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    15 April 2003, Volume 19 Issue 2
    • Individual Difference of Pupil Figural Reasoning Strategy in Primary School
      WO Jian-zhong, LIN Chong-de, CHIN Hao-ying, CAO Ling-yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  1-8. 
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      This study examined the individual difference of figural reasoning strategies in 145 children selected from a primary school by 14 figures selected from CRT Raven Progressive Matrix under a series of rules.The results showed that there is significant difference in strategy use between the higher level children and the lower level children whose characteristic is same to the children's in the first grade.Except the Gestalt problems,children with higher reasoning ability and those with lower showed differences while using strategy.No matter what higher level children and the lower level children all use perceptual operation strategy in easy Gestalt problems.The higher and middle level mathematic and reaming ability's children use mostly analytic strategy and perceptual strategy,and low level children use perceptual matching strategy in the Quantitative pair wise progression,Figure addition or subtraction,two level rules,Distribution of two values,Distribution of three values problems.
      Developmental Researches on Identity Negative Priming of Chinese Characters
      WANG Jing-xin, SHEN De-li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  9-13. 
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      Negative priming is a kind of basic experimental paradigm that is used to investigate the inhibition in selective attention.As the controversy of the cognitive researchers have been always focusing on the deletion of identity and location,Chinese characters were used to investigate the inhibition ability on identity of the pupils,the j unior high school students,the undergraduates and the old adults.The result showed that the negative priming of identity has been enhancing from childhood to adult and declines with aging;Chinese characters are also found negative priming as English letters;Negative priming is implicit,which is not affected by consciousness;The error reaction provided the evidence to the reaction selective model of attention.
      A Comparative Study on the Accessing Mechanism of the Junior and Senior High School Students’ English Semantic Representation
      GUO Tao-mei, PENG Dan-ling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  14-18. 
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      In order to explore how the lexical representation of the junior and senior high school students'second language accesses its conceptual representation,the cross-language primed lexical decision task was used in two experiments.60 subjects for each grade were recruited.In the first experiment,the Chinese target words were primed by their English translations.Significant priming effects were obtained.In the second experiment,the relation between the Chinese targets and the English primes was semantic association.No significant effect was found.In addition,no difference was found between the two types of subjects.The results suggested that the lexical representation of their English could only access the conceptual representation via the corresponding lexical representation of its the first language.Our result supported the hierachical model by Kioll (1994).
      Development of proposition understanding
      LIU Zhi-ya, ZHAO Dong-mei, ZHENG Xue
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  19-23. 
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      We investigated the proposition understanding of children 8-10 year of age,adolescents and adults.128 participants took part in our test.We used the proposition-figure match task and tested all of the 5 kinds of proposition.Our results support three main conclusions:(A) Young children are capable of propositional reasoning which is contrary to the claims of Piaget.The youngest subjects were able to draw valid conclusions well above chance to one model proposition;(B) Our findings corroborate the model theory of propositional reasoning which suggests that reasoning depends on a mastery of referential language and on the ability to search for counterexamples.Most of the subjects performed better with one-model proposition than with multiple-model proposition.(C) There is a significant development of ability from childhood to adulthood,especially in the multiple-models proposition.And it is possible to identify some of the major components of the improvement.
      The Relations Between Mothers’ Parenting Goals of Toddlers and Their Parenting Strategies
      ZHENG Shu-jie, CHEN Hui-chang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  24-28. 
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      This study examined the relations between mothers' parenting goals of 2-yearold toddlers and their parenting strategies in free play situation.The parenting goals were divided into four categories:encouragement of autonomy;discouragement of autonomy;encouragement of connectedness;discouragement of connectedness.11 sorts of parenting strategies were coded.The results indicated that the main parenting goal in free play situation was encouragement of autonomy instead of encouragement of connectedness.Among 11 sorts of parenting strategies,suggestion and indirect command,explanation and reasoning,positive comments,direct command without force,coer cion and intrusiveness were the strategies mothers used.The strategies mothers used often were low and middle power ones and the coercion and intrusiveness,which belonged to high-power strategies,were associated with the negative parenting goals.
