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Revision of the Short-form Egna Minnenav Barndoms Uppfostran for Chinese
JIANG Jiang, LU Zheng-rong, JIANG Bi-jing, XU Yan
Psychological Development and Education    2010, 26 (1): 94-99.  
Abstract10202)      PDF(pc) (742KB)(7058)       Save
The aim of the study was to introduce and revise a short-form Egna Minnenav Barndoms Uppfostran(s-EMBU),which could be used to measure perceived parental rearing behavior in China.712 undergraduate students from three universities participated in the investigation.Exploratory factor analysis indicated thats-EMBU for Chinese(s-EMBU-C) had three subscales(Rejection,Emotional Warmth and over Protection) with effective 6,7 and 8 items respectively.Indices of reliability were between 0.74-0.84 for the internal consistency(C ronbach's a coefficient),0.73-0.84 for split-half reliability,0.70-0.81 for test-retest estimates(101 participates were retested 10 weeks later).Confirmative factor analysis found the scale had good construct validity.Criterion-related validity was demonstrated through the scale's relation with Chinese 115-item version of EMBU,Eysenckian dimensions of personality,sex role orientationand self-esteem.In sum,the s-EMBU-C met psychometric criteria.
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Mediation Analysis and Effect Size Measurement:Retrospect and Prospect
FANG Jie, ZHANG Min-qiang, CHIOU Haw-jeng
Psychological Development and Education    2012, 28 (1): 105-111.  
Abstract8171)      PDF(pc) (437KB)(7083)       Save
Synthesizing and comparing the methods of mediation analysis and effect size index,we suggest the focus on the significance between the independent and dependent variables,both before and after mediation tests,is unjustified and can impair theory development and testing.We recommend that,1)mediator effect can be analyzed by bias-corrected percentile bootstrap method;2)full and partial mediation should be replaced by κ2Rmed2 index, whenever possible,confidence intervals for the population effect size should be reported.Mediation analysis and effect size measurement are applied to a real-world example using data from a health promotion program to improve the nutrition habits of firefighters.MBESS package of R software is also provided for researchers to implement mediation analysis and effect size measurement.The future research direction of mediation analysis and effect size measurement is discussed at the end of the paper.
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Distinguishing Reactive Aggression from Proactive Aggression
ZHOU Guang-dong, FUNG Annis Lai-chu
Psychological Development and Education    2014, 30 (1): 105-111.  
Abstract7407)      PDF(pc) (791KB)(1435)       Save
The distinction between reactively and proactively aggressive children is not only on the underlying goal and function of aggression, but also on other aspects, such as social cognition, emotion, behaviors, peer relations and parenting styles. Children with reactive aggression are characterized by having more hostile attribution biases, negative emotion, internalizing problems, and poor peer and family relations. In contrast, children with proactive aggression are characterized by having more positive outcome expectation for aggression, externalizing problems, having friends with more delinquencies, and having parents with indulgent parenting style. In addition, the present study also reviewed the development and gender difference of two types of aggression. Finally, possible problems in existing studies are posed, and the future directions of research are forecasted.
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Revision for CCTDI(Chinese Version)
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (3): 47-51.  
Abstract7209)      PDF(pc) (432KB)(4999)       Save
CCTDI.The revision of CCTDI Chinese version includes translation and test.The revised inventory was used to analyzed critical thinking disposition of 382 university students.The results showed:a) The reliability and validity of the CCTDI Chinese revision was satisfactory.The Cronbach's α,the correlation coefficients among each scale score,the correlation coefficients between each scale score and total score were high enough.b) The O scale score,C scale score and I scale score was significant related to that of Openness to experience.C) The disposition toward CT of the tested Chinese students was opposition.
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Mobile Phone Addiction and College Students' Procrastination: Analysis of a Moderated Mediation Model
LIAN Shuailei, LIU Qingqi, SUN Xiaojun, ZHOU Zongkui
Psychological Development and Education    2018, 34 (5): 595-604.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.10
Abstract6595)      PDF(pc) (1253KB)(4868)       Save
In order to give an interpretation for the relationship and complex mechanisms between mobile phone addiction and procrastination, the present study conducted a moderated mediation model to examine the effects of mobile phone addiction, attention control and effortful control on procrastination and the underlying mechanism. A total of 1212 college students participated in this study. College students' mobile phone addiction was measured by the Mobile phone addiction index questionnaire. The short form of Attention Control Scale was used to assess attention control. Effortful control was assessed with Effortful Control Scale. College students' procrastination was assessed with Procrastination Scale. All the measures have good reliability and validity. The results showed that:(1) After controlling for age, grade, the mobile phone addiction has a positive direct effect on college students' procrastination. (2) The positive association between mobile phone addiction and college students' procrastination was mediated by attention control. (3) The mediating effect of attention control was moderated by effortful control. The indirect effect was stronger for college students with lower effortful control than for those with higher effortful control.
