Psychological Development and Education 2003 Vol.19
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Friendly Behavior in Children’s Memory and Its Developmental Trend
LI Dan, XIA Fei-ling
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 1-4.  
Abstract2102)      PDF(pc) (467KB)(1092)       Save
The study was designed to examine friendly behavior in the memory of elementary and middle school students by open format questionnaire,self-assessments.The results revealed that relational inclusion behaviour were leading in children's friendly behaviour,accounting for 54.14% of all; but current prosoeial behavior accounted for 20.24% only.So it is very necessary that friendly behaviour is distinguished from prosocial behaviour.Three kinds of friendly behavior of self-assessments increased from grade 4 to grade 6,The result was contrary from grade 6 to grade 8.
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Evaluation of Aggressive Behavior Among Preschool Children
CHEN Chang-kai, XU Qin-mei
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 5-8.  
Abstract2035)      PDF(pc) (472KB)(1412)       Save
By means of the evaluation of stories,this study investigates the children's evaluation of aggressive behavior.The result suggests:a) In the age between 3 and 6,the children's cognition and evaluation are influenced by the condition and manner of the aggressive behavior.b) There is a difference between girls and boys'evaluation,and the difference lies in the aggressive behavior under the condition of oral impingement.c) There is a significant difference between children of 5 and 6 years old.
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Psychological Mechanism of Fair Distributive Behavior upon Toys for Children Aged 5-6
WANG Xiao-yan, CHEN Hui-chang
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 9-13.  
Abstract2099)      PDF(pc) (460KB)(1206)       Save
The research is in intent to explore the psychological mechanism of fair distribution behavior upon toys in the play of indergarten children aged 5-6,on the basis of structured interview and expirical method.The participants are 66 elder kindergarten children.The finding is stated below:(1) the mode of behavior of the toy distribution is divided into three types,fair(20%),unfair(20%),unstable(60%).This implies that age 5-6 is a critical period for nurturing the behavior of collaboration,sharing-with-others,altruism;(2) the participants are able to make self-evaluation accurately not only to the fair behavior conducted,but also the supposed,i.e.,avoid conducting the bad behavior in order not to affect sound self-image,and thereby the psychological mechanism of stable fair behavior is taking the shape;(3) the internalization of morality in self-concept and self-image is valued much.The morality practices in activities therein evaluating self and others'behavior is an effective education measure for the promotion of internalization.
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Development of Young Children’s Question-asking Under Encouragement Condition
FEI Guang-hong, SHEN Ji-liang
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 14-19.  
Abstract1815)      PDF(pc) (522KB)(1078)       Save
The study aimed to explore the development of young children's question-asking.141 3-6-year-old children selected from seven kindergartens were provided 8 unfamiliar stimulations to be encouraged to ask questions.The result shows:(1) Young children's question-asking increased with age;(2) The numbers of questions which under unfamiliar stimulations were significantly more than under familiar stimulations;(3) The effects of tridimensional stimulations on young children's question-asking were not significant different from the effects of two-dimensional stimulations;(4) 3-6-year-old children's meta-cognition of the reason on asking question increased with age.3 to 4 years old was critical period of meta-cognition of the reason on asking question.
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A Study on Development Characteristics of School Children Learning Motivation in Northwest
WANG You-zhi
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 20-24.  
Abstract2376)      PDF(pc) (322KB)(1497)       Save
Learning motivation was studied through questionnaire method among 602 schoolchildren from Grade 2 to Grade 6 in the Northwest.The study shows that:Learning motivation gradually increases in the following order:affiliation,prestige,cognition and achievement motivation and achievement motivation is dominant in learning motivation of schoolchildren.And the four kinds of motivation factors have some difference in the city and countryside,grades and sex.The study indicates that during the education reform we should pay more attention to the problem of learning mot ivation and improve learning motivation of the schoolchildren at high grades and at the rural areas.
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A Study On The Relationship Between Middle School Students’ motivation and Their Assessments of Self-learning Components
ZHANG Hong, WO Jian-zhong
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 25-30.  
