Psychological Development and Education 2017 Vol.33
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The Relation between Mothers' Depressive Symptoms and Child Withdrawal in a U.S. Sample: The Mediational Role of Parenting Behavior
YAN Ni, YU Yao
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (1): 1-10.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.01
Abstract1822)      PDF(pc) (1031KB)(1234)       Save
This study aims to explore the association between maternal depression and child withdrawal by means of longitudinal research, to understand how changes in depressive symptoms among mothers may lead to changes in child withdrawal over time, and to understand the role of particular kinds of parenting in these associations. Data for the present study came from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. The data were analyzed using lierarchical linear modeling. The results showed that the correlation of children's withdrawal behavior and maternal depressive symptoms during 24 and 54 months was significant. All the three types of parenting were positively correlated with maternal depressive symptoms and children's withdrawal, except that parenting and child withdrawal were not significantly correlated at 54 months. Even though child withdrawal at 24 months was predicted by across-dyad variance in mother's early depressive symptoms regardless of the child's gender, the relation of within-dyad changes in the mother's depressive symptoms to the child withdrawal from 24 to 54 months was dependent on the child's gender. Changes in the mother's depressive symptoms predicted more changes in the withdrawal of boys than girls. Also, negative parenting mediated this relation only for boys. This suggests that, compared with girls, boys start to become more vulnerable to develop withdrawal from two years old if they have mothers with depressive symptoms.
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The Relation between Adolescents' Resilience and School Adaptation
ZHANG Guangzhen, WANG Juanjuan, LIANG Zongbao, DENG Huihua
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (1): 11-20.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.02
Abstract2719)      PDF(pc) (2749KB)(1725)       Save
This research aimed to examine the relation between adolescents' resilience and school adaptation with longitudinal design. Four hundred and seventy adolescents (254 boys, 216 girls; M age=12.95, SD=0.91 at the first assessment) participated in this study and was followed up for one year. Adolescents were asked to report their resilience on the Resilience Scale for Chinese Adolescents. Parents and teachers were asked to rate adolescents' school adaptation on a revised version of Teacher-Child Rating Scale and Parent-Child Rating Scale, respectively. One year later (T2), data was collected in the same manner. The results of this research showed that:(1) Adolescents' resilience was positively correlated with competence at both T1 and T2, negatively correlated with learning problems, externalizing problems, and internalizing problems; (2)In general, after controlling for the effect of sex, SES, and the stability of adolescents' resilience and school adaptation, adolescents' resilience at T1 significantly predicted teacher-reported internalizing problems, learning problems and school-related competence, and parent-reported competence at T2, however, adolescents' school adaptation could not predict their resilience at T2. These results indicate that adolescents' resilience might have unidirectional effect on their school adaptation.
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The Effect of Parents' Marital Conflict on Junior Students' Academic Burnout: The Mediating Role of Co-parenting
MA Meifen, ZHU Lei, YANG Xiaojun, WANG Zhenhong
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (1): 21-29.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.03
Abstract2180)      PDF(pc) (1199KB)(1377)       Save
This study included 376 junior middle school students, and examined the spillover hypothesis of the ecological family theory. The children's perception of inter-parental conflict scale, the Maslach burnout inventory-student survey, and parent's perception of the co-parenting relationship survey has been used to examine whether co-parenting mediated the relationship between students' perception on parents' marital conflict and students' academic burnout. Results showed that:(1) conflict frequency, conflict intensity of parents' marital conflict factor and academic burnout have a significant positive correlation, un-supportive parents co-parenting is significantly positive related to students' academic burnout, while supportive parents' co-parenting is significantly negative correlated with students' academic burnout; parents' marital conflict is negatively correlated with parents co-parenting, higher marital conflict parents show more un-support parenting behavior in co-parenting; and (2) un-supportive parents co-parenting full mediated the relationship between parents' marital conflict and academic burnout.
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Changes in College Students' Personality in 2004~2013: A Cross-temporal Meta-analysis
TIAN Yuan, MING Hua, HUANG Silin, SUN Ling
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (1): 30-36.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.04
Abstract2000)      PDF(pc) (986KB)(1100)       Save
Previous studies have found that college students' psychological states, such as mental health and so on, changed with the social change. We are interested in how intrinsic personality traits change with times. This study conducted a cross-temporal meta-analysis of 65 papers from 2004 to 2013 adopting NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) to investigate the changing trends of the personality traits of 47029 College Students. The results showed that:(1) During 2004~2013, the scores of the five factors of college students' personality were significantly positively correlated with the times. This means that the personality traits of college students have changed with times. (2) Over the past decade, the scores of the students' Nervousness, Extraversion, Openness and Conscientiousness was increased more than 1 standard deviation (the d value was between 1.06 and 1.30), and the Agreeableness improved 0.57 standard deviation. This means that college students became more outgoing, more open, more conscientious and more pleasant, and their emotional stabilities were worse. (3) The changes of personality traits of male and female college students had common trends and some significant differences. The five factor scores of male were significantly increased, but the Openness had no change and the Agreeableness even declined in female.
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The Effect of Calling on Employability of College students: The Mediating Role of Job Searching Clarity and Job Searching Self-efficacy
YE Baojuan, ZHENG Qing, DONG Shenghong, FANG Xiaoting, LIU Linlin
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (1): 37-44.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.05
Abstract2288)      PDF(pc) (1268KB)(1163)       Save
To explore how calling influences employability of college students, 802 college students were recruited in this study to complete calling questionnaire, job searching clarity questionnaire, job searching self-efficacy questionnaire and employability questionnaire. The results indicated that:(1) Job searching clarity mediated the effect of calling on college students' employability; (2)Job searching self-efficacy mediated the effect of job searching clarity on college students' employability; (3) Job searching self-efficacy mediated the effect of calling on college students' employability. In conclusion, job searching clarity and job searching self-efficacy played a chain mediation effect between calling and college students' employability.