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The Measure of Learning Motivation and the Relationship Between It and Self-Efficacy of College Students
CHI Li-ping, XIN Zi-qiang
Psychological Development and Education    2006, 22 (2): 64-70.  
Abstract6285)      PDF(pc) (732KB)(6206)       Save
Data were collected from a sample of 270 college students with the Working Motivation Inventory(WMI)and General and Domain-Special Self-Efficacy Scale.Firstly WMI was revised and its reliability and validity were tested;then the relationship of self-efficacy and learning motivation was examined.The results showed:(1)the revised WMI had a good construct validity and reliability;(2)there were gender differences on challenge and depending on others'evaluation:the males challenged more difficulties than the females,and the females more depended on others'evaluation than the males;(3)both general and domain-special self-efficacy positively correlated with intrinsic motivation,challenge and enjoyment;negatively correlated with selection of simple task.
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The Effect of Parenting on Social Adjustment of Adolescents:Personality as a Moderator
LIU Wen-jing, XU Zhi-xing, ZOU Hong
Psychological Development and Education    2012, 28 (6): 625-633.  
Abstract6257)      PDF(pc) (666KB)(4989)       Save
To explore the influence of Parenting on Social Adjustment of adolescents,and the moderation effects of personality,Parenting Styles Questionnaires,Five-factor Personality Questionnaires and Adolescents'Social Adjustment Assessment Questionnaires were administered to the sample consisting of 2288 students from six cities in China,in order to identify personality as a moderator.The results showed that:(1)parenting behaviors could be divided into 4 different parenting styles,namely democratic style,authoritative style,authoritarian style and neglectful style,the proportions of which were 35.2%,16.9%,20.8%,and 27.1% respectively.Significant differences in social adjustment and personality existed among adolescents with different parenting styles.(2) Parenting and adolescents'social adjustment were significantly related,except the correlation between withdrawal of care and acting efficiency.(3)Personality served as a moderator in the relationship between support and company,autonomy,monitor and positive adjustment,and the relationship between guide,autonomy,monitor and negative adjustment.
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Perfectionism, Self-Esteem, and Academic Procrastination among Chinese University Students
CHEN Chen, YAN Ting, LIN Chong-de
Psychological Development and Education    2013, 29 (4): 368-377.  
Abstract5982)      PDF(pc) (1079KB)(2448)       Save
This study aimed to investigate the relationship of academic procrastination to perfectionism and self-esteem among 311 Chinese university students, ranging from 18 to 20 years old. In particular, this study examined the mediating function of self-esteem in the relationship between perfectionism and academic procrastination. Participants' academic procrastination, positive and negative perfectionism, and self-esteem were measured by Procrastination Assessment Scale-Students, Chinese Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Using hierarchical regression procedures, the researchers found that academic procrastination was positively related to negative perfectionism and negatively related to positive perfectionism and self-esteem. Self-esteem was negatively related to negative perfectionism, but positively related to positive perfectionism. Furthermore, negative perfectionism significantly and positively predicted academic procrastination, while positive perfectionism significantly and negatively predicted academic procrastination. In addition, self-esteem partially mediated the prediction of academic procrastination from both positive and negative perfectionism. Implications for college students' education have been discussed.
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Online Game Addiction:Effects and Mechanisms of Flow Experience
WEI Hua, ZHOU Zong-kui, TIAN Yuan, BAO Na
Psychological Development and Education    2012, 28 (6): 651-657.  
Abstract5962)      PDF(pc) (508KB)(3097)       Save
This study examined the effects of flow experience on online game addiction and its mechanism and antecedents.A total of 491 male undergraduate students took part in the current study.The results showed that(1) Flow experience was significantly and positively related to online game addiction,control and challenge;online game addiction was significantly and positively related to control and challenge.(2)Flow experience played a full mediating role in challenge's effect on online game addiction,indicating that an indirect effect of challenge on online game addiction;flow experience had a partial mediating effect between control and online game addiction, revealing direct and indirect effects of the control on online game addiction.
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Researches on the Relationship between Interpersonal Disturbances and Subjective Well-being in College Students
ZHANG Ling, ZHENG Xue, YAN Biao-bin, WEN Juan-juan, SHI Yan-cai
Psychological Development and Education    2007, 23 (2): 116-121.  
