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15 July 2003, Volume 19 Issue 3
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Attributional Analises of the Bhavior Responsibility and Criticism Decision
ZHANG Ai-qing, LIU Hua-shan
Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(3): 1-5.
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Judgment of behavior responsibility is the precondition of punishment decision-making.Interpersonal attribution of responsibility is a new field that connects attribution researches with judgments of behavior responsibility.It gives a new angle of view to analysis the relationship between behavior responsibility and punishment decision of failed behavior.This research tested the relationships among attributions,responsibility and punishment making.171 subjects attended this experiment,the results were; (1) Internal controllable and stable cause of behavior elicited high responsibility judgment and severe criticism; (2) internal uncontrollable and unstable cause elicited lowest responsibility and criticism; (3) the degree of changing tendency of responsibility and criticism was similar; (4) teacher,especially female teacher used criticism less.
A Comparative Study on Attribution, Expectation for Self-control Between High-self Control Children and Low-self Control Children
YANG hui-fang, LIU jin-hua
Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(3): 6-11.
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Children's self-control is an important character in their development.This paper tries to reveal the characters of two different self-control children; high self-control and low self-control children of primary school on attribution,expectation for self-control.It was found; 1.High-self control childrentend to make interior attribution,then low self-control children tend to make exterior attribution.The accuracy of interior attribution is improved as children grow.Boys tend to make more exterior attribution than girls,and there is no significant difference between boys and girls in interior attribution.2.High self-control children have high expectation for self-control and low self-control children have low expectation for self-control.The level of expectation for self-control is improved as children grow.Boys have lower expectation for self-control than girls in all grades.And boys of low-self control have the lowest level of expectation for self-control.
Development of Hierarchical Form Lateralization
YAN Xiao-fei, SU Yan-jie
Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(3): 12-16.
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Prior studies suggested that there are hemispheric biases for globally and locally directed analysis of hierarchical forms.This present research was aimed at tracing the development of hemispherical biases.Subjects of 4 age groups were asked to make a selective reaction to the target triangle.The RT results showed a developmental tendency from local precedence to global precedence,and the hemispherical bias did not appear until grade 6.
Studies on the Cognitive Levels of Authorities by Children at Different Ages
AN Qiu-ling, CHEN Guo-peng
Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(3): 17-22.
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By adopting the method of dilemma stories,this paper is intended to explore the cognitive levels of the children when they are having conflict with their authorities.The results indicate that neither do the children obey blindly nor do they disobey blindly the rules and orders from the authorities; instead,they take actions according to their own cognition of their authorities,the children's cognition is in a developing process,the cognitive levels of the children at different ages on authorities are different from each other and the differences between ages are significant.
A examination on task-specificity of young children’s theory-of-mind performance
DENG Ci-ping
Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(3): 23-28.
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Ninety Chinese 3~5-year-olders' understanding of appearance-reality distinction and false belief were examined in a series of tasks with different materials,and the task-specificity of young children's performance and the effect of material on performance were also explored in the study.It was found that young children's performance on these two theory-of-mind tasks showed to be markedly task-specific,even the assessment standards of appearance-reality distinction and false belief understanding were matched in these tasks.The results also showed that there was a great material effect on young children's performance on both appearance-reality distinction tasks and false belief understanding tasks.It seemed that these results favored the hypothesis of domain-specific knowledge acquisition (Carey,1985) than the representation-deficit hypothesis (Flavell,1988; Perner,1991).
5-9 Year-old Children’s Understanding Trait of Guilt Emotion
XU Qin-mei, ZHANG Xiao-xian
Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(3): 29-34.
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The study discussed the influence of 5,7,9 years old children's moral evaluation of the transgression behavior to their understanding of guilt emotion.We want to find out that with the accompanier,children's under-standing trait of guilt emotion.The results demonstrate; (1) 5-9 years old children all gave the negative moral evaluation to the transgression behavior.They already have possessed the cognitive ability to produce guilt emotion.(2) a majority of all children attribute the emotion to the result of behavior,and they can't understand guilt emotion.
The Sixth Graders’ Computational Estimation Competence and Strategy
SI Ji-wei, ZHANG Qing-lin
Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(3): 35-40.
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Using a general concept framework about children's cognitive strategy developed by Lemaire & Siegler (1995) and self-made materials,this paper investigated 210 sixth grader's computational estimation competence of primary school.The results showed that; (1) the sixth graders had a definite ability to solve computational estimation problem,but there was a significant interaction between number type and operation rule,(2) although they could use several computational estimation strategies,but the differences in frequency,executive speed and accuracy among different strategies were all very great.The evaluation on children's computational estimation strategies was also deeply discussed.
The Effects of Working Memory on Perfromance of Third Graders Solving Compare problems
LI Xiao-dong, NIE You-yan, PANG Ai-lian, LIN Chong-de
Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(3): 41-45.
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The study investigated the relationship between working memory and achievement of primary school students solving compare problems.Exp 1 studied whether there was significant difference between consistent problems and inconsistent problems on WM load with dual task methodology.Ss were 34 third graders of an elementary school.Exp 2 studied whether there was significant difference between successful problem solvers and unsuccessful problem solvers on WM capacity with WM test.Ss were 37 third graders of an elementary school.The results show that; (1) problem type has significant influence on achievement of pupils solving compare problems.Pupils do much better in consistent problems than they did in inconsistent problems.(2) There is significant difference on WM load between the two type problems; the WM load of inconsistent problems is larger than that of consistent problems.(3) Successful problem solvers' WM capacity is larger than unsuccessful problem solvers'.
