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    15 January 2002, Volume 18 Issue 1
    • The Ability of Self-control to Behaviors of 2-Year-Olds:Delay of Gratification Paradigm
      CHEN Hui-chang, LI Miao, WANG Li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  1-5. 
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      This study examined the ability of self-control of Chinese 2-year-old in delay of gratification paradigm.2-year-olds already had some ability of self-control,and the individual difference was significant though the genderdifference was not.They also had already been able to use some kind of delay strategies,such as distraction,looking for comfort,passive waiting,seeking help and avoidance,in which the distraction was the most popular one.Different strategies had different contribution to the delay time.And 2-year-olds could use same strategies in different situations.
      The Development of Young Children’s Understanding of Emotion and Its Relation to Their Social Behaviors
      DENG Ci-ping, SANG Biao, MIAO Xiao-chun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  6-10. 
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      Eighty-two 3-and 4-year-olds who just enrolled in one kindergarten were examined in order to explore developing relations between their understanding of emotion and their social behaviors.Their family emotional expressiveness was also surveyed by family emotional expressiveness questionnaires just before they enrolled in kindergarten.Their understanding of emotion was assessed by one experimenter after they had been in preschool for 2 months.At the end of the first semester,their development of social behaviors was assessed by their close teachers.It was found in that the differnet aspects of their parents'emotional expressiveness had a bit different relations to their development of emotion understanding and social behaviors.The study also replicated and extended the findings that young children's emotion understanding may mediate between their family expressiveness and their development of social behaviors.
      Development of Theory-of-Mind of 3-6 Years Old Children
      WANG Yi-wen, ZHANG Wen-xin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  11-15. 
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      Theory-of-mind(TOM)is an area of much concern among developmental psychologists.Disagreements still existed among researchers concerning the age at which children obtain TOM and the stages of its development.In the present study,the ‘unexpected transfer' and‘deceptive appearance' test tasks were employed in a sample of 233 3-6 years old children from three urban kindergartens,in an effort to explore when children obtain the ability of TOM and how this ability developed with children's age.The results indicated that children had developed the ability to distinguish between appearance and reality before the age of three,but they could not understand false beliefs.Four-years old children developed the understanding of both his ther own and others'false beliefs in the deceptive appearance task,and five-year old children were able to understand the false beliefs in the unexpected transfer task.Age from 4 to 5 seems to be the critical age at which children obtain theory-of-mind,but it could vary with the test tasks employed.No significant gender difference was found in children's understanding of false beliefs.
      The Developmental Study of the Speeds and Spans of Mental Addition of Pupils
      ZHANG Qi, LIN Chong-de
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  16-21. 
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      The experiment investigated the development of the speeds and spans of mental addition of 180 primary school students.Results showed that the speeds and spans of mental addition of the pupils increased with the growth of subject's grades.The growth rate of the mental addition speeds and spans of the between first,second,third,and fourth grades were all higher than that the between fourth,fifth,and sixth grades.The experiment discovered that the development of the figure spans and mental addition speeds of the schoolchild were two important factors promoting the development of mental addition spans.
      Study of Children’s Cognitive Development of Schemata
      ZHANG Xiang-kui, WANG Jin-feng, WU Wen-ju
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  22-26. 
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      This study used the method of triangular verification analysis to test the development of representation about three kinds of schemata,which were natural category scheme,events scheme and text scheme with 180 children as Ss from 10.1 to 15.3 years in Changchun city.The conclusions were as follows:1.The representation of children´s three kinds of schemata showed there were three diferent levels:component level,component and global level,global level,which growed with age increasing as well as were limited by children´s thinking and their experience in life or events.2.The representational development of children&s schemata was not only successive increasing at stages,but also exited in important stages in developmental trend.
      The Experimental Research of the Development of Children’s Classification Ability Based on“Similarity”and the Factors Affecting the Result of Classification
      CHEN You-qing, YIN Guo-en
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  27-31. 
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      The research discussed the development of children's classification ability based on "similarity" and factors affecting the result of classification.The subjects were children whose age ranged from 4 to 9.Six stimulating pictures were used as testing objects.In each pair of the pictures there might be zero,one or two same objects.Some of the pictures were totally stimulating and others were gradually stimulating,either with examples or without examples.The results were shown as follows:(1)With the ages increasing,children's ability of classification based on "similarity" improved.(2)The result of the classification mode that used target pictures was obviously better than that of free classification mode.(3)Those who were tested in gradually stimulating mode achieved better grades than those involved in totally stimulating mode.
