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    15 October 2007, Volume 23 Issue 4
    • Prosocial and Aggressive Children’s Social-Information-Processing in Two Types of Hypothetical Situations
      MA Yan, KOU Yu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  1-8. 
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      A normative primary school children sample of 572 children(308 boys,264 girls,average age=10116) participated in this study.Assessments included peer reports of social behavior that was used to divide children into three groups (prosocial,average and aggressive) and self2reports of several elements of social-information2processing (SIP) in hypothetical provocation situation and hypothetical sharing situation.ANOVA and MANOVA were employed to explore the SIP differences among above three groups of children.The results showed that: (1) In hypothetical provocation situation,compared with the average children,aggressive children's global SIP pattern is marginal significantly different and it is the same with prosocial children.Prosocial children's global SIP pattern is significantly different from aggressive children's.(2) In hypothetical sharing situation,compared with the average children,prosocial children's global SIP is significantly different,whereas the aggressive children's is not,which means maybe only prosocial children have the unique SIP pattern which is different from the average children's and aggressive children's.
      Insight Problem Solving under Different Cues: The Latent Common Influence of the Development of Scheme-using Level and Capability of Representation-manipulating
      DOU Dong-hui, JIN Ping, CAI Liang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  9-14. 
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      Schemes and capability of representation-manipulating are two important factors of children's capability of problem-solving.Their interaction decide the variable perform of children's insight problem-solving.We examined 270 subjects at different ages on their performance on a classical insight problem called T Puzzle.The results showed: (1) 5 grade prime school and-grade junior high school subjects showed a better performance on T Puzzle task than-grade high school ones.(2) The cue type with greater representation loading doesn't facilitate low grade children's problem solving.(3) Elder subject showed greater performance on multiple cues,but the cues related to scheme has not help to improve their achievement.This pattern reflects that schemes using and capability of representation-manipulating have developmental simultaneity.
      The Correlation between Moral Concept and Behavior of Primary School Children--Under the Circumstances of the Conflict between Honest Principle and Collectivistic Value
      WANG Ling-feng, FU Gen-yue
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  15-21. 
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      To explore the correlation between moral concept and behavior of primary school children under the circumstances of the conflict between honest principle and collectivistic value,585 7-,9-,and 11-year-old children were investigated.The results showed that under the circumstances of conflict between honest principle and collectivistic value,only a small proportion of primary school children (not more than 30 %) lied for collective.It reflected that primary school children's moral actions were mostly dominated by honest principle.The results also revealed that more and more children lied for collective as their age increased,and that their action of lying for collective had no significant gender differences.Meanwhile,our research showed that there was no relationship between collective lie action and collective concept of 7- and 9-year-olds children,and that collective lie action was markedly and positively related to collective concept of 11-year-olds children.
      Relationship among Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy, School Adaptation and Career Indecision of Prospective Preschool Teachers
      ZHANG Na, ZHAO Li-li, WANG Da-hua, LI Chun-hua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  22-26. 
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      Based on a sample of 334 prospective preschool teachers (PPT),the present study investigated the relationship among career decision-making self-efficacy (CDMSE),school adaptation and their career indecision.The results showed that CDMSE partially mediated the relationship between school adaptation and the career indecision.And goal selection,self-concept as well as self-appraisal in CDMSE had the partial mediating effect,but occupational information and academic achievement not.
      Adolescent Parental Monitoring State in China
      DENG Lin-yuan, FANG Xiao-yi, LI Yi-fei, XIA Pei-fang, WAN Jingjing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  27-31. 
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      This study aims to explore the state of adolescent parental monitoring (including monitoring status and monitoring method) in China.1090 middle school students (grade 7 to grade 11) from two ordinary middle schools in Beijing completed modified Stattin's Parental Monitoring Scale.The results indicate that: (1) Mothers do more monitoring work in family: objective mother monitoring is higher than father,also are three monitoring methods; (2) Girls are monitored more than boys: objective mother monitoring is higher on girls than boys,and mothers also communicate more with girls; both fathers and mothers use more control method on girls; (3) There is not so much grade difference of parental monitoring,only that parents communicate more with Grade 7 students; (4) Parental communication and control methods are both correlated positively with objective mother monitoring,but negatively with subjective mother monitoring,and solicitation method is just on the contrary; communication method is the best positive predictor of objective mother monitoring,and solicitation method is the best positive predictor of subjective mother monitoring.