Abstract2197)      PDF(pc) (669KB)(2184)       Save
In this study,the possible relations between motivation and assessments of academic self-concept were investigated through more than 10 thousand middle school students in 4 different areas.The result indicates:(1) the students with inner-motivation take little proportions; still lots of students have outer-motivation.(2) The status of assessments of academic self-concept in middle school students are lower than average level,and the students believe their abilities in test are more powerful than in class or out of class,and(3) the students own outer-motivation believe their abilities in test are best,but the students own inner-motivation believe their abilities out of class are best of all other abilities.For the need of learning tasks,some grade students may have inappropriate behaviors out of the motivation type,and when in some special motivation type,the gender opportunities may be appearance.
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The Relationship Between Adolescent Personlity, best Friend’s Smoking behavior and Adolescent Smoking Behavior
LIN Dan-hua, FANG Xiao-yi
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 31-36.  
Abstract2293)      PDF(pc) (602KB)(1322)       Save
1042 7th to 12th graders from one key middle school and one general school in Beijing,China were selected to explore the relationship between adolescent personlity,best friend's smoking behavior and adolescent smoking behavior.The subjects were asked to report their self-esteem,self-efficacy,motivation to comply,stress,their own smoking behavior and best friends'smoking behavior on an anonymous questionnaire.The results showed:(1) smoking and non-smoking adolescent were significantly different in motivation to comply and self-efficacy.Smoking adolescents reported higher motivation to comply and less self-efficacy than non-smoking adolescents;(2) adolescents'motivation to comply was significantly positively related to best friend'smoking behavior.While adolescents'self-efficacy was significantly negatively related to adolescent smoking behavior;(3) best friend's smoking behavior was significantly related to adolescent smoking behavior;(4) best friend's smoking behavior had direct effect on adolescent smoking behavior,and also indirectly influenced adolescent smoking behavior through self-efficacy and motivation to comply.
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Structure Model of Chinese Reading Abilities and Its correlates
MENG Xiang-zhi, LIU Hong-yun, ZHOU Xiao-lin, MENG Qing-mao
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 37-43.  
Abstract1933)      PDF(pc) (342KB)(1184)       Save
This study invest igated Chinese children's reading abilities and its relations with related factors.Reliability and viability was analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis.Structure model analysis found that character recognition has influences on written language comprehension and writing skills,meanwhile the latter two have significant influences on written laguage expression.Family reading background has influences on oral language ability and character recognition,oral language ability has influences on meaning comprehension and character recognition,basic perceptual processing has influences on oral language and character recognition,motor skills influences written skills.These results indicate that character recognition,written skills and meaning comprehension all has influences on written expression.Oral language ability,family reading background,basic perceptual processing and motor skills have influences on reading's different component.Age and sex characteristics are also analyzed.
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Cognitive Inhibition and Its Development in Directed Forgetting
HUANG Hong qing, ZHANG Wei
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 44-48.  
Abstract2327)      PDF(pc) (253KB)(1119)       Save
Inhibitory processing is an emerging theme in recent psychology and cognitive sciences.To explore the mechanism and development of directed forgetting effect,totally 104 subjects from grade 2 and 5 and college participated in a directed forgetting task,in which used a blocked-cuing procedure.The results indicated:(1) all age subjects demonstrated the directed forgetting effect.(2) Both retrieval inhibition and selective rehearsal played a role in directed forgetting effect,although there may be a different processing mechanism in younger children.(3) The different age groups demonstrated significant different level of inhibitory processing.The second graders showed partial inhibitory ability,the fifth graders showed bett er inhibitory ability,and the college students showed quite better inhibition than the fifth graders.
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A Investigation on Mathematical Realistic Problems
LIU Ru-de, CHEN Hong-yan
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 49-54.  
Abstract2015)      PDF(pc) (560KB)(1181)       Save
A test consisting of 12 mathematic word problems which were problematic from a realistic point of view was administered to 148 students from the fourth and the sixth grade.The results show that 1) only one-fourth students solved problems from realistic point of view,an half of students show a strong tendency to exclude real-world knowledge from their solutions; 2) the sixth grade's realistic consideration on these problems is better than the fourth grade's,however,the standard solution on some problems in sixth grade was more than in fourth grade; 3) students'reaction to different kinds of problems is different.
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Effects of Subgoal Encoding of Examples on the Use of Principle in New Problem Solving
XING Qiang, MO Lei
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 55-59.  
