Psychological Development and Education 2001 Vol.17
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The Characteristics and Factors Affecting Children Character Output Under the Dictation Task
栾辉, 舒华, 张大成
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (1): 1-5.  
Abstract2245)      PDF(pc) (411KB)(1547)       Save
Using the dictation task,the writing processing of Chinese characters by the sixth grade children was investigated.The results show that the accuracy of writing was affected by character frequency and the grade that a character was first introduced in the textbook.Analyzing the error types under the dictation task,it was found that the most common errors were ones children replaced targets with homophonic characters,or with the characters sharing the same phonetics.There were much fewer non-character errors,especially non-characters with wrong components.It suggests that children's writing benefit from memory and repeating,also is greatly affected by the character structure awareness.
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The relationship of Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation to Creativity
薛贵, 董奇, 周龙飞, 张华, 陈传生
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (1): 6-11.  
Abstract2643)      PDF(pc) (624KB)(2286)       Save
The relation between motivation and creativity has long been viewed as one of the important area in creativity research.In the present study,We explored the relationship and the unique contribution of intrinsic notivation,extrinsic motivation to creativity in the undergraduate students.Need for cognition Scale was administrated to 277 senior and undergraduate students major in social science.Multiple analysis of variance(MANOVA)showed that the main effects of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation were both significant for the common part of the three creativity tasks,but their interaction was not significant.Further analysis indicated that there were no significant interaction between intrinsic notivation and extrinsic motivation in all three creative tasks.There were significant main effects of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in connection task.As for the naming task,the main effect of extrinxic motivation was significant while that of intrinsic motivation was not.As for the story task,neither of the main effects of intrinsic and extrinsic was significant.Hierarchical Multiple Regression(HMR)showed the unique contributions of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation to creativity were obviously task-related.
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Types of Bullying Begavior and Its Correlates
张文新, 王益文, 鞠玉翠, 林崇德
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (1): 12-17.  
Abstract2989)      PDF(pc) (179KB)(1568)       Save
A modified Chinese version of Olweus Bully/victim Questionnaire was employed in a sample of 6,471 pupils from primary and junior middle schools in the urban and rural areas of Shandong Province of China.The results indicated:(1)Direct verbal bullying has the highest rate of occurrence among children of primary schools and junior middle schools,followed by direct physical bullying,with the ratio of children experiencing indirect bullying being the lowest.(2)Boys experienced a significant higher percentage of direct physical bullying than girls.No significant gender difference was found in the ratios of direct verbal bullying.(3)In the period of primary school,significant age differences existed in the ratios of children experiencing the three types of bullying,with children in grade three experiencing a higher ratio of direct physical bullying than those from grade four and five.On the whole,the ratio of children experiencing verbal bullying decreases with age,and the ratio of children experiencing indirect bullying dropped significantly in grade five.In the junior middle school period,the ratios of the three types of bullying remained relatively stable across the three grades.(4)Most bullies were of the same age with or older than the victims.Bullying was performed by,in most cases,more than one child in junior middle school period.
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Socioemotional Behaviors of 8~10-month-old Infants: Differences by Age and Gender
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (1): 18-23.  
Abstract2575)      PDF(pc) (630KB)(1439)       Save
The present study examined the age and gender pattern in socioemotional behaviors of infants. One hundred and two mothers with infants aged from 8~10 months were interviewed with standardized procedures in the laboratory.The results indicated:(1)8 to 10-month-old infants showed differentiated and complex socioemotional behaviors and the frequencies of socioemotional behaviors increased with age.Negative behaviors increased more rapidly,especially in 9th month.(2)There were significant age differences in infants with negative and non-negative socioemotion on character.(3)There was no significant difference between 8~10-month-old boys and girls.But the developmental trends showed significant gender differences.
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Study on The Development of Children’s Social Behaviors
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (1): 24-30.  