      Comparative Study on the Achievement Motive and Achievement Fear of Middle-school Students between Han and National Minorities in Guizhou
      WANG Hong-li, PAN Yun, ZHOU Yu-lin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  32-37. 
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      This paper is intended to explore the difference on achievement-motive and achievement-fear between Han- ethnics' and national-ethnics of middle-school students to help educator to have a better understanding on the psychological state of the national-ethnics of middle-school students.In this research a questionnaire of achievement motive and projective tests are used to investigate 977 Han ethnic and national ethnics' of middle-school students in their achievement mot ive and achievement fear.The results showed that there was not signif icant difference between Han and national ethnics' middle-school students on achievement motives,but on the achievement fear there was significant difference between Han and national ethnics' students in the important middle-schools.Male and female students both had achievement fear.Ethnic of city students was significantly higher than Han city students in achievement fear.Future career fear that ethnic students projected was significantly higher than Han students.There was not significant relation between achievement motive and achievement fear.
      The Features of Sad-Happy Faces Discrimination in Secondary Schools and Universities
      JIANG Chang-hao, GUO De-jun, ZHAO Lun, ZHANG Qin, WANG Zheng-hong, FANG Ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  38-44. 
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      The paper applied the event-related potentials studies and facial discrimination pattern to discuss the characteristics of facial expression processing of students in secondary schools and universities.From the research we could see that sad effects presented at 550~800 millisecond after stimulus in three age periods.And the amplitude of LPC of sad faces was stronger than that of happy faces,which indicated that similar neural mechanism of facial expression processing exist in three age periods.In addition,by comparing ERPs of sad expression in three age periods,we found that the younger subjects were,the stronger the amplitude of N2 was.The older subjects were,the stronger the amplitude of P3 was.The result indicated that with growth,adolescents' ability of emotion regulation and advanced brain function become better.
      Correlational Studies on Attachment Behaviors, Affect Reaction and Social Attribution
      HU Ping, GUAN Yu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  45-49. 
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      The research examined the relationship among the attachment behavior dimensions and affect reaction and social attribution in order to understand the adult's interpersonal relationship.82 undergraduate students were tested on attachment behaviors and their interpersonal relationship satisfied degree,then further examined the relationship between attachment behaviors and affection reaction and social attribution.Results indicated that there was significant relationship among attachment behaviors and the affect reaction and social attribution,the regression tests indicated the external behavior was decided by depend and anxiety attachment behavior,self attribution,anxiety and indifferent affect reaction.The authors explained the results by using internal working model,and analyzed the Chinese undergraduate students in their attachment behavior.
      Contingencies of Self-Worth and Coping Style in College Students
      WANG Lei, LIU Jian-xin, ZHENG Xue
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  50-56. 
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      Questionnaire investigation was conducted with 124 college students.The results indicated as follows: (1) generally,self-worth of college students was mostly contingent on their moral principle,the order by frequency of the coping style they used was problem-solving,help-seeking,fantasy,rationalization,avoidance,self-accusation.There was significant gender difference on interpersonal acceptance contingency of self-worth,problem-solving or avoidance coping style; (2) multiple linear regression analysis by entering all predictors and controlling for self-worth indicated that interpersonal acceptance contingency negatively predicted problem-solving and positively predicted help-seeking,self-accusation,avoidance,fantasy,whereas personal goals contingency negatively predicted problem-solving,help-seeking and positively predicted self 2 accusation,moral principle contingency predicted problem-solving positively.
      Linkage Between Teacher’s Instructional Behavior in Classroom and Student Achievement
      HUANG Hui-jin, XIN Tao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  57-62. 
