Psychological Development and Education 2011 Vol.27
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Representation of Analog Magnitude:Discrete Quantity or Continuous Quantity
WANG Jing, CHEN Ying-he, CAO Shi-ying
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (1): 1-8.  
Abstract2001)      PDF(pc) (673KB)(1049)       Save
The Stroop paradigm was adopted to investigate the cue of analog magnitude representation.Participants were 30 adults.In one task,the participants were asked to choose the set which has larger number of elements.In anther task,the participants were asked to choose the set which has larger continuous amount.It was shown that the Stroop effect only occurred in continuous amount task,but not in elements number task.From the further analysis we found that the congruent degree between discrete quantity and continuous quantity influence both tasks. These results suggest that both continuous and discrete quantity may be extracted automatically from a scene and represented internally,and it was much more difficult to restrain discrete quantity than continuous quantity which leads to Stroop interference.
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The Effect of Geometrical Cues’Directness and Salience on Children’s Reorientation for Rhombic Plane
ZHOU Chan, HU Qing-fen
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (1): 9-16.  
Abstract1915)      PDF(pc) (704KB)(976)       Save
To study the effects of geometrical cue directness and geometrical cue salience on 5 year old childrensreorientation for rhombic plane,25 children aged 5 years were tested in a 2×3 two-factor in-subjects design research using rhombic planes with colored border or corner.The results we found are following:(1)Diagonal errors were prominently more than concolorous errors in the trials of corner position,but prominently less in the trails of border position.(2)Children searched the geometrically appropriate places prominently more in the trials of corner position than in those of border position.(3)In the trails of corner position,the times of geometry appropriate searches decreased with the increase of the acute angle.(4)The effects of geometrical cue directness and geometrical cue salience were not significant on the times of color appropriate searches.The results suggest that the directness and salience of geometrical cues really affect on children's reorientation,at least in small,rhombic planes.
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The Influence of Color,Size,Shape Similarity and Difference on Children’s Inductive Reasoning
CHEN Qing-fei, LEI Yi, LI Hong
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (1): 17-24.  
Abstract2475)      PDF(pc) (551KB)(1335)       Save
On the basis of previous researches,this paper examined the influence of color,size and shape information on children's inductive reasoning.In two tasks,a total of 68 children were presented with two premise pictures with three kinds of features(color,size and shape),followed by test picture similar to or different from the premise pictures.When test picture was similar to one of the premise pictures in size,the other in color or shape,children generalized the containing property of premise picture in size similarity to test picture firstly;What's more,when test picture was similar to one of premise pictures in color,the other in shape,children generalized the containing property of premise picture in shape similarity to test picture(Task 1).When one of premise pictures varied in size,the other in shape,children firstly generalized the containing property of premise picture in size variety to test picture;However,when one of premise pictures varied in color,the other in shape or size,no significant difference was found.In addition,no matter there were two features(eg.,one in size and color,the other in shape and color)or one feature(one in size and the other in shape)varied in the premise pictures,children's choice made no difference.It's suggested that it was feasible to vary color,size and shape information independently.
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The Influence of Induction in 3-year-olds
Lu Xiao-ying, Long Chang-quan, Sun Feng, Xing Dong-liang, Li Hong
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (1): 25-34.  
Abstract2693)      PDF(pc) (505KB)(1204)       Save
Gelman and Markman(1986)found 4-years old children could make knowledge-based induction in a triad oddity method.Long et al.(2006)found that 3-year-olds could not mainly make knowledge-based induction in similar triad oddity method.Using similar method in Long et al's study,the data showed that it had no significant differences between similarity-based induction and knowledge-based induction in 3-year-old(Experiment 1).When a distraction was added in each test,3-year-olds could ignore the distraction,suggesting that 3-year-olds were not in guess(Experiment 2).In experiment 3,3-year-olds-knowledge of conceptual categorization on the items used in experiment 1 was tested.The data showed 3-year-olds could make knowledge-based categorization,indicating that the lack of knowledge could not explain why 3-year-olds could not mainly make knowledge-based induction in experiment 1.In experiment 4,when conceptual comparison items were looked like target,3-year-olds could not also mainly make knowledge-based induction.In experiment 5,when target and conceptual comparison items belong to the same basic-level category,3-year-olds could infer that target and conceptual comparison item would share the same properties.In experiment 6,two targets were provided.The results showed that 3-year-olds could mainly make knowledge-based induction,although target and comparison items belong to different basic-level categories.These results showed 3-year-olds could make knowledge-based induction in some conditions,which challenged the view that young children could not make conceptual-based induction in early age.
