Psychological Development and Education ›› 2002, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (2): 44-48.

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Children’s Peer Group: Selection and Socialization

YANG Yu-chuan1, ZHENG Shu-jie1, ZHENG Ri-chang1, CHEN Xin-yin2, HE Yun-feng3   

  1. 1. School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, 100875;
    2. Department of Psychology, The University of Western Ontario;
    3. Department of Psychology, Hongkong University
  • Online:2002-04-15 Published:2002-04-15

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine children's peer-group selection and socialization processes andcontributions of the peer group to children's school adjustment.469 children,initially in grade 3 and 6,participated in a 2-year longitudinal study.Data was collected from multiple sources.It was found that children's peer groupswere composed of children with similar school adjustment orientation.Longitudinal analyses indicated that peergroups were moderately stable over the 2 years of period.Moreover,the adjustment profile of peer groups was stable,despite changes in group compositions.The peer group appeared to serve as an important socialization contextfor individual social and academic functioning.

Key words: peer group, selection, socialization, children

CLC Number: 

  • B844.1
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