Psychological Development and Education ›› 2002, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (1): 22-26.

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Study of Children’s Cognitive Development of Schemata

ZHANG Xiang-kui1, WANG Jin-feng2, WU Wen-ju3   

  1. Northeast Novmal University, Changchun, 130024
  • Online:2002-01-15 Published:2002-01-15

Abstract: This study used the method of triangular verification analysis to test the development of representation about three kinds of schemata,which were natural category scheme,events scheme and text scheme with 180 children as Ss from 10.1 to 15.3 years in Changchun city.The conclusions were as follows:1.The representation of children´s three kinds of schemata showed there were three diferent levels:component level,component and global level,global level,which growed with age increasing as well as were limited by children´s thinking and their experience in life or events.2.The representational development of children&s schemata was not only successive increasing at stages,but also exited in important stages in developmental trend.

Key words: natural category scheme, events scheme, text scheme

CLC Number: 

  • B844.1
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