Psychological Development and Education ›› 2002, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (3): 46-52.

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The Polysemous advantage effects and Its Development in Identification of Chinese One-Characters

DENG Yuan1, PENG Dan-ling1, WEI Ruo-hong2   

  1. 1. School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, 100875;
    2. Lehigh university, USA
  • Online:2002-07-15 Published:2002-07-15

Abstract: The polysemous advantage effects and its development in identification of Chinese one characters were examined in lexical decision task.Subjects were primary students of grade 3, 5 and college students.The results showed: (1) The polysemous advantage effects were observed in low frequency characters across groups.(2) The error rate falls and the polysemous advantage effect weakens as the grade grows and ability of learning characters improves.The advantage of Polysemy in word identif icat ion has been developed in grade 3.The response pattern in grade 5 approaches to that in college student.The explains of results are given from the view of different semant ic feedback quantity and processing pattern in high/low frequent word ident ification.

Key words: Chinese one characters, polysemy effect, Parallel Distributed Processing Model

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