Abstract1612)      PDF(pc) (242KB)(935)       Save
Three experiments had been done to examine the effect of subgoal encoding of examples on the use of principle and generalization in new problem solving.The findings showed that it was the encoding subgoal of steps of worked example that overcame the surface content effects on the use of principle,which was caused by the modification of the superficial story lines and superficial roles correspondence between examples and problems.In encoding subgoal of steps of worked example,the participants could develop the generalization of the example during the learning,so the modification of the superficial story lines and superficial roles correspondence between examples and problems had little effect on the use of principle.
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Study on Arithmetic Word Problems Representation Strategies of Primary Students
LU Hai-Dong, DONG Yan
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 60-63.  
Abstract1701)      PDF(pc) (456KB)(1195)       Save
The study examined the arithmetic word problems representation strategies of primary students.The experiment is mixed design.The between factor is successful or unsuccessful and cued or uncued,the within factor is consistency problem or inconsistency problem.The results indicated that students represented total-subtrahend problems also had direct translation strategy and problem model strategy,which were the same as compare problem.Unsuccessful students are inclined to use direct translation strategy and successful students are inclined to use problem model strategy,especially on the inconsistency problem.Provided cue didn't change the representation strategies.Successful students performed better than the unsuccessful students in self-evaluate of problem solving.
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The Effect of Cognition Training on Different Kinds of Test Anxiety
TIAN Bao, GUO De-jun
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 64-69.  
Abstract1929)      PDF(pc) (528KB)(1510)       Save
The field-experiment study was designed to confirm the effect of cognition training on the three kinds of test anxiety,which are cognition-dominated test anxiety(Type C),arousal-dominated test anxiety(Type A) and skill-lack-dominated test anxiety(Type S).The subjects are 163 students in the grade one of high middle school.The results are:cognition training can decrease the state test anxiety of the Type C,Type A,Type S and increase the test performance of Type C,Type P.Particularly,the effect is very significant on Type C.Cognition training showes no effect on the test performance of Type S.
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The Role of Rational Emotive Education on Mental Health of Middle School Students
LIU Xuan wen, LIANG Yi bo
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 70-75.  
Abstract2318)      PDF(pc) (488KB)(1601)       Save
Objective:To study the positive effect of rational emotive education on developing the self-concept of students,enhancing the stability of emotion,and promoting their mental heath.Method:92 students of grade 8 in Huayuan J unior Middle School were selected as the sample.46 were in the study class,who received half years of rational emotive education,the other 46 students were in the control class who received normal education.The study class used a self-designed teaching material once a weel.At the last,SCL-90,Tennessee Self-concept Scale,and Aishenke Emotion Stability Scale were used to evaluate the effect.Results:Rational emotive education is helpful in improving self-concept,emotion stability,and mental health of student; Rational emotive education meet the need of the growing teen-age.
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Systematic Group Counseling Experimental Research on Improving Children’s Peer Relationship
LI Wen-quan, LI Hui, LIU Chun-yan
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 76-79.  
Abstract2514)      PDF(pc) (423KB)(1398)       Save
The research transplanted ideas and techniques of systematic family therapy to school situations.5 disliked children was intervened with group counseling activities in the experiment class.Experiment result indicated that the disliked children'social distance was evidently improved.The introduced systematic idea and the atmosphere of positive tropism have special effect on peer relationship counseling.
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Job burnout and the factors related to it among middle school teachers
ZHAO Yu-fang, BI Chong-zeng
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 80-84.  
Abstract3729)      PDF(pc) (411KB)(2990)       Save
Burnout is a prolonged response to chronic emotional and interpersonal stressors on the job,and is defined by the three dimensions of exhaustion,cynicism,and inefficacy.A number of studies on burnout have focused specifically on the teaching profession due to the fact that this profession is one of the largest and most visible professions in society and recognition of the extreme demands and pressures which teachers often confront.This study examined the burnout and factors relating to levels of job burnout with Maslach &Jackson MBI(1993) in a sample of 190 middle school teachers at Chongqing and Sichuan 4 middle schools.The results showed that:(1) the middle school teacher's burnout is not serious on the whole.(2) these teachers with 6-10 years job experience recorded significantly higher scores on the MBI than others.(3) the title of professional post is the important factor related to the levels of job burnout(4) gender,whether the school is important,and whether he is the class in charge don't effect the score of burnout significantly.
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The Limitations in the Research of Children’s Bullying Problem and the Prospect for Further Research
GU Chuan-hua, ZHANG Wen-xin, QIN Li-li
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 85-88.  