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A Study on the Problem Behavior Graphs of University Students in the Problem Finding Process
CHEN Li-jun, ZHENG Xue
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (1): 35-43.  
Abstract2545)      PDF(pc) (703KB)(1278)       Save
The cognitive process of problem finding was compared between the conflict situation and the potential situation by means of thinking aloud.20 university students were selected to undertake the problem finding tasks. Half of them were good at finding problems,and the rest were weak at it.The research found out,in the potential situation the students used inside information,vertical thinking and the crossed problem behavior graphs more frequently than in the conflict situation.In the conflict situation,the students used contextual information,lateral thinking and the problem behavior graphs of horizontal parallel and lateral induction more frequently than in the potential situation.There was no significant difference between two group students in the use frequency of the state of knowledge,thinking operations and the problem behavior graphs.This result may be attributed to a fact,the use of problem behavior graphs was concerned with the basic cognitive process and general rules.
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The Characteristics of Adolescents’Social Problem Solving Ability and Its Relationship with Social Adaption
YANG Ying, ZOU Hong, YU Yi-bing, XU Zhi-xing
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (1): 44-51.  
Abstract3317)      PDF(pc) (427KB)(1490)       Save
A sample of 2,157 students participated in current study.Questionnaires were used to investigate the characteristics of adolescents-social problem solving ability and its relationship with social adaption.The results indicated that:(1)adolescents-social problem solving ability decreased from junior middle school to high school. Boys-scores were significantly higher than girls-in plan making,but lower in interpersonal communications and support seeking.Moreover,the social problem solving ability of student leaders was significantly better than the other students.(2)adolescents-social problem solving ability can be categorized into three groups:constructive group,ordinary group,and weak group,whose proportion were 22.9%,42.8%,and 34.4%,respectively.And the constructive group-s scores were significantly higher than the others.(3)the social problem solving ability positively predicted active social adaption,and negatively predicted negative social adaption.Problem approaching and problem avoidance were two key predictors among the dimensions of social problem solving ability.
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Self-Supporting Personality and Practical Problem Solving
XIA Ling-xiang, HUANG Xi-ting, Wan Li, Yang Hong-sheng
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (1): 52-58.  
Abstract2635)      PDF(pc) (363KB)(1460)       Save
In order to explore the effect of self-supporting personality on the quality of practical problem solving, practical problem solving interviewing was administered on 30 college students who were grouped as personal selfsupporting/interpersonal self-supporting high group and low group.The results showed that significant differences between personal self-supporting/interpersonal self-supporting high group and low group were found in the qualities of practical problem solving.Then the Self-Supporting Personality Scale of Adolescent Students(SSPS-AS)and Everyday Problem Solving Questionnaire were administered on 101 validity subjects.The results showed that there were significant correlations between most dimensions of self-supporting personality and abilities of practical problem solving.Some dimensions of self-supporting personality were predictive variables for abilities of practical problem solving.It could be concluded that the level of self-supporting personality could affect the quality of practical problem solving and the self-supporting personality refer to ability factors of practical problem solving.In addition,the characteristics and mechanism of this effect should be studied in future.
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The Effects of Academic Self-concepts on School Engagement of Technical School Students:The Mediating Role of Ingroup Identification
JIANG Jin-wei, YAO Mei-lin
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (1): 59-64.  
Abstract2482)      PDF(pc) (427KB)(1249)       Save
To examine the effects of academic self-concepts(manipulative,literacy,and math self-concept)on school engagement and the mediating role of ingroup identification,a total of 270 technical school students(1st, 2nd and 3rd grade)were selected to fill in questionnaires of academic self-concepts,ingroup identification and school engagement.Results indicated(1)there were 29.62 percent of technical school students with low school engagement;(2)all three academic self-concepts were significant predictors of school engagement,but manipulative self-concept was the strongest one.The ingroup identification was a mediator of the relationship between manipulative self-concept and school engagement as well as literacy self-concept and school engagement.
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The Development of Self-conscious Emotion Understanding of Primary School Children and Its Relationship with Prosocial Behavior and Peer Acceptance
WANG Yu-wen, WANG Zhen-hong, LIU Jian-jun
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (1): 65-70.  
