Psychological Development and Education 1997 Vol.13
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林仲贤, 张增慧, 张家英, 陈美珍
Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (1): 1-5.  
Abstract2223)      PDF(pc) (2434KB)(904)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (1): 6-10.  
Abstract2239)      PDF(pc) (2529KB)(825)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (1): 11-15,20.  
Abstract1767)      PDF(pc) (2485KB)(737)       Save
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唐克西, 姜涛, 彭聃龄, 杨淑芬, 徐向东
Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (1): 16-20.  
Abstract2314)      PDF(pc) (2458KB)(1091)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (1): 21-25.  
Abstract2480)      PDF(pc) (2515KB)(1491)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (1): 26-29.  
Abstract1947)      PDF(pc) (2411KB)(763)       Save
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邹泓, 吴放
Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (1): 30-33,39.  
Abstract2017)      PDF(pc) (2451KB)(1094)       Save
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冯建华, 罗晓路
Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (1): 34-39.  
Abstract2214)      PDF(pc) (2580KB)(825)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (1): 40-43,64.  
Abstract2413)      PDF(pc) (2451KB)(1209)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (1): 44-48.  
Abstract2224)      PDF(pc) (2567KB)(1204)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (1): 49-53.  
Abstract2908)      PDF(pc) (2524KB)(1043)       Save
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韦小满, 马廷慧, 于文
Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (1): 54-59.  
Abstract2262)      PDF(pc) (431KB)(947)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (1): 60-64.  
Abstract2010)      PDF(pc) (2602KB)(825)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (2): 1-6.  
Abstract2201)      PDF(pc) (255KB)(1053)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (2): 7-12.  
Abstract2148)      PDF(pc) (242KB)(1371)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (2): 13-17,23.  
Abstract2182)      PDF(pc) (238KB)(1001)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (2): 18-23.  
Abstract2001)      PDF(pc) (263KB)(1097)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (2): 24-28,35.  
Abstract2206)      PDF(pc) (267KB)(2239)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (2): 29-35.  
Abstract2214)      PDF(pc) (340KB)(1163)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (2): 36-40.  
Abstract1980)      PDF(pc) (241KB)(1214)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (2): 41-45.  
Abstract2166)      PDF(pc) (202KB)(1239)       Save
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曾琦, 芦咏莉, 邹泓, 董奇, 陈欣银
Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (2): 46-51.  
Abstract4136)      PDF(pc) (276KB)(3288)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (2): 52-56.  
Abstract2179)      PDF(pc) (271KB)(1865)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (2): 57-61.  
Abstract5500)      PDF(pc) (223KB)(2869)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (2): 62-64.  
Abstract2159)      PDF(pc) (135KB)(1655)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (3): 1-6.  
Abstract1927)      PDF(pc) (231KB)(977)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (3): 7-10.  
Abstract2106)      PDF(pc) (407KB)(1115)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (3): 11-14.  
Abstract1925)      PDF(pc) (238KB)(1433)       Save
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王美芳, 庞维国
Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (3): 15-20.  
Abstract2458)      PDF(pc) (251KB)(1920)       Save
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张学民, 郭德俊
Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (3): 21-25.  
Abstract2133)      PDF(pc) (243KB)(1283)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (3): 26-28,43.  
Abstract2149)      PDF(pc) (254KB)(1502)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (3): 29-36.  
Abstract2764)      PDF(pc) (342KB)(3001)       Save
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刘宝才, 齐国贤
Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (3): 37-43.  
Abstract1527)      PDF(pc) (252KB)(980)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (3): 44-49.  
Abstract2566)      PDF(pc) (250KB)(2035)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (3): 50-54.  
Abstract2038)      PDF(pc) (214KB)(1214)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (3): 55-59.  
Abstract1691)      PDF(pc) (309KB)(2353)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (3): 60-63.  
Abstract1728)      PDF(pc) (201KB)(1122)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (4): 1-5.  
Abstract2203)      PDF(pc) (213KB)(1439)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (4): 6-10.  
Abstract1924)      PDF(pc) (220KB)(1027)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (4): 11-16.  
Abstract2149)      PDF(pc) (239KB)(971)       Save
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