Abstract1917)      PDF(pc) (464KB)(1123)       Save
This paper first discusses the status quo of the research of children's bullying problems,and makes a brief analysis of limitations existing in the related research which include theoretical problems such as the definition of bullying,the systematic nature and adaptive significance of bullying,and methodological problems such as in concrete research methods,the selection of participants and research design.Based on this,the paper proposes the suggestion and makes prospects for further research.
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Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (1): 89-96.  
Abstract2070)      PDF(pc) (879KB)(1669)       Save
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Attributional Analises of the Bhavior Responsibility and Criticism Decision
ZHANG Ai-qing, LIU Hua-shan
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 1-5.  
Abstract1971)      PDF(pc) (493KB)(865)       Save
Judgment of behavior responsibility is the precondition of punishment decision-making.Interpersonal attribution of responsibility is a new field that connects attribution researches with judgments of behavior responsibility.It gives a new angle of view to analysis the relationship between behavior responsibility and punishment decision of failed behavior.This research tested the relationships among attributions,responsibility and punishment making.171 subjects attended this experiment,the results were; (1) Internal controllable and stable cause of behavior elicited high responsibility judgment and severe criticism; (2) internal uncontrollable and unstable cause elicited lowest responsibility and criticism; (3) the degree of changing tendency of responsibility and criticism was similar; (4) teacher,especially female teacher used criticism less.
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A Comparative Study on Attribution, Expectation for Self-control Between High-self Control Children and Low-self Control Children
YANG hui-fang, LIU jin-hua
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 6-11.  
Abstract2187)      PDF(pc) (482KB)(976)       Save
Children's self-control is an important character in their development.This paper tries to reveal the characters of two different self-control children; high self-control and low self-control children of primary school on attribution,expectation for self-control.It was found; 1.High-self control childrentend to make interior attribution,then low self-control children tend to make exterior attribution.The accuracy of interior attribution is improved as children grow.Boys tend to make more exterior attribution than girls,and there is no significant difference between boys and girls in interior attribution.2.High self-control children have high expectation for self-control and low self-control children have low expectation for self-control.The level of expectation for self-control is improved as children grow.Boys have lower expectation for self-control than girls in all grades.And boys of low-self control have the lowest level of expectation for self-control.
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Development of Hierarchical Form Lateralization
YAN Xiao-fei, SU Yan-jie
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 12-16.  
Abstract1909)      PDF(pc) (604KB)(1043)       Save
Prior studies suggested that there are hemispheric biases for globally and locally directed analysis of hierarchical forms.This present research was aimed at tracing the development of hemispherical biases.Subjects of 4 age groups were asked to make a selective reaction to the target triangle.The RT results showed a developmental tendency from local precedence to global precedence,and the hemispherical bias did not appear until grade 6.
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Studies on the Cognitive Levels of Authorities by Children at Different Ages
AN Qiu-ling, CHEN Guo-peng
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 17-22.  
Abstract2014)      PDF(pc) (719KB)(1514)       Save
By adopting the method of dilemma stories,this paper is intended to explore the cognitive levels of the children when they are having conflict with their authorities.The results indicate that neither do the children obey blindly nor do they disobey blindly the rules and orders from the authorities; instead,they take actions according to their own cognition of their authorities,the children's cognition is in a developing process,the cognitive levels of the children at different ages on authorities are different from each other and the differences between ages are significant.
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A examination on task-specificity of young children’s theory-of-mind performance
DENG Ci-ping
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 23-28.  
Abstract2081)      PDF(pc) (681KB)(984)       Save
Ninety Chinese 3~5-year-olders' understanding of appearance-reality distinction and false belief were examined in a series of tasks with different materials,and the task-specificity of young children's performance and the effect of material on performance were also explored in the study.It was found that young children's performance on these two theory-of-mind tasks showed to be markedly task-specific,even the assessment standards of appearance-reality distinction and false belief understanding were matched in these tasks.The results also showed that there was a great material effect on young children's performance on both appearance-reality distinction tasks and false belief understanding tasks.It seemed that these results favored the hypothesis of domain-specific knowledge acquisition (Carey,1985) than the representation-deficit hypothesis (Flavell,1988; Perner,1991).
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5-9 Year-old Children’s Understanding Trait of Guilt Emotion
XU Qin-mei, ZHANG Xiao-xian
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 29-34.  