Abstract2730)      PDF(pc) (392KB)(2352)       Save
Self-conscious emotions understanding will affect the children's social behavior and social adaptation. Vignettes of self-conscious emotions understanding,questionnaire of pro-social behavior,and peer nominating were administered to 314 primary school children from one grade to six grade to explore the development of self-conscious emotions understanding in primary school children,and its relationship with pro-social behavior and peer acceptance.The results indicated that(1)primary school children's self-conscious emotions understanding increased with grade,self-conscious emotions understanding of children's in 1-3 grades increased rapidly and it slowed down after 3 grade.(2)Children-s self-conscious emotions understanding had a significant positive correlation with their pro-social behavior and peer acceptance,and pride understanding and pro-social behavior showed significant prediction on peer acceptance;shame understanding also can be a significant predictor of pro-social behavior.
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Children’s Selective Trust Based on Judgments of Information:Its Relationship with Prosocial Behavior and Decision Making
ZHANG Lan-ping, ZHOU Hui
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (1): 71-75.  
Abstract2422)      PDF(pc) (295KB)(1331)       Save
Selective trust refers to that people could distinguish reliable/unreliable informants on the basis of the accuracy of their objects naming.The current two studies examined the relation between selective trust and childrens prosocial behavior and decision-making.In the first study,75 young children aged 3 to 4 took part in both selective trust and prosocial tasks.Results illustrated that children were likely to share candies with the reliable informant.The second study investigated the relation between selective trust and children's decision making.Since there were candies with 5 different colors,72 3-to 4-year-olds children in the study were likely to choose candies introduced by the reliable informant.
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Types of Self-regulated Learning of Junior Middle School Students and Their Influence on Learning
GAO Bing-cheng, LIU Ru-de, WANG Dan, HE Mei-jun, YUAN Zhen
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (1): 76-82.  
Abstract2697)      PDF(pc) (392KB)(1684)       Save
Self-regulated learning refers to the learning process in which learners initiatively inspire themselves to study and actively use appropriate learning strategies.316 junior middle school students have been investigated for their self-regulated learning with latent profile analysis and discriminate analysis to explore types of self-regulated learning and their differences of learning motivation,anxiety and academic performance.It was found as follows: (1)Junior middle school students-self-regulated learning can be divided into three types,including comprehensive development type,balanced regulation type and weak strategies type.(2)Students of comprehensive development type had the highest level of self-regulated learning,students of weak strategies type had the lowest level of learning strategies;while students of balanced regulation type had the intermediate self-regulated learning.(3)Junior middle school students with different types of self-regulated learning had significant differences in their learning motivation,anxiety,and academic performance.
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Experimental Study on Effects of Approach of Teaching Based on Experience Cooperation on Teachers’Teaching in Class
TIAN Li-li, HUANG Si-yuan, JIN Sheng-hua, HAN Chun-wei, SUN Li
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (1): 83-89.  
Abstract2454)      PDF(pc) (366KB)(1027)       Save
On the basis of the theory of approach of teaching based on experience cooperation,this study,by means of educational experiment,explored the effects of the approach on teachers-teaching in class(including teachersefficiency,lesson emotional state and teaching effect).The experiment adopted pre and post test design and divided participants into experimental group and controlled group.In the experiment there were totally 33 teachers (teaching Chinese or Mathematics in junior high school),and 8 months-intervention of approach of teaching based on experience cooperation was carried out to the teachers in the unit of grade and subject.The results showed that(1)Approach of teaching based on experience cooperation significantly increased teachers-efficiency:both personal teaching efficiency and general education efficiency,and personal teaching efficiency was higher;(2)Approach of teaching based on experience cooperation significantly improved teachers-lesson emotional state:more positive lesson emotional state of relaxed,pleasant and satisfied and less negative state of disappointed;(3)Approach of teaching based on experience cooperation significantly improved teachers-teaching effect:teachers in experimental group got higher score from students-assessment in two dimensions:teaching strategies and interaction in class,as well as overall allocation and feedback on teaching information.
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Adolescent drinking behavior:A mediated moderation analysis of the roles of alcohol expectancy and drinking refusal efficacy
SU Shao-bing, HUANG Zhen-wei, ZHANG Jin-tao, LIN Dan-hua
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (1): 90-96.  