      The Effects of the Context on Word Recognition of Primary School and Middle School Students
      GAO Guang-hong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  32-36. 
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      223 5th,8th,11th graders were seleeted to explore the relation between the level of processing to study item and the context effect in recognition and age diferenc of this relation.The results show:(1)On the condition that subjects made deep level of processing to study item,the differences of the magnitude of the context ef ects of three grades are not significant;But on the condition that subjects made shallow level of processing to study item,the average of the context effect of the fifth graders is significantly higher than that of the 8th gradersand that of the 11th graders,and the dif erence of the magnitude of the context effect between the 8th graders and the 11th graders is not significant;(2)Context effects in recognition of the 5th graders are consistent with the outshining hypothesis,and context effects of the 11th graders and the 11th graders are consistent with the additive global matching models.
      The Relationship Between Parental Conflict, Adolescent Coping Strategies and Adolescent Social Adjustment
      YANG A-li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  37-43. 
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      736 4th to 8th,10th to 12th graders from liaoyang city were selected to explore the relationship between parental conflict,adolescent coping strategies and adolescent social adjustment.The subjects were asked to report their parental conflict,their coping strategies,their problem behavior,depression and well-being on an anonymous questionnaire.The result shows:(1)Parental conflict related to adolescent were significant more than those related to parents themselves.Parental conflict related to adolescent had significant gender and grade main effects;(2)Adolescents reported indirect coping strategies were significant more used than direct ones when their parent conflicted.Moreover,there were significant gender and grade main effects in both coping stragegies;(3)Adolescents'problem behaivor had significant gender main effects.And adolescents'academic problem,depression and well-being had significant grade main effects;(4)The more parental conflict were,and the less adolescent coping strategies used,the more problem behavior,academic problem and depression and the less of perceived well-being were;(5)Parental conflict related to adolescent significantly predicted adolescents'problem behavior and academic problem.Parental conflict related to parents had significant effect on adolescent academic problem and depression.Direct coping skills significantly predicted adolescents'problem behavior.While indirect coping strategies significantly influenced adolescents'well-being.
      Study on Compments of Meta-Cognition
      WANG Ling, GUO De-jun, FANG Ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  44-49. 
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      The present study was designed to probe into the components of metacognition,to be exactly,the hypothesis of three-component.The procedure was as the following:an inventory involving metacognitive knowledge,metacognitive experience,and metacognitive skill was designed;and then it was conducted to 801 middle school and college students for 3 times;finally,analysis the data by means of Confirmatory Factor Analysis with LISREL 8.02.The result suggested that the 3-components hypothesis was acceptable:the fitness between 3-component hypothesisand the data was good,and the fitness between 3-component hypothesis and the data was better than the fitness between other hypothesizes and the data.
      An Experimental of Intelligence,Behaviors and Cognitive Event Related Potential of MBD Children
      LIANG Fu-cheng, HAN Yu-rong, DONG Jun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  50-53. 
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      Through analyzing the intelligence,behaviors and cognitive ERP(Event Related Potential)of MBD children,it is found that the intelligence levels of MBD children are normal but the mean level is lower than that of the normal children.Their selection ratio of behavioral problems and indexes of behavior scales are higher than those of the average normal children.Also the latent periods of N2 and P3 which reflect cognitive ERP of the brain of the MBD children group are longer than those of normal one,and the distinctions between them are obvious.
      The Study on the Conceptions of Chinese Language and Literacy in Primary Students
      LIU Ru-de, DENG Li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  54-58. 
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      207 primary students'conceptions of Chinese language and literacy were investigated through questionnaire and open interview.The results showed that 1)the higher-grade students'conceptions of Chinese language and literacy were significantly less vague than the lower-grade students.2)6th and 4th grade students'score on the conception of the nature of Chinese knowledge was significantly higher than 2nd grade students,which means that the former students were more apt to think Chinese language and literacy as relative,interrelated,and open than the later students.3)6th grade students'score on the conception of the learning process of Chinese knowledge was significantly higher than 4th and 2nd grade students,which means that the former students were more apt to learn Chinese language and literacy by reception,memory and exercises as well as construction,imagination,and inquiry.
      The Effects of Text-signals on the Retention of the Information of Reading Text of Senior Middle School Students Under Normal and Fast Reading Conditions
      HE Xian-you
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  59-62. 
