Psychological Development and Education ›› 2006, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 1-6.

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The Relationship between Children’s Theory-of-Mind and their Peer Interaction

SANG Biao, XU Yi-li   

  1. Department of Psychology, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062
  • Online:2006-04-15 Published:2006-04-15

Abstract: This experiment is intended to verify the relationship between theory-of-mind(ToM)performance in young children and their peer interaction in actual lives.The method concerned includes False Belief Test,peer nomination and video-taking which is chiefly about the reactions of children in the pretend play.The result shows young children's TOM performance can reliably affect their peer interaction.TOM-well-developed children seem to be more active,more considerate and more cooperative with their partner during the play,compared to those TOM-less-developed ones.There is no obvious dif erence in children's reactions whether they are playing with their favorite friends or ordinary friends.

Key words: theory-of-mind, false belief, peer interaction

CLC Number: 

  • B844.12
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