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    15 July 2005, Volume 21 Issue 3
    • The Development of Children’s Ability to Draw Stories
      Li Su, Li Wen-fu, Yang Yu-fang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  1-6. 
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      The present study explored the developmental process of semantics aspect in children's drawings through drawing stories.The children between 3 and 6 years of age participated in the study.The results showed that the development of children's ability to draw stories is a process from separating to integrating,and disordering to ordering.4 to 5 years of age is an important transitional period during this process.The story's structure affected children's drawings.
      A Study on Succession Development of Children aged between 3.5 and 5.5 years of Age
      WU Rui-ming, HUANG Yan-ping, LI Hong, FENG Ting-yong, LONG Chang-quan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  7-12. 
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      Ninety preschool children between 3.5 and 5.5 years of age were investigated on the development of succession with three tasks.The results show:(1)there was a germination of succession-cognition on 415 years of age,and rapid development between 4.5 and 5.5 years of age;(2)children's comprehensive ability of different kinds of time orders was different,and the performance of "now" was better than that of "past",while the performance of "future" was the worst,meanwhile no significant developmental effects were found among ages;(3) only 5.5 years of age were aware of succession and had the capability of succession judgement.
      The Effect of Dimensional Salience on Preschool Children’s Discriminability of Figures
      ZHENG Jin-xiang, YIN Guo-en, AN Rong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  13-16. 
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      In the present study,Thompson's triad classification task and Navon's hierarchical pattern stimuli were used to explore dimensional salience effects on of the children aged 4~6 years discriminability of figures.In experiment 1 on free matching.The result showed:.(1)color was more salient than shape,and local feature was more salient than the global.(2)the rate of accurate to discriminate based on color and global features increased as age increased;(3)it is faster to discriminate the task on local-global hierarchical pattern than to do the task on dimensional salience hierarchical model.In experiment 2 on matching by different instructions,The result showed that dimensional salience can significantly speed children's perceptual response and improve their accurate.It is suggested that the effect of dimensional salience probably automatically occurred at the early stage of cognitive process.
      Effect of Different Propositions on Conditional Resoning of Adolescents
      QIU Jiang, WU Yu-Ting, ZHANG Qing-Lin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  17-21. 
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      This article selected one abstract proposition and three concrete propositions as the materials,studied the cognitive mechanisms and developmental traits of conditional reasoning for adolescentaged 10 to 21 years by conditional reasoning and estimation probability tasks.The results indicated that:(1)There was a distinct difference in the same syllogistic inference(MP、DA、AC、MT)of three concrete propositions and in every concrete propositions four syllogistic inferences(MP、DA、AC、MT).(2)The process of resolving conditional inference is an intuitional and effective cognitive process based on estimation of events probabilities that was determined by increasing of experiences and knowledge and improving of subjects cognitive level.It was not completely correct that judged the individual's ability of reasoning in according to logic standards.
      The Relationship between Personality and Personality Match of Mother and Adolescent and Mother-adolescent Conflict
      FANG Xiao-yi, XIA Cui-cui, LIN Dan-hua, HUANG Li-na
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  22-26. 
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      In order to explore personality and personality Match of Mother and Adolescent and their relationship with Mother-adolescent Conflict,709 7th graders to 12th graders and their mothers were selected from two middle schools in Chengdu.The students were asked to report their personality,and their conflict format and frequencies of 8 conflict areas with their mothers in the last 6 month,The mothers were asked to report their personality.The results show:Mother's emotion stability is more related with mother-adolescent conflict than adolescents'personality,and can predict conflicts in many areas.
      The Relationship between Peer-acceptance, Family Factors and Theory of Mind of the Children
      LIU Hui-jun, WANG Jing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  27-32. 
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      The relationship between peer acceptance,family aspects and children's theory of mind(ToM)was examined among 56 children aged 6~7 years.Participants completed both tests of ToM including unexpected-transfer and deceptive-appearance tasks,and peer nomination.Family aspects covering Family Functioning and others were displayed on the FACESⅡ—CV questionnaire to children's parents.The results revealed that there were significant correlation among peer acceptance,family functioning and ToM.Children who had high peer acceptance performed better on the ToM tasks.And that whose family functioning was balance would achieve high score on the ToM tasks.Cohesion was associated with children's ToM.ToM was also influenced by mothers' educational level.And children's gender,peer acceptance,cohesion of family and mothers'educational level were some significant predictors of the performance of ToM.