Abstract5959)      PDF(pc) (154KB)(8121)       Save
To study the relationship between interpersonal disturbances and subjective well-being in college students, 467 undergraduates in Guangzhou were investigated. The results indicted as follows:(1) there was interaction on the interpersonal disturbance of talking with others between the areas and the single child or multi-child, the interpersonal disturbance of talking with others of the college students who were single child and came from city was the lowest;there was significant a difference on interpersonal disturbance of gett ing along with opposite gender in the areas and the single child or multi-child, the interpersonal disturbance of getting along with opposite gender of the college students who are from village had a worse disturbance;(2) there was interaction on life satisfact ion between the areas and the single child or multi-child, as well as on the positive affect, life satisfaction and the positive affect of the college students who were single child and came from city were highest, life satisfaction and the positive affect of the college students who were single child and came from village were lowest;(3) stepwise regression analysis showed that interpersonal disturbance of making friends, interpersonal disturbance of talking with others and interpersonal disturbance of gett ing along with opposite gender had significant predictable effects on life sat isfaction;interpersonal disturbance of talking with others, interpersonal disturbance of treat ing others in proper way and interpersonal disturbance of making friends had significant predictable effects on positive affect;interpersonal disturbance of making friends, interpersonal disturbance of talking with others and interpersonal disturbance of treating others in proper way had significant predictable effects on negative affect.
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Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (2): 57-61.  
Abstract5500)      PDF(pc) (223KB)(2869)       Save
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张文新, 武建芬, Kevin Jones
Psychological Development and Education    1999, 15 (2): 7-11,37.  
Abstract5470)      PDF(pc) (539KB)(3422)       Save
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Revisioning Prosocial Tendencies Measure for Adolescent
KOU Yu, HONG Hui-fang, TAN Chen, LI Lei
Psychological Development and Education    2007, 23 (1): 112-117.  
Abstract5440)      PDF(pc) (222KB)(2464)       Save
The present study was designed to revise the Prosocial Tendencies Measure(PTM)developed by Carlo.The researchers investigated four times in Beijing,with the theory based on the Chinese cultural background and the developmental situation of adolescence.The researchers added three items to compliance scale and deleted two items to altruism scale.The results show that the revised measures have sound psychometrical criterion,the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the public,anonymous,altruistic,compliant,emotional and dire scale of PTM are 0.71,0.78,0.76, 0.74,0.73,0.56,respectively,and the correlation between the six scales and the overal measure are 0.49,0.76, 0.80,0.80,0.79,0.80,respectively.
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张文新, 张福建
Psychological Development and Education    1996, 12 (4): 18-22,34.  
Abstract5426)      PDF(pc) (753KB)(4018)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1998, 14 (2): 39-44.  
Abstract5425)      PDF(pc) (435KB)(5688)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1999, 15 (4): 22-25.  
Abstract5216)      PDF(pc) (372KB)(3943)       Save
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The Study on the Age Characters, Development Trend and Sex Differences of Preschoolers’ Emotion Competence
YAO Duan-wei, CHEN Ying-he, ZHAO Yan-qin
Psychological Development and Education    2004, 20 (2): 12-16.  
Abstract5150)      PDF(pc) (614KB)(4321)       Save
150 children aged 3-5 years participated in the research.An interview was conducted to investigate the age characters,developmental trend and sex differences.The Results indicated:(1) There was a significant change of emotion understanding between three-four year old.Children's understanding of positive emotion was superior to understanding of negative emotion.Girls performed better than boys on affective perspective-taking task.(2) The mostly used emotion regulation strategy was instructive strategy,next was the avoiding strategy and emotion venting strategy,the last one was the destroyed strategy.(3) The ability of affective perspective-taking predicted the development of emotion regulation.
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The Effect of Different Kinds of Perceptual Stimulus on Language Comprehension
XIE Jiu-shu, WANG Rui-ming, ZHANG Kun, ZHANG Chang-qing
Psychological Development and Education    2012, 28 (5): 502-509.  
Abstract5145)      PDF(pc) (423KB)(1581)       Save
Perceptual load paradigm was used in two experiments to test the effect of perceptual stimulus on language comprehension.In experiment 1,the representation of audio and visual concepts was studied.In experiment 2,the representation of visual concepts were further tested which divided into two different types,that is,shape and color.Experiment 1 found that the audio loads affected the comprehension of audio concepts.But this phenomenon was not found between visual loads and visual concepts.Experiment 2 found that color loads affected the comprehension of visual concepts.However,this phenomenon was not found in shape concepts.In conclusion,different perceptual stimulus affected language comprehension in different methods,and the language comprehension both included modal system and amodal system.
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The Development of Young Children’s Understanding of Emotion and Its Relation to Their Social Behaviors
DENG Ci-ping, SANG Biao, MIAO Xiao-chun
Psychological Development and Education    2002, 18 (1): 6-10.  
