon characters.(4) the children with imaginary characters show higher fantasy than those without participating in imaginative predisposition investigation.
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The prediction of Behavioral Inhibition of the Children from Two to Seven Years Old for Problem Behavior and School Adjustment
HOU Jing, CHEN Hui-chang, CHEN Xin-yin
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 13-20.  
Abstract2346)      PDF(pc) (171KB)(1071)       Save
The present study examined the behavioral inhibition of the children from two to seven-years-old by lab videotape,and assessed the children's school adjustment by teacher report,as well as their problem behavior by CBCL when these children were seven-years-old.Analysis of Moment Structures(AMOS) indicated that the more inhibited the two-year-old children were,the less learning problem they had when they were seven-years-old; the inhibition of the four-year-old children predicted the seven-year-old children.aggressive behavior,frustration tolerance,task orientation ability,and depression,that is,the more inhibited these children were when they were four years old,the stronger frustration tolerance ability and task orientation ability,as well as more depression problem they had when they were seven-years-old.Moreover,the more inhibited the girls were when they were seven-years-old,the worse task orientation ability and assertive social skill the girls had,while more inhibited the boys were when they were two years old,the better task orientation ability,but more inhibited the boys were when they were seven-years-old,more aggressive behavior they had.
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The Relationship between Stability of Victimization Status and Social Competence in Middle Childhood
CAI Chun-feng, ZHOU Zong-kui
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 21-27.  
Abstract2113)      PDF(pc) (670KB)(1203)       Save
This study tested the stability of victimization and the relationships between stability of victimization and social competence.Participants were 522 elementary school children from the second grade to the fouth grade.Data was collect ed at two time points.The results indicated that peer victimization was not fairly stable for primary school students.From one year to the next,about 6.6% of the children were twicely identified to be victims.Repeated measured univariate ANOVA indicated that peer victimization concurrently related to children's development of social competence.Discrimi nant analysis revealed that peer rejection and withdrawn behavior are two major factors for discriminating the stability of victimization.
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The Influence of Proactive Interference on the Verbal Working Memory of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) and Reading Disability(RD) Children
ZHANG Wei, LIU Xiang-ping, SONG Hong-yan
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 28-34.  
Abstract2216)      PDF(pc) (1027KB)(1369)       Save
Many studies had showed the verbal working memory problems of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and reading disability (RD) children,but the deficits of the two disorders were different in specific aspects of verbal working memory.Proactive interference was regarded as one of the most important central executives and contributed to the working memory span.In this study,a new task which consisted of recent probe task and verbal nback task was adopted to explore the disadvantageous influence of proactive interference (PI) on the verbal working memory.The effect of PI could be computed by the subtraction from the performance of the no nrecent probes to the performance of the recent negative probes.Sixty disorder children and seventeen normal children engaged in this study,aged between 7~12 years old.Compared with the no nrecent negative probes,all groups deteriorated in the recent negative probes; ADHD only and ADHD+RD groups decreased greatly (26.44%,28.44%),but the control and RD only groups decreased less (14.62%,15.84%) and no significant differences were found between RD only and control children.The results suggested that ADHD was more easily influenced by PI than RD and the ability of resisting PI of RD was not deficient; they also showed that there were different deficit mechanisms of verbal working memory in ADHD and RD.
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The Junior Middle School Students’ Mathematical Estimation Performance and its Relationship with Their Metacognitive Ability
LIU Xiao-zhen, ZHANG Ying-xia, SI Ji-wei
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 35-40.  
Abstract2075)      PDF(pc) (703KB)(1291)       Save
This research aimed to explore junior middle school students'mathematical estimation performance and its rela tionship with their metacognitive ability by self designed estimation tasks and State Metacognitive Inventory (SMI).547 grade one to three students randomly sampling from four secondary schools in Ji Nan City participated this research.The results showed that the junior middle school students'mathematical estimation ability was generally low and didn't reflect a stable gender difference.There was a strong positive correlation between estimation performance and metacognitive ability.Among the four factors of metacognition,self consciousness had significantly positive correlations with measure ment estimation and computational estimation.On the whole,self consciousness had a significant predictable effect on mathematical estimation,especially on measurement estimation and computational estimation.In addition,planning also had strong correlations with numerical estimation and computational estimation.Some of theoretical links between individ ual's mathematical estimation and metacognitive processing were deeply discussed.
