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    15 October 2004, Volume 20 Issue 4
    • The Characteristcs of the Expression by the 4-year-old Children in their Autobiographical Memory
      CHEN Hui-chang, YU Feng-ru, HOU Jing, CHEN Xin-yin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  1-6. 
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      The purpose of present study is to investigate the expressive characteristics of autobiographical memory of 4-year-olds.The participants were 76 children who were asked to tell their experiences of their own birthday to a strange experimenter and three strange children in laboratory.The videotape data have been coded into four dimen-sions:the logical sequence of events memory,the abundant of events content,the activity of expression,and body posture of expression.Results show that 36.8% of the subjects could memory the events according to the sequence of the events;the mean events that subjects recalled was 1.7 and mean words that the events included was 9;there are positive relationships between expressive activity and sequence as well as included words of expression,amount of recalled events and included words and memory sequence,sequence and body posture.
      A microgenetic study: Children’s Strategy Discovery in Figure Reasoning Task
      WO Jian-zhong, ZHANG Hong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  7-13. 
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      We use the microgenetic design to examine 30 6-age-old children's acquisition of matrix completion proficiency.The results are as follows:from the source of change,experimental manipulation is a important source of strategy discovery in figure reasoning task;from the variability of change,children are followed learner model of strategy discovery;from the path of change,the main error are orientation err and size err in all three groups.In norm group and latter group,there are also other errs displayed.When the children in quick group arrive the crite-rion of strategy discovery,their accuracy would likely come down;but in other two groups,the can maintain high accuracy;from the rate of change,children in the first three sessions display rapid changes in accuracy,however, their accuracy will maintain in high level in other sessions.
      Study on the Cognitive Development of the Four-to Six-Year Old Children in their Cooperative Behaviors
      CHEN Qin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  14-18. 
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      The study examined the development of children's cognition of cooperative behaviors among 119 children of 4 to 6 years old.The findings showed that children's cognition of cooperative selection have developed to a high level.Over half of children know that problems can be settled through cooperation while more than 75 percents are being aware of cooperative play in everyday life.Behavior results are the main attribution of children's cooperation. Objective condition takes the second.Behavior rules and authority still influence children's cooperation in certain degree.From 4 to 6 years old,the cognition of children's cooperative selection and attribution develop gradually and are various in different situations.
      A Study of Difference of Elementary second to fourth Graders’ Representation Strategy in Arithmetic Word Problem
      CHEN Ying-he, ZHONG Ning-ning, TIAN Guo-sheng, WANG Zhi-guo
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  19-24. 
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      A word problem test was administered to 123 students from the second to fourth grade by experiment method and clinical interview method,in order to explore the difference of representation strategy between superior students and inferior students when they solved comparable word problem.The results showed that:(1)According to students'performance on consistent word problems and inconsistent word problems,most of superior students used problem-model strategy to represent word problem and most of inferior students used direct translation strategy to represent word problem;(2)With entering the higher grade,superior students used representation strategy more stably.As far as inferior students were concerned,more effective problem-model strategy didn't take the place of direct translation strategy,though the cognition about strategy utilization was increasing;(3)The difference of gender was insignificant,except that the accuracy of inferior female students was less than that of inferior male ones and that inferior female students reported to use direct translation strategy more than inferior male ones.
      The Experimental Research on Children’s Development of Countermeasure Behavior in Social Dilemmas
      ZHANG Li-Ling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  25-29. 
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      Individual countermeasure behavior was analyzed under natural situation of simulated dilemma copy strategy with experimental method.What the results showed was as follows:(1)Children's countermeasure behavior was varied with the increase of age;(2)The countermeasure behavior was not significantly influenced by the gender;(3) The children of different type of making decision had different behavior as faced on the same dilemma tasks.
      The Application of Children’s Display in a Disappointing Situation
      ZHANG Li, XIN Zi-qiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  30-36. 
