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    15 October 2000, Volume 16 Issue 4
    • The Developmental Characteristics of Alpha Band in Children Aged from 6 to 12
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(4):  1-7. 
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      In the present work,12-channel electroencephalography(EEG) of 228 children aged from 6 to 12 were recorded and analyzed by Encephalofluctuography Technology(ET).The research put emphasis on the developmental characteristics of alpha band ranged from 8 to 13 Hertz.The results obtained were as follows:(ⅰ) The alpha band components of different frequencies indicated different features with age.(ⅱ) The ratios of different frequency components did not show any obvious sex difference. (ⅲ) The dominant components of children's alpha band changed while age increased.(ⅳ)Marked as-cending trend of the average frequencies of alpha band was found with age.But there was no significant sex difference between boys and girls.
      The Influence of Stressful Life Events, Personality on the Middle School Students’ Coping Styles
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(4):  8-13. 
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      Three questionnaires were administrated to 329 middle school students to explore the relationships among the stressful life events,personality and coping styles.The results showed:(1) the stressful life events were mainly from study,parents,teacher/peer,environment,self-development and time-scarcity;(2) the personality of middle school students could be described by five factors:extraversion,agreeableness,consciousness,openness and neuroticism;(3) the coping styles of middle school students mainly included active coping and avoidance coping;(4) agreeableness,consciousness,openness made positive contributions to the predictions of active coping.Grade,extraversion and openness had both direct and indirect effect on avoidance coping by stress intensity.
      The Structural Dimensions of Children’s Social Attributes and Their Effects on Social Behaviors
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(4):  14-19. 
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      The study examined the structure of children's social attributes and their effects on social behaviors among 734 children of 3-to 6-year-old.The result of factor analysis indicated that children's social attributes consist mainly of empathy,self-control,responsibility,self-confidence,the courage and volition of overcoming difficulty.The principle component analysis showed further that empathy and self-control are the key elements of social attributes,and they have important effects on children's social behaviors.
      Development of Prosopcial Value Orientation in Primary Children
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(4):  20-24,37. 
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      337 children from primary school were mensured by questionnaires.Results showed that prosocial value orientation of children did not change significantly with age,however it changed with age in some situation.Results also indicated that prosocial value orientation of children changed with sex.To be more accurate,girl was more clear about their value orientation and more likely to give help to victims. Additionally,children differing in value orientation varied in the ratings on prosocial behavior by their teacher.
      Exploring Application of Mnemonic Key-letters Method to Acquire English Vocabulary
      李庆安, 林崇德, 李洪玉
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(4):  25-30. 
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      Based on previous studies,this experiment is designed to explore the effect of the mnemonic key-letters method on the backward retrieval of the English words.Chinese-speaking university stu dents were used as subjects and English words as materials in the study.The results indicated that the key-letters method could enhance slightly the whole word and could enhance greatly the key-letters part of the English words when cued with their Chinese definitions.The paper gave a detailed discussion on the mechanism of the backward retrieval of the key-letters method.
      Academic help-seeking: Its relation to goal-orientation, self-efficacy and academic achievement
      李晓东, 张柄松
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(4):  31-37. 
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      The present study investigated the relationship between goal-orienation,self-efficacy,academic achievement and academic help-seeking.One hundred and fifty-two eighth graders of a middle school responded to a questionnaire.The following results were obtained:(1) Ego-orientation could be divided into ego-approach orientation and ego-avoidance orientation.These two kinds of goal-orientation had different effect patterns on academic help-seeking,ego-avoidance orientation had more negative influence on help-seeking.(2) Social goals had significant relationship with academic help-seeking.(3) Students with low self-efficacy did not want to ask help,supporting the vulnerability hypothesis.
      Research on College Students Occupations and Occupational Values Through Questionaire Method
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(4):  38-43,60. 
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      The purpose of this study was to investigate how college students view their ideal occupations and realistic occupations.This was done in 7 universities in Tianjin and 663 college students were involved.The results are as follows:(1) There was striking difference between the subjects' ideal occupations and realistic occupations.But the criterion of choosing the two kinds of occupations was almost the same.(2) To be a supervisor was the first choice of ideal occupations and realistic occupations.(3) Earning、fully tapping of one's potentiality and the extent of autonomy came to be the main consideration of choosing occupations.(4) College students' choice of ideal occupations and realistic occupations were related to type of universities、majors、grade and gender.
      Trait anxiety of College Students: Its Structure and Characteristics
      肖凌燕, 邹泓
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(4):  44-50. 
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      Trait Anxiety Questionnaire for college students was developed in the study.497 college students(grade 1 to 4) completed Trait Anxiety Questionnaire for College Students and Spielberger's Trait Anxiety Inventory.Results indicated that five major factors were abstracted by exploratory factor analysis. The five factors were named as Study Anxiety,Job Anxiety,Health Anxiety,interpersonal relationship Anxiety,and Anxiety for Fear of Negative Evaluation respectively.The reliability and validity of the Questionnaire were acceptable in psychometrics.Grade difference existed on dimension of study anxiety. Grade difference,origin difference and gender difference existed on dimension of job anxiety.Sophomores are more anxious than freshmen,juniors and seniors,students who came from rural areas were more anxious than students who came from urban areas.Female students were more anxious than male students.
      Adolescents’ Jungement on Influence Power of Peer Group and Family in Their Socialization
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(4):  51-55. 
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      The purpose of the present study was to examine the Group Socialization Theory of Development which was addressed by J.Harris in Chinese culture.Parent's influence and the influence of peer group were tested in six situation stories which relate to everyday wearing,popular music,"code words" ,informing,compture game,and popular novel.495 adolescents ranging in age from 13 to 18 years,which were selected from two high schools in Neijiang,Sichuan province,had completed questionnaires including six situation stories and family factors.Results show:(1) In situation stories of everyday wearing,popular music,"code words" ,and informing,from 13 to 18,there is a changing trend from accepting parent's influence to acception the influence of peer group.And in situation stories of compture game and popular novel,adolescents tended to accept parents' influence and there were no changes among ages.In addition,the relationship shich adolescents evaluated between their parent and themselves in social network negatively predicated accepting the influence of peer group,whereas grade predicated accepting the influence of peer group.(2) There were significant grade differences in the reasons of accepting parent's influence and accepting the influence of peer group.The higher graders had revealed their reasons on the social relationship level,and the lower graders had revealed their reasons on the obeying authoritative level and the avoiding bad consequent level.Then grade predicated reasons of accepting parent's influence and accepting the influence of peer group.(3) Peer group had positive influence in adolescents personality development.At last,group interview of 32 adolescents had verified our results in depth.
      Primary Research of Viewing Time, Types of Program, and Parents’ Supervision
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(4):  56-60. 
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      The present investigation explored children's viewing time,types of program and parents' supervision.We found that the children had been sitting before television for a long time every day,and the types of program varied with age and sex.Basically their parents didn't restrict the viewing time and the types,instead they encouraged their sons or daughters to watch television,especially watch adult program.All of those proved that to instruct the parents to supervise thier children before television was urgent.
      Research on the Teaching Attitude of Normal University Students’
      Psychological Development and Education. 2000, 16(4):  61-64. 
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      Using a questionnaire to investigate the teaching attitude of 503 normal university students.The results showed that nowadays the teaching attitude of the normal university students is positive and advanced.It is orientation of humanism.Sex,subject and the teaching experience in high school have signigicant effect on the normal university students' teaching attitude.However,the present education of normal university still can not advance the students to form an advanced teaching attitude effectively.