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The Social Cognition Processing Characteristics on Occupational Events in Teachers with Different Levels of Professional Identity
WEI Shuhua, SONG Guangwen, ZHANG Dajun
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (1): 45-55.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.06
Abstract1776)      PDF(pc) (1561KB)(764)       Save
Through Tversky's social cognition experiment paradigm, this study explored whether there were different social cognition processing characteristics on occupational events in the process of encoding, recognition and priming of teachers with high or low professional identity. The results showed that:(1) Teachers with high professional identity encoded more positive items as positive items and encoded less positive and neutral items as negative items. The positively encoding bias of positive items and neutral items in teachers with high professional identity was significantly higher than which in the teachers with low professional identity. (2) Teachers with high professional identity recognized more originally positive and neutral items. Teachers with low professional identity misjudged much more newly neutral and negative items as originally. (3) The positively priming items and the positively priming bias in teachers with high professional identity was significantly higher than which in the teachers with low professional identity. Conclusion:There were different social cognition processing characteristics on occupational events in teachers with different levels of professional identity. The social cognition processing in teachers with high professional identity was more positive and effective.
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The Association of Negative Academic Emotions on Perceived Academic Self-efficacy of Migrant Children: The Moderating Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies
WANG Daoyang, LU Xiang, YIN Xin
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (1): 56-64.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.07
Abstract2438)      PDF(pc) (1726KB)(1139)       Save
A total of 397 migrant children were recruited as subjects with questionnaire method to investigate the association of negative academic emotions on perceived academic self-efficacy of migrant children and the moderation effect of emotion regulation strategies on that. The results showed that:Firstly, the negative predictive effect of academic emotions on the sense of control was significantly higher than that of the basic sense of ability. Among them, only the predictive effect of angry, shame and helpless on the basic sense of ability were significant. Moreover, only the predictive effect of cognitive re-evaluation on the basic sense of ability were significant. And, the cognitive re-evaluation had the moderating effect on the relationship of angry, depression and the basic sense of ability. And the expression suppression had the moderating effect on the relationship of helpless and the basic sense of ability. Secondly, except for angry, in the academic emotions of the migration children, the predictive effect of anxiety, shame, boredom, helpless, depression and vexation on the sense of control were significant. Both the predictive effect of cognitive re-evaluation and expression suppression of emotion regulation strategies on the sense of control were significant. Besides, the moderating effect of cognitive re-evaluation on the shame, boredom, depression were significant and the moderating effect of expression suppression on the depression were significant.
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The Association between Psychological Abuse and Neglect and Adolescents' Aggressive Behavior: The Mediating and Moderating Role of the Moral Disengagement
SUN Lijun, DU Hongqin, NIU Gengfeng, LI Junyi, HU Xiangen
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (1): 65-75.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.08
Abstract2113)      PDF(pc) (1666KB)(1277)       Save
Based on the General Aggression Model(GAM) and individual-contex model, the present study examined the association between psychological abuse and neglect and adolescent' aggression behavior, as well as the role of moral disengagement. A sample of 696 adolescents completed the Psychological Abuse and Neglect Scale, Adolescent Moral Disengagement Scale and Aggressive Behavior Scale. Results revealed that:(1) Psychological abuse and neglect was positively correlated with aggressive behavior and moral disengagement, and moral disengagement was also positively correlated with aggressive behavior. (2) Moral disengagement played a partially mediating role in the association between psychological abuse and neglect and aggressive behavior;No significant gender difference in the mediating effect was observed,but significant age difference was observed. Moral disengagement played a partially mediating role among middle school students,and played a fully mediating role among high school students.(3) The moderating role of moral disengagement in the association between psychological abuse and neglect and aggressive behavior was insignificant.Significant gender difference in the moderating role was found,but significant age difference was not observed. The moderating role of moral disengagement was insignificant among male students,but significant among female students.
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The Relation between Parent-Adolescent Relationship and Adolescent Risk-Taking Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Model
TIAN Lumei, WU Yunlong, YUAN Jingchi, SHAN Nan, LIU Lu
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (1): 76-84.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.09
Abstract1943)      PDF(pc) (986KB)(1053)       Save
The present study constructed a moderated mediation model to examine whether self-control ability mediated the relation between parent-adolescent relationship and adolescent risk-taking behavior, and whether this mediating process was moderated by deviant peer affiliation. With cluster sampling method, 1263 adolescents completed questionnaire measures of personal relationships in social networks, self-control ability, deviant peer affiliation, and risk-taking behavior. The results indicated that:(1)self-control ability played a mediating role in the relation between parent-adolescent relationship and adolescent risk-taking behavior;(2)deviant peer affiliation moderated the mediated path through self-control ability, namely this indirect effect was much stronger for adolescents affiliated with more deviant peers relative to those affiliated with fewer deviant peers. Thus, self-control ability's mediating effect existed in the association of parent-adolescent relationship with adolescent risk-taking behavior, meanwhile this mediating effect was moderated by deviant peer affiliation.
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Effects of Neighborhood, Parental Monitoring and Deviant Peers on Adolescent Problem Behaviors
HOU ke, ZHANG Yunyun, LUO Fang, Ren Ping
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (1): 85-94.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.10
Abstract2057)      PDF(pc) (1283KB)(943)       Save
Based on a survey of 2188 adolescents (age=12.97 years, SD=0.62) and their parents, this study examined the combined effects of neighborhood, parents, and peers on adolescent problem behaviors. Results from structural equation model indicated that neighborhood crime, neighborhood social cohesion and neighborhood disorder influenced adolescent problem behaviors via parental monitoring and affiliation with deviant peers; Furthermore, neighborhood crime manifested its effect by influenced adolescent problem behaviors directly. An interaction effect were found between parental monitoring and deviant peers on problem behaviors. As the rise of parental monitoring, the effect of deviant peers on problem behaviors were weaken. For boys, the effects of neighborhood crime, parental monitoring, and affiliation with deviant peers on problem behaviors were larger than for girls.