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      A number of researchers have argued that teacher behavior is a powerful predictor of student achievement.The topic of the relationship between teacher's instructional behavior in classroom and student achievement is revisited in an international setting using the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2003 data,which is analyzed using Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM).The results from USA,Sweden,Japan and Hong Kong show that: (1) Instructional behaviors,like teacher's preparation to teach,teacher's emphasis on mathematic homework,teacher's emphasis on test,teacher's emphasis on reasoning and problem resolving and the use of computers in math class,do have significant positive impact on achievement scores in USA and Sweden,but have no impact in Japan and Hong Kong.(2) In general,teacher's certification variables,including sex,teaching experience,level of education,major and teacher quality,have no significant effect on achievement scores in any countries.(3) The factors of family background and student's own characteristics,such as age,sex,time students spending doing mathematics homework,students' self-confidence in learning mathematics and students' evaluation of mathematics,still have an important effect on student achievement.
      Eye Movement Researches into Effect of Stimuli Presenting Mode on Classification of Undergraduates and Pupils
      DAI Bin-rong, YIN Guo-en, YU Guo-liang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  63-67. 
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      The ASL 504 eye tracker was used in the experiment.The experiment is 2-inter-subjects design.Classif ication index and the main eye movement index are investigated by using 24 undergraduates and 22 pupils as subjects.The sights of the undergraduates were normal,the intelligence and sights of the pupils are both normal on one stimuli picture which was presented inconditions.The results are as follows: (1) The effect of stimuli presenting mode on classification of the undergraduates was significant while it was not significant on that of the pupils.(2) whether there are significant differences of stimuli-presenting mode between classification of the pupils and undergraduates is consistent with whether there are significant differences of eye movement index in the homologous condition between them,including the numbers of area of interest,times of fixation,frequency of fixation and duration of each fixation in the homologous condit ion.It doesn't go all the way with the duration of fixation.
      A study on Test Anxiety with Group Counseling Method in High School Students
      LIU Ru-de, ZHOU Lei, ZHANG Zai-qing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  68-72. 
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      Methods 13 high school students were distributed into an experimental group and 14 of them were distributed into a control group to reduce their test anxiety through group counseling method.The experimental group received the focus group counseling of test anxiety for a week,and the control group received group counseling being foreign to test anxiety.The results showed that the experimental group scored significantly lower in test anxiety than the control group; the former scored significantly higher in the rational beliefs about examination than its counterpart,however,there was no significant difference between two groups in test strategies.
      Comparison and Research of Priming Effect on Impression Formation with Sexual Tendency Affected by Erotic Words and Images
      CHEN Bo, ZHANG Hui-ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  73-76. 
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      128 college students were divided into 4 groups.One of two groups was stimulated either by erotic or non-erotic words,and one of other two groups by erotic or non- erotic images.The results indicated that different kind of erotic stimuli had different priming effect.The group stimulated by erotic words showed significant positive priming effect on impression formation with sexual tendency,while anyone of the other groups didn't demonstrate such significance.The more one contact erotic stimuli which can cause sexual association,the easier he or she look on others with sexual eyes.
      The Characteristics of Teacher-Student Relationships and its Relationship with School Adjustment of Students
      ZOU Hong, QU Zhi-yong, YE Yuan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  77-82. 
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      665 students from grade 5 to grade 9 participated the study.The results were as follows: (1) Three distinctive types of teacher-student relationship were identified: cohesive,average and conflict.(2) There are significant grade differences in each dimension of teacher-student relationship,and gender differences on conflict dimension.Students with cohesive teacher-student relationship had higher scores on school liking,learning interests,learning self-confidence and learning self-efficiency and lower scores on school avoiding than students the other two types.(3) Teacher-student relationship can significantly predicted students in their school liking and avoiding,learning behavior and prosocial behavior but the direct effect on learning behavior was lower than the indirect effect.It was suggested that school liking and avoiding had partial mediate effects on teacher-student relationship and students in their learning and social behaviors.