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      The effects of text macro-signals on the topics'access and the retention of the information of the text were explored in the normal and fast reading conditions.The participants were the students in Grade Two of a senior middle school.The results showed that the difference in the topics'access between normal and fast reading didn't reach significant level while the reading text contained macro-signals.However,the participants in the normal reading condition scored significantly higher than the participants in the fast reading condition,and that the facilitating effects of macro-signals on the retention of the information of the text were both significant in the two reading conditions.It was implied that fast reading was a process that the readers constructed the structure of text by taking the advantage of macro-signals and searched the structure.
      Study about the Teachers'Strategies in Dealing with Students'Mental Health Problems in Middle School
      SHEN Ji-liang, CUI Yan-li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  63-66. 
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      In present study,the questionnaire was administered to 268 teachers in middle school.The participants rated the effectiveness and using possibility of six kinds of methods in dealing with students'five kinds of mental health problems.Results showed that(1)when dealing with learning burnout problem and withdraw behavior problem,teachers thought that care feeling strategy is more effective,when dealing with self-centered problem and anxiety problem,the more effective strategy are behavior canalization and language canalization respectively,and when dealing with aggression problem,teachers thought the punishment strategy is more effective;(2)As to the using possibility,when dealing with learning burnout problem,withdraw behavior problem,self-centered problem and anxiety problem,teachers apt to use language canalization strategy,when dealing with aggression problem,teachers apt to use behavior canalization strategy;(3)When dealing with learning burnout problem and self-centered problem,teachers with more than 20 years teaching experience believe that duty shift strategy is more effective.
      Research on Relations Between Achievement Goal Orientation and Mental Health of 11th Graders
      LIAN Rong, SHI Wei, MENG Ying-fang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  67-70. 
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      In this research,10th,11th,12th graders from high school and professional schools,were selected to explore the relation between their achievement goal orientation and mental health.Analysis revealed that students'learning goal orientation was higher than performance goal orientation.Learning goal orientation of students in professional schools was higher than that of students in high schools,and students who had high learning goal orientation possessed more healthy psychology than those who had low learning goal orientation.
      Relational Research of Middle School Students'Life Events and Coping Styles and Anxiety
      FENG Yong-hui, ZHOU Ai-bao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  71-74. 
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      1964 students from 9 schools of LanZhou as subjects joined in a inventory to research the relations of middle school students.life events and coping styles and anxiety.Results show:(1)The main life events which infulunce middle school student.a mental health in turn are:study pressure,interpersonal trouble,be punishing.(2)There is close relation between coping styles and anxiety.(3)Coping styles is the intervene variables between life events and anxiety.
      Assessing Psychological Well-being of College Student:Psychometric Properties of GHQ-20
      LI Hong, KAM Weng, Boey
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  75-79. 
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      The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of GHQ-20 in the assessment of psychological well-being of Chinese college student.The total sample consisted of 1142 college students from first year to third year at two universities in Beijing.The study consisted of two different studies--study one(354 subjects)and two(788 subjects).Results of study one indicated that GHQ-20 consisted of three sub-scales,which were GHQ-sense of adequacy,GHQ-depression and GHQ-anxiety.Results of both studies indicated that GHQ-20 was of satisfactory reliability,and the three sub-scales possessed either satisfactory or marginal acceptable reliability.Both studies reported a well established validity for GHQ-20 and the sub-scales respectively.Based on these findings,wesuggested that GHQ-20 could be considered as a satisfactory measure for psychological well-being of Chinese college student.The three sub-scales could be at least useful measures for student's psychological well-being.
      Vocational Interest's Construction and Characteristic of Middle School Student
      CAI Yong-hong, LIN Chong-De, XIAO Li-ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(1):  80-85. 
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      On referring related foreign materials,this research designs a vocational interest inventory,which is applicable to Chinese middle school students.The exploring factor analysis to the test results of 309 subjects indicates that:the inventory has clear construction.The extracted six factors could be explained as Reality(R),Investigate(I),Art(A),Society(S),Enterprise(E)and Common(C).This result is consistent with Holland's Six Vocational Interests.But the relationships among six vocational interests are not completely consistent with Holland's Vocational Hexagon.Further analysis indicates that vocational interest of students above grade 9 has been differentiated.Grade and sex factors have remarkable influence on students'vocatioal interest.The interaction between grade and sex is not notable.