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    15 April 2002, Volume 18 Issue 2
    • Peer Relationships of Bullies, Victims and Bully/victims in Primary and Junior Middle Schools
      WANG Mei-fang, ZHANG Wen-xin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  1-5. 
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      Bullies,victims,bully-victims and the not-involved were assigned to1089 primary and junior middleschool children by means of Olweus' Bully/victim Questionnaire.Children's peer acceptance,peer rejection andsocial status in the four groups were examined.It was found:(1) There were significant sex and grade differencesin the distribution of the four groups,with more boys classified as bullies but more girls as not-involved,and morechildren in primary schools involved in bullying than in junior middle schools.(2) Bullies had a highest score inpeer rejection and an average score in peer acceptance.(3) Victims and bully/victims had a higher score in peer rejection and a lower score in peer acceptance than not-involved children,however there existed sex differences in theassociation between victimization and social status,with male victims underrepresented in popular group,relative tomale non-victims,while female victims not.
      The Contrast Between LD Students and Talent Students on Self-Regulated Learning
      LEI Li, WANG Ling, Tanja CULJAK
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  6-11. 
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      The present study probed into the difference of self-regulated learning between LD students and talent students,in order to discover the possible cause of LD students' low performance.The subjects were 37 LD studentsand 44 talent students,all of which were selected from primary school students,and then 3 questionnaire were conducted to them.The result suggested that:①there was difference on the slef-regulated learning between two kindsof subiects,for example,LD students showed avoidance goal-orientation,preferred surface processing style orshowed self-handicap,and adopted emotional strategy when facing school failure.②there was also some differenceon the relationship among the components of self-regulated learning between two kinds of subjects for example,forthe talent students performance goal-orientation could facilitate learning,while for the LD students performance goalorientation would handicap learning.However,these two kinds of subjects still showed some similar on the relationship among the components of self-regulated learning.
      Canonical Analyses of the Relationships Between Play Behavior and Social Kill and Learning Behavior
      JING Wei-ying, CHEN Huichang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  12-16. 
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      The study used questionnaires to examine whether preschool children's play behavior relate to social skilland learning behavior,and differ according to age and gender.The result indicated that,as to the play behavior,there are significant differences among different age and sex groups.The canonical analyses showed that the predicted effect size of play behavior to social skill is more power than reveres.Prosocial play behavior was positive associate with learning ability and motivation,whereas disruption and withdraw in play related to lack of learning abilityand motivation.
      Peer Relationship and Middle School Students’ Smoking Behavior
      FANG Xiao-yi, ZHANG Yu, LIN Dan-hua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  17-21. 
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      Peer relationship has significant effects on middle school students'smoking behavior,but there are a fewstudies in this area.Social Network analysis techniques provides us a new way to explore it.1091 7thto 12thgradersfrom one ordinary school and one key school in Beijing city were selected,NEGOPYwas applied to analyze peer relationship of middle school students.The results show,one-way selection friends were significant more than mutualselection friends;the percentage of smoker among middle school students who have mutual selection friends weresignificant higher than one among middle school students have one-way selection friends;the percentage of smokeramong middle school students who were selected as friends by other students were the highest.
      Peer Relationship and Middle School Students’ Smoking Behavior
      TONG Xiu-ying, WO Jian-zhong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  22-26. 
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      This study focused on the development features and sex difference of the students in senior high school.Results showed:(1) creativity thinking improved slowly with ages,senior two students' creativity thinking was in theebb;(2) There was little significant sex different in senior students;(3) The relation between senior students' creativity thinking and writing achievements was not positivly correlatedin originality.That between senior students' creativity thinking and math achievements was not positivly correlated in all aspacts.
      The Sense of Well-being: Different Correlates of Cognitive and Affective Components
      CHI Li-ping, XIN Zi-qiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  27-32. 
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      Based on the investigation of 304 urban adults,the level and influential factors of the sense of well-being(using the evaluation of life quality and life satisfaction as cognitive indicators,using happiness,positive and negative affect as emotional indicators) were explored.The results showed:(1) Urban adults had higher evaluation oflife quality,life satisfaction,and happiness.(2) The cognitive and emotional components of the sense of well-beinghad different patterns of influential factors.The former was affected by age,incoming,interpersonal support andfamily cohesion;The latter was affected by interpersonal support,utilization of support,family cohesion and adaptability.
      The School Risk and Protective Factors and Their Relation To Adolescents' Deviant behavior
      WANG Cheng-quan, ZHAO Xi-bin, WANG Chang-hai
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  33-38. 
