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    15 January 2005, Volume 21 Issue 1
    • The Char acter istics and Types of Par ent-Child Inter action in Family Fr ee Play and Intelligence-Task-Or iented Play
      HOU Jing, CHEN Hui-chang, CHEN Xin-yin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  7-14. 
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      In the present study,home visit by videotape including free play session and copy-model session was carried out when these children were four years old.The characteristics and types of parent-child interaction in the two sessions and their relationships with the development of behavioral inhibit ion from two years old to seven years old were explored.The findings are follows:(1) In free play session and copy-model session at home,the behavioral frequency of mother is more than that of father,which indicated that mother is the major interactive person of children.In the two play sessions at home,Chinese children displayed more compliant behaviors.(2) There is significant differences in the father cs behaviors,mothercs behaviors and childrencs behaviors between in the free play session and in the copy-model session.Mothers significantly displayed less high-power,low-power,communication and non-communication in the copy-model session than those in the free play session.For fathers,except non-communication,the other behaviors in the free play session are significantly more than those in the copy-model session.The childrenc's behaviors including compliance,noncompliance,communication and non-communication in the copy-model session are significantly less in the copy-model session than those in the free play session.(3) In free play session,parent-child interaction is classified as four types:Parent communicat ion-child non-communication,mother high-power) child compliance,father control-child noncompliance,and mother non-communication-child communicat ion.In copy-model session,parent-child interact ion is classified as four types:parent permission-child independence,parent control-child compliance,mother-child communication and father control-child compliance.
      The Influence of the Understanding of Speakers’ Knowledge State on Young Children's Word Learning
      ZHANG Xu, WANG Ting-zhao, FANG Jun-ming
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  15-20. 
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      The two experiments addressed whether 89 monolingual Chinese-speaking children with different language ability between 3 and 4 years old will consider speaker s knowledge states when establishing initial word-referent links.The result of experiment Ⅰ indicated that children with high language ability showed better word learning when the speaker was knowledgeable.Children with normal language ability,however,showed no difference in word learning in both conditions.In experiment Ⅱ,the speaker expressed hesitancy in both conditions.The finding further confirmed the results of the experiment Ⅰ.These findings suggested that theory-of-mind developments drives word learning.
      Development of “Hot” Executivc Function through Children’s Gambling Task
      LI Hong, GAO Shan, BAI Jun-jie
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  21-25. 
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      Affective decision-making was studied in 60 children at 2 ages (3 and 4 years) using the Children's Gambling Task,to examine the development of hot executive function.Results showed a significant age difference between 3-and 4-year-olds.Scores increased across blocks for 4-year-olds,and 4-year-olds made more advantageous choices than 3-year-olds on three blocks,especially the last two blocks.This indicated that affective decision 2 making develops rapidly between 3 and 4 years.On the other hand,a lot of variability in children's performance on this task migh have obscured sex effects.Therefore,sex difference was not statistically significant,though boys did better than girls on the last two blocks.
      Children’s Temperament, Parents’ Rearing Styles and Their Language Expression Development in Strange Environment
      LIU Zhi-jun, WANG Hai-mei, SUN Ling, YIN Jun-li, JIA Xiu-zhen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  26-30. 
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      The temperament and language expression of 64 children from Beijing were studied through lab observation,and parents' rearing styles did through questionnaire.The results showed that parents' rearing styles,especially father's,had positive effect on children's language expression.There was significant relationship between children's temperament and some aspect of their language expression.There was some interaction between children's temperament and their parents' rearing styles,which together influenced children's language expression.
      Research on the Relationship between Development of Chinese and English Phonological Awareness in Primary School
      XU Feng, DONG Qi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  31-35. 
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      The study examined the relationship between Children's Chinese and English phonological awareness in the first,third and fifth grade.Three hundred and two children were tested four Chinese and English phonologiral anareness separately.The results show:(1) there is significant correlation between tasks of Chinese and English phonological awareness,and the developed level of Chinese phonological awareness is higher than that of English phonological awareness at all of first,third and fifth grades; (2) there is a significant difference between high and low Chinese phonological awareness group in all English phonological awareness tasks.
      Cognitive Load Influenced the Pupill’s Strategies Selection of Distributing Working Memory Resources
      CAO Bao-long, LIU Hui-juan, LIN Chong-de
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  36-42. 
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      175 graders from 3 to 6 were selected from one primary school to explored that if and how the cognitive load influenced the strategies selection of pupils' distributing working memory resources in solving the running-arithmetic problems.The results showed:Intrinsic cognitive load did influence the strategies selection of pupils' distributing working memory resources.In the strategies selection,cognitive load effected the cognitive performance,but for the lower graders the effect is not remarkable.For the sixth graders,the effect is remarkable.In the accuracy of the strategies,the effect of cognitive load reduced by the grades.And in the efficiency of the strategies,cognitive load did influence the strategies.
      Experimental Researches on the Effects of the Teacher-expectancy on the Self-worth Sense and the Motivational Belief of Middle School Students
      ZHENG Hai-yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  43-47. 