      The Research of the Friendships of Adolescents with Social Withdrawal Behavior
      WAN Jing-jing, ZhOU Zong-kui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  33-36. 
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      With the method of sociometric nomination and questionnaire,the friendships of social withdrawal adolescents of 120 mutual dyads from grade 7 to grade 9 were investigated.The results showed:the quality of boy-boy friendship was lower than the mix-gender and girl-girl friendship.When compared with non-withdrawn friendship,withdrawal children lie in somewhat disadvantage status,but their friendships can function properly. Multiple regression showed that victimization and intimate-communication predicted the social withdrawal behavior positively and strongly,while the conflict-betrayal,trust-respect,and the numbers of friendship predicted the social withdrawal behavior negatively.Results are discussed in terms of the implications for prevention and intervention of social withdrawal from mutual friendships and peer relationships.
      Shearing Behaviors On Occasionally Gained and Possessive Object in Old Children Aged4~6 years
      WANG Hai-mei, CHEN Hui-chang, ZHANG Guang-zhen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  37-43. 
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      In present study 180 children aged 4~6 years in participated a within-subject design experimental procedure consisted of three situations.The first is an oral judgment situation on other children's sharing behaviors, the second one is a real sharing behavior situation of occasional object,and third one is a real sharing behavior of own possessive object.Results show that(1)90% of 4 year olds and 100% of 5~6 years of age made a right judgment when they do not take role of story.When they took role of the story,the rate of right judgment of 4 year olds declined to 81%,but the judgment of 5~6 years of age was not changed.(2)About 25% of 4 year old children,50% of 5 year olds and 71% of 6 year olds shared own occasionally gained toy to their peer.The developmental trend is significant,a critical age is at 5 years of age.(3)Overwhelming children of 4 year old could not distinguish an occasionally gained object and an object that received in competition as bonus,but most children at 5~6 years of age viewed the bonus as "own possessive thing".Over 80% children of 4~6 year old were not willing to share such a bonus to the peer who lost in competition.(4)There is a no correspondence between sharing judgment and real sharing behaviors,it appear in the situation of sharing the occasionally gained object in part of 4~5 years of age children and overwhelming children of 4~6 years of age in the situation sharing own possessive object.
      Development in Direction of Children’s Empathy Experiencing and Influence of Different Language Prompts
      HU Jin-sheng, YANG Li-zhu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  44-48. 
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      This study discussed the development in direction of children's empathy experiencing and the influence of different language prompts on help-giving behaviors for children aged 3 to 9 years of age through picture stories and situational experiments.The study shows that personal distress of egoistic direction gains an advantage for 3-5 years old children,and empathy concern of altruistic direction occupies a dominant position since 5 years of age.Help-giving behaviors of altruistic direction gain the upper hand over that of egoistic direction and controlling which have no distinction in scores between the former and latter examinations,while scores of the latter examination in altruistic direction is superior to that of the former one.
      Young Children’s Use of Emotional Expression Rules and its Relation to Family Emotional Expression and Social Behaviors
      HE Jie, XU Qin-mei, WANG Xu-ling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  49-53. 
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      Emotional expression rules include expression regulation knowledge and expectations of outcome of emotional expression.The study examined 112 3~6 years old children's use of emotional expression rules and its relation to family emotional expression and social behaviors.The results demonstrate:(1)Children's display rules had significant grade difference,and 5 year-old children were more likely to use display rules than 3 year-old children.(2)Children masked emotion when they expected not to receive interpersonal support or instrumental assistance.(3)Children reported different emotion in a variety of audience figures.And interpersonal support from audience figures was varied as a function of children's age.(4)Mothers.and fathers.perceptions of family expressiveness were positively correlated with interpersonal support and negatively correlat ed with instrumental assistance.(5)Children's use of display rules can positively predict the prosocial behavior,while children's expectation of negative results can negatively predict the shyness-withdrawn.
      A Study on Types of Career Indecision
      LIU Chang-jiang, HAO Fang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  54-59. 