      Relationship among Job Burnout, Self-esteem, Mental Health and Intention to Quit in Teachers
      LI Yong-xin, GAO Dong-dong, SHEN Ji-liang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  83-87. 
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      To explore the relationship among job burnout,self-esteem,mental health and intention to quit in teachers,the Chinese Maslach Burnout Inventory,Self-esteem Scale,General Health Questionnaire and Intention to Quit Inventory were used to test 350 teachers.The results are as follows: (1) Exhaustion is excellent predictor of self-esteem,mental health and intention to quit (p<0.01),and depersonalization is excellent predictors of self-esteem (p<0.01),and reduced personal accomplishment are excellent predictors of self-esteem and mental health (p<0.01).(2) Self-esteem mediates partly the relationship between exhaustion (reduced personal accomplishment) and mental health (p<0.01),and mediates completely the relationship between depersonalization and mental health (p<0.01).
      Developing Questionnaire for Trust of Students in Teachers
      LI Ye, LIU Hua-shan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  88-94. 
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      The structure of trust of the students in teachers was proposed according to theoretical analysis,open questionnaire investigation,and interview of students as the first step.Based on this structure of trust,preliminary Questionnaire for Trust of Students was developed.The questionnaire was administrated to 539 students who were sampled from grade 4 to grade 8.With exploratory factor analysis,the result indicated that the trust of students in teachers consisted of teaching ability,reliability,and benevolence.Finally,confirmatory factor analysis was used to data base collected from 1012 students,who are from grade 4 to 8 sampled in Wuhan city.The result indicated that three dimension structure of the trust of students in teachers was supported.In addition,the questionnaire on the trust of students in teachers had high reliability and validity.
      A Research on Mental health Dimensions of Teachers at Primary and Secondary Schools
      ZHENG Hong-qu, ZHANG Qing-lin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  95-100. 
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      Based on open questionnaire and deep interview,eight mental health dimensions of teachers at primary and secondary schools were constructed and a preliminary questionnaire was developed.Through the analysis on exploratory factors for the preliminary questionnaire,a formal questionnaire including 6 factors from 61 items was built,and the 6 factors were produced: problems in handling set-backs,job burnout,personality disorder,physical symptom,social adjustment problem and attitude to life.It was proved that the teachers of primary and secondary school had some mental health problems in the 6 dimensions by descriptive statistical analysis to the questionnaire.
      The Structure of Sexual Moral Values in College Students and the Development of Questionnaire
      YI Zun-yao, ZENG Wei-xi, ZHANG Jin-fu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  101-107. 
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      It has important realistic meaning to study sexual moral values of college students.Based on the overview of previous studies,open-questionnaire surveys,counseling of experts and a preliminary exploratory test,a theoretical hypothesis about sexual moral value was constructed.Sexual moral value questionnaire was constructed according to the hypothesis.Confirmatory factor analysis found that the sexual moral value of college students was a multi-hierarchical and multi-dimensional structure that had eight first-hierarchy dimensions and three second-hierarchy dimensions.Psychometric index of sexual moral value questionnaire had good performance that indicated the theoretical construct was reasonable.This questionnaire needs revision.It can be used as a tool to assess the sex moral value of college students.
      The Development of the Middle School Student’s Social Adaptation Scale
      YANG Yan-ping, JIN Yu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(4):  108-114. 
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      The research was to workout the middle school student's (from grade6 to grade 12) Social adaptation Scale.There were 3595 efficiency samples (male: 1728persons;female,1867persons,come from grade 7 to grade 12) in the study.From the scale's being made,first surveyed,emended and remeasured,there were four dimensions were confirmed: they were content particularity,forecast command,psychological adjustment and dynamical sustain.The scale had high reliability and validity,the α reliability is 0.97,as well as the consistent validity and standard validity is 0.65 and 0.68.As a whole,there was significant sex difference at the student's social adaptation,and in the category the scores for girls were higher than that for boys.The student's social adaptation were changed but not increased with the grades advanced at the same time.The student's social adaptation was a developmental process and a part of student's personalities,and it was also related to student's study pressure and the life's events what they had encountered.