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      With 91 children of primary school from grade 1、3、5 as subjects,applying the method of story-interviewing the present study explored the development of the application of children's display rule and its influential factors in a disappointing situation.The result showed:(1)Children's real emotion and apparent emotion showed an increasingly positive trend from grade1 to grade 5,and in a disappointing situation,both in real emotion and apparent emotion,girls and boys didn't show significant difference;(2)In three kinds of interpersonal relations,there were extreme difference between children's apparent and real emotion,and for different interpersonal relation,the use of display rule were different,which could be attributed to the difference of children's regulation strategies;(3)In a disappointing situation the use of children's display rule was subjected to different interpersonal types,which could be related to children's different expectation of the social influence to their emotion expression.(4)Children's emotional display objective was not subjected to interpersonal types,and in different kinds of interpersonal relations children's emotional display objective was not dependent on their grade and sex.
      The Experiments on Error Pattern Made by High School Students in Serial Recall Tasks
      HAN Zong-yi, BAI Xue-jun, SHEN De-li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  37-42. 
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      The junior school students of grade one,grade three and senior high school students of grade two were participated in the experiment.The experimental materials are the normal Chinese characters,confusable Chinese characters in phonology and similar Chinese characters in shape.The subjects are required to finish the serial recall tasks.The results show:1.Four types errors are found out,that is omission error,intrusion error,movement error and repetition error,among which movement errors decrease with the increase of grade.The proportion of the repetition errors is the highest.2.Four types errors show different position effect.3.The proportion of errors in the area of confusable Chinese characters in phonology is significantly higher than normal Chinese characters and similar Chinese characters in shape.
      The Prosocial Behaviors Endorsed by Junior Middle School Students——An Interview-Study of 8 Cases
      KOU Yu, FU Yan, MA Yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  43-48. 
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      In order to probe into various prosocial behaviors the junior middle school students endorsed,this study interviewed individually 8 children aged 11-14 from two different kinds of school.The results showed that:1) among all the prosocial behaviors junior middle school students endorsed,helping behaviors accounted for the largest ratio,and then the social behaviors.J unior middle school students also endorsed comforting,the behaviors of charity,courtesies and observing the rules;2)there're apparent differences among the junior middle school students'endorsement of the prosocial behaviors in which different actors involved;3)there's no significant difference between the ratios of helping and social behaviors endorsed by junior middle school students in the general schools,but there're significant differences between those endorsed by junior middle school students in the school for the chidren of casual laborers;4)there's no apparent gender difference among the prosocial behaviors endorsed by junior middle school students.
      The Relationship Between Mobility and Social Adaptability Among Young Rural-to-urban Migrants
      LIN Dan-hua, FANG Xiao-yi, LI Xiao-ming, SU Li-zeng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  49-55. 
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      Rural-to-urban migrants have become the most characteristic phenomena in recent China.Studying the relationship between mobility and social adaptability is of great importance to rural and urban economic development and social stability.In present study,a sample of 2201 18-30 years old migrants from rural area to Beijing was recruited to examine the relationship between mobility and social adaptability.The results showed:(1)on the average,the mobile duration was 4 years and the mobile cities were 2 among the population;(2)low level of social adaptability was found among them,indicating high level of cigarette use,alcohol use,unprotected sex and medium level of life and work satisfaction;(3)mobility could significantly predict rural-to-urban migrants'social adaptability.Higher level of mobility indicated higher level of cigarette use and depression and lower level of life and work satisfaction.
      The Facilitating Effects of Text Signals on the InformationMaintenance of Reading Comprehension Difficulties Students
      YANG Shuang, LIU Xiang-ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  56-60. 
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      Based on distributing dif iculties of attention source in reading comprehension difficulties students,the text signals as a kind of external clue is set up to support reading process.The text signals are helpful to induct attention distributing.In the paper we invest igate the different ef ects of the text signals between the structure information and detailed information.Results are as follows:1.text signals facilitated the memorizing in structure information to both normal and dif icult students,while the facilitating effect is more remarkable in the reading comprehension difficulties students than in the normal students;2.Text signals only facilitated the detailed information maintenance of reading comprehension difficult students,while having impaired effect on the detailed information maintenance of reading normal students.