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The Relationship Between Character Strengths and Subjective Well-being among College Students: The Roles of Strengths Use and Stressful Life Events
WANG Huanzhen, JIANG Qi, HOU Lulu
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (1): 95-104.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.11
Abstract2206)      PDF(pc) (1660KB)(1528)       Save
This study aimed to explore the relationship of character strengths, strengths use, stressful life events and subjective well-being. A total of 800 students of two universities from Chongqing and Henan Province completed the questionnaires measuring character strengths (CVQ-96), strengths use (SUS), subjective well-being (SWLS and PANAS) and stressful life events (ASLEC). Structural equation modeling (SEM) results showed that:(1) strengths use partially mediated the relationship between character strengths and subjective well-being. Character strengths not only had a direct influence on subjective well-being, but also indirectly influenced subjective well-being through strengths use; (2) stressful life events moderated the mediation of strengths use. The relationship between strengths use and subjective well-being was stronger for college students with high stressful life events than those with low stressful life events. Therefore, strengths use played a moderated mediating role in the relationship between character strengths and subjective well-being.
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Dyadic Patterns in the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model and its Testing
LIU Chang, WU Xinchun
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (1): 105-112.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.12
Abstract3736)      PDF(pc) (1414KB)(945)       Save
APIM is an important analytic approach of dyadic data, and its analysis unit is dyad. Based on the actor and partner effects, Kenny and Ledermann discussed four general APIM dyadic patterns:the actor-only, the partner-only, the couple, and the contrast patterns. Then Kenny and Ledermann defined k as the ratio of the partner effect to the actor effect. By estimating k, researchers have a quantitative index of the relative size of the partner effect. Researchers can simplify the results and analyze the process of group interaction through dyadic patterns. On the basis of example, both advantage and limitation were discussed.
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Advances in Research on Subtypes of Developmental Dyslexia
MENG Zelong, ZHANG Yiwei, BI Hongyan
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (1): 113-121.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.13
Abstract1807)      PDF(pc) (1051KB)(995)       Save
Developmental dyslexia is a kind of learning disability and has various subtypes. According to reading model, children with dyslexia are classified to phonological dyslexia and surface dyslexia in alphabetic languages. From the perspective of cognitive deficits, there are phonological processing deficit, orthographic processing deficit and rapid naming deficit. In the three deficits, phonological processing deficit is a main subtype that dyslexics show difficulty in phonological processing. Based on the basic sensory-perceptual processing deficit, some dyslexia can be devided into visual processing deficit subtype and auditory processing deficit subtype. However, the ratio of phonological subtype, when classified according to the same reading model in Chinese children with dyslexia, is much lower than that in alphabetic language. Chinese dyslexic children can also be classified to three subtypes including phonological processing deficit, orthographic processing deficit and rapid naming deficit in the light of cognitive deficits. Further studies are highly needed to clarify the neural mechanism of different subtypes in developmental dyslexia.
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Weight Effect Analysis of Multivariate Generalizability Theory for Teaching Level Evaluation of College Teachers
LI Guangming, ZHANG Minqiang
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (1): 122-128.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.14
Abstract1719)      PDF(pc) (918KB)(864)       Save
Exemplified teaching level evaluation for college teachers, the paper explored if the weights had an effect on composite reliability of multivariate generalizability theory (MGT). By the designed questionnaire of teaching level evaluation for college teachers, 534 students were asked to evaluate 16 english teachers. We used MGT to analyze the multivariate nested collected data. The results showed that:(1) as for teaching level evaluation for college teachers, three weights, i.e. estimation weights, priori weights and effective weights, had a large difference for composite reliability of MGT; (2)exemplified the teaching level evaluation and based on a full analysis about three weights how to affect the composite reliability, this study proposed a pattern of three weights effect analysis for composite reliability of MGT, which could provide a scientific reference for the proper use of weight in MGT.
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Characteristics of the Spatial Representation of Magnitude:SNARC Effect across Audiovisual Channels
ZHAO Qi, LI Longfeng, DENG Zhijun, CHEN Yinghe
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (2): 129-138.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.02.01
Abstract1602)      PDF(pc) (2070KB)(410)       Save
Two experiments were conducted in the present study to examine the features of the spatial representation of magnitude through visual,auditory,and cross-modal perception.Numerical comparison tasks were adapted from a cross-modal perspective.Results in Experiment 1 revealed that SNARC effect was presented through either visual or auditory channel.For the cross-modal perception in Experiment 2,when the magnitude of number in the priming channel was consistent or irrelevant with that in the main channel,the SNARC effect was found to be similar to Experiment 1,whether the priming channel was a visual or auditory one.However,when the magnitude of number in the priming channel was inconsistent with that in the main channel,the SNARC effect of the main channel was found to be significantly reduced or even disappear.These results provided further evidence that SNARC effect would be affected by situations.In addition,this study also found that for the spatial representation of magnitude under cross-modal perception,numerical information from the auditory channel might have a greater influence on the spatial representation of magnitude in the visual channel rather than vice versa.
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A Study about the Effects of Different Interpersonal Situations on Working Memory
CAO Yushu, XU Lulu, HE Wen, LUO Junlong, LI Haijiang
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (2): 139-144.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.02.02
Abstract1596)      PDF(pc) (670KB)(532)       Save
To investigate the effects of interpersonal context on working memory (WM),participants first underwent one of the three interpersonal situations (interpersonal trust,interpersonal betrayal and altruistic punishment after the betrayal) in trust game task and then performed an N-Back WM task.The results showed that:(1) the accuracies of N-back WM task decreased significantly with the increase of task difficulty.In addition,in the 1-back condition,the accuracies of interpersonal trust and altruistic punishment after the betrayal were higher than that of interpersonal betrayal;in the 2-back condition,the accuracy of interpersonal trust was higher than that of interpersonal betrayal and altruistic punishment after the betrayal;in the 3-back condition,there were no significant differences between groups;(2) the reaction time became significantly longer with the increase of the task difficulty.In the 1-back condition,the reaction time of interpersonal trust and altruistic punishment after the betrayal was lower than that of interpersonal betrayal;in the 2-back and 3-back condition,no significant difference was found across groups.These results suggested that the effect of interpersonal experiences on WM performance is modulated by task difficulty.
