Psychological Development and Education ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 30-36.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.04

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Changes in College Students' Personality in 2004~2013: A Cross-temporal Meta-analysis

TIAN Yuan1, MING Hua1, HUANG Silin1, SUN Ling2   

  1. 1. Institute of Developmental Psychology, BNU, Beijing 100875, China;
    2. Department of Psychology, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081, China
  • Online:2017-01-15 Published:2017-01-15

Abstract: Previous studies have found that college students' psychological states, such as mental health and so on, changed with the social change. We are interested in how intrinsic personality traits change with times. This study conducted a cross-temporal meta-analysis of 65 papers from 2004 to 2013 adopting NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) to investigate the changing trends of the personality traits of 47029 College Students. The results showed that:(1) During 2004~2013, the scores of the five factors of college students' personality were significantly positively correlated with the times. This means that the personality traits of college students have changed with times. (2) Over the past decade, the scores of the students' Nervousness, Extraversion, Openness and Conscientiousness was increased more than 1 standard deviation (the d value was between 1.06 and 1.30), and the Agreeableness improved 0.57 standard deviation. This means that college students became more outgoing, more open, more conscientious and more pleasant, and their emotional stabilities were worse. (3) The changes of personality traits of male and female college students had common trends and some significant differences. The five factor scores of male were significantly increased, but the Openness had no change and the Agreeableness even declined in female.

Key words: personality, NEO-FFI, college students, cross-temporal meta-analysis, meta-analysis

CLC Number: 

  • B844

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