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      Subjects were 84 middle school students in grade 2.By analysis of covariance of single factor to investigate the effect of the teacher-expectancy on the self-worth sense and the motivational belief.The results showed that (1) the change of teachers' expectancy influenced significantly on three self-worth senses of junior middle school students:the overall,individual oriented general and individual oriented special self-worth senses (2) The change of teachers' expectancy has a significant influence on three dimensions:evading-self dimension,social effect-teacher dimension and social effect-classmates dimension.
      Chinese Overseas Students’ Cultural Identification, Social Orientation and Subjective Well-Being
      ZHENG Xue, WANG Lei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  48-54. 
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      The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship among Chinese overseas students.cultural identification,social orientation and subjective well-being in the process of acculturation.A questionnaire including scales of cultural identification,social orientation and subjective well-being was developed to investigate 144 Chinese students in Australia.The results indicate:(a) Chinese students.identification to Chinese culture will reduce with significant increase in ident ification to Australian mainstream culture along with the process of acculturation; (b) the process of acculturation can not directly bring about increase of individualism and reduction of collectivism but indirectly weaken one's collectivism through host national identification and co2national identification; (c) Chinese students.both cultural identification and social orientation can directly influence the subjective well-being (d) acculturation will directly influence Chinese overseas students.subjective well2being and also indirectly affect the subjective well-being through its effect on the students.cultural identification and social orientation,which are two mediate factors in the effect of acculturation on the students subjective well-being.
      A Research On the Relationship Between Learning Anxiety, Learning Attitude, Motivation and Test Performance
      WANG Ai-ping, CHE Hong-sheng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  55-59,86. 
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      The present study examined 122 participants about the learning experience of statistics for psychology.The results showed:(1) In contrast with male students,female students were superior for the learning experience and test performance; (2) There existed the significant relationship between learning anxiety,learning attitude and motivation with the test performance.There existed the negative correlation between learning anxiety and the test performance; it is a positive correlation between learning attitude and motivation with the one.The study found the lower scorers were higher in level of learning anxiety than higher scorers; (3) the test performance was influenced not only directly by learning anxiety and motivation,but also indirectly by learning attitude.
      The Development of Middle School Students’ Ability of Problem Posing in Reading Comprehension Situation
      YANG Xiao-yang, SHEN Ji-liang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  60-64. 
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      169 students from junior and senior high school completed an open ended questionnaire after reading two short stories.The results showed:(1) The number of students decrease with the number of problem posed increase by students; (2) The problems posed by students were graded in term of three levels,they are:factual,inferential and evaluative.No significant differences existed among 7,8,10,11 grade students.10th grade students' scores are highest on secondary and third levels; (3) Significant gender differences were found on secondary and third level,female students outperform than male students.
      Factors Affecting the Accessing of Backgrounded Information in Multi-clue Discourse Comprehension
      WANG Sui-ping, YANG Jin-mian, HUANG Shi-hua, CUI Lei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  65-68. 
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      It was proved in a previous study that the accessing of backgrounded information in discourse reading comprehension was restricted to the situation described by the story.Using on-line window display technique,the present study further investigated the factors restricting this accessing processing by passages describing two people.In the reading materials,the supporting role was just mentioned but didn't appear in the situation of the story,and its characteristic was inconsistent with the target action carried out by the protagonist.Participants made judgments about the probe sentences according to the characteristics of the supporting roles.The data showed that probe sentences put after the first target sentences demanded less reaction time than those before the first target sentences,indicating that the supporting role's characteristic could be activated by the protagonist's action.Such result implied that the situation restricting the accessing of backgrounded information was not only the real situation occurring in the story but also the mental situation restructured by the readers.
      The Construction of Schema in Problem-solving:Study on Children’s Categorizing for Word Problems
      XIN Zi-qiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  69-73. 
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      Schema was measured by 60 third and fourth graders' categorizing for simple arithmetical word problems.Results showed that the participants classified these problems respectively on schematic level or pre-schematic level or procedural level.Performances on problem solving were different between schematic level and pre-schematic level,pre-schematic level and procedural level.There were significant gender differences on schema level and performances on problem solving.Concretely,girls exceeded boys.
      Middle School Students’ Learning Subjective Well-Being And Its Major Influencing Factors
      MA Ying, LIU Dian-zhi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  74-79. 
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      This study is conducted with self-compiled/Scale of Middle School Students.Learning Subjective Well-Being 0 on 910 middle school students across six grades.Results show that:(1) Middle school students.learning subjective well-being is generally low,and differences exist among schools and grades:Students from non-key-schools have lower learning subjective well-being than others.Grade-two students in both junior and senior high schools have the lowest learning subjective well-being.(2) Factors directly influencing middle school students.learning subjective well-being are learning experience and present performance,with the former playing a major role.(3) Factors indirectly influencing middle school students.learning subjective well2being are social pressure and expected performance,they influence students.learning subjective well2being through students.learning experience or their present performance.