Abstract2717)      PDF(pc) (187KB)(2459)       Save
The study examined the development of children's social behaviors among 435 children from 3 to 6 years old.The results indicated that there are differences in quantity and quality between children's positive and negative behaviors;consistency and diversity among both positive and negative behaviors.The sex difference of children's social behaviors is obvious.Nature,environment and education show different roles to different social behaviors at children's phases.
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Development of Cooperative Preference and Cooperative intention of 9-16 Year old Children
庞维国, 程学超
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (1): 31-35.  
Abstract2370)      PDF(pc) (453KB)(1224)       Save
The major purpose of the present study was to examine the cooperative preference and cooperative intention of the choldren from age 9 to 16.Four cooperative dilemma stories was used as experimenal materials and 154 students participated in the experiment.The main results indicated that:(1)Children's cooperative preference gradually decreased with grade.And age 14-16 was the key period of the decrease in cooperation.(2)Children's cooperative intention got increasingly complicated and differentiated. The intention to maintain friendship was stable and predominant motive for cooperation.With the age growing,altruistism became a more inportant agent in eliciting children's cooperative choice,while egotisitic concern resulted in less cooperative preference.
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Recognition of Visual Figures in Mentally Retarded Children
林仲贤, 张增慧, 孙家驹, 武连江, 闫新中
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (1): 36-39.  
Abstract1964)      PDF(pc) (522KB)(1073)       Save
This study was investigating the ability of visual figures in mentally retarded children aged 9-13(average age 11.2).The children were divided into two groups according to their intelligence quotient (IQ).Group A,IQ 55-75,average IQ 62.0;Group B,IQ 36-51,average IQ 41.6.Each group 14subjects.10figures were used as experiment samples.Each figure used as target was presented once by two kinds of exposed time(0.05 sec,0.01 sec).The subject was required to recognize the target figure from the 10 comparable figures.The results showed that the accuracy of recognition of visual figures for group B was obvious lower than for group A in both of the exposed time.Comparing the resolts with the normal children aged 10-11(average age 10.2),it was found,that the accuracy of recognition of visual figures was obvious lower than the nomal children.It suggests that the IQ difference among the children made obvious influence to their perceptual discrimination.
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A Cross-Cultural Research of Educational Changes Affecting on the Quality of Teachers’ Worklife
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (1): 40-46.  
Abstract2177)      PDF(pc) (678KB)(996)       Save
This study adapted the questionnaire made up by Consortium for Cross-Culture Research in Education(CCCRE),by cooperating with other teachers,interviewed 513 teachers in nine countries.This article mainly explored that the characteristics of domain of change,origin of change,teachers'role in the educational change affect on quality of teachers'worklife.The results are as follows: 1)The domains of educational changes have a significant effect on change of the relationship of teachers and the professional development. 2)The origins of educational changes significantly affect on teachers'time-using and professional development;and there is a significant difference in the change of teachers'time-using among nine countries. 3)There is no significant difference about characteristics of educational changes between Chinese teachers and subfects of other countries.In China,they have a more positive impact on teachers'relationship and professional developnent. 4)Teachers'main role in educational changes is implementer,but there is no significant difference between different roles.
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A Study on Reliability and Validity of VIESA
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (1): 46-51.  
Abstract2276)      PDF(pc) (594KB)(1135)       Save
According to the Career Development Theory by D.E.Super,the maturity and development of vocation choice generally divided to five stages.The second school students exactly are during the turning period from exploration to maturity.This study is based on Career Classified System of the American College testing Center,uses VIESA as a research tool.One hundred and seventy-nine 3rd grade students of Beijing 65th Senior High School and fifty-five sophomores of Psychology Department of Beifing Normal University responded to the survey.The result shows high reliability,construct validity and criterion validity.
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陈宝国, 彭聃龄
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (1): 52-57.  
Abstract4764)      PDF(pc) (616KB)(4306)       Save
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李亦菲, 朱新明
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (1): 58-62.  