Abstract5079)      PDF(pc) (423KB)(3910)       Save
Eighty-two 3-and 4-year-olds who just enrolled in one kindergarten were examined in order to explore developing relations between their understanding of emotion and their social behaviors.Their family emotional expressiveness was also surveyed by family emotional expressiveness questionnaires just before they enrolled in kindergarten.Their understanding of emotion was assessed by one experimenter after they had been in preschool for 2 months.At the end of the first semester,their development of social behaviors was assessed by their close teachers.It was found in that the differnet aspects of their parents'emotional expressiveness had a bit different relations to their development of emotion understanding and social behaviors.The study also replicated and extended the findings that young children's emotion understanding may mediate between their family expressiveness and their development of social behaviors.
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Psychological Development and Education    1999, 15 (3): 7-11.  
Abstract5056)      PDF(pc) (461KB)(3806)       Save
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Identifying Psychological or Behavioral Problems of College Students: Based on Latent Profile Analysis
SU Binyuan, ZHANG Jieting, YU Chengfu, ZHANG Wei
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (3): 350-359.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.03.13
Abstract4900)      PDF(pc) (1245KB)(1664)       Save
To explore the applicability of latent profile analysis (LPA) in detecting psychological or behavioral problems, a total of 12718 college students were tested for psychological health. The psychological status of the 644 students was evaluated by psychologists, counselors and class supervisors. Using evaluation results and the 90 Symptom checklist (SCL90) positive detection rate as the "golden standard" for diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity and specificity were compared between LPA and the traditional demarcation method. The results showed that: (1) Student's psychological and behavioral problems can be divided into three sub-groups: high risk group (9.86%), mental confusion group (19.15%) and healthy group (70.99%). (2) High risk groups were characterized by prominent mental symptoms (Z≥2.6SD). The positive symptom of mental health risk in high risk group is 61.21%, which is far above that of mental confusion group (38.28%) and mental health group (8.36%). (3) LPA improved sensitivity by 8.93%-35.26% and showed better diagnostic accuracy comparing with the traditional demarcation method.
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Researches Into the Relationships among Temperaments, Parental Rearing Patterns and Loneliness in College Students
DENG Li-fang, XU Qian, ZHENG Ri-chang
Psychological Development and Education    2006, 22 (3): 53-59.  
Abstract4897)      PDF(pc) (760KB)(3118)       Save
This study explored the influence of temperament and parental rearing patterns on Loneliness in 349 college students with questionnaire.The results indicated(1) female students have more loneliness and emotionnality than male students.There are speciality differences in loneliness.The students majoring in science have more loneliness than arts,(2) Bivariate correlation analysis suggested that loneliness correlated with mostly factors of parental rearing patterns and sociability.(3) Regression analysis showed further indication that there was high regression relation among sociability,fathers' firm control and romantic loneliness,certain parental rearing patterns' factors and loneliness.
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Psychological Development and Education    1996, 12 (3): 1-11.  
Abstract4884)      PDF(pc) (968KB)(5209)       Save
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Family Environment, Parent-Child Attachment and Adolescent Internet Addiction
DENG Lin-yuan, FANG Xiao-yi, WU Ming-ming, ZHANG Jin-tao, LIU Qin-xue
Psychological Development and Education    2013, 29 (3): 305-311.  
Abstract4828)      PDF(pc) (947KB)(3101)       Save
This study selected 1038 students from Grade 7 to Grade 9 from three different cities in China to explore the effects and mechanism of adolescents'family environment and parent-child attachment on their internet addiction, as well as to test the Person-Context Interaction Theory and the Process-Person-Context-Time Model .The results showed as follows: (1) Both the family environment and parent-child attachment were negatively related to adolescents'internet addiction; (2) In the family environment dimension, the family intimacy predicted adolescents'internet addiction more obviously than family adaptability,while in the father-child attachment dimension, the father-child trust negatively predicted adolescents'internet addiction, and in the mother-child attachment dimension, the mother-child alienation positively predicted adolescents'internet addiction; (3)The family intimacy not only directly affected adolescents'internet addiction,but also had indirect effect on adolescents'internet addiction through the mediation effects of mother-child alienation and father-child trust; however, the difference of mediation effects between mother-child alienation and father-child trust was not significant.
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Character Strengths of College Students:The Relationship between Character Strengths and Subjective Well-Being
ZHOU Ya, LIU Xiang-ping
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (5): 536-542.  
Abstract4822)      PDF(pc) (418KB)(2966)       Save
Character strengths and subjective well-being are primary concerns of positive psychology.The purpose of this study was to:(1)evaluate the character strengths among Chinese college students;and(2)reveal the relationship between the 24 strengths and well-being.115 participants were recruited to complete the web-based Values in Action Inventory of Strengths,Oxford Happiness Questionnaire,and Satisfaction with Life Scale.The top five "signature strengths" of Chinese college students were love,honesty,gratitude,appreciation of beauty,and kindness.Taking gender into account,men and women share three of the top five "signature strengths" (honesty, gratitude,and appreciation of beauty).The main findings also include:Hope,love,zest,curiosity,citizenship, and social intelligence were substantially associated with happiness.And robustly related with life satisfaction were hope,social intelligence,perspectives,love,and industry.