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      School risk and protective factors have important influence on adolescents' dviant behavior.This study wasto explore the school risk and protective factors and their relation to adolescents' deviant behavior.1739 junior highschool students in Beijing were selected to fill in the questionnaires.The results indicated:(1) Adolescents' deviantbehavior has significant positive relation with school risk factors and has significant negative relation with protectivefactors;(2) School risk factors scores increase and protective factors scores decrease with the adolescents' grade;(3)Among all the school risk and protective factors,"peer model for delinquency","teacher support" and "perceived expectations for performance and achievement"play an important role in predicting adolescents' deviant behavior.
      A Study on The Developmental Relationship Between Young Children’s Theory-of-mind and Their Social Behavior
      LIU Ming, DENG Ci-ping, SANG Biao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  39-43. 
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      In this study,the possible relations between young children's theory-of-mind and their social behaviorswere probed through a short tracing survey on 57 kindergarten children1Results revealed that the level of theory-of-mind of 4-years-old children is higher than that of 3-years-old children1Furthermore,there is a significant relationbetween the children's theory-of-mind and prosocial behaviors,while the no significant relation between the children's theory-of-mind and aggressive behaviors and withdrawing behaviors.
      Children’s Peer Group: Selection and Socialization
      YANG Yu-chuan, ZHENG Shu-jie, ZHENG Ri-chang, CHEN Xin-yin, HE Yun-feng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  44-48. 
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      The purpose of this study was to examine children's peer-group selection and socialization processes andcontributions of the peer group to children's school adjustment.469 children,initially in grade 3 and 6,participated in a 2-year longitudinal study.Data was collected from multiple sources.It was found that children's peer groupswere composed of children with similar school adjustment orientation.Longitudinal analyses indicated that peergroups were moderately stable over the 2 years of period.Moreover,the adjustment profile of peer groups was stable,despite changes in group compositions.The peer group appeared to serve as an important socialization contextfor individual social and academic functioning.
      The Role of Pinyin in the Independent Reading of Chinese Children
      WU Xin-chun, ZHANG Jie, SHU Hua, LI Hong, Richard C. Anderson, LI Wen-ling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  49-54. 
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      Simulating the situation of children's independent reading in class,the present study investigates the roleof pinyin in the Chinese children's independent reading.The result indicates:(1) Children of 7-8 years old havethe potential of independent reading if provided proper reading materials.(2) Style of pinyin labeled influenceschildren's incidental learning.Possibility of incidental learning is highest under total pinyin condition and lowestunder partial pinyin condition.(3) For all ability level children,partial pinyin goes against their independent reading,and total pinyin is the best style of pinyin labeled in children's independent reading materials.
      The Influence of Primary Schoolers’ Field Independent Style and field Dependent Style on the Effects of Trial-teaching and Normal-teaching
      LI Li-hong, CHANG Fong-jin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  55-59. 
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      This study compared the scores of students of field independent style and field dependent style who werefrom the fifth grade of primary school were effected by trial-teaching and normal-teaching in the solution of per centapplied-problem of three kinds of difficulty level.Multiple analysis of variance(MANOVA) indicated:(1) The maineffect of teaching method was significant;On the whole,the scores in trial-teaching were much higher than those ofnormal-teaching in the highest level tests.To the students of field dependent style,the scores difference between thetwo teaching method was nonsignificant in the lowest level tests;The scores in normal-teaching were much higherthan those of trial-teaching in the middle level tests,so the scores difference between the two teaching method teaching was significant;in the highest level tests,the scores in trial-teaching were much higher than those of normal-teaching,the scores difference between the two teaching method was significant.To the students of field dependentstyle,the scores between the two teaching method were nonsignificant in the lowest level tests;the scores in trialteaching were much higher than those of normal-teaching in the imddle and the highest level tests,so the scores difference between the two teaching method was significant.(2) On the whole,the boy's scores were much higherthan the girls'scores,so sex difference of scores was significant;sex difference of scores was nonsignificant in themiddle and the highest level tests.To the students of field dependent style,theboys'scores were much higher thanthe girls'scores in the highest level tests,so sex differences of scores was significant.(3) The main effect of cognitive styles was nonsignificant.
      Characteristics of Ill-Emotion in High School Students
      LIU Hui-juan, ZHANG Jing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  60-63. 
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      The present study investigated the characteristics of ill-emotion.Six thousand and fifteen high school stu-dents from five different provinces in China responded to a qustionnaire.The results showed that:The conditions ofanxiety,depression,loneliness,hostility and fear are moderate,and the scores of them increased with age.Thescores of grade eleven were significantly higher than grade ten in Depression,loneliness,hostility and fear.