Abstract2443)      PDF(pc) (467KB)(1686)       Save
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Academic Help-seeking Strategies:Its Relation to Personal Goal Orientation, Classroom Goal Structures and Culture Factors
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (2): 1-6,18.  
Abstract2353)      PDF(pc) (578KB)(1484)       Save
The present study investigated the relationship between personal goal-orientation,calssroom goal structures,culture factors and academic help-seeking strategies.Nine gundred and eighty-two middle school students responded to a questionnaire.The following results were obtained:(1)Personal goal-orientation could be divided into task orientation,ego-approcah orientation and ego-avoidance orientation.They had different effect patterns on academic help-seeking,only those students with egoavoidance orientation were lidely to do executive help-seeking.(2)Classroom goal structures had influence on with academic help-seeking,students who were in task-oriented calassroom were more likely to do instrumental help-seeking.(3)Culture factors had influence on academic help-seeking.Students who conformed to Chinese help-seeking proverbs were likely to do instrumental help-seeking.Students who were sensitive to others'evaluation were likely to avoid asking help or executing help-seeking.(4)The patterns of personal goal-orientation,classroom goal structures and culture factors on different graders'academic help-seeking were different.
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The Influence of Ways of Classification of 3-7-year-old Children on Results of Classification:a Survey
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (2): 7-12.  
Abstract2158)      PDF(pc) (620KB)(948)       Save
The research is conducted for three ways of calssification under the same condition,300 children from 3 to 7 years old were used as subjects.The influences of three ways of classification(free classification,classification according to speech,classification according to target picture)on the results of classification were explored.The conclusion is reached on the basis of that:from the general results of classification,the ways of classification haveobvious influences on results of classification,but the influences vary from age to age.The influence may reach the summit by the age of 6.The influence of other years old group on ways of classification is diminishing.
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Educational Intervention of 5-10 Years Old Children With Developmental Learning Difficulty
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (2): 13-18.  
Abstract2578)      PDF(pc) (583KB)(1745)       Save
This study explored the changes of the 100 children with learning difficulty aged 5-10 years on their learning behavior and school achievement after receiving our educational intervention program.It is convinced that our program composed of systematic cognitive intervention,motion proficiency and sensory integration,modification on the self-consciousness of children and the way of parent-child and peers interaction has significantly influence on the remedy of learning difficult.
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Structure of Health-related Behaviors in Adolescence: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (2): 19-25.  
Abstract2112)      PDF(pc) (669KB)(1037)       Save
This study is conducted an analysis to the structure of health-related behaviors of 398 adolescents in Beijing's middle schools,including five type of health-enhancing behaviors(HEB)and five type of health-compromising behaviors(HCB).It was indicated that all the HCBs were highly related, while the HEBs did not show the same results.The confirmatory factor analysis shows that there are two main factor in adolescents'health-related behaviors,one is Health Life Habits,which includes full sleep,regular eating habits and dental care;and the other,Risk Life Style is constituted with five types of HCBs and the other two types of HEBs.
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The Effects of Percieved and Actual Friends’Use of Cigarette on Adolescents’Use of Cigarette
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (2): 26-30,35.  
Abstract1868)      PDF(pc) (463KB)(1036)       Save
To explore the relative effects of perceived &actual friends'smoking behavior on adolescents'smoking behavior,1091 students who were selected from one ordinary middle school and one key middle school in Beijing city were asked to report their own and their friends'smoking behavior,and nominate up to their ten friends.5667 nominated friends were from our sample.Their self-reported smoking behavior were taken as actual friends'smoking behavior.The results show:perceived friends'smoking behavior has significant effects on adolescents'smoking behavior,but the effect of actual friends'smoking behavior is non-significant;Gender and style of friendship have main effects on the difference between perceived and actual friends'smoking behavior;Actual friends'smoking behavior are more than adolescents'smoking behavior.
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The Effects of Students Cognigive Styles on Article Reading Comprehension
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (2): 31-35.  