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The Storage Mechanism of Object and Spatial Working Memory for the 3-D Graphs
WU Wenchun, SUN Yueliang, XU Xue
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (2): 145-152.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.02.03
Abstract1651)      PDF(pc) (1143KB)(485)       Save
Using single change-detection paradigm,this study explored the storage unit of visual object working memory and visual spatial working memory for the 3-D graphs with features of double dimensions.The stimulus graphs in experiment 1 were defined by basic features of color and shape,and the memory materials in experiment 2 were presented by different colors and textures.Sixty undergraduates participated two experiments (Each for 30,their age ranged from 19 to 24,mean age were 21.25 and 21.75 respectively).Results of two experiments showed that there was no significant difference between the mean detection accuracies of feature exchange condition and the worst accuracy of single feature change conditions.These findings revealed that the 3-D graphs composed of two heterogeneous features were both stored as integrated units in object working memory and spatial working memory.
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Parental Rearing Pattern Mediates the Association between Social Economic Status and Cognitive Ability of Migrant Children
ZHANG Xiyang, LENG Lu, CHEN Hongjun, FANG Xiaoyi, SHU Zeng, LIN Xiuyun
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (2): 153-162.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.02.04
Abstract1815)      PDF(pc) (1425KB)(1193)       Save
This study investigated the influence of social economic status (SES) on migrant children's cognitive ability and the mediating effect of parenting style between them by conducting questionnaire survey and behavioral experiment on 133 migrant children and 129 non-migrant children from a local primary school in Beijing.Results show that:(1) Comparing to non-migrant children,the migrant children's working memory and metacognition are poorer,SES is lower and parenting style is more negative.(2) For migrant children,SES is significantly correlated with metacognition,and several dimensions of parenting style are significantly correlated with metacognition.Only over-protection and interference of mother is significantly related to attention.(3) For migrant children,father's emotional warmth and understanding partly mediates the relationship between SES and metacognition with an effect value of 30%.
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The Effect of Prosocial Autonomous Motivation on Adolescents' Well-being and Prosocial Behavior:The Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (2): 163-171.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.02.05
Abstract1928)      PDF(pc) (1150KB)(885)       Save
Prosocial behavior was considered as a critical way to help individuals gain happiness.However,Self-determination theory suggests that the degree to which a prosocial act is autonomous predicts its effect on well-being and the maintenance of prosocial behavior.The present study combined a questionnaire survey (study 1) and an experimental design (study 2) to investigate the effect of prosocial autonomous motivation on Chinese adolescents' well-being and prosocial behavior,and also examine the mediating role of basic psychological needs satisfaction.A sample of 293 adolescents participated in study 1.They were asked to complete a questionnaire containing prosocial self-regulatory scale,basic psychological needs satisfaction scale,Chinese positive affect and negative affect scale,satisfaction with life scale,and adolescents'prosocial behavior scale.Using an experimental design,study 2 manipulated prosocial motivation (autonomous/controlled) by hypothetical scenarios,and participants were randomly assigned to either of the two groups.Two hundred and five adolescents were asked to read the scenarios related to prosocial motivation,and then completed subsequent questionnaire measuring basic psychological needs satisfaction,well-being and prosocial behavior.The results showed that prosocial autonomous motivation positively predicted adolescents' well-being and prosocial behavior.Moreover,the basic psychological needs satisfaction mediated the positive relationship between prosocial autonomous motivation and well-being,and the positive relationship between prosocial autonomous motivation and prosocial behavior.The theoretical and practical implications,as well as the limitations of the present study,were discussed.
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The Influence of Coping Strategies and Pressure on Social Adjustment in Secondary School Students:Longitudinal Mediation Models
LI Caina, SUN Cuicui, XU Enzhen, GU Jiaojiao, ZHANG Qingyao
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (2): 172-182.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.02.06
Abstract1990)      PDF(pc) (2535KB)(825)       Save
In prior research much attention has been drawn to the concern of social adjustment during puberty,while few researchers have addressed the longitudinal mediation mechanism among coping,pressure and social adjustment.Path analysis was utilized in current research to investigate the longitudinal associations among pressure,coping and social adjustment using a sample of 369 Chinese secondary school students from seventh grade to ninth grade.Results indicate the hypothesized link between pressure and adjustment,the link between coping and adjustment,and the role of coping played on pressure were validated.Furthermore,the association between initial negative coping and later negative social adjustment was longitudinally mediated by pressure,providing support for the mediation mechanism in which negative coping leads to an increase in pressure,which in turn worsens students'social adjustment.Findings suggest that the effect of coping on pressure and the longitudinal indirect effect of pressure on social adjustment through coping remains to be verified in the future.
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The Effect of Online Social Support on Online Altruistic Behavior:The Role of Gratitude and Social Identity
YANG Xinxin, LIU Qinxue, ZHOU Zongkui
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (2): 183-190.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.02.07
Abstract1971)      PDF(pc) (1047KB)(906)       Save
The present study examined whether gratitude mediated the relationship between online social support and online altruistic behavior,and whether this mediating process was moderated by social identity.442 college students from three universities in Hubei province completed anonymous questionnaires regarding online altruistic behavior,online social support,gratitude and social identity.The results showed that:(1) social support predicted online altruistic behavior positively and (2) the positive association was mediated by gratitude;(3) moreover,the mediating effect was moderated by social identity.The results would be helpful to understand the role of individual factors (i.e.,graditude) in the effect of social support on online altruistic behaviors.
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Just World Belief and Achievements in Secondary School Students:The Mediators of Perceived Teachers'Support and Classroom Justice
REN Ping, ZHANG Yunyun, QIN Xingna, GUO Xiaolin, ZHAO Qian
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (2): 191-197.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.02.08
Abstract1521)      PDF(pc) (1022KB)(602)       Save
It has been found that belief in a just world (BJW) could affect adolescents'development positively.However,the potential pathway which links BJW and achievement remains unclear,particularly under the class justice context.Conducted with a sample of 2584 participants in seventh grade in Zhengzhou,this current research explored the effects of BJW on their academic achievement and the mediating roles of students'subjective experience of their teachers'support and classroom justice.The structural equation model found that the more students believed in a just world,the better grades they received.Furthermore,the students'BJW could positively affect achievement not only by perceived teachers'support and classroom justice respectively,but also by perceived teachers'support via the multiple mediator effect of classroom justice when controlled for gender and age.These findings suggested that the just and supportive classroom environment plays an important role between adolescents'BJW and their academic achievement.