Parent-adolescent Conflicts
FANG Xiao-yi, ZHANG Jin-tao, LIU Zhao
Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(3): 46-52.
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829 7
and 11
graders who were selected from four ordinary middle schools in Beijing were asked to fulfill an anonymous questionnaire to explore the characteristics of parent-adolescent conflicts.They were all asked to report the frequency and intensity of parent-adolescent conflicts in 8 aspects,including life arrangement,study chores,friends,money spending,appearance,family members and privacy.The styles of parent-adolescent conflict and the tactics they used to cope with the parent-adolescent conflicts were also reported.The results showed; (1) The occurrence of parent-adolescent conflicts is rather low.The frequency and intensity of conflict on life arrangement,study and chores are the top three while the conflicts on the privacy is the least one.Verbal and emotional conflicts are two main forms.To cope with the conflicts of parent-adolescent,adolescents use the avoidance tactics mostly and the third party prevention tactics at the least.(2) Other than the relationship with family members,The frequency and intensity of mother-adolescent conflicts on other 7 aspects are significantly stronger than those of father-adolescent conflicts.(3) Girls have more and stronger conflicts with mothers on the chores than boys while boys have more conflicts with fathers on money spending than girls.Boys have more physical conflicts with parents than girls while girls have more emotional conflicts with parents than boys.As for the four kinds of coping tactics,boys used the third party prevention tactics significantly more than girls.(4) With the increase of grade,the frequency and intensity of Parent-adolescent conflicts follow an inverted U-shaped function that peaks in grade 8,meanwhile the conciliation tactics,avoidance tactics and third party prevention tactics used by adolescent decreased remarkably.
Self-Perceived Everyday Problem Solving of the Students in Middle School
CHEN Bo, CHEN Xiao-ai, YOU He
Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(3): 53-57.
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Self-Rated Everyday Problem Solving Questionnaire was administered to 907 students in middle school.The results indicated significant domain differences existed in level of self-perceived competence.Significant grade and gender differences were found in some items of everyday problem solving,and autism was one of the factors that reflected the differences.Most of the items were significant correlated with health,economic status,appearance,frequency of housework,and method of parents' cultivation.
A Comparative Research on Estimation of Blank Time Duration and Full Time Duration in College Students
GUO Xiu-yan, NIE Jing
Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(3): 58-62.
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2 (type of time duration)×8 (length of time duration) mixed experiment was designed to examine the effect of type and length of time duration on time estimation in which 224 students participated.The results are as follows; (1) Main effect of the type of time duration is significant,The estimation of full time duration is more precise than blank time duration between 1s and 8s,(2) Main effect of the length of time duration is significant,the error increased with the length of time duration.(3) The interaction between type and length of time duration is significant,estimation of full time duration is more precise than blank time duration before 18。45052s.
A Study of ‘The Two Languages Two Characters Teaching’ In Improving Students’ Mathematic Ability
CHEN Bao-guo
Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(3): 63-67.
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The relationships between ‘the two languages two characters teaching' in the some southwest China minority primary schools and the students' mathematicl ability development were investigated using the method of psychological testing.The results showed that; (1) ‘The two languages two characters teaching' may have the positive influence on developing the students' mathematical ability,especially the faculty of understanding mathematical concepts.(2) The positive influence was present for the grades of four and five,but not the grade of six.
Structure of Primary School Teachers’ Classroom Teaching Competence
ZHANG Xue-min, SHEN Ji-liang, LIN Chong-de
Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(3): 68-72.
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The present study was intended to explore the contributions of knowledge structure,teaching efficacy,teaching regulation and primary cognitive ability on primary school teachers.The researching tools were psychological scales of knowledge structure,teaching efficacy,teaching regulation and primary cognitive ability.The data was analyzed by AMOS statistics software and constructed equation model of classroom teaching competence.The results showed that knowledge structure,teaching efficacy,teaching regulation were the core components of primary school teachers' classroom teaching competence.Primary cognitive ability had no significant contribution on classroom teaching competence.
The Relationships between Junior High School Students’ Social Support and School Adjustment
LI Wen-dao, ZOU Hong, ZHAO Xia
Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(3): 73-81.
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Questionnaires were used to explore the relationships between social support from different resources and junior high school students' school adjustment.The following were the conclusions;1.Mother is the support source of most frequency.2.The perceived social support of the first grade of junior high school students is more frequent and the school adjustment quality is better than the second grade.3.The school adjustment quality of different levels has significant difference,the school adjustment quality of high social support group is better than the low social support group.4.Social support from teachers and classmates has significant regression effect on junior high school students'school adjustment.Social support from teacher has positive effect to junior high school students' inner and outer problems,loneliness academic scores,school attitude and peer evalution and social support from classmate has positive effect on the junoir school students' inner problem,loneliness,loving school and peer evalution.
Development of Educator Burnout Inventory
WANG Guo-xiang, LIU Chang-jiang, WU Xin-chun
Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 19(3): 82-86.
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The aim of the study is to develop a tool,Educator Burnout Inventory (EBI),to measure teacher's job burnout in China.170 teachers in the middle and high schools were participated in the investigation.Results indicated that EBI had 3 factors; emotional exhaustion,depersonalization,and personal accomplishment.The indices of the reliability were between 0.80~0.86 for the internal consistency (Cronbach's α coefficient),0.78~0.84 for split-half reliability,0.75~0.76 for test-retest estimates.The 3 dimensions of the EBI correlated significantly with self-efficacy and depression.In a sum,the Educator Burnout Inventory met the psychometric requirement.