Abstract2175)      PDF(pc) (478KB)(1383)       Save
Using an expository text in two forms with and without signals and a prose as reading materials,53 grade 2 junior middle school students with two cognitive styles participated in the experiment.The results showed:(1)there were no significant differences in prose comprehension and recall between field-dependent and field-independent students,while the field-independent students achieved better results in expository text reading than the field-dependent ones;(2)the field-independent students had a better achievement in expository text reading with signals than the field-dependent ones,but there were no significant differences between cognitive styles when the expository text with signals.
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Allocation of Planning Time and its the Effect on the Writing Achievement
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (2): 36-40.  
Abstract2260)      PDF(pc) (486KB)(1018)       Save
The purpose of this study was to probe into the allocation of planning time between the top and poor students as well as the possible effects of the different strategies of allocation of planning time on the writing achievement.Experiment 1 and 2 studied the differences between the top students and poor students'arrangement of the planning time in the condition of unlimited time and limited time.Experiment 3 investigated the possible effect of the different allocation strategy of planning time on the writing achievement.The results showed that the top students spent much more time on writing plan in the condition of unlimited time and that there were significant better achievement in longer limited planning time than shorter limited planning time.
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A Typological Study on Pupil’s Participation
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (2): 41-44,49.  
Abstract2416)      PDF(pc) (513KB)(1313)       Save
The purpose of this study was to classify pupils by their participation in teaching-learning process,and investigate the developmental features of different types of pupils.263 pupils from 1 to 6 grade were our subjects for the quantitative analysis of student participation.The results indicated:1)Pupils are dicided into three groups,i.e.,negative participation,positive participation,and passive participation.2)The population distribution among three group illustrates the number of the passive-participation pupils is the most,the positive-participation is second,the negative is third.3)The positive-participation pupils have better performances both in self-description and academic achievement than the passive and negative-participation pupils.
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Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (2): 45-49.  
Abstract2252)      PDF(pc) (558KB)(1340)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (2): 50-54.  
Abstract4694)      PDF(pc) (412KB)(3347)       Save
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An Investigation of The Current Situation of Applying Affective Factors in Teaching by Teachers in Secondary Schools
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (2): 55-58,64.  
Abstract2251)      PDF(pc) (422KB)(1357)       Save
In order to get the information for the research on improving teaching of secondary schools in the dimension of affection,the author first did a large-scale investigative study by using questionnaires to survey the current situation of applying affective factors to teaching of secondary schools.The results showed that:the current situation,focusing on cognition and neglecting affection,was universal in teaching of secondary schools;it was reflected mainly in teaching practicing not in comprehension;its cause mainly was deficient in theoretical and methodical guidance and also was due to misunderstanding of applying of affection to teaching;the problems were nearly the same both in urban and in countryside,in key and in non-key secondary schools,and there were not distinct differences statistically.
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The Relationship between the organizational Health of Secondary Schools and the Mental Health of Students
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (2): 59-64.  
Abstract2078)      PDF(pc) (695KB)(1143)       Save
This study explored the relationship between the organizational health of secondary schools and the mental health of students,the research result is there is significant correlation between the atate of or ganizational health of school and the general level of the mental health of students becomes.There is a great difference between the general level of the mental health of the students in a healthy school and unhealthy school.Regression analysis shows further indication that there is good regression relation between the organizational health factors of school and the mental health factors of students.There is in particular,a significant regression between the three organizational health factors initating structure,consideration,63 and principal influence-and various students mental health factors.These three factors are the major an ticipated factors which determine the mental health of students.
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Children’s strategies of emotion regulation and their problem behaviors at 2 years old
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (3): 1-4,21.  