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      Career indecision is one of important aspects in studying career decision-making.In order to understand the types of career indecision,the study investigated 300 high school students by career decision-making difficulties and vocational identity measures.By using cluster analysis,the study revealed 5 distinct subtypes of career indecision(a)bewildered,(b)indecisive,(c)belief dysfunctional,(d)motivation lacking,and(e)well adjusted.The 5 types were validated by comparing on a total career decision-making difficulty and vocational identity.
      Constraction of Self-Regulated Learning Scale for College Students
      ZHU Zu-de, WANG Jing-qiong, ZHANG Wei, YE Qing-qing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  60-65. 
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      Present study developed a self-regulated learning scale for college students suiting Chinese students based on the self-regulated learning theory of Zimmerman.Using exploratory factor analysis,we found six factors in the motivation sub-scale,they are self-efficiency,intrinsic aim,learning controlling,extrinsic aim,learning valuable, learning anxiety;and six factors in the strategy sub-scale,they are learning method,seeking help,learning planning,learning summarize,learning evaluating,learning managing.After testing,we consider the reliability coefficient and validity coefficient are valid.
      The Adoption of Phonological Processing Strategy When Native Chinese Speakers Learn English
      GAO Ding-guo, ZHANG Rui-jian
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  66-73. 
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      On the basis of literature review,the authors designed a questionnaire to examine the phonological processing strategy used by native Chinese college and middle school students who learning English,to investigate the effects of phonological processing strategy on learning with reference to sex,age of acquisition and major in college,and to distinguish the effects of phonological processing when listening,speaking,reading and writing English.The results showed that the adoption of phonological processing strategy varied significantly among listening,speaking,reading and writing.There was no difference in sex and age but difference in age of acquisition and major in college as Chinese learners using phonology strategy to learn English.In general,Chinese learners did not strongly depend on a phonological processing strategy when they are learning English.
      The Effects of Learner-Generated Diagrams on Understanding and Application of Dynamic Knowledge in Explanatory Text
      LIU Ru-de, MUO Shu, SHU Hua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  74-77. 
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      One hundred and twelve college students were divided into four groups according to two pairs of conditions (learne-rgenerated diagrams vs.learner-generated summaries;while reading text vs.while answering questions). They were asked to read two explanatory texts both about dynamic knowledge but different in the levels of difficulty, and then answer some multiple-choice questions related to understanding and application of the knowledge in the text.The results showed that the learner-generated diagrams while reading can significantly facilitate the understanding to the more difficult text than the less difficult text;the learner-generated diagrams while answering questions can significantly facilitate the application to the less difficult text than the more dif icult text;there are no significant interactions between the two kinds of learner-generated diagrams both in understanding and application.
      A Study on Visual-spatial Representations in Mathematical Word Problem Solving among Elementary School Students
      XU Su
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  78-82. 
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      Two types of mathematical word problems were developed:nonvisual problems(NVP)and visual problems(VP).By using mathematics test and individual interview,this study investigated visual-spatial representations in mathematical word problem solving among 54 elementary school students with different mathematical performance in grade 4,grade 5,and grade 6.The results showed that:Schematic representations promote NVP and VP solving success,whereas pictorial representations may present an obstacle to NVP solving but show no correlations with VP solving;therefore schematic representations and pictorial representations may have different meanings in the two types of mathematical word problems.The students in grade 6 performed better than the others in mathematical problem solving and use of schematic representations,but no grade differences existed in use of pictorial representations.The low-achievers in mathematics were poor in use of schematic representations,but the extent of use of pictorial representations in VP solving was higher than that of high-achievers and average-achievers.The high-achievers performed better than the others in transferring from non-visual-spatial representations to schematic representations in NVP solving.
      The Development of Creative Literature Question-asking Ability of Elementary School Students
      HAN Qin, HU Wei-ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  83-88. 
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      The development of creative literature question-asking ability(CLQA)of 371 elementary school students was studied by using experimental method.The results showed that:(1)The CLQA of elementary school students has increasing tendency;(2)The sex differences are existed.But the dif erences are not remarkable;(3)The development of CLQA of elementary school students in city is better than that in countryside.But the difference is not marked;(4)The developing trend between them is similar.But there are different key periods for rapid development.