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Student Perceived Interpersonal Harmony in Class and Its Relationship with Social Behavior
CHEN Bin-bin, LI Dan
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 41-46.  
Abstract2497)      PDF(pc) (765KB)(1666)       Save
To explore perception of interpersonal harmony by students and its association with their social behaviors,453 students sampled from the 4th,5th,7th and 8th graders of four primary schools and junior high school in Shanghai were asked to fill a questionnaire.The results showed:(1) there were differences in perception of interpersonal harmony be tween genders,but the difference between grades only existed in classroom structure.(2) there were differences in peer relation and classroom structure among male students of sociometric statuses,while there were no such differences among female students of sociometric statuses (3) perceived interpersonal harmony by students was positively correlated with their prosocial behaviors,but were uncorrelated with aggressive behaviors; peer relation was negatively correlated with shyness sensitivity.
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The Characters of Adolescent Self-consciousness and its Relationship with Social Adaptive Behavior
NIE Yan-gang, DING Li
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 47-54.  
Abstract2559)      PDF(pc) (264KB)(2130)       Save
439 students were investigated about their social adaptive behavior and self-consciousness.The relationship between social adaptive behavior and self-consciousness were explored.The results showed:(1) The adolescents.self-consciousness were at the upper-middle level in general.There was a significant difference in different grades,nor in genders.(2) Self-consciousness was a good predictor of adolescent adaptive behaviors,which could account for 13.50%-39.40% of variance in self-reported social well-adaptive behaviors and for 5.90%-14.90% of variance in selfreported social maladaptive behaviors.(3) Self-motion and morality appraisement were the strongest and steadiest predictors of well-adaptive behaviors and learning adaptive behavior.(4) In different grades,anxiety was the strongest and steadiest predictors of neurosis behavior; self-continence was the strongest and steadiest predictor of social maladaptive behavior.In the different gender samples,self2motion was the strongest and steadiest predictor of independence and economy.
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An Experimental Research on Implicit and Explicit Cultural Orientation of Undergraduates
ZHOU Li-qing, SUN Shan
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 55-60.  
Abstract2125)      PDF(pc) (945KB)(1746)       Save
To explore the implicit cultural orientation and its relationship with explicit cultural orientation,the Lmplicit Association Test (LAT) and scales about individualism and collect ivism were used to measure the implicit and explicit cultural orientation of 424 undergraduates.The results showed that:1) The undergraduates major explicit cultural orientation was horizontal individualism.2) The mean reaction time connected between collectivistic information and positive words were significantly smaller than that between collectivistic information and passive words in IAT,the undergraduates major implicit cultural orientation was collect ivism.3) There was not significant correlation between the results from IAT and scale scores on cultural orientation.4) The sexual and parents educat ional level differences were not found in terms of the IAT on implicit cultural orientation,but which were found in explicit cultural orientation.
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Interpersonal Trust for Different Domains and Risk Levels:Comparing the Trust Circle of Chinese and Canadians
NIU Jiang-he, XIN Zi-qiang
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 61-67.  
Abstract2742)      PDF(pc) (824KB)(1395)       Save
In everyday life,varied economic and information exchanges frequently occur between one and another,a primary condition of which is both parities trusting each other.In the study,a new construct named as "trust circle" was developed and the size of the circle was used as an index of one's interpersonal trust level.The purpose of the study was to explore how the size of one's trust circle is affected by the trust domain,risk level and culture in China and Canada.An questionnaire was administrated to 100 Chinese residents in China (mean age 32.92) and 102 Canadians (mean age 31.94) who participated in the study voluntarily.The results showed that:(1) the average trust circle size in different domains differs,specifically,the size of the trust circle in the economic situation is the largest,the size is the smallest in the negative information sharing context and it is in the middle in the positive personal/social information sharing context; (2) the trust circle size varies with risk level; as the economic risk increases the trust circle becomes smaller,as the degree of the shared positive information increases the trust circle becomes larger,and as the degree of the shared negative information increases the trust circle becomes smaller; (3) the trust circle sizes in different cultures are not the same,for example,trust circle size of Chinese participants is larger than Canadians' in the economic risk situation,and Canadians,trust circle sizes are larger than Chinese counterparts' in both positive and negative personal/social information sharing domains.Thus,it can be concluded that whether people trust others is affected by the related domain,the risk level,the culture and interactions of two or three factors.Aforementioned results are heuristic for clarifying culture differences of interpersonal trust and for promoting cross culture communication of people from China and Canada.