Abstract2266)      PDF(pc) (556KB)(1169)       Save
The study discussed the influence of 5,7,9 years old children's moral evaluation of the transgression behavior to their understanding of guilt emotion.We want to find out that with the accompanier,children's under-standing trait of guilt emotion.The results demonstrate; (1) 5-9 years old children all gave the negative moral evaluation to the transgression behavior.They already have possessed the cognitive ability to produce guilt emotion.(2) a majority of all children attribute the emotion to the result of behavior,and they can't understand guilt emotion.
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The Sixth Graders’ Computational Estimation Competence and Strategy
SI Ji-wei, ZHANG Qing-lin
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 35-40.  
Abstract2300)      PDF(pc) (705KB)(938)       Save
Using a general concept framework about children's cognitive strategy developed by Lemaire & Siegler (1995) and self-made materials,this paper investigated 210 sixth grader's computational estimation competence of primary school.The results showed that; (1) the sixth graders had a definite ability to solve computational estimation problem,but there was a significant interaction between number type and operation rule,(2) although they could use several computational estimation strategies,but the differences in frequency,executive speed and accuracy among different strategies were all very great.The evaluation on children's computational estimation strategies was also deeply discussed.
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The Effects of Working Memory on Perfromance of Third Graders Solving Compare problems
LI Xiao-dong, NIE You-yan, PANG Ai-lian, LIN Chong-de
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 41-45.  
Abstract1944)      PDF(pc) (530KB)(1429)       Save
The study investigated the relationship between working memory and achievement of primary school students solving compare problems.Exp 1 studied whether there was significant difference between consistent problems and inconsistent problems on WM load with dual task methodology.Ss were 34 third graders of an elementary school.Exp 2 studied whether there was significant difference between successful problem solvers and unsuccessful problem solvers on WM capacity with WM test.Ss were 37 third graders of an elementary school.The results show that; (1) problem type has significant influence on achievement of pupils solving compare problems.Pupils do much better in consistent problems than they did in inconsistent problems.(2) There is significant difference on WM load between the two type problems; the WM load of inconsistent problems is larger than that of consistent problems.(3) Successful problem solvers' WM capacity is larger than unsuccessful problem solvers'.
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Parent-adolescent Conflicts
FANG Xiao-yi, ZHANG Jin-tao, LIU Zhao
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 46-52.  
Abstract2435)      PDF(pc) (640KB)(1887)       Save
829 7th,8th,10th and 11th graders who were selected from four ordinary middle schools in Beijing were asked to fulfill an anonymous questionnaire to explore the characteristics of parent-adolescent conflicts.They were all asked to report the frequency and intensity of parent-adolescent conflicts in 8 aspects,including life arrangement,study chores,friends,money spending,appearance,family members and privacy.The styles of parent-adolescent conflict and the tactics they used to cope with the parent-adolescent conflicts were also reported.The results showed; (1) The occurrence of parent-adolescent conflicts is rather low.The frequency and intensity of conflict on life arrangement,study and chores are the top three while the conflicts on the privacy is the least one.Verbal and emotional conflicts are two main forms.To cope with the conflicts of parent-adolescent,adolescents use the avoidance tactics mostly and the third party prevention tactics at the least.(2) Other than the relationship with family members,The frequency and intensity of mother-adolescent conflicts on other 7 aspects are significantly stronger than those of father-adolescent conflicts.(3) Girls have more and stronger conflicts with mothers on the chores than boys while boys have more conflicts with fathers on money spending than girls.Boys have more physical conflicts with parents than girls while girls have more emotional conflicts with parents than boys.As for the four kinds of coping tactics,boys used the third party prevention tactics significantly more than girls.(4) With the increase of grade,the frequency and intensity of Parent-adolescent conflicts follow an inverted U-shaped function that peaks in grade 8,meanwhile the conciliation tactics,avoidance tactics and third party prevention tactics used by adolescent decreased remarkably.
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Self-Perceived Everyday Problem Solving of the Students in Middle School
CHEN Bo, CHEN Xiao-ai, YOU He
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 53-57.  
Abstract1858)      PDF(pc) (521KB)(1093)       Save
Self-Rated Everyday Problem Solving Questionnaire was administered to 907 students in middle school.The results indicated significant domain differences existed in level of self-perceived competence.Significant grade and gender differences were found in some items of everyday problem solving,and autism was one of the factors that reflected the differences.Most of the items were significant correlated with health,economic status,appearance,frequency of housework,and method of parents' cultivation.