      A research on the Images of teachers in the Eyes of Middle School Students
      YUAN Xiao-lin, WANG Sui-ping, ZHU Bin-bin, XU Xiao-hong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  89-93. 
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      In this study,we invest igated the actual and ideal images of teachers in the eyes of 510 middle school students with the self-developed word list.The findings were:1)For current students,the actual images of teachers includes profound knowledge and deep love for education,lively and open with distinct personality,deep love for students and strong responsibility,irritable disposition and harsh criticism.2)The ideal images of teachers includes deep love for students,open and fair,extensive knowledge with deep love for education,good facial features and disposition,prudent.3)There is distinct divergence on the composition and significance of the elements of the actual and ideal teachers images.4)junior and senior,gender,academic record all affected the students actual and ideal images of teachers.5)Middle school Students were not satisfied with present images of teachers,especialy teaching skills.
      An Experimental Research on the Relationship between Young Children’s Exploratory Behaviors and Teachers’ Attitudes
      LIU Yun-yan, ZHANG Da-jun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  94-98. 
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      Exploratory behavior is an important yardstick for us to understand young children's curiosity.Based on kindergarten's scientific plays,this research starts with the relationship between teachers'support and young children's exploratory behaviors,teachers'support to be the independent variable and young children's exploratory behaviors to be the dependent variable,as well as 5-year-old children to be the objects of study.It proves that teachers'positive support,emotional support,material support and strategic support made direct influence on the development and efficiency of children's exploratory behaviors.
      Psychological Stress and Influencing Factors of Graduate Students
      YUYu-lan, ZHENG Xi-fu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  99-103. 
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      We investigated and tested the stress of 334 graduate students with the help of measuring scale of psychological stress of graduate students.The result is that the psychological stress of graduate students are coming from studying,job,economy,marriage,relationship of people,body and mental,and achievement and the stress are influenced mainly speciality,mode of family teaching,economic condition of family,university,and the difference of life style and climate between the university and hometown.
      The Effect of Self-Esteem on Emotional States After Failure of Undergraduates
      TIAN Lu-mei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  104-107. 
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      Using 2×2 mixed design of two factors to investigate the effect of self-esteem on emotional states after failure of undergraduates.The results showed that:(1)Whether before or after failure,the group with low self-esteem had more depressive and anxious emotions than that with high self-esteem;(2)Whether with high or low self-esteem,subjects had more depressive and anxious emotions after failure than before failure;(3)There was no significant interaction between self-esteem and measure time of emotions;(4)There was no obvious difference in variational range of emotions after failure between the two groups.
      Defensive Styles and Interpersonal Conflicts Solving Styles by College Students with Different Self-esteem
      ZHANG Rong-juan, LI Wen-hu, HU Yun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  108-111. 
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      The study attempts to explore the differences of defensive styles and solutions to latent interpersonal conflicts between individuals with high self-esteem and low self-esteem,those with defensive high SE and genuine high SE.The result reveals that difference do exist in part among people with SE of different levels,but fails to validate the differences between those with different kinds of high SE as foreign studies successfully did.
      Research on the Group Characteristics of Middle School Students’ Problem Behavior by Multi-rater Method
      CUI Li-xia, LEI Li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2005, 21(3):  112-119. 
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      The study explored the structure and group characteristics of middle school students'problem behavior with multi-rater questionnaires:self-rating,teacher-rating and parent-rating.The results showed that:(1)There existed a three-rater six-factor MTMM model of middle school students'problem behaviors.(2)Boys got higher scores than girls in learning maladaptive behavior,aggressive behavior and delinquent behavior by all three raters. By self-rating girls got higher scores than boys in withdraw,neurotic and test-anxiety.But by teacher-rating girls got higher scores than boys only in test anxiety and there was no sex differences by parent-rating on internalizing problems.(3)There were grade differences in all six factors by self-rating.But by teach-rating there were grade differences only in three factors and no grade diferences by parent-rating.(4)Although they were low,the correlations between three perspectives on the same factor were all significant and correlations on learning maladaptive behavior,aggressive behavior and delinquent behavior were higher than that on internalizing problems such as withdraw,neurotic and test anxiety.