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The Effects of Shared-book Reading and Phonetic Instruction on the Pre-school Children’s Pinyin Skills and Phonological Awareness
TANG Shan, WU Xin-chun
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 68-72.  
Abstract2336)      PDF(pc) (668KB)(1281)       Save
The present study examined the effects of shared book reading and phonetic instruction on the development of middle grade preschool children's Pinyin skills and phonological awareness.The results suggested that 1) Both methods significantly improved children's letter knowledge; 2) While the method of shared book reading significantly improved children's spelling ability,the phonetic method did not; 3) Of the four factors of phonological awareness the method of shared book reading significantly promoted the development of onset rime awareness,and tone awareness,but showed no significant effect on their naturally developed syllable awareness.The phonetic method did not promote the development of any factors.
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An Experimental Study on the Comprehension of Adversative Relation and Casual Relation in Chinese
WU Ni-ni, HE Xian-you, XU Yan-na
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 73-77.  
Abstract2286)      PDF(pc) (714KB)(1010)       Save
The purpose of this research was to explore the differences between understanding casual relations and adversative relations in Chinese reading.Two experiments were constructed.Probeverification paradign was used in experiment 1 to examine whether this difference between reading casual sentence and adversaive sentence was existed.The results showed that the time for reading casual sentence was much longer than that of adversative sentence,but there was no differences between the reaction time of probe words in this two different levels.The same technique was applied in experiment 2 to invest igate whether the difference was existed during Chinese passage reading.By comparing the reaction time to probe words in different relations,it could be concluded whether the adversative relations was difficult to comprehend.The results indicated that the reaction time to the probe words in casual relation was much slower than that of adversative relation.It implied that the adversat ive relation was more difficult to comprehend than casual relation.
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The Characteristics of the Family Environment and Its Influence on the Life Satisfaction of Migrant Children
HOU Juan, ZOU Hong, LI Xiao-wei
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 78-85.  
Abstract3248)      PDF(pc) (271KB)(2101)       Save
The research investigated the characteristics of the family environment and its influence on the life satisfaction of Migrant Children.1018 migrant children and 447 urban children in Beijing completed the family environment investigate questionnaire,the family functioning inventory,the multidimensional satisfaction scale and satisfact ion scale.The results showed that:(1) Migrant children's level of family economic status and family functioning were significantly lower than those of urban children.(2) Fathers engaging in manual work had a negative relation to migrant children's environment satisfaction; family life index could significant ly predict all dimensions of the migrant children's life satisfaction; and family community environment had a significant impact on the family and environment satisfaction of migrant children.(3) Familial consanguinity had a posit ive effect on all aspects of migrant children's the family satisfact ion,and familial adaptability could significantly predict migrant children's family satisfaction.
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The Relationship between Ethno-cultural Identity and School Life Satisfaction of Hani Elementary and High School Students
HU Fa-wen
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 86-90,96.  
Abstract2570)      PDF(pc) (318KB)(1090)       Save
To explore the characteristics of cultural identity and its relation to school life satisfaction for Hani elementary and high school students,Cultural Identity Questionnaire of Hani Adolescent Students (CIQHAS) and School Life Sat isfaction Rating Quest ionnaire for Adolescents were used to test 621 adolescent'students.The results are as follows:(1) Generally speaking,the score of ethno cultural ident ity was higher than median value for Hani adolescent'students,they have a stronger identification of ethnic things preference and racial acceptance than their traditional religious beliefs and social conventions.Family residence differences contributed to ethno cultural identity of Hani adolescent'students.There was stat ist ically significant difference in dimensions of religious belief,social convent ion and the total questionnaire among students who come from the country,town or rural areas; (2) their ethno cultural ident ity existed significant grade difference,and with the transference of grades,the development of their ethno cultural identity was in gradual decline,meanwhile,different dimensions of the quest ionnaire appeared the undulating and non equilibrium developmental tendency; (3) the degree of ethno cultural identity for Hani adolescent'students was relative to their school life satisfaction,and it had posit ive effects on the school life satisfaction.Additionally,the aspects of racial acceptance and social convention were positive or negative associated with their school life satisfaction respectively.