Abstract2561)      PDF(pc) (590KB)(1593)       Save
One hundred and seventy-six toddlers were observed in laboratory situations.Emotional regulation strategies were coded based on children's reaction in 4 episodes:strange situation,toy and food delay,maternal separation-child alone,and maternal separation-with a strange adult.K-means Cluster analysis was used for categorizing,and Positive group,average group,and soothing group was defined.Mothers also rated their children's externalizing and internalizing behaviors with CBCL.It was found that,No significant differences bet ween the groups on externalizing behaviors,but,there were significant differences bet ween the groups on internalizing behaviors.
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Development of Visual-Motor Integration and Its Relation to Academic Achievement in 4-8-year-old children
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (3): 5-8.  
Abstract2064)      PDF(pc) (464KB)(1162)       Save
Visual-motor integration was the integration ability of visual perception and hand action in the process of performance,and plays important role in child development.This study was to explore the development of the visual-motor integration and its relation to academic achievement in 4-8-year-old children.The results indicated:(1) children's VMI increased gradually with age and fastly from 6-year-old to 7-year-old.(2) The correlation between VMI and academic achievement was significant,and children with higher academic achievement got higher score in VMI than children with lower academic achievement.
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A study on the developmentCharacteristics of Adolescents’ interpersonal relations
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (3): 9-15.  
Abstract2763)      PDF(pc) (552KB)(3479)       Save
This study focus on exploring the developmental characteristic of adolescents' interpersonal relations with peer groups,parents,teachers and strangers.The subjects were selected from Beijing,Henan,Chongqing,Hangzhou and Xinjiang,with age from 13 to 18 years old.The results are as follows:Firstly,the level of interpersonal relations of adolescents decrease between the age of 13 and 14,then increase significantly between the age of 14 and 15,and keep steady during senior high school.Secondly,adolescents' interpersonal relations with peer groups are better than the relationships with adult.Moreover,adolescent's interpersonal relations with peer groups of same sex are better than the relationships with peer groups of opposite sex,and the relationships with stranger are better than the relationships with parents and teachers.Thirdly,the level of interpersonal relations of girls is higher than the relationships of boys.Fourthly,there are critical periods in adolescent's interpersonal relations with peer groups of opposite sex.For boys this period appears between the age of 14 and 16,while for the girls this period appears between the age of 14 and 15.During the critical periods,the level of interpersonal relations with opposite sex increase significantly and keep steady after the periods.Besides,the interpersonal relations with peer groups of same sex increases quickly between the age of 15 and 16.Fifthly,adolescent's interpersonal relation with parents decreases significantly between the age of 13 and 14,while increases during the senior high school.Besides,adolescent's interpersonal relation with teachers keeps at a low level.However,There are significant differences on the development of adolescent's interpersonal relations with strangers.Boys' relationships with strangers increases steadily with the increase of age,while girls' relationships with strangers fluctuates during the adolescence.
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Teacher-Student Relationship in Grade 3-6 of Primary School: Its Structure, Patterns and Development
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (3): 16-21.  
Abstract2804)      PDF(pc) (604KB)(1824)       Save
14 teachers completed the student-teacher relationship scale(STRS) to access their relationship with 498 primary school students.Results found that(1) there are three factors named closeness,conflict and response existed in the structure of teacher-student relationship,(2) there are three patterns of teacher-student relationship:closeness,conflict and apathy,the percent of each pattern in this sample is 43.3%,33.7% and 23.0%;(3) teacher-student relationship is changed along with students grow.Positive pattern of teacher-students relationship is decrease as the passive pattern is increase by grade growing.
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Self-concept and Coping Style of Junior High School Students
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (3): 22-27.  
Abstract2314)      PDF(pc) (644KB)(2427)       Save
The questionnaire of self-concept and coping style were administered to 197 junior high school students,this study explored the feature of self-concept,coping style and their relation.The result indicated that(1) There are sex difference between boys and girls in general self-concept,feeling of self-worth and physical self-concept.Boys displayed higher self-appraisal than did girls.Significant grade differences were found also.Meanwhile,interactions between sex and grade were noted.Girls declined in feeling of self-worth and physical self-concept when they entered higher grade.(2) There are sex difference in illusion coping style.Boys displayed higher level than did girls.There are grade differences in coping style of seeking help and venting.(3) All factors of self-concept positively correlated with coping style of problem solving and seeking help significantly in junior high school students.The more positive they had,the more possible they coped the frustration and trouble with manner of problem solving and seeking help.Some factors of self-concept had significant direct effects on some factors of coping style.