      Online Behavior and the Psychological Model of the Computer-related Performance of the Chinese College Students
      HU Ping, LIU Jun, DONG Bing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  29-34. 
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      Thi s study used online and paper questionnaires collected 208 undergraduate students to test a model of the motivational processes impacting computerrelated performance.The result indicated that there was the gender difference between the computerrelated performances,male college students were more active and tended to give more positive responses than female students.The model of predicted paths were supported.Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.
      The Factor Analysis on the Influence to the Pupil’s Peer Acceptance
      CHENG Li-guo, GAO Xiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  35-42. 
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      The scale methods were used to test 453 pupils,analysing the influence of peer acceptance,examining the relations armng social behavior,teacher acceptance,academic achievement,sociopetal strategy and the children peer acceptance.Alms the author applied the regression analysis to explore the different variables to the forecasting function of children's peer acceptance.The results revealed that they existed significant correlation,but in different levels of the variables (except the variable of inappropriate strategies),the children's peer acceptance,to a great extent,existed significant difference.And the academic achievement,teacher acceptance,attack behavior and the amounts of appropriate strategies had a greatly forecasting function to the children's peer acceptance.However, there were distinct differences between the various fenders and different grade levels.
      The Immediate Processing Study on Reading Picture Texts forGrade 11 Students
      TAO Yun, SHEN Ji-liang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  43-46. 
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      Using Model 42008 Eye View Monitoring Systems,the present study investigated reading comprehension indexes and eye-rmvement indexes on reading picture texts.There are 28 subjects from Grade 11.What the experimental results suggests are as follows:Firstly,during the Grade 11 students read the texts which were presented by different manners,their reading scores and reading time,as well as fixation times and regressive times,the picture texts are much better than the non-picture texts,and the difference is significant.This result suggested that the reading comprehension improved for using the picture;Seco ndly,the C3rade 11 students read the texts which are different difficult levels,as for as reading scores and reading time,as well as fixation times and regressive times,the easier texts are much better than the more difficult ones.And the difference is also significant.
      Learners’view of Science and Its RelationTo Scientific Discovery Learning
      SUN Yan-qing, ZHANG Jian-wei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  47-52. 
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      This research was dedicated to investigate learners' domain-specific epistemology about science, and to reveal the influence of learners' view of science on their cognitive strategies in science learning.Study I invest igated learners view of science and its relation to learners' science achievement.Six essent ial dimensions concerning the view of science were included in the inventory.In result, most learners in junior high schools exhibited mixed view of science.Significant correlation was found between learners' attitude toward science and their science achievement.Study II stepped forward to explore the influence of learners' view of science to their scientific discovery learning act ivities.In outcome, learners' belief on the relevance of science to the public was found helpful to their performance on the flexible application test.Both learners' reasoning ability and the objective view on science were found correlated to learners' variable control strategy in scientific experiments.
      The Effects of Text-signals on Readers’ Recall of Text and Problem Solving
      TIAN Xue-hong, ZHANG Ya-fei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  53-56. 
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      The effects of text-signals on the recall of text and problem solving of good and poor readers were explored.The participants were the students in Grade One of a senior middle school.The results showed: 1.The main effect of text-signals was not significant on the recall of text; 2.The problem solving performance of readers of different reading level could be significantly enhanced by text signals; 3.There were significant differences between good and poor readers on the recall of text and problem solving.
      Research on the Relationship Among Values, Self-concept and Life Satisfaction of Middle School Students
      JIN Sheng-hua, TIAN Li-li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  57-63. 