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School Climate and Academic Achievement among Junior Middle School Students:A Moderated Mediation Model of Academic Emotions and Future Orientation
LI Wentao, LIU Xuelan, YU Chengfu, ZHANG Caixia, YE Peijue
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (2): 198-205.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.02.09
Abstract2160)      PDF(pc) (1587KB)(1018)       Save
The present study investigated the relationship between school climate and junior middle school students'academic achievement,and was to explore the mediating effect of academic emotions as well as the moderating effect of future orientation.The school climate questionnaire,academic emotions questionnaire,future orientation scale,and academic achievement questionnaire were administered to 1243 junior middle school students (51% female) from two junior middle schools.Results were as follows:(1) after controlling for gender,grade,and SES,school climate could positively predict junior middle school students'academic achievement.(2) school climate influenced junior middle school students'academic achievement directly and indirectly through the positive low arousal and negative low arousal academic emotions.(3) future orientation moderated the mediation models:school climate-positive low arousal/negative low arousal academic emotions-academic achievement.Moreover,future orientation moderated the relationship between school climate and positive low arousal academic emotions,such that this indirect effect was much stronger for junior middle school students with high future orientation.While future orientation moderated the relationship between negative low arousal academic emotions and academic achievement,such that this indirect effect was much stronger for junior middle school students with low future orientation.
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Assessing the Latent Structure of PTSD among Chinese Adolescent after Earthquake
ZHOU Xiao, WU Xinchun, AN Yuanyuan, LIN Chongde
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (2): 206-215.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.02.10
Abstract1310)      PDF(pc) (1016KB)(515)       Save
To examine the underlying substructure of posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD) among adolescent samples after earthquake,this study used confirmatory factor analysis alternative model approach to investigate 746 adolescents one year after the Wenchuan earthquake.Participants completed the Children PTSD Checklist and the depression scale for children.The results found that 5-factors Dysphoric Arousal model entailing experiencing,avoidance,emotional numbing,dysphoria arousal,and anxious arousal,was significantly superior to DSM-IV PTSD model,4-factor emotional numbing model,and 4-factor dysphoria model.Moreover,the findings also suggested that 5-factors Dysphoric Arousal model has good external discriminant validity.These results indicated that 5-factors Dysphoric Arousal PTSD model was better applicable to adolescent following earthquake,and considered validated criteria for check adolescents'PTSD symptoms.
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The Interaction between Val158Met Polymorphism in the COMT Gene and Peer Relationship on Adolescents' Depression
CAO Yanmiao, LIN Xiaonan, JI Linqin, ZHANG Yueping, ZHANG Wenxin
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (2): 216-227.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.02.11
Abstract1809)      PDF(pc) (1378KB)(521)       Save
Catecholamine plays a central role in mood regulation and the development of depressive disorders.The present study investigated whether a functional polymorphism (Val158Met) of the catechol-O-methyltrans-ferase gene interacts with peer acceptance or peer rejection in the prediction of depression.A sample of 15 years old students (n=1,048,50% female) from a large longitudinal study of China were completed a questionnaire and gave a saliva sample for DNA extraction.When the whole population was analyzed,no main effects of COMT or peer relationship in association with depression were found.The COMT gene interacted with the two forms of peer relationships in predicting adolescent depression.Specifically,adolescents with ValVal homozygotes exhibited lower levels of depression when experiencing higher levels of peer acceptance or lower levels of peer rejection,but reported higher levels of depression when they were exposure to lower levels of peer acceptance or higher levels of peer rejection,relative to their counterparts with Met alleles.But there were no significant three-way interactions among gender,COMT gene and peer relationships on depression.When separated by gender,a significant G×E interaction effect of the ValVal genotype was found among boys.No G×E interaction effect was found among girls.The present study provides strong support for the differential susceptibility hypothesis.Besides,these findings highlight the importance of investigating the moderating role of gender and suggest that adolescent depression has complex genetic underpinnings which vary across genders.
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Exposure to Community Violence and Externalizing Problem Behavior among Adolescents:A Moderated Mediation Model
ZHANG Yibo, ZHANG Wei, ZHU Jianjun, YU Chengfu, CHEN Yuanyuan, LU Zhenhui
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (2): 228-239.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.02.12
Abstract1657)      PDF(pc) (1474KB)(605)       Save
This study constructed a moderated mediation model to investigate the relationship between exposure to community violence (ECV) and externalizing problem behavior,and was to explore the mediating effect of deviant peer affiliation as well as the moderating effect of father-child/mother-child relationship.With stratified-cluster sampling method,1401 middle school students completed questionnaire measures of exposure to community violence,deviant peer affiliationt,parent-child relationship and externalizing problem behavior.Results were as follows:(1) ECV could positively predict externalizing problem behavior.(2) ECV influenced adolescents'externalizing problem behavior directly and indirectly through deviant peer affiliation.(3) father-child/mother-child relationship moderated the mediated path.Moreover,mother-child relationship moderated the relationship between ECV and deviant peer affiliation,while father-child relationship moderated the relationship between deviant peer affiliation and adolescents'externalizing problem behavior.
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Relationships between Social Support and Aggression of Adolescents:The Chain Mediating Roles of Self-Esteem and Self-Control
LI Xiangnan, LI Zhiyong, ZHANG Li
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (2): 240-248.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.02.13
Abstract1996)      PDF(pc) (1166KB)(1121)       Save
Aggression is an important index to measure adolescents'psychological quality and mental health.By integrating environment (social support) with psychological factors (self-esteem and self-control),this study aimed to investigate how these factors influenced adolescents'aggression.We tested the mediating role of self-control between social support and aggression,self-esteem and aggression,as well as the chain mediating roles of self-esteem and self-control between social support and aggression.A total of 559 adolescents from a middle school in Chongqing were recruited and completed the Scale of Social Support System,Self-Esteem Scale,Self-Control Scale and Aggression Questionnaires.The results indicated that:(1) social support,self-esteem and self-control were negatively related to adolescents'aggression;(2) social support and self-esteem had influence on aggression through the completely mediating role of self-control;(3) social support also affected adolescents'aggression through the chain mediating roles of self-esteem and self-control.Specifically,social support influenced self-esteem which exerted an effect on self-control,and then self-control had an effect on aggression.Therefore,social support not only directly affected adolescents'aggression,but also indirectly influenced their aggression through the multiple mediating effects of self-esteem and self-control.
