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    15 January 2001, Volume 17 Issue 1
    • The Characteristics and Factors Affecting Children Character Output Under the Dictation Task
      栾辉, 舒华, 张大成
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(1):  1-5. 
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      Using the dictation task,the writing processing of Chinese characters by the sixth grade children was investigated.The results show that the accuracy of writing was affected by character frequency and the grade that a character was first introduced in the textbook.Analyzing the error types under the dictation task,it was found that the most common errors were ones children replaced targets with homophonic characters,or with the characters sharing the same phonetics.There were much fewer non-character errors,especially non-characters with wrong components.It suggests that children's writing benefit from memory and repeating,also is greatly affected by the character structure awareness.
      The relationship of Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation to Creativity
      薛贵, 董奇, 周龙飞, 张华, 陈传生
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(1):  6-11. 
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      The relation between motivation and creativity has long been viewed as one of the important area in creativity research.In the present study,We explored the relationship and the unique contribution of intrinsic notivation,extrinsic motivation to creativity in the undergraduate students.Need for cognition Scale was administrated to 277 senior and undergraduate students major in social science.Multiple analysis of variance(MANOVA)showed that the main effects of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation were both significant for the common part of the three creativity tasks,but their interaction was not significant.Further analysis indicated that there were no significant interaction between intrinsic notivation and extrinsic motivation in all three creative tasks.There were significant main effects of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in connection task.As for the naming task,the main effect of extrinxic motivation was significant while that of intrinsic motivation was not.As for the story task,neither of the main effects of intrinsic and extrinsic was significant.Hierarchical Multiple Regression(HMR)showed the unique contributions of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation to creativity were obviously task-related.
      Types of Bullying Begavior and Its Correlates
      张文新, 王益文, 鞠玉翠, 林崇德
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(1):  12-17. 
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      A modified Chinese version of Olweus Bully/victim Questionnaire was employed in a sample of 6,471 pupils from primary and junior middle schools in the urban and rural areas of Shandong Province of China.The results indicated:(1)Direct verbal bullying has the highest rate of occurrence among children of primary schools and junior middle schools,followed by direct physical bullying,with the ratio of children experiencing indirect bullying being the lowest.(2)Boys experienced a significant higher percentage of direct physical bullying than girls.No significant gender difference was found in the ratios of direct verbal bullying.(3)In the period of primary school,significant age differences existed in the ratios of children experiencing the three types of bullying,with children in grade three experiencing a higher ratio of direct physical bullying than those from grade four and five.On the whole,the ratio of children experiencing verbal bullying decreases with age,and the ratio of children experiencing indirect bullying dropped significantly in grade five.In the junior middle school period,the ratios of the three types of bullying remained relatively stable across the three grades.(4)Most bullies were of the same age with or older than the victims.Bullying was performed by,in most cases,more than one child in junior middle school period.
      Socioemotional Behaviors of 8~10-month-old Infants: Differences by Age and Gender
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(1):  18-23. 
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      The present study examined the age and gender pattern in socioemotional behaviors of infants. One hundred and two mothers with infants aged from 8~10 months were interviewed with standardized procedures in the laboratory.The results indicated:(1)8 to 10-month-old infants showed differentiated and complex socioemotional behaviors and the frequencies of socioemotional behaviors increased with age.Negative behaviors increased more rapidly,especially in 9th month.(2)There were significant age differences in infants with negative and non-negative socioemotion on character.(3)There was no significant difference between 8~10-month-old boys and girls.But the developmental trends showed significant gender differences.
      Study on The Development of Children’s Social Behaviors
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(1):  24-30. 
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      The study examined the development of children's social behaviors among 435 children from 3 to 6 years old.The results indicated that there are differences in quantity and quality between children's positive and negative behaviors;consistency and diversity among both positive and negative behaviors.The sex difference of children's social behaviors is obvious.Nature,environment and education show different roles to different social behaviors at children's phases.
      Development of Cooperative Preference and Cooperative intention of 9-16 Year old Children
      庞维国, 程学超
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(1):  31-35. 
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      The major purpose of the present study was to examine the cooperative preference and cooperative intention of the choldren from age 9 to 16.Four cooperative dilemma stories was used as experimenal materials and 154 students participated in the experiment.The main results indicated that:(1)Children's cooperative preference gradually decreased with grade.And age 14-16 was the key period of the decrease in cooperation.(2)Children's cooperative intention got increasingly complicated and differentiated. The intention to maintain friendship was stable and predominant motive for cooperation.With the age growing,altruistism became a more inportant agent in eliciting children's cooperative choice,while egotisitic concern resulted in less cooperative preference.
      Recognition of Visual Figures in Mentally Retarded Children
      林仲贤, 张增慧, 孙家驹, 武连江, 闫新中
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(1):  36-39. 
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      This study was investigating the ability of visual figures in mentally retarded children aged 9-13(average age 11.2).The children were divided into two groups according to their intelligence quotient (IQ).Group A,IQ 55-75,average IQ 62.0;Group B,IQ 36-51,average IQ 41.6.Each group 14subjects.10figures were used as experiment samples.Each figure used as target was presented once by two kinds of exposed time(0.05 sec,0.01 sec).The subject was required to recognize the target figure from the 10 comparable figures.The results showed that the accuracy of recognition of visual figures for group B was obvious lower than for group A in both of the exposed time.Comparing the resolts with the normal children aged 10-11(average age 10.2),it was found,that the accuracy of recognition of visual figures was obvious lower than the nomal children.It suggests that the IQ difference among the children made obvious influence to their perceptual discrimination.
      A Cross-Cultural Research of Educational Changes Affecting on the Quality of Teachers’ Worklife
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(1):  40-46. 
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      This study adapted the questionnaire made up by Consortium for Cross-Culture Research in Education(CCCRE),by cooperating with other teachers,interviewed 513 teachers in nine countries.This article mainly explored that the characteristics of domain of change,origin of change,teachers'role in the educational change affect on quality of teachers'worklife.The results are as follows: 1)The domains of educational changes have a significant effect on change of the relationship of teachers and the professional development. 2)The origins of educational changes significantly affect on teachers'time-using and professional development;and there is a significant difference in the change of teachers'time-using among nine countries. 3)There is no significant difference about characteristics of educational changes between Chinese teachers and subfects of other countries.In China,they have a more positive impact on teachers'relationship and professional developnent. 4)Teachers'main role in educational changes is implementer,but there is no significant difference between different roles.
      A Study on Reliability and Validity of VIESA
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(1):  46-51. 
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      According to the Career Development Theory by D.E.Super,the maturity and development of vocation choice generally divided to five stages.The second school students exactly are during the turning period from exploration to maturity.This study is based on Career Classified System of the American College testing Center,uses VIESA as a research tool.One hundred and seventy-nine 3rd grade students of Beijing 65th Senior High School and fifty-five sophomores of Psychology Department of Beifing Normal University responded to the survey.The result shows high reliability,construct validity and criterion validity.