      A Study on Features of Being Literate in Reading Disabled Children
      DING Ding, LIU Xiang-ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  64-67. 
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      Based on analyzing students' homework,this paper investigates the type of wrongly written or mispro-nounced characters,which always are wrong or are forgot in reading disable children from grade two to grade five.We try to know the reason for reading disability from this.The result indicated that 1) the types of wrong are fivekinds,in which the similar in form mistake is main kind.2) With grade rising,the proportion of similar in formmistake is increased.3) Only in grade two the proportion of the homophonous wrong type is more than the proportionof similar in form mistake.We infer that reading disabled children become literate by graph,not by font and literalmeaning.Therefore,their entry in their psychological dictionary is very few and inaccurate.
      The Efeects of Learning Difficulty, Interpersonal Relationship and Self-Acceptance on Eighth Grader’mental Health
      LI Xiao-dong, NIE You-yan, LIN Chong-de
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  68-73. 
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      Teh present sutdy investigated the relationship between learning difficulty,interpersonal relationship,self-acceptance and mental health used the method of SEM.One hundred and thirty-four eighth graders of a middleschool responded to a questinnaire.The results showed that:(1) Learning difficulty had a significant negative effecton mental health;self-acceptance had a significant positive effect on mental health.(2) Learning difficulty had significant negative effects on both parent-child relationship and teacher-student relatiohsip.(3) Parent-child relationshiphad a significant positive effect on self-acceptance.
      A Study of Behavior Disorders and Related Factors of Learning Disabilities
      ZHANG Min, LIU Yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  74-78. 
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      In present study,we explored behavior Characteristic,Emotion Disturbance and Stress in Children with Learning Disabilities(LD).Questionnaire was employed in a sample of 107 pupil with LD and whose learning are excellent from 4 or 5-grade of two primary schools in Changchun.The results indicated that(1) According to teachers' and parents' assessment,significant difference was found in behavior disorder、inattention and hyperactivity betweenLD Students(LDS) and excellent learning students(ELS).According to teachers' assessment,the emotional disturbance in children with LD were significant higher than those in ELS.(2) There was significant positive correlationbetween inattention and emotional disturbance(ED) in teachers' assessment,while hyperactivity was not closely related to ED.(3) There was not significant difference in positive stress(PS) between LDS and ELS,but significantdifference was found in negative stress(NS),and in LDS higher than ELS.(4) NS was one of effective predictors toED,but can not predict.PS can predict neither ED,nor behavior disorder.
      The Study of Construct Students’ Self-monitoring Learning Abilities on Physics Problem-Solving in High School
      SONG Qi-zheng, WO Jian-zhong, LIN Chong-de
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  79-84. 
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      Based on the six-dimension scale of high middle school students'self-monitoring learning ability in physics problem-solving developed on long term theoretical and phenomenographic researches,the study focused on demonstrate the structure of high middle school students'self-regulated learning ability in physics problem-solving byusing Confirmatory Factor Analysis.The sample was composed of 314 students from Fu' yang city,Zhejiang province.results showed:compared with the six-dimension structure,the five-dimension structure of high school students'self-monitoring learning ability in physics problem-solving was more fitter for the data.From the perspectiveof physics problem-solving process,the high school students'self-monitoring learning ability is composed of fivecomponents,including planning,adjusting,monitoring,testing and reflecting.
      On the Relation Between Theory of Mind and Language Ability
      MO Shu-liang, SU Yan-jie
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  85-91. 
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      many investigators have increasingly focused on the relation between theory of mind and language ability.The relative researches on this point in non-human primates,normal children and subjects of special group(e.g.individual with Autism) were reviewed and commented through evolutionary and developmental lines.It is suggestedthat deifinite language ability may be the basis of passing false belife tasks of theory of mind,but the relationship isvery complicated.Theory of mind and language ability may follow different developmental law,but tyey are concomitant and interactive.
      A Concept of Processing Capacity: Based on The Complexity of Concepts
      GUO Shu-bin, MO Lei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2002, 18(2):  92-96. 
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      New concepts from cognit ive science have fundamentally changed our view of cognitive development.Inthis paper,we explore the implications of a concepts from cognit ive science.That is capacity.A new conception ofprocessing capacity is introduced.It is said that capacity should be measured on the base of the idea of complexity.Processing capacity is said to be best defined in terms of the number of independent dimensions,that enter into aspecific computation.Conceptual chunking and segmentat ion are often used to represent complex concepts.In thisview,individual differences in processing capacity probably operate through the clarity and effectiveness of representations,and cognit ive development is an interact ion of maturation and experience.