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The Effects of Difficulties in Emotional Regulation on College Students' Mobile Phone Addiction:The Chain Mediating Effect of Facial Negative Physical Self and Social Avoidance and Distress
YE Baojuan, FANG Xiaoting, YANG Qiang, ZHENG Qing, LIU Linlin, GUO Shaoyang
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (2): 249-256.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.02.14
Abstract1754)      PDF(pc) (1442KB)(979)       Save
The present study aimed to explore characteristics of mobile phone addiction in college students and to explore the chain mediation mechanism among difficulties in emotional regulation,social avoidance and distress,facial negative physical self and mobile phone addiction after controlling for several demographic variables.734 college students of four schools were recruited in the study to complete difficulties in emotional regulation scale,social avoidance and distress scale,facial negative physical self scale and college students' mobile phone addiction tendency scale.The results indicated that:(1) difficulties in emotional regulation positively predicted college students' mobile phone addiction;(2) facial negative physical self mediated the effect of difficulties in emotional regulation on college students' mobile phone addiction;(3) social avoidance and distress mediated the effect of facial negative physical self on college students' mobile phone addiction;(4) social avoidance and distress mediated the effect of difficulties in emotional regulation on college students' mobile phone addiction.
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The Effect of Learn to Think Online Program on Creativity of Primary School Students: Moderating Effects of Cognitive Style
HU Weiping, ZHAO Xiaomei, JIA Peiyuan, CHEN Yinghe
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (3): 257-264.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.03.01
Abstract2439)      PDF(pc) (1264KB)(1598)       Save
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of Learn to Think (LTT) online program on creativity of primary school students and the moderating effects of cognitive style. 89 primary school students participated in this study and the experimental group and control group before and after the test design were adopted. The findings are as follows:(1) The LTT online program have significant effects on creative thinking, curiosity and imagination of primary school students; (2) There are same effects between LTT online program and the LTT program which conducted in classroom; (3) The cognitive style played an moderate role in the influence of LTT online program and the LTT program which conducted in classroom on creative thinking:For the field-dependents students, the LTT online program has an obvious advantage in promoting their fluency and originality, but for the field-independents, they have the same effect.
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False Memory of Sentences in Children: Developmental Reversal and Effect of Elaborative Inferences in Texts
QU Xiaolan, LING Yu, MENG Hong, CHEN Qufeng
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (3): 265-272.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.03.02
Abstract1842)      PDF(pc) (991KB)(828)       Save
The phenomena of children's false memory of sentences in textual context such as developmental reversal and effect of elaborative inferences were explored by employing recognition paradigm in which 95 participants from 3 different age groups were tested on their recognition involving 4 types of sentences, namely, previously-learned, broadly-inferred, strictly-inferred and irrelevant sentences after studying 3 Chinese texts. Several results evolved from this study:(1) Both the rate of accurate recognition of previously-learned sentences and the corrected rate of false recognition of lure sentences of Grade 2 students in senior high school were significantly higher than those of Grade 5 students in elementary school and those of Grade 2 students in junior middle school while no such differences were found regarding the latter two age groups; (2) The rate of false recognition of broadly-inferred sentences was higher than that of strictly-inferred ones in all the aforementioned groups, especially true for Grade 2 students in senior high school. Several conclusions could be drawn from the foregoing results:(1) Developmental reversals in false memories of sentences take place in the three age groups of children in spite of the growth of veridical memories of sentences. Besides, false memories develop relatively faster in the period between the second year in junior high school and the second year in senior high school. (2) False memory of sentences in textual context could be significantly influenced by the categories of elaborative inferences which are made on the basis of the top-down process of activating general world knowledge and accordingly more false memories are activated by broad inferences than strict ones.
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The Influence Mechanism of Interpersonal Situations on the Joint Simon Effect of Young Children
SONG Xiaolei, LI Yangyang, ZHANG Shiyi, ZHANG Junting
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (3): 273-281.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.03.03
Abstract1668)      PDF(pc) (980KB)(681)       Save
Joint Simon effect is used as an effective indicator to examine the co-representation ability for young children. The paradigm of joint Simon task was adopted in the two experiments to explore the development of young children' joint Simon effect and the influence mechanism of interpersonal situations on the effect. The experiment 1, with three age grades from 3 to 5 participated in, was designed to investigate the development of joint Simon effect for young children in order to reveal the development trends of their co-representation ability. Based on the experiment 1, the experiment 2, taking five-year-old children with stable joint Simon effect as the participants, was designed to further examine whether different interpersonal situations would modulate the children's joint Simon effect and what mechanism concealed behind it. The above two experiments indicated that, first, compared to three-year-old children, four-year-old children begin to appear the joint Simon effect but still unstable, and the effect for five-year-old children reaches a more stable level; second, young children's co-representation ability can be influenced by interpersonal situations, and contrasted with the cooperative situation, the ability of their joint action is refrained in the competitive situation. The results of this study, therefore, strongly support the referential coding theory and also broaden the understanding of the co-representation theory.
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The Effect of Implicit Career-gender Stereotype and Information Integrity on Process of Career Decision Making in College Students
LENG Jing, LIU Weizhen, HOU Dongmin, SI Jiwei
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (3): 282-288.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.03.04
Abstract2169)      PDF(pc) (1013KB)(975)       Save
This study was to explore the impact of implicit career-gender stereotype and information integrity on individual career-making process in college with Information Display Board (IDB) technique. 74 participants were selected from 150 college students by Implicit Association Test, including 37 participants with high career-gender stereotype and 37 participants with low career-gender stereotype. The results were as follows:1) implicit career-gender stereotype showed significant influences on the descsion making time, depth of search and searching model of career decision-making; 2) information integrity constrained the depth of search, searching model and decision satisfaction, and the decision satisfaction of high career-gender stereotype participants will reduce when the information integrity was decreased; 3) for students with high career-gender stereotype, low information integrity can enhance them with deeper information searching.
