Psychological Development and Education ›› 2009, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 1-6.

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A Study of Young Children’s Spatial Location Coding Ability in A Rotation Task

WANG Quan-quan, HU Qing-fen   

  1. Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  • Online:2009-01-15 Published:2009-01-15

Abstract: The importance of spatial learning is not dispute to psychologists.Since Piaget indicate this,many developmental psychologists have studied the spatial ability in children,espatialy the spatial location coding ability. There are two possible ways to code spatial location:egocentric representation and alocentric representation.In Piaget's opinion,the allocentric representation coding didn't emerge until 8 years old.But many Psychologists after Piaget have different opinions on the emergency and development of these two codings.However,we lived in a real world,much of what we interact with in the world is in motion,So we have the need to know the roles and developments of the two spatial location coding when we face to moving objects. This study investigated how young children use spatial location coding in a moving situation.52 children aged from 3 to 5 participated in this study.We used a rotative set to present the problem and let the children make answers.The results were as follows:(1)Children used egocentric representation better than allocentric representation,this method effect was significant;(2)Children aged 5 did better than 3 and 4 2age children in egocentric representation,the age effects were significant;(3)Children aged 5 can use allocentric representation after we show some clues,but the 3 and 4 years old children still failed.

Key words: spatial location coding, mental rotation, location

CLC Number: 

  • B844.1
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