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A Comparative Research on Estimation of Blank Time Duration and Full Time Duration in College Students
GUO Xiu-yan, NIE Jing
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 58-62.  
Abstract2164)      PDF(pc) (556KB)(1268)       Save
2 (type of time duration)×8 (length of time duration) mixed experiment was designed to examine the effect of type and length of time duration on time estimation in which 224 students participated.The results are as follows; (1) Main effect of the type of time duration is significant,The estimation of full time duration is more precise than blank time duration between 1s and 8s,(2) Main effect of the length of time duration is significant,the error increased with the length of time duration.(3) The interaction between type and length of time duration is significant,estimation of full time duration is more precise than blank time duration before 18。45052s.
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A Study of ‘The Two Languages Two Characters Teaching’ In Improving Students’ Mathematic Ability
CHEN Bao-guo
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 63-67.  
Abstract1913)      PDF(pc) (516KB)(988)       Save
The relationships between ‘the two languages two characters teaching' in the some southwest China minority primary schools and the students' mathematicl ability development were investigated using the method of psychological testing.The results showed that; (1) ‘The two languages two characters teaching' may have the positive influence on developing the students' mathematical ability,especially the faculty of understanding mathematical concepts.(2) The positive influence was present for the grades of four and five,but not the grade of six.
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Structure of Primary School Teachers’ Classroom Teaching Competence
ZHANG Xue-min, SHEN Ji-liang, LIN Chong-de
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 68-72.  
Abstract2112)      PDF(pc) (546KB)(1269)       Save
The present study was intended to explore the contributions of knowledge structure,teaching efficacy,teaching regulation and primary cognitive ability on primary school teachers.The researching tools were psychological scales of knowledge structure,teaching efficacy,teaching regulation and primary cognitive ability.The data was analyzed by AMOS statistics software and constructed equation model of classroom teaching competence.The results showed that knowledge structure,teaching efficacy,teaching regulation were the core components of primary school teachers' classroom teaching competence.Primary cognitive ability had no significant contribution on classroom teaching competence.
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The Relationships between Junior High School Students’ Social Support and School Adjustment
LI Wen-dao, ZOU Hong, ZHAO Xia
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 73-81.  
Abstract2119)      PDF(pc) (893KB)(1826)       Save
Questionnaires were used to explore the relationships between social support from different resources and junior high school students' school adjustment.The following were the conclusions;1.Mother is the support source of most frequency.2.The perceived social support of the first grade of junior high school students is more frequent and the school adjustment quality is better than the second grade.3.The school adjustment quality of different levels has significant difference,the school adjustment quality of high social support group is better than the low social support group.4.Social support from teachers and classmates has significant regression effect on junior high school students'school adjustment.Social support from teacher has positive effect to junior high school students' inner and outer problems,loneliness academic scores,school attitude and peer evalution and social support from classmate has positive effect on the junoir school students' inner problem,loneliness,loving school and peer evalution.
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Development of Educator Burnout Inventory
WANG Guo-xiang, LIU Chang-jiang, WU Xin-chun
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 82-86.  
Abstract3202)      PDF(pc) (520KB)(2193)       Save
The aim of the study is to develop a tool,Educator Burnout Inventory (EBI),to measure teacher's job burnout in China.170 teachers in the middle and high schools were participated in the investigation.Results indicated that EBI had 3 factors; emotional exhaustion,depersonalization,and personal accomplishment.The indices of the reliability were between 0.80~0.86 for the internal consistency (Cronbach's α coefficient),0.78~0.84 for split-half reliability,0.75~0.76 for test-retest estimates.The 3 dimensions of the EBI correlated significantly with self-efficacy and depression.In a sum,the Educator Burnout Inventory met the psychometric requirement.
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Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 87-91.  
Abstract1604)      PDF(pc) (432KB)(1411)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (3): 92-96.  
Abstract1775)      PDF(pc) (449KB)(1701)       Save
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A Research on 3 to 5 Yearold Children's Self-imposed Delay of Gratification A under Four Attention Conditions
YANG Li-zhu, XU Li-min, WANG Jiang-yang
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (4): 1-6.  