      A Study on the Effect Mechanism of Family Ecosystems on Development of Children’s Mental Health
      SANG Biao, XI Juz-he
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  80-86. 
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      Under the guidance of ecosystems theories,the paper focused on confirming the effect mechanisms of family ecosystems on development of children's mental health,finding that,in the group of the mentally healthy,all of the subsystems (i.e.parent subsystem,family environment subsystem,and children subsystem) have buffering function,while in the group of the mental unhealthy,only one subsystem of family ecosystem (children subsystem) buffers the risks and disadvantages,other two subsystems (parent subsystems,family environment subsystem) have opposite function.
      Teacher-student Relationships in Primary and Junior Middle Schools Affect on Students’ School Adjustment
      LIU Wan-lun, WO Jian-zhong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  87-90. 
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      Teacher-student relationships are set up between students and teachers in cognition,emotion acts in schools.As a part of children's interpersonal relationships,they are important to children's socialization greatly affect on students'school adjustment.867 primary and junior middle school students in 6 grades were surveyed by questionnaire and interview methods so as to see the effect of the teacher-student relationships on students'school adjustment.It was found:(1) There were significant positive relations between the teacher-student relationships and the primary and junior middle school students'school adjustment.(2) Multi-regression analysis showed that the teacher-student relationships affected students'school adjustment.
      The Relationship Between Perceptions of Control and Victimization of Adolescents
      ZHU Bi, LEI Li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  91-95. 
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      This study explores perceptions of control in victims of school bullying,by surveying 108 adolescents with questionnaires.The result shows there are significant gender differences on external control in life,internal control of sociality,and victimization of physical bullying.With the age,physical victimization is decreasing,but unknown control is increasing.Social victimization is positively correlated with all factors of external control.Verbal victimization is positively correlated with factors of unknown control of sociality,external control of sociality,in life; and negatively correlated with factors of internal control of sociality and physicality.Victimization of property bullying is positively correlated with average external control.External control is a predictor of victimization of social,verbal,and property bullying; internal control of body is that of verbal victimization.
      A Path Analysis on Life Events, Negative Automatic Thoughts, Coping Style and Depression
      ZHANG Yue-juan, YAN Ke-le, WANG Jin-li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  96-99. 
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      To analyze the relationships between life events,negative automatic thoughts,coping style and depression,321 college students were asked to complete the ASLEC,ATQ,TCSQ,and CES-D.Results:(1) Life events,negative automatic thoughts,and coping style were significantly correlated with depression (P<0.01),While significant correlations were obtained between negative automatic thought,coping style and life events (P<0.01).(2) Through path analysis,automatic thought and coping style influenced depression directly,respectively,while Automatic thought influence depression through coping style.Life events perform influence in depression by the mediators,automatic thought and coping style.
      A Study on Interpersonal Forgive and Revenge of Undergraduates and their Links with Depression
      HU San-man, ZHANG Ai-qing, ZHONG Ha, JA Yan-jie
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  104-108. 
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      To explore the relationship between interpersonal forgive and revenge and their effects on depression in college students,A Rumination Scale,Tendency to Forgive Scale,Revenge Motivation Scale,Attitude Toward Forgiveness Scale and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale were administered to 236 sophomores.Results and Conclusion:(1) There were significant gender differences in the degree of seeking revenge.(2) Correlation analysis showed significantly negat ive correlation between tendency to forgive and revenge motivations as well as rumination,; Correlation analysis also showed significantly positive correlat ion between rumination and depression.(3) Regression analysis revealed that rumination were signif icant positive predictors of depression; tendency to forgive were significant negative predictors of depression.(4) Regression analysis also revealed that the TTF ATF interaction and TTF Revenge interaction were not significant predictors of depression.
      The Development of the Children’ Social-life Adjustment Scale and Its Application
      WANG Yong-li 1LIN Chong-de, YU Guo-liang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  109-114. 
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      The life and social adjustment Scale of children had high reliability and validity; This Scale includes five dimensions:prosocial behavior,daily-life,self-manage life,feeling monitoring,social communication.There were significant sex differences among prosocial behavior,daily-life,self-manage life and feeling monitoring,and in these categories the scores for girls were higher than that for boys.Children's life &social adjustment increased with grade as a whole.
      Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of Teacher Efficacy Scale
      HUANG Xi-Shan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(1):  115-118. 
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      The aim of the study was to adapt a famous teacher efficacy scale (TES) developed by Hoy & Woolfolk (1993) into a Chinese version.The psychometrics and construct validity were also evaluated in the study.The results showed that the Chinese version of TES is of good reliability,structural validity and concurrent validity,which can be generalized for future research and practical use.The results of factor analysis of showed that the TES was consisted of two independent dimensions,namely general teaching efficacy (GTE) and personal teaching efficacy (PTE).The differences of teachers' characteristics such as years of teaching and professional job title affect the personal teaching efficacy very little.