Psychological Development and Education ›› 2003, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (1): 5-8.

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Evaluation of Aggressive Behavior Among Preschool Children

CHEN Chang-kai, XU Qin-mei   

  1. Department of Psychology, Zhejiang University 310028, China
  • Online:2003-01-15 Published:2003-01-15

Abstract: By means of the evaluation of stories,this study investigates the children's evaluation of aggressive behavior.The result suggests:a) In the age between 3 and 6,the children's cognition and evaluation are influenced by the condition and manner of the aggressive behavior.b) There is a difference between girls and boys'evaluation,and the difference lies in the aggressive behavior under the condition of oral impingement.c) There is a significant difference between children of 5 and 6 years old.

Key words: preschool children, aggressive behavior, evaluation

CLC Number: 

  • B844.1
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