      Research on the Relationship Between Head TeacherInteraction and Pupil’s Self-concept
      HAN Li-min, LU Xie-feng, JIANG Guang-rong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  61-65. 
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      This study detected the relation between two dimensions of head teacher interaction and eight aspects of pupil's self-concept at both the individual and class levels using one 2-level hieratical linear model(HLM).Results indicated that there was strong correlativity between head teacher interaction and pupil's self-concepts,except for self-concept of physical ability.Of course,there were differences between the two dimensions as far as the foregoing correlativity was concerned.Especially,at the class level,the relation between head teacher interaction and pupil's self-concepts was stronger than at the individual level.
      A Comparative Study on Coping Styles of Teachers Under Two Kinds of Stress Situations
      SHEN Yan-e
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  66-69. 
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      To compare coping styles of primary and secondary school teachers under positive and negative stress situations,investigated 530 primary and secondary school teachers from Inner Mongolia with remedied coping scale.Results showed:(1)The stress level of teachers is moderate generally,however,further research shows that they are suffering more negative work stress;(2)They often use similar coping styles under the two kinds of stress situations, and sometimes these coping styles could be utilized beyond stress situations;But coping with the negative stress, they tend to adopt maladaptive coping ways,such as Mental Disengagement,Behavioral Disengagement.
      Comparative Studies on Teaching Strategy among Novice,Proficient and Expert Teachers
      MENG Ying-fang, LIAN Rong, GUO Chun-yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  70-73. 
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      This research compared the teaching strategy of different kinds of teachers in middle school by using the self-designed "teaching strategy questionnaires".Analyses found that there were differences in teaching strategy between different kinds of teachers.Compared with the proficient teacher,the novice teacher paid more attention to strategy-before-class,but gained lower score in strategy-in-class,and there was no obvious difference in strategy-after-class.Between the proficient teacher and the expert teacher,there was a notable difference in all dimensions of teaching strategy.Flexibility,originality and effective reflectivity are characteristics of the expert teacher's teaching strategy.
      Mathematic Teachers’ Identification of Problems in Teaching In Primary and Secondary Schools
      ZENG Tuo, YANG Xiao-yang, SHEN Ji-ling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  74-78. 
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      175 mathematics teachers from primary and secondary schools completed the questionnaires of awareness of problems in teaching and professional knowledge test.The results showed:(1)Most of the problems which were identified from teaching were ones of instructional-skills.(2)Participants'awareness of problems in teaching were not strong.(3)Professional knowledge could significantly predict the degree of awareness of problems in teaching.
      Accounting Analysis of the Research on Chinese DevelopmentalPsychology at the Turn of Millennium
      YU Yi-bing, GE Ming-gui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  79-83. 
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      Research has been made in approach of accounting method for the contents of 704 theses on developmental psychology collected in CNKI website during the seven years at the turn of millennium(from 1997 to 2003).It was found that the theses was focused on three fields——social cognition and interaction,intelligence-thought and per-sonality development,some progress was made in the research on moral psychology,mental health and special psy-chology,research on the four fields-movement and activity,physiological development,sensation-perception and ageing-was relatively insufficient;research was targeted at infants,elementary school children and adolescent students,but research on the two ends of life span was still sparse;research pattern was chiefly cooperative,but the cooperative pattern and range needed to be expanded;research was mainly done by normal schools and regional distribution was not balanced.
      Scoring Method for a Concept Mapping of Physics Test
      WANG Li-jun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2004, 20(4):  84-88. 
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      The purpose of this study was to determine scoring method for concept maps of physics.The paper developed a method of scoring concept maps based on the correctness of knowledge coding outlined in a table of specifications of instructional and curriculum goals.Students'map links,crosslinks,and examples were classified into 31 accuracy knowledge coding according to a criterion map and a score assigned.This study found high correlations between students'concept map scores and their scores on fill-in-the-blanks tests aimed at assessing the same instructional objectives.The scoring scheme represents a distinct departure from those methods that focus on criteria such as hierarchy and branching,and provides strong evidence for the validity and reliability of the concept map scores.