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Researches into Relations among Social-support, Self-esteem and Subjective Well-being of College Students
YAN Biao-bin, ZHENG Xue
Psychological Development and Education    2006, 22 (3): 60-64.  
Abstract4804)      PDF(pc) (471KB)(4158)       Save
This study explored the influence of social support and self-esteem on subjective well-being in 300 college students with questionnaire.The results indicted(1) Bivariate correlation suggested that social support,self-esteem and whole subjective well-being,life satisfaction and positive affects correlated significantly with each other,while social support,self-esteem negatively correlated with negative effects.(2) Regression analysis showed further indication that there was good regression relation between social support and self-esteem whole subjective well-being,life satisfaction,positive effects and negative effects,and then self-esteem was a mediator factor between social support and SWB because its good regression relation with whole subjective well-being,life satisfaction,positive effects and negative effects based on social support.(3) Equations(EQS) 5.7b further validated that self-esteem was a mediator factor between social support and subjective well-being.
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陈宝国, 彭聃龄
Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (1): 52-57.  
Abstract4764)      PDF(pc) (616KB)(4306)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    1995, 11 (4): 43-47,54.  
Abstract4751)      PDF(pc) (2604KB)(2554)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    2001, 17 (2): 50-54.  
Abstract4694)      PDF(pc) (412KB)(3347)       Save
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Adolescents’ Prosocial Intention in Conflict Situations: The Effect of Anticipated Significant Others’ Viewpoint
ZHANG Qing-peng, LIU Jing-li, HUANG Hui, LI Jie, KOU Yu
Psychological Development and Education    2012, 28 (4): 368-375.  
Abstract4620)      PDF(pc) (563KB)(1230)       Save
Significant others affected adolescents'prosocial intention in particular situation.Moreover,the effect of anticipated others'viewpoint and attitude is more significant.This study investigated the role of adolescents' anticipated others'viewpoint in prosocial intention in the assumptive dilemmas.The result demonstrated that the degree of deviation between adolescents' prosocial intention and anticipated others' viewpoint changed with different conflict situations types differently.Adolescents'prosocial intention and anticipated parents'viewpoint showed the minimum degree of deviation in the conflict situation of"one's own health vs.other people's health", while the minimum degree of deviation between their prosocial intention and anticipated teachers' viewpoint appeared in the situation of "one's own study vs.other people's study".Then came the minimum deviate degree between adolescents' prosocial intention and anticipated peers' viewpoint,which existed in the situation of "interpersonal relationship vs.honest quality".Adolescents'approval degree in significant others'viewpoint moderated the relation between anticipated others'viewpoint and their prosocial intention.when adolescents highly agreed with anticipated significant others'viewpoint,this viewpoint positively predicted their prosocial intention.When they were less likely to agree with anticipated significant others'viewpoint,the predictive effect of this viewpoint didn't exsit.The results indicated that adults and peers influenced adolescents separately,and the influence was restricted by life events field.
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Psychological Development and Education    1994, 10 (3): 30-33,15.  
Abstract4599)      PDF(pc) (2538KB)(5873)       Save
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The Relationship of Temperament, Paternal Parenting, and Adolescents’ General Self-concept in Early Adolescence
JI Lin-qin, ZHANG Ying-chun, ZHANG Liang, ZHAO Shu-juan, ZHANG Wen-xin
Psychological Development and Education    2012, 28 (6): 595-602.  
Abstract4532)      PDF(pc) (488KB)(2213)       Save
Using the general self-concept subscale of the Self-Perception Profile for Children,Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire,and the Parental Style and Dimension Questionnaire,416 students from 6 junior high school were investigated to reveal the relationship of temperament,paternal parenting,and adolescents'general self-concept.The results indicated that,effortful control positively and negative emotionality negatively predicted adolescents'general self-concept,and fathers'authoritative parenting positively predicted adolescents'general self-concept.No significant prediction was found from surgency,affiliativeness,fathers'authoritarian parenting to adolescents'general self-concept.These findings suggested an additive rather than interactive effect of temperament and parenting on adolescents'general self-concept.
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Parental Behavioral Control,Psychological Control,and Aggression and Social Withdrawal in Early Adolescents
LI Dan-li, ZHANG Wei, LI Dong-ping, WANG Yan-hui
Psychological Development and Education    2012, 28 (2): 201-209.  