Abstract2475)      PDF(pc) (734KB)(1652)       Save
In order to explore the attention mechanism and the development of self-imposed delay of gratification, 120 children aged 3 to 5 with median self-control ability were distributed over 4 attention conditions,both delayed and immediate rewards present simultaneously,only immediate reward present,only delayed reward present,and no rewards present.The results suggest that the mean delay time of young children's self-imposed delay of gratification was the longest under the no rewards present condition,and the mean delay time were shorter under the other three rewards present conditions.This phenomenon shows the crossage stability.In addition,the results also suggest that the development self-imposed delay of gratification has significant difference among 3 to 5 years old children,and it shows the developmental tendency with age increasing.
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The Development of Theory of Mind and Its Relations with Inhibitory Control
XU Fen, WANG Wei-xing, GAO Shan, Mark Sabbagh
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (4): 7-11.  
Abstract2309)      PDF(pc) (581KB)(1568)       Save
The present study examined the developmental level of Theory of Mind(Tom for short)between 3-and 4-year olds and whether there is any relationship between the performance of false-belief task and inhibitory control task.The results showed that there is a significant change between 3-and 4-year olds,and the children's who gave correct answer in false-belief task did better in inhibitory conflict task than those who had wrong responses in false2 belief task.Moreover,there were significant correlations between the score in task of false-belief and in the task of inhibitory conflict except for false-belief of others.
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The Impact of Adolescent’s Social Behaviors on Their Peer Relations
XIN Zi-qiang, SUN Han-yin, LIU Bing-yuan, CHI Li-ping
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (4): 12-16.  
Abstract2555)      PDF(pc) (587KB)(1683)       Save
This study explored the impact of adolescent's social behaviors on their peer relations based on investigation of 349 adolescents.The results showed:(1)The four-factor structure of the revised Class Play Scale was extracted and examined.The four factors include prosocial behaviors,aggressive behaviors,withdrawal behaviors and controversial behaviors.(2)The prosocial and controversial behaviors can predict adolescents' positive nominations;Aggressive and with drawal behaviors can predict their negative nominations;Prosocial behaviors lead to social preference and prosocial,aggressive and controversial behaviors result in social impact.(3)Popular adolescents have more prosocial and controversial behaviors,while refused adolescents have more aggressive and withdrawal behaviors.There are some subtypes in popular and refused adolescents.
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The Historiometric Study of the Early Family Environment and Parental Behavioral Style of Chinese Social Creative Personalities Who Passed Away After A.D. 1840
GU Chuan-hua, CHEN Hui-chang, XUE Jing-jing
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (4): 17-22.  
Abstract3083)      PDF(pc) (555KB)(2108)       Save
In this historiometric study,early family environment and parental behavior of 30 Chinese social creative personalities who passed away after A.D.1840 were rated based on their biographies or autobiographies,from ten dimensions of Chinese Version of Family Environment Scale(FES-CV)and five dimensions of Parental Behavior Inventory(EMBU)on an interval scale.The results were as follows.(1)Their family scored higher on the dimensions of control,organization,cohesion,independence,moral-religious emphasis,and scored lower on the dimension of conflict;three main components(family values and interpersonal relationship,family order,family activeness)were drawn from the ten dimensions of FES-CV through exploratory factor analysis.(2)"Stern-father-and-loving-mother" parental behavioral style was the most common one;two main components(parental sternness and parental loving-kindness)were drawn from the ten dimensions of EMBU through exploratory factor analysis.(3) Cluster analysis indicated that,both their early family environment and parental behavioral style could be classified into two(low-control traditional and high-control traditional family environment,stern parental behavioral style and loving parental behavioral style.
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The Influence of Peer Acceptance on Implicit Social Cognition of Middle School Students
ZHENG Xin-jun
Psychological Development and Education    2003, 19 (4): 23-26.  
Abstract1887)      PDF(pc) (510KB)(1001)       Save
With the reduced schedule of Process-Dissociation-Procedure,the present study investigates the implicit/explicit achievements of middle school students with different peer acceptance,referring to Chinese characters about interpersonal relations as experimental material.The results reveals that(1)the subjects present more obvious implicit cognition on the Chinese characters of poor interpersonal relationship;(2)those students with poot peer acceptance show more sensitiveness to the Chinese characters of poot interpersonal relationship in their implicit memory.
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