心理发展与教育 ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 848-858.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.06.11

• 心理健康与教育 • 上一篇    下一篇


张彩1, 江伊茹1, 朱成伟1, 邵婷婷1, 王海涛2, 陈福美1   

  1. 1. 北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心, 北京 100875;
    2. 中国海洋大学教育系, 青岛 266100
  • 发布日期:2022-11-29
  • 通讯作者: 陈福美 E-mail:chenfumei@bnu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

The Association between School Belonging and Smartphone Dependence in Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Learning Anxiety and the Moderating Role of Peer Relationship

ZHANG Cai1, JIANG Yiru1, ZHU Chengwei1, SHAO Tingting1, WANG Haitao2, CHEN Fumei1   

  1. 1. Collaborative Innovation Center of Assessment for Basic Education Quality, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875;
    2. Department of Education, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100
  • Published:2022-11-29

摘要: 为探讨学校归属感对青少年手机依赖的影响及其作用机制,基于阶段环境匹配理论,本研究采用问卷法对山东省青岛市65所中学3355名高二年级学生进行调查。结果表明:(1)在控制了性别和上网时间后,学校归属感对青少年手机依赖具有显著的负向预测作用;(2)学习焦虑在学校归属感与青少年手机依赖之间起部分中介作用;(3)学校归属感对青少年手机依赖的直接作用、学习焦虑的中介作用均受到同伴关系的调节,且相对于同伴关系水平低的个体,学校归属感对手机依赖、学校归属感对学习焦虑以及学习焦虑对手机依赖的作用都在同伴关系水平高的个体中更强。本研究有利于揭示学校归属感是如何影响青少年手机依赖的,以及在何种条件下对青少年手机依赖的影响更强/更弱,对移动互联网时代预防青少年手机依赖有一定启示意义。

关键词: 青少年, 学校归属感, 学习焦虑, 同伴关系, 手机依赖

Abstract: In order to explore the influence and mechanism of school belonging on adolescents' smartphone dependence, according to Stage-Environment Fit Theory, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 3355 sophomores from 65 middle schools in Qingdao, Shandong Province. The results were as followings: (1) After controlling for gender and Internet time, the school belonging have a negative direct effect on smartphone dependence; (2) The negative association between school belonging and smartphone dependence was mediated by learning anxiety; (3) The effect of school belonging on smartphone dependence, the effect of school belonging on learning anxiety and the effect of learning anxiety on smartphone dependence were all moderated by peer relationships, and these three effects were stronger in adolescents with high level of peer relationships. The present study highlights the mediating role of learning anxiety and the moderating role of peer relationships in the effect of school belonging on smartphone dependence. It contributes to a better understanding of the effects, paths and conditions of school belonging on smartphone dependence of adolescents. It can also provide constructive suggestions for preventing adolescents’ smartphone dependence in the mobile Internet era.

Key words: adolescents, school belonging, learning anxiety, peer relationship, smartphone dependence


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