Abstract4505)      PDF(pc) (643KB)(3063)       Save
This study examined(a)whether there were specific relations between parental behavioral and psychological control and early adolescents'aggression and social withdrawal,(b)whether the above relations were nonlinear,and(c)whether emotion regulation(cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression)mediated the above relations.Six hundred and ninety-four early adolescents(mean age=13.67 years)participated in this study by filling out questionnaire measures of parental control,emotion regulation,and problem behaviors.The results revealed that(a)both forms of parental control were associated with aggression and social withdrawal(i. e.,no specificity);(b)the effects of behavioral control on problem behaviors were nonlinear,whereas the effects of psychological control on problem behaviors were linear;(c)cognitive reappraisal mediated the relationship between psychological control and aggression,while expressive suppression mediated the relationship between psychological control and social withdrawal.
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Constraction of Self-Regulated Learning Scale for College Students
ZHU Zu-de, WANG Jing-qiong, ZHANG Wei, YE Qing-qing
Psychological Development and Education    2005, 21 (3): 60-65.  
Abstract4488)      PDF(pc) (642KB)(2898)       Save
Present study developed a self-regulated learning scale for college students suiting Chinese students based on the self-regulated learning theory of Zimmerman.Using exploratory factor analysis,we found six factors in the motivation sub-scale,they are self-efficiency,intrinsic aim,learning controlling,extrinsic aim,learning valuable, learning anxiety;and six factors in the strategy sub-scale,they are learning method,seeking help,learning planning,learning summarize,learning evaluating,learning managing.After testing,we consider the reliability coefficient and validity coefficient are valid.
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Psychological Development and Education    1999, 15 (3): 18-24.  
Abstract4470)      PDF(pc) (694KB)(2501)       Save
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叶仁敏, Kunt A. Hagtvet
Psychological Development and Education    1992, 8 (2): 14-16.  
Abstract4385)      PDF(pc) (1986KB)(3710)       Save
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Psychological Development and Education    2006, 22 (1): 117-121.  
Abstract4343)      PDF(pc) (558KB)(2440)       Save
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School Climate and Adolescents’ Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts:The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem
YANG Xue, WANG Yan-hui, LI Dong-ping, ZHAO Li-yan, BAO Zhen-zhou, ZHOU Zong-kui
Psychological Development and Education    2013, 29 (5): 541-551.  
Abstract4276)      PDF(pc) (1216KB)(1396)       Save
Although quite a few adolescents committed suicide in school settings, few studies have examined whether school climate was associated with adolescent suicide as well as the mediating mechanisms underlying this association. The present study examined the relationship between different dimensions of school climate (i.e., teacher-student support, student-student support, and opportunities for autonomy in the school) and adolescents' suicidal ideation and attempts as well as the mediating role of self-esteem underlying these associations. With stratified-cluster sampling method, 2,758 middle school students completed questionnaire measures of school climate, self-esteem, suicidal ideation and attempts, as well as covariates (e.g., family functioning). The results revealed that: (1) After controlling for gender, age, socioeconomic status, family functioning, and neighborhood problems, teacher-student support and student-student support were significantly and negatively associated with adolescents' suicidal ideation and suicide attempts, whereas the effect of opportunities for autonomy in the school was not significant; (2) Self-esteem mediated the relationship between teacher-student support and student-student support, and adolescents' suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. Therefore, school climate shapes adolescents' self-system beliefs, which in turn impact their suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.
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Difference between Cognitive Empathy and Affective Empathy in Development: Meta-analysis Preliminary Exploration
YAN Zhiqiang, SU Yanjie
Psychological Development and Education    2021, 37 (1): 1-9.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.01
Abstract4223)   HTML121)    PDF(pc) (1516KB)(1551)       Save
Empathy consists of cognitive empathy and affective empathy. The model of lifespan development of empathy suggests that the development of two components may show different characteristics. Thus, the current research employed a meta-analysis to investigate the characteristics in question. Through literature retrieval, 136 studies and 178 independent effect sizes met the inclusion criteria, with a total of 50606 participants. Funnel plotting, Egger's intercept test, and trim-and-fill test showed no publication bias, and heterogeneity test indicated that a random effects model was appropriate for the meta-analysis. Random effects modelling demonstrated that cognitive empathy was significantly stronger than affective empathy (Z=5.39, p<0.001). A moderator analysis revealed that age moderated the difference (Qb=73.99,p<0.001). Specifically, affective empathy was the primary component in preschool, cognitive empathy in middle childhood through emerging adulthood, affective empathy again in middle and late adulthood, and puberty saw the strongest difference between cognitive empathy and affective empathy.
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Development of Theory-of-Mind of 3-6 Years Old Children
WANG Yi-wen, ZHANG Wen-xin
Psychological Development and Education    2002, 18 (1): 11-15.  