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Gratitude and College Students' Helping Behaviors: Mediating Effect of Empathy and Its Gender Difference
DING Fengqin, SONG Youming
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (3): 289-296.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.03.05
Abstract2463)      PDF(pc) (1045KB)(1328)       Save
To explore the inner mechanism of college students' gratitude on their helping behaviors, 629 college students were surveyed with gratitude questionnaire, empathic concern questionnaire and dictator game of helping behaviors. The results are as followings:(1) Female college students' gratitude traits, empathy and helping behaviors are significantly higher than those of males; (2) Empathy partially mediates the relationship between gratitude and charitable donations of college students; (3) The mediating effect of empathy on both male and female samples have reached the significant level, compared with male college students, the females' mediating effect of empathy on gratitude and helping behaviors has been significantly enhanced. These findings have reference value for education and intervention of college students' gratitude and moral behaviors.
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The Relationship between Social Network Sites Use and Life Satisfaction: A Moderated Mediation Model
ZHOU Zongkui, LIAN Shuailei, TIAN Yuan, NIU Gengfeng, SUN Xiaojun
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (3): 297-305.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.03.06
Abstract1905)      PDF(pc) (1230KB)(1290)       Save
In order to investigate the impact of social network site use on adolescents' life satisfaction as well as the effect of online social capital and self-esteem, a sample of 1368 middle and high school students (mean age=14.63 years, SD=1.75) completed Questionnaire of Social Network Site Intensity Scale, Internet Social Capital Scales, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale and Satisfaction with life scale. All the measures have good reliability and validity. Data were collected and analyzed with SPSS 23.0 and SPSS PROCESS written by Hayes. Results revealed that:(1) The intensity of social network sites use was positively correlated with online bonding/bridging social capital and life satisfaction; online bonding social capital was positively correlated with self-esteem and life satisfaction; online bridging social capital was positively correlated with self-esteem, but does not show significant correlation with life satisfaction; self-esteem was positively correlated with life satisfaction. (2) The intensity of social network sites use could not only affect adolescents' life satisfaction directly, but also affect life satisfaction through the mediation of online bonding social capital, while the mediating role of online bridging social capital was not significant. (3) The direct effect of intensity of social network sites use on life satisfaction and the mediation of online bonding social capital were moderated by self-esteem, and they were much stronger among adolescents with high self-esteem. These findings contribute to our understanding of how and when social network sites use impacts adolescents' life satisfaction from the social capital theory and sociometer theory.
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The Relationship of Competence and Job Satisfaction of Principals in Rural School: The Mediating Role of Leadership Efficiency and Professional Identity
YE Baojuan, ZHENG Qing, DONG Shenghong, LIU Linlin, FANG Xiaoting, CAO Canxi
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (3): 306-312.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.03.07
Abstract1917)      PDF(pc) (1179KB)(971)       Save
To explore the mechanism between competence and job satisfaction of principals in rural schools, a sample of 269 principals in rural area was recruited in the study to complete competence scale, leadership efficiency scale, professional identify scale, and job satisfaction scale. The results indicated that:(1) Competence could positively predict leadership efficiency significantly (γ=0.57, t=11.33, p<0.001), and leadership efficiency could positively predict job satisfaction of principals in rural school significantly (γ=0.48, t=4.87, p<0.001). So, leadership efficiency mediated the effect of competence on job satisfaction of principals in rural school. (2)Leadership efficiency could positively predict professional identify (γ=0.59, t=8.40, p<0.001) significantly, and professional identify could positively predict job satisfaction of principals in rural school significantly. So, professional identify mediated the effect of leadership efficiency on job satisfaction of principals in rural school. Therefore, we could infer that leadership efficiency and the professional identify played a chain mediating effect between competence and job satisfaction of principals in rural school.
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Cue Strength: The Important Variables of The Examination of Retrieval Practice Effect Mechanism
MA Xiaofeng, ZHOU Aibao, YANG Xiaoe
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (3): 313-320.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.03.08
Abstract1937)      PDF(pc) (1267KB)(812)       Save
Retrieval practice refers to retrieval (test) learning materials for once or more times in an equivalent time. Retrieval practice induced better knowledge transfer and more lasting memory than repetition and fine processing, the phenomenon known as retrieval practice effect, also known as the test effect. Controversial interpretation exists of the retrieval practice effect mechanism. The fact is the retrieval practice effect has been repeated over and gets lots of empirical results, while the related theoretical research is relatively less. The main point of view has not yet formed a unified conclusion, and there are serious differences mainly on the interpretation of the retrieval practical effect by the elaborative retrieval hypothesis and the episodic context account. The present research used the classical paradigm of retrieval practice effect to explore the important role of the cue strength of learning material to explaining the retrieval practice effect mechanism. Two experiments were conducted to test the hypotheses. The two experiments all use 2 (cue strength:strong vs. weak)×2 (study strategy type:retrieval practice vs. elaborate processing) between-subjects design. In experiment 1, 94 college students were engaged and completed cued recall in final test. In experiment 2, 75 college students participated in experiment and completed recognition in final test.The results showed that:1) the cued recall condition, the interaction effect of the stress of cue and learning strategy was significant, under the strong cue condition, the difference between memory performance of elaborate processing and retrieval practice was not significant; while significant under the weak cue condition. 2) the recognition test showed significant interaction effect between cue strength and strategy on the false alarm rate of the semantic relative words. There's no significant difference between the weak cue condition and strong cue condition under the retrieval practice group; while the false alarm rate of weak cue condition was significant higher than the strong cue condition under the elaborate processing group. 3) the reaction time of recognition target word showed significant interaction effect on the recognition test between the strength of cue and learning strategy. There's no significant difference between elaborate processing groups under different strength of cue condition; while the weak cue condition showed significant longer reaction time than the strong cue effect under the retrieval practice group. The results implied that the cue strength is the key variable to distinguish retrieval practice and elaborate processing. The internal processing mechanism of retrieval practice is different to elaborate processing, refuted the elaborative retrieval hypothesis, supported the episodic context account.
