Psychological Development and Education ›› 2003, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 12-16.

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The Impact of Adolescent’s Social Behaviors on Their Peer Relations

XIN Zi-qiang1, SUN Han-yin1, LIU Bing-yuan2, CHI Li-ping3   

  1. 1. Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875;
    2. Pingyuan Normal School, Shandong 253100;
    3. Department of Preschool Education Management, Women's College of China, Beijing 100101
  • Online:2003-10-15 Published:2003-10-15

Abstract: This study explored the impact of adolescent's social behaviors on their peer relations based on investigation of 349 adolescents.The results showed:(1)The four-factor structure of the revised Class Play Scale was extracted and examined.The four factors include prosocial behaviors,aggressive behaviors,withdrawal behaviors and controversial behaviors.(2)The prosocial and controversial behaviors can predict adolescents' positive nominations;Aggressive and with drawal behaviors can predict their negative nominations;Prosocial behaviors lead to social preference and prosocial,aggressive and controversial behaviors result in social impact.(3)Popular adolescents have more prosocial and controversial behaviors,while refused adolescents have more aggressive and withdrawal behaviors.There are some subtypes in popular and refused adolescents.

Key words: adolescent, social behaviors, peer relations

CLC Number: 

  • B842.4
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