Abstract4218)      PDF(pc) (630KB)(3034)       Save
Theory-of-mind(TOM)is an area of much concern among developmental psychologists.Disagreements still existed among researchers concerning the age at which children obtain TOM and the stages of its development.In the present study,the ‘unexpected transfer' and‘deceptive appearance' test tasks were employed in a sample of 233 3-6 years old children from three urban kindergartens,in an effort to explore when children obtain the ability of TOM and how this ability developed with children's age.The results indicated that children had developed the ability to distinguish between appearance and reality before the age of three,but they could not understand false beliefs.Four-years old children developed the understanding of both his ther own and others'false beliefs in the deceptive appearance task,and five-year old children were able to understand the false beliefs in the unexpected transfer task.Age from 4 to 5 seems to be the critical age at which children obtain theory-of-mind,but it could vary with the test tasks employed.No significant gender difference was found in children's understanding of false beliefs.
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Psychological Development and Education    1999, 15 (4): 50-53,57.  
Abstract4208)      PDF(pc) (73KB)(2700)       Save
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The impact mechanism of stressful life events on adolescents’ subjective well-being
FU Qiao-qiao, YE Bao-juan, WEN Zhong-lin
Psychological Development and Education    2012, 28 (5): 516-523.  
Abstract4190)      PDF(pc) (728KB)(2408)       Save
Based on the coping interaction model,stress-buffering hypothesis and stress-vulnerability hypothesis,we constructed a moderated mediating model in which coping style mediated the relationship between stressful life events and subjective well-being,and this mediating process was moderated by emotional intelligence.A total of 1670 adolescents were assessed by a set of tools including: an adolescent self-rating life events check list,a coping style questionnaire,an emotional intelligence scale,and a subjective well-being questionnaire.The results indicated that: (1) coping style mediated the effect of stressful life events on subjective well-being; (2) emotional intelligence moderated the effect of stressful life events on coping style: in the context of low stressful life events,adolescents with high levels of emotional intelligence performed better in coping style than those with low levels of emotional intelligence; whereas in the context of high stressful life events,adolescents with high levels of emotional intelligence performed dose to even worse than those with low levels of emotional intelligence.As a conclusion,emotional intelligence is a stress vulnerable factor.
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The Prevention and Intervention on Adolescent Internet Addiction
FANG Xiaoyi, LIU Lu, DENG Linyuan, LIU Qinxue, SU Wenliang, LAN Jing
Psychological Development and Education    2015, 31 (1): 100-107.   DOI: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.01.14
Abstract4174)      PDF(pc) (1142KB)(1866)       Save
Internet Addiction Disorder has become a risky factor for physical and mental development and academic performance of adolescents. According to the studies about psychological prevention and intervention on adolescents’ Internet addiction in the past more than 10 years, there were different psychological treatment approaches and modalities, among which is predominated by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and group counseling. The programs in this field tend to integrate multiple approaches and modalities. Based on previous studies and different counseling theories such as Family Therapy, CBT, Motivational Interviewing, and internet addiction theories such as psychological need satisfaction, we have developed multi-level comprehensive prevention and intervention programs applied in the individual, family, or school, most of which have been tested by empirical studies. Future research can focus on biological factors of Internet addiction among adolescents, to eventually develop a systematic biopsychosocial program for psychological prevention and intervention on adolescents' Internet addiction.
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曾琦, 芦咏莉, 邹泓, 董奇, 陈欣银
Psychological Development and Education    1997, 13 (2): 46-51.  
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How Paternal and Maternal Psychological Control Affect on Internalizing and Externalizing Problems of Children with ODD Symptoms
LIN Xiu-yun, LI Long-feng, LI Yan-bin, WANG Zhong-hui, CHEN Qi, FANG Xiao-yi
Psychological Development and Education    2014, 30 (6): 635-645.  
Abstract4126)      PDF(pc) (1110KB)(1283)       Save
The current study aimed to explore the characteristics of internalizing (depression) and externalizing (aggressive behavior) problem of children with ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) symptoms, and investigate how paternal and maternal psychological control affected on internalizing and externalizing problems of these children. Furthermore, the study also explored if the self-esteem would play a mediator role and children's gender would play a moderate role in the relationship between parental psychological control and children's problems. Particularly, this study approached if there would be difference between paternal and maternal psychological control and between effect of parental psychological control on children's internalizing and externalizing problems. Totally, 340 children with ODD symptoms and their 158 class helpers from 14 elementary schools in Beijing, Shandong and Yunnan attended the study and completed the questionnaire. Children themselves completed scales of Parental Psychological Control, Children's Self-esteem and Depression; and their class helpers completed the Children's Aggression in School. During selection the children, first, the class helpers nominated the children who may have ODD symptoms from 7966 primary students using ODD symptoms assessment (from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-IV). Second, 2 clinical psychologists and the school mental health educator assured the assessment with the class helpers and decided the eligible participants. Descriptive analysis, ANOVA, Person correlation analysis and regression analysis were used to analysis data.Data analysis revealed that:(1) Compared to girls, more boys had symptoms of ODD, as well as more serious emotional and behavioral problems, and lower self-esteem; (2) Boys perceived significant much more paternal psychological control than girls, but not in maternal psychological control; (3) Both paternal and maternal psychological control was positively correlated with children's depression and aggressive behavior. Higher paternal psychological control was associated with increased depression and aggressive behavior, and higher maternal psychological was associated with only increase aggressive behavior;(4) Self-esteem played mediated role both in the relationship between paternal psychological control and children's problems and maternal psychological control and children's problems.
