心理发展与教育 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 808-816.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.06

• 认知与社会性发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


路翠萍1, 郑希付2   

  1. 1. 中北大学心理健康教育中心, 太原 030051;
    2. 华南师范大学心理学院, 广州 510631
  • 发布日期:2023-11-11
  • 通讯作者: 路翠萍 E-mail:lucuiping@sina.com

Low Self-esteem or High'Other-esteem’? Differential Nature of Implicit Self-esteem in High and Low Socially Anxious Individuals: Evidence from EAST Study

LU Cuiping1, ZHENG Xifu2   

  1. 1. Center of Mental Health, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051;
    2. School of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631
  • Published:2023-11-11

摘要: 采用简版负性评价恐惧量表和青少年社交焦虑量表对627名高中生进行施测,筛选出社交焦虑高分组和低分组,运用外部情感西蒙任务(Extrinsic Affective Simon Task,EAST)测量两组被试对自我和对他人的态度,探讨高、低社交焦虑者的内隐自尊特性。结果表明,高、低社交焦虑者存在截然不同的内隐“自我-他人”态度。具体表现在:(1)高、低社交焦虑者均有显著积极的内隐自尊;低社交焦虑者有显著消极的内隐“他尊”,而高社交焦虑者的消极内隐“他尊”并不显著; (2)高社交焦虑者的积极内隐自尊和消极内隐“他尊”均显著弱于低社交焦虑者,高社交焦虑者的自我偏爱程度较弱。研究表明,社交焦虑个体的内隐自尊特性是:相对低的内隐自尊(对自己积极不足)、相对高的内隐“他尊”(不消极看待他人),可能正是这种削弱的自我偏爱倾向,才是其核心症结。

关键词: 社交焦虑, 内隐自尊, 外部情感西蒙任务(EAST)

Abstract: In the past few years, an Implicit Association Test (IAT) was used to assess socially anxious individuals' self-esteem and the results showed that non, as well as anxious individuals had a high implicit self-attitude. However, due to its relative nature and its sensitivity to task recoding task, IAT can only measure a relative attitude toward oneself. So the present study used a non-relative measure (the Extrinsic Affective Simon Task, EAST) that developed by De Houwer (2003) to explore the nature of implicit self-esteem as well as the differences of implicit self- attitude and other-attitude between the high and low socially anxious individuals. 44 high and 41 low socially anxious individuals were asked to complete the EAST. The present study focused on the implicit self-esteem as well as their general evaluation of others ('other-esteem'). The results indicated that: (1) Both groups had highly positive implicit self-esteem. Low socially anxious individuals displayed significantly negative 'other-esteem', but not for individuals with high social anxiety. There were significant differences between self and other attitudes in high and low groups; (2) High social anxious group had significantly lower positive implicit self-esteem (p<0.05), but significantly higher 'other-esteem' than the low social anxious group (p<0.05). Thus the degree of self-favouring was considerably weaker in high than in low socially anxious individuals (p<0.01). By and large, this study clearly showed that socially anxious individuals had a relatively low positive self-esteem but no negative 'other-esteem', so their self-favouring effects was particularly weak. Due to the lack of positive bias, high socially anxious individuals tend to be more objective and accurate in self and others cognition than low or non-anxious individuals. However, moderate positive bias of self enhancement can provide a self-protective mechanism that is beneficial to mental health. Individuals with social anxiety were characterized by the gap between attitude of self and others, and it may be this reduced tendency to self-favouring that is essential to social anxiety. In the end, the role of fear evaluation in social anxiety were discussed. As the core symptoms of social anxiety, fear of negative evaluation and fear of positive evaluation play important role in the formation of low self-esteem and high'other-esteem'.

Key words: social anxiety, self-esteem, extrinsic affective Simon task (EAST)


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