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      958 middle school students from seven provinces were measured on their values,self-concept and life satisfaction by questionnaire.The results indicated that(1)Middle school students have higher general life satisfaction.(2) The states of bodymind and learning of bogs'were higher than girls'.The high school students in grade one were obviously higher than the students of other grades on the satisfaction of material life;were higher than the high school students in grade twa on the satisfaction of social adaptation-social support;were higher than the students of grade three in junior high school on the satisfaction of learning state;were higher than the high school students in grade three on the satisfaction of social development-international politics.(3) Money and power,law norm,family in the values and all factors in the self-concepts were predictors of the material life satisfaction;Law norm in the values and the relationship-self,learning capacity-self and appearance-self in the self-concepts were predictors of the body-mind satisfaction;Law norm,family in the values and the relationship-self,learning capacity-self and appearance-self in the self-concepts were predictors of the social adaptation-social support satisfaction; Money and power,law norm,family in the values and ideal-self,relationship-self,learning capacity-self and appearance-self in the self-concepts were predictors of the learning state satisfaction;Money and power,law norm, family,public benefit in the values and learning capacity-self in the self-concepts were predictors of the social development-international politics satisfaction.
      A Research of the Relationship Between Pretest anxiety, Acheivement Goal Orientation and test performance
      LIU Hui-jun, GUO De-jun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  64-68. 
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      This study investigated 238 participants about their pretest anxiety,achievement goal orientions and entrance examination of university.Results by correlation analysis indicated that the students who will take part in entrance examination of university suffered from higher pretest anxiety than general people.And pretest anxiety had a significant negative relation with masterapproach goal,a significant active relations with masterawidance goal and performance-awidance goal.Results by regression analysis showed that masterapproach goal and masterawidance goal were predictors of state anxiety,and all four goal orientations were predictors of trait anxiety.Pretest anxiety had a significant negative correlation with total outcome and English performance of entrance examination of university.Achievement goal orientions only had a feeble relation with performance of entrance examination of university.
      Research on the relationship Between Emotional Direction, Expression and Mental Health in College Students
      DENG Li-fang, ZHENG Ri-chang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  69-73. 
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      This study explored the influence of emotional direction and emotional expression on mental health in 170 college students with questionnaire.The results indicated (1) male students have more negative affects than female stu dents,but their scores in emotional expression are lower than female students.There are no gender differences in positive affects and happiness.The freshmen have more happiness than senior,but there are no grade differences in positive affects,negative affects and emotional expression.(2)Bivariate correlation suggested that positive affects and happiness negatively correlated with mostly factors of SCL-90,negative affects positively correlated with all the factors of SCL-90,emotional expression negatively correlated with personal relation,ho stility,depression,anxiety.(3) Regression analysis shows further indication that there is good regression relation between negative affects and mostly mental health factors,the emotional expression and certain mental health factors.
      A Study on the Long-term Effect of Group Psychological Guidance to University Students
      XING Xiu-cha, WANG Xin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  74-80. 
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      This study is focused on a six-week group psychological guidance to 34 university students,together with a re-assessment of its effect after 9 months.It proves that group psychological guidance is valid to college interpersonal communication.The interfering of experiment not only exercises short-term improvement,but also works longterm strengthening and enforcement on interpersonal.With the complexity of communication variety,the concrete changing trend of each variety has slight difference after group psychological guidance.
      The Research on Cognition-Action of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Boys and Normal Boys
      JIN Dong-mei, MENG Qing-mao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  81-84. 
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      The research compared attention deficit hyperactivity disordered (ADHD) boys with normal boys in visionmotion.The ADHD boys of 10 to 13 years old are significantly lower than the normal boys on the setting-figure test, eye-hand coordinating test,vision tracing test and figure canceling test,showing that ADHD children' s level of vision-motion are significantly lower than the normal children.Moreover,the ADHD boys' field independence is lower significantly than the normal boys,showing that ADHD children's level of psychological function differentiation are significantly lower than normal children.And these two groups are not different significantly on length estimation.
      The Review of Studies about Coping and Stress in Adolescents
      LIU Li, ZHANG Ri-sheng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2003, 18(2):  85-90. 
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      The current research of stress and coping has become one of the most important fields in psychology, especially for adolescent.But comparing with adult's stress and coping, the adolescent studies are not enough.This paper analyzed four problems in stress and coping research on the ground that combined native researches with foreign studies.(1) The evaluate method of stress and coping.(2) Lake of longitudinal research and cross-cultural research; (3) subjects are too limited, mainly focus on college students; (4) lack of applicational study.Then, we will provide some proposal concerning above problems.