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申继亮, 余贤君, 谭瑞
Psychological Development and Education    1994, 10 (2): 40-43,64.  
Abstract3909)      PDF(pc) (2040KB)(3646)       Save
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Cross-Lagged Regression Analysis of Relationship between Self-esteem and Depression in Early Adolescents:Test of Vulnerability Model and Scar Model
DENG Hui-hua, CHEN Hui, ZHONG Ping, LIANG Zong-bao, ZHANG Guang-Zhen
Psychological Development and Education    2013, 29 (4): 407-414.  
Abstract3870)      PDF(pc) (903KB)(1344)       Save
The present 3-year longitudinal study aimed to explore reciprocal relations between self-esteem and depression in early adolescents after controlled for prior levels of both variables and test vulnerability model and scar model where the vulnerability model hypothesizes that low self-esteem serves as a risk factor for depression and the scar model hypothesizes that low self-esteem is an outcome, not a cause, of depression. Self-esteem and depression were measured with Rosenberg self-esteem scale and children's depression inventory-short version in 598 adolescents from Nanjing junior middle school at Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3. Cross-lagged regression analyses for the total samples showed that depression at Grade 1 negatively predicted self-esteem at Grade 2; moreover, depression at Grade 2 also negatively predicted self-esteem at Grade 3 and simultaneously self-esteem at Grade 2 negatively predicted depression at Grade 3. These results indicated that the two variables were reciprocally related to each other and their reciprocal relation varied with time and that vulnerability model and scar model are not mutually exclusive and can operate simultaneously. Additionally, there was a significant gender difference in the causality between self-esteem and depression among early adolescents. The gender difference showed a time-dependence. For girls, the causality between self-esteem and depression was the same as the total samples. In contrast, only depression at Grade 2 negatively predicted self-esteem at Grade 3 for boys.
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Resilience of College Students and the Relations of Resilience to Positive Emotion and to Subjective Well-being
WANG Yong, WANG Zhen-hong
Psychological Development and Education    2013, 29 (1): 94-100.  
Abstract3829)      PDF(pc) (727KB)(1626)       Save
Base on 207 college students and with Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, Positive Affect Scale and General Well-Being Schedule, the trait of resilience of the people who felt less stress and the relations of resilience to positive emotion and to subjective well-being were explored. The results showed that:(1) resilience of college students showed stability to some degree;(2) positive emotion had remarkable positive correlations with resilience, and it can predict the latter significantly;(3) resilience had a significantly positive effect on subjective well-being, positive emotion played partial-mediating role between resilience and subjective well-being.
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Psychological Development and Education    1996, 12 (2): 26-28.  
Abstract3810)      PDF(pc) (323KB)(2125)       Save
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Interparental Conflict Affects Adolescents’ Social Anxiety:Serial Mediation Analysis
WANG Ming-zhong, ZHOU Zong-kui, FAN Cui-ying, CHEN Wu
Psychological Development and Education    2013, 29 (2): 166-173.  
Abstract3762)      PDF(pc) (860KB)(1418)       Save
In order to explore the serial mediation of perception of threat and emotional insecurity between interparental conflict and adolescents' social anxiety, we conveniently chose 500 high school students from two public high schools in Henan province as our subjects and investigated them with such instruments as Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale (CPIC), Security in the Interparental Subsystem Scale (SIS scale) and Social Anxiety Subscale. Data were collected and analysed with SPSS 17.0, and we used the bias-corrected percentile Bootstrap method to analyze the serial mediating roles of perception of threat and emotional insecurity between interparental conflict and adolescents social anxiety. This study simultaneously tested the cognitive contextual theory and the emotional security theory so as to explore the mechanisms by which interparental conflict affected adolescents' social anxiety. It revealed the different effects of perception of threat by adolescents on different dimensions of emotional insecurity. The results indicated that, interparental conflict affects adolescents social anxiety mainly through three ways: through the mediating role of perception of threat; through the mediating role of emotional insecurity, especially the role of negative representation and emotional maladjustment; through the mediating roles of both perception of threat and emotional insecurity. Parents reduce their conflicts before adolescents, resolve their conflicts in reasonable ways, so as to lower adolescents' perception of threat and emotional insecurity, and finally reduce their social anxiety in interpersonal contexts.
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