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Parent-Adolescent Attachment, Emotional Intelligence, and Aggression in Adolescence
LI Ni-ni, ZHANG Wei, LI Dong-ping, MAI Yu-jiao, WANG Jing-jing, XING Wen-li
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 91-96.  
Abstract3131)      PDF(pc) (717KB)(2215)       Save
A survey using a cluster sample of 370 secondary school students was conducted to examine the mediating and moderating role of emotional intelligence (EI) on the relationship between parent adolescent attachment and aggression in adolescence.The results indicated that (1) both attachment security and EI had protective effects on aggression; and EI partially mediated the relationship between attachment security and aggression.(2) EI also moderated the relationship between attachment security and adolescents' aggressive behavior.The protective effect of attachment was much stronger for emotionally intelligent adolescents compared to their less emotionally intelligent counterparts,which supported the protective protective model.
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The Relationship Between Self-Complexity and Subjective Well-Being in College Students
OU Yang-y, WU Ming-xia, ZHANG Da-jun, HU Shan-shan, ZHU Yi
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 97-102.  
Abstract2655)      PDF(pc) (766KB)(1336)       Save
In the present article,188 college students were asked to finish Life Satisfaction Scale and Affect Scales (including Positive Affect,Negative Affect),and adopted methods which is similar to the work done by Linville.The present study found that positive and negative self complexity were (1) independent of each other,and (2) they had different relationship with subjective well being; (3) the proportion of positive and negative words in measuring self complexity,as well as different scales used to measure well being accounted for the above mentioned discrepancies.
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The Research on Competency and Coping Strategies which Impacted the Professional Pressure of the Secondary Teachers
YAO En-ju, CHEN Xu, HAN Yuan-ya
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 103-108.  
Abstract2213)      PDF(pc) (615KB)(1165)       Save
Method of questionnaire was used to investigate competency,coping strategies and professional pressure in 262 secondary teachers,and also the mediating effects of the coping strategies between competency and professional pressure through Structural Equation.The results indicated that:(1) The professional pressure of the major and science teachers was higher than that of the assistant teachers; (2) Coping strategies played the mediating roles between competency and professional pressure; (3) Positive coping and negative coping had different mediating effect on professional pressure,and the former was smaller than the latter.
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The Study of Relationship Between Communication Patterns and Marital Quality
ZHANG Jin-tao, FANG Xiao-yi, DAI Li-qiong
Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 109-115.  
Abstract2973)      PDF(pc) (955KB)(2820)       Save
This study aimed to explore the relationship between communication patterns couples perceived and their marital quality using actor -partner interdependence model,which allowed exploring the actor effect and partner effect simultaneously.A sample of 130 adult couples in Macao were asked to fulfill the questionnaire including the communication pattern questionnaire revised by Chiristensen,and Dyadic adjustment Scales developed by Spanier.After a series statistical analysis including paired t-test,correlation analysis and Structural Equation Modeling,the results indicated that (1) the most communication pattern these couples perceived was mutual constructive communication,and the negative communication pattern,which included demand/withdraw and mutual avoidance communication pattern were less.(2) The communication pattern and marital quality perceived by husbands consistently with those of wives.There was no significant difference between husbands'and wives'scoring on 2 of 3 subscales of communication pattern and 3 of 4 subscales of marital quality.(3) The mutual constructive communication pattern the couples perceived could predict their own marital quality positively,while the demand/withdraw and mutual avoidance communication pattern could predict their own marital quality negatively.(4) After controlling the actor effect,the communication pattern husbands perceived could predict significantly their wives'marital quality,while the communication pattern wives perceived couldn't predict their husbands'marital quality.
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Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 116-120.  
Abstract2820)      PDF(pc) (597KB)(2758)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    2009, 25 (2): 121-125.  
Abstract2072)      PDF(pc) (610KB)(1202)       Save
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