Psychological Development and Education ›› 2007, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 1-8.

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Prosocial and Aggressive Children’s Social-Information-Processing in Two Types of Hypothetical Situations

MA Yan, KOU Yu   

  1. Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  • Online:2007-10-15 Published:2007-10-15

Abstract: A normative primary school children sample of 572 children(308 boys,264 girls,average age=10116) participated in this study.Assessments included peer reports of social behavior that was used to divide children into three groups (prosocial,average and aggressive) and self2reports of several elements of social-information2processing (SIP) in hypothetical provocation situation and hypothetical sharing situation.ANOVA and MANOVA were employed to explore the SIP differences among above three groups of children.The results showed that: (1) In hypothetical provocation situation,compared with the average children,aggressive children's global SIP pattern is marginal significantly different and it is the same with prosocial children.Prosocial children's global SIP pattern is significantly different from aggressive children's.(2) In hypothetical sharing situation,compared with the average children,prosocial children's global SIP is significantly different,whereas the aggressive children's is not,which means maybe only prosocial children have the unique SIP pattern which is different from the average children's and aggressive children's.

Key words: prosocial children, aggressive children, social-information-processing, hypothetical provocative situation, hypothetical sharing situation

CLC Number: 

  • B844.1
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