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Adolescents’ Sense of Family Obligation in Urban and Rural Areas
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (3): 28-32,39.  
Abstract1996)      PDF(pc) (567KB)(1457)       Save
Questionnaires of Family Obligation were employed in a sample of 711 adolescents of grade 1 and 3 of high schools in both urban and rural areas of Shandong Province of China,in an effort to explore the characteristics of adolescents' family obligation.The results indicated:(1) In general,adolescents possessed relatively strong values of family obligation.(2) Rural adolescents possessed higher expectations for future support to their families than urban adolescents.Female adolescents possessed higher expectations for both current and future assistance to their families and placed more importance upon familial respect than male adolescents.Adolescents as only children had similar expectations for assisting and respecting their families with their peers with siblings.(3) Adolescents possessed greater expectations for both current and future assistance to their families than did their parents.
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Study of Representation for Stoichiometric Chemical Problem-Solving and Its Relation to Strategy among Senior high school Students
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (3): 33-39.  
Abstract1991)      PDF(pc) (323KB)(983)       Save
The five representation hierarchies and four kinds of strategy are presented for stoichiometric chemical problem solving on the basis of other's relative researches on this domain in several decades,and at the same time 15 typical students are studied as cases in detail with Think-Aloud method.The results suggest that the strat egy chosen depends on the degree of representation(including representation time and accurate representat ion rate) and students with deep representation are inclined to choose superi or strategies when students are solving stoichiometric chemical problems.
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Chemical Experimental Problems Solving Among Senior High School Students
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (3): 40-46.  
Abstract2155)      PDF(pc) (729KB)(1069)       Save
Subject problem solving is one important branches of the research on problem solving.The researches on chemistry subject problem solving is less.Based on our preliminary research,through quality and quantity analysis,the research adopts mental simulation method and activities task analyses and investigation question,the psychological activities and the influence factors of high school students,solving the chemical experimental problems in laboratory are deeply explored.A series of significant results have attained.The research results benefit to train high school students' ability of chemistry experimental problem solving.
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Revision for CCTDI(Chinese Version)
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (3): 47-51.  
Abstract7209)      PDF(pc) (432KB)(4999)       Save
CCTDI.The revision of CCTDI Chinese version includes translation and test.The revised inventory was used to analyzed critical thinking disposition of 382 university students.The results showed:a) The reliability and validity of the CCTDI Chinese revision was satisfactory.The Cronbach's α,the correlation coefficients among each scale score,the correlation coefficients between each scale score and total score were high enough.b) The O scale score,C scale score and I scale score was significant related to that of Openness to experience.C) The disposition toward CT of the tested Chinese students was opposition.
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Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (3): 52-55.  
Abstract2073)      PDF(pc) (454KB)(1382)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (3): 56-59,27.  
Abstract2601)      PDF(pc) (444KB)(3451)       Save
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Participatory Training for Teachers in School Mental Health Education
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (3): 60-64.  
Abstract2256)      PDF(pc) (560KB)(1008)       Save
The research was to enhance the consciousness and abilities ofall the teachers caring for pupils' mental health at No.1primary school toDonghua,Kunming through participatory training.It was also exploredwhether this kind of training was feasible and effective.Multi-dimensionalassess result indicated the training was effective because:1.Trainingcontents were determined according to requirement assessment,reinforcingthe training aim.2.participatory teaching aroused trainees' participatory enthusiasm,and the training effect was enhanced further.3.The staff training overall increased teachers' positive everyday teachingbehavior and reduced negative everyday teaching behavior.
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