Abstract2025)      PDF(pc) (490KB)(1457)       Save
A sample of 544 7th,8th,10th,and 11th graders was recruited in the study to explore the mediated moderation pathways among positive alcohol expectancy,negative alcohol expectancy,drinking refusal efficacy and adolescent drinking behavior after controlling for several demographic variables.Results showed(1)of all the participants,about 28.31% reported ever drinking,13.60% binge drinking and 8.27% drunk at least once in the past 30 days;(2)positive alcohol expectancy could significantly predict adolescent drinking behavior,and negative alcohol expectancy was the moderator of the relationship between positive alcohol expectancy and adolescent drinking behavior;(3)drinking refusal efficacy completely mediated the effect of positive alcohol expectancy on adolescent drinking behavior,as well as the moderated effect of negative alcohol expectancy on association of positive alcohol expectancy with adolescent drinking behavior;(4)mediated moderating effect analysis indicated that negative drinking expectancy buffered the risk of positive drinking expectancy on adolescent drinking behavior.The implication of the results for designing prevention and intervention programs was further discussed.
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The Study on Sources of Occupational Stress of Primary and Secondary School Teachers
LI Qiong, ZHANG Guo-li, ZHOU Jun
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (1): 97-104.  
Abstract3019)      PDF(pc) (499KB)(2063)       Save
This study investigated the feature of primary and secondary school teachers-sources of occupational stress,using the questionnaire of 5525 teachers in Beijing.The results indicated that(1)there were five sources causing teachers-stress,namely,the workload,students achievement,social and school evaluation,teachers-professional development and student misbehaviors,which could satisfactorily explain the variance of the sources of teachers-occupational stress,and(2)the trajectory of occupational stress of teachers with different teaching experience was characterized by a inverse U curve,teachers with 11-15years of teaching getting the highest stress level.(3)The major stress source of primary teachers was students-misbehaviors;while students-achievement,especially the examination stress was the main source that secondary teachers had.
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Development of a Psychological Empowerment Questionnaire for Teachers at Elementary and Secondary Schools in China
WANG Jin-liang, ZHANG Da-jun
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (1): 105-111.  
Abstract2397)      PDF(pc) (672KB)(1137)       Save
This study aimed to develop a psychological empowerment questionnaire for elementary and secondary school teachers.Valid data from 1272 teachers were analyzed using subscale development technique,the results of which had shown that teachers-psychological empowerment was composed of three subscales,including psychological empowerment feeling,empowerment skill and empowerment behavior.Specifically,psychological empowerment feeling included factors of self-efficacy,impact,status and self-determination;empowerment skill included factors of skill for decision-making involvement and skill for communication;empowerment behavior included factors of behaviors to influence instruction and decision-making involvement behavior.The questionnaire developed in this study had been shown to meet the psychometrics requirement and could be used to measure teachers-psychological empowerment.
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Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 113-117.  
Abstract1721)      PDF(pc) (220KB)(1018)       Save
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The Mechanism of the Effect of Mathematics Anxiety on Children’s Math Performance
CUI Ji-fang, LI Nen-xiao, CHEN Ying-he
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 118-125.  
Abstract2369)      PDF(pc) (471KB)(1118)       Save
This study designed two math tasks,the mental arithmetic of addition and the figure rotation/translation,and used the Mathematical Anxiety Scale for Children,two working memory tasks,and an inhibition task to explore the mechanism of effect of mathematics anxiety on children's math performance.Two hundred and thirteen children of 5th grade participated in this study,and 89 children were included in the formal experiments.The results showed:(1) there was a significant negative correlation between mathematics anxiety and the children's math academic performance;(2)the high mathematics anxiety group did significantly worse than the low mathematics anxiety group in the performance of two working memory tasks and two math tasks,but there was no significant difference in the inhibition task;(3) the verbal working memory and spatial working memory were mediating factors of mathematics anxiety and the performance of mental arithmetic of addition,however,only the spatial working memory was the mediating factor of mathematics anxiety and the performance of figure rotation/translation,and the verbal working memory was the moderating factor.The results supported the processing efficiency theory.
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Analogical Reasoning on Condition of Conflict between Associative System and Rule-Based System among 3~5 years Infants
Gu Ben-bai, FENG Ting-yong, YUAN Wen-ping, MA Xiao-qing
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 126-132.  
Abstract2635)      PDF(pc) (383KB)(1117)       Save
With classical analogical task,we explore analogical reasoning under the condition of conflict between association and rule among 3~5 year infants.The result indicates:(1) Infants' one-dimension analogical reasoning ability speedly enhances from 3 to 4 years old,but slightly enhances from 4 to 5 years old.In two-dimension analogical reasoning,3~5 years infants have a low level of analogical reasoning ability.(2) When associative system and rule-based system conflicts in the process of analogical reasoning,two systems are activated at the same time and compete with each other.Associative system and rule-based system balance in one-dimension analogical reasoning task.In two-dimension analogical reasoning task,infants are more likely to make inference based on associative system,and less likely to use rule-based system.Our result implies that the associative system plays an important role in 3~5 years infants' analogical reasoning.
