Psychological Development and Education ›› 2005, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 61-67.

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The Features of Different Stages and Grades Students’ Perception of Teachers’ Assessment Behavior

ZHAO Xi-bin   

  1. Basic Education Curriculum Research Centre, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
  • Online:2005-10-15 Published:2005-10-15

Abstract: Students' perception of Teachers' Assessment Behavior(TAB) includes two main elements,namely,operational factors and basal factors.Operational factor includes "identifying assessment target","collecting information" and "feedback"; Basic factor includes "expecting and inspiriting","communicating and understanding","concerning process of learning".Based on the investigation of 746 students from grade 4 to grade 9,the characteristic of different stages and grades students' perception of TAB were explored.The result indicated:Except for "expecting and inspiriting","communicating and understanding",primary students' perception of both basic factors and operational factors is significantly better than junior high students'.In primary school,no significant differences among students' perception of TAB in different grade are found.As to basic factors,7-grade students' TAB is significantly better than 8-grade and 9-grade students'.As to operational factors,perception of 7-grade students is significantly better than 8-grade students.

Key words: stages, grades, perception of teachers'assessment behavior

CLC Number: 

  • G44
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