心理发展与教育 ›› 2013, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (1): 86-93.

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纪伟标, 王玲, 莫宏媛, 刘菁菁, 程云玮   

  1. 华南师范大学心理学院,广州 510631
  • 出版日期:2013-01-15 发布日期:2013-01-15
  • 通讯作者: 王玲,E-mail:wanglingzz@163.com E-mail:wanglingzz@163.com

Effect of Consideration of Future Consequences on Aggression in Adolescence:Mediation and Moderation Effects

JI Wei-biao, WANG Ling, MO Hong-yuan, LIU Jing-jing, CHENG Yun-wei   

  1. School of Psychology,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631
  • Online:2013-01-15 Published:2013-01-15

摘要: 采用攻击性问卷、关系攻击行为量表、结果预期量表、移情量表和自我控制能力问卷对720名中学生进行调查,考察了结果预期与青少年攻击性行为的关系,以及自我控制在其中的中介作用和移情在其中的调节作用。结果发现:(1)结果预期与青少年的攻击性行为(外部攻击和关系攻击)存在显著负相关;(2)自我控制在结果预期与青少年攻击性行为之间起着完全中介作用;(3)在结果预期对青少年外部攻击行为的预测中,移情发挥了调节作用。在高移情个体中,结果预期并不预测外部攻击行为,而在低移情个体中,结果预期显著地反向预测外部攻击行为;(4)自我控制在结果预期与青少年外部攻击行为之间的中介作用受到移情的调节,高水平的移情能力可以有效地缓解青少年因低自我控制而导致的高攻击性。

关键词: 青少年, 攻击行为, 结果预期, 自我控制, 移情

Abstract: To examine the relationship between consideration of future consequences and adolescent aggression, as well as the mediating role of self-control and the moderating role of empathy in the effect of consideration of future consequences, 720 secondary students were tested with aggression questionnaire, relational aggression scale, consideration of future consequences scale, empathy scale and self-control ability questionnaire. The results indicated that:(1) Consideration of future consequences was negatively associated with Adolescent aggression(overt aggression and relational aggression);(2)Self-control could fully mediate the relationship between consideration of future consequences and Adolescent aggression;(3)Empathy served to moderate the association between consideration of future consequences and overt aggression in that low empathy predicted a negative association between them while high empathy predicted no significant association;(4) The mediating effect of self-control was moderated by empathy, and a high level of empathy could effectively relieve Adolescents' aggression for low self-control.

Key words: adolescent, aggressive behavior, consideration of future consequences, self-control, empathy


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