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The Comparison of Development of Self-Regulation between Japanese and Chinese Young Children: The Relationship between Behavioral Responses and Emotional Responses
DONG Cun-mei
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 133-139.  
Abstract2454)      PDF(pc) (745KB)(1070)       Save
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the development of self-regulation in Japanese and Chinese Young children,focusing on the relationship between behavioral responses and emotional responses.Seventy-seven 5-year-olds children(40 Chinese children,37 Japanese children) were asked to present emotional responses and behavioral responses on the inhibition tasks and the assertion tasks.The main results were as follows:(1) Japanese children's scores of emotional responses were higher than Chinese children's.(2) Japanese children selected more"self-inhibition" than Chinese children on the tasks,and Chinese children selected more "dependence"and "impulsiveness" than Japanese children on the tasks.(3) Chinese children's behavioral responses changed with emotional responses,whereas Japanese children's did not change with emotional responses.
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A Three-Level Model of Parent-Child Communication: Theory, Scale and Application in Chinese 5th-6th Graders
CHI Li-ping
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 140-150.  
Abstract3707)      PDF(pc) (578KB)(2185)       Save
The present study aimed to construct a parent-child communication model based on system views,and develop a corresponding instrument named as "the parent-child communication scale" after reviewing previous literature,interviewing relative specialists and some parents and children.In the parent-child communication model,the family was regarded as a system,including all family members,their relations and the interaction of the relations.Concretely,the model described the parent-child communication on the following three levels:(1) compo-nent-level,measuring the communication ability of each family member;(2) relationship-level,examining the quality of dyadic communication occurred between father and child or mother and child;(3) system-level,emphasizing the relationship of mother-child and father-child communications.In order to measure the characteristics of parent-child communication on above three levels,a "parent-child communication scale" was developed.The results indicated that:(1) The characteristics of parent-child communication could be well described on the three levels:the ability of communication,the quality of parent-child communication and the relationship between mother-child and father-child communications.The present scale met the demand of psychometrics criterion,so it could be used to explore characteristics and patterns of parent-child communication.(2) Children's communication abil-ities were poorer than their parents';and fathers scored lower than mothers on the communication abilities.The quality of father-child communication was worse than that of mother-child.The mother-child and father-child communications were unbalanced.Children's fathers seldom communicated with them.(3) Structure equation modeling revealed that it was parents' audient ability but not expression ability could predict the quality of parent-child communication,and it was the quality of father-child communication served as the predictor of the harmony of mother-child communication and father-child communication.
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The Relationship among Adolescents’ Meta-cognition, Big Five Personality and Academic Adaptive Behavior
NIE Yan-gang, YANG An, ZENG Min-xia
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 151-157.  
Abstract2773)      PDF(pc) (411KB)(1993)       Save
The current study attempted to explore the cognitive mechanism of adolescents' academic adaptive behavior and the role of personality traits in this relationship.Meta-cognition Scale,NEO-FFI,and Scale of adaptiv Behavior for Adolescent were administered to 985 middle school students selected from four schools.The results indicated that:(1) school and grade differences were found on the scores of meta-cognition and academic adaptive behavior.(2) Academic adaptive behavior,meta-cognition and personality traits were significantly correlated.(3) Big five personality mediated the relationship between meta-cognition and academic adaptive behavior.
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The Roles of Phonological Awareness, Morphological Awareness, and Rapid Naming in Linguistic Skills Development of Kindergartener
LI Hong, RAO Xiao-wei, DONG Qiong, ZHU Jin, WU Xin-chun
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 158-163.  
Abstract2885)      PDF(pc) (346KB)(2006)       Save
130 children from first year to third year of kindergarten were tested on a battery of phonological awareness,morphological awareness,and rapid naming tasks to explore the roles of those skills in vocabulary,character recognition and reading comprehension of Chinese children.The results showed that(a) all skills of kindergarten were improved gradually with age,(b) phonological awareness and morphological awareness played central roles in children's vocabulary acquisition,(c) phonological awareness,morphological awareness,and rapid naming unique predicted character recognition respectively when children's age and vocabulary was statistically controlled,(d) morphological awareness explained unique variance in Chinese children's reading comprehension when age and all other skills