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Adolescent's Future Time Perspective and Academic Achievement: The Mediating Role of Grit
JIANG Hong, LYU Houchao
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (3): 321-327.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.03.09
Abstract2125)      PDF(pc) (819KB)(1350)       Save
Future time perspective refers to a relatively stable trait which reflects individuals' perception, emotional experience and action tendency toward future. It's used to describe the individual differences on the time dimension. Grit is the quality that enables individuals to work hard and stick to their long-term passions and goals. Prior studies found that future time perspective was positively correlated with academic achievement. Meanwhile, existing research showed that grit was a strong predictor to academic achievement beyond of talent. Although these studies showed future time perspective affect academic performance vigorously, the interaction of future time perspective and other predictors of academic achievement has not been fully investigated. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between future time perspective and academic achievement in adolescent, as well as the mediating effects of grit between future time perspective and academic achievement.A total of 756 adolescents from Henan province and Hunan province were recruited in this study. The sample was made up of six classes from senior high school (male is 43.8% and mean age is 15.70±0.78 years) and eight classes from junior high school (male is 52.8% and mean age is 12.35±0.67 years). Future time perspective was assessed by Adolescents' Future Time Perspective Scale, which has acceptable reliability in our study (Cronbach's alpha=.858). It consist of 28 items, each item is administered with 1 to 5 point ranging from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree". The scale includes six factors. namely, future positive, future negative, future confusion, future-perseverant, future-perspicuity and future planning. Grit was examined by Duckworth's Grit-S which comprises 8 items. The items in the questionnaire were rated on 5-point Liket-type scales ranging from 1 (absolutely not like me) to 5(extremely like me). The internal consistency of grit is 0.73 in this study. The Grit-S scale include two factors, there are perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Academic achievement was measured by the standardized scores of mean of mid-term scores in Chinese, Math and English. Mplus's Bootstrap program was employed to test the mediation effect of grit.The results indicated that:(1) future-negative and future-confusion was significantly negatively relation with grit and academic achievement, meanwhile, future-negative was a negatively factor to academic achievement; there was a significantly positive relationship between future-positive and grit, academic achievement; The results of future-perseverant, future-perspicuity, and future-planning are the same with future-positive; (2) future-negative had a significant direct and indirect effect on academic achievement, future-confusion, future-perseverant and future-planning had a significant indirect effect on academic achievement through grit; These results indicated that grit disposition served as a mediator between FTP and academic achievement. Implications for theory and practice are highlighted.
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The Roles of Hope and Rumination in the Relationship between Optimism and Posttraumatic Growth among Adolescents after Ya'an Earthquake
ZHOU Xiao, WU Xinchun, WANG Wenchao
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (3): 328-336.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.03.10
Abstract1782)      PDF(pc) (1065KB)(917)       Save
To examine the mediating roles of hope and rumination in the relationship between optimism and PTG, 416 adolescents were assessed by adopting traumatic exposure questionnaire, optimism questionnaire, hope questionnaire, rumination hope questionnaire, and posttraumatic growth at two and a half years after Ya'an earthquake. The mediating roles would be assessed by using structural equation model, wherein the traumatic exposure would be controlled because its importance. The results found that after controlled traumatic exposure, optimism has a directly and positive effect on PTG. Additionally, optimism have indirect and positive effect on PTG by hope, also indirectly and positively predict PTG by a multiple mediating path that from hope to deliberate rumination. Moreover, optimism can have negative and indirect effect on PTG by decreasing intrusive rumination, and lead to less deliberate rumination, and in turn lead less PTG. Taking these results together, optimism still play positive promoting role in PTG. Nevertheless, there are some non-significant paths from optimism to PTG, for example, optimism have non-significantly indirect effect on PTG by intrusive rumination, by hope via intrusive rumination to deliberate rumination, and by deliberate rumination. Implications for clinical practice and research were then discussed along with study limitations.
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The Relationship between Stressful Events and Junior High School Students' Depression: The Role of Motives for Internet Use and Internet Use Intensity
LUO Yijun, KONG Fanchang, NIU Gengfeng, ZHOU Zongkui
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (3): 337-344.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.03.11
Abstract2054)      PDF(pc) (1056KB)(1080)       Save
In order to investigate the relationship between stressful events and depression, as well as the role of motives for internet use and internet use intensity in this relation, a sample of 913 junior high school students were recruited to complete Life Events Scale, Motives for Internet Use Questionnaire, Internet Use Intensity Scale and Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. Results revealed that:(1) stressful events were positively associated with motives for internet use, internet use intensity and depression; (2) stressful events positively predicted motives for internet use and internet use intensity, and motives for internet use positively predicted internet use intensity, and internet use intensity also positively predicted depression; (3) among motives for internet use, social compensation motive was positively associated with depression, whereas entertainment and peer group contact motives were negatively associated with depression; (4) stressful events predicted depression through the serial mediation of motives for internet use and internet use intensity. Results highlighted that stressful events could not only directly affect junior high school students' depression, but could indirectly affect junior high school students' depression through motives for internet use and internet use intensity as well.
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Effect of Parents' Marital Quality on Adolescent Externalizing Problem: The Mediating Role of Parenting
WU Yingting, GUO Fei, WANG Yaxin, JIANG Lan, CHEN Zhiyan
Psychological Development and Education    2017, 33 (3): 345-351.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.03.12
Abstract1711)      PDF(pc) (1134KB)(1395)       Save
To investigate the relationship between marital quality, parenting and externalizing problem of adolescents. Totally 2,396 adolescents and their parents from 9 cities of four geographic regions participated in the study. The Marital Adjustment Test (MAT) was reported by their parents themselves, the Iowa Youth and Families project (IYFP) was reported by adolescents and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) was used to measure the behavior problems of adolescents, which was reported by their parents. Results showed that:Marital quality was significantly correlated with parenting, both marital quality and parenting were significantly correlated with externalizing problem. Marital quality predicted positive parenting positively, and predicted harsh parenting negatively, positive parenting predicted externalizing problem negatively, and harsh parenting predicted externalizing problem positively. Marital quality also predicted externalizing problem directly. Bootstrap test indicated that the mediating effect of parenting between marital quality and externalizing problem was significant, and the mediating effect was-0.16 (95% CI:-0.19——0.13). Parenting is the mediator in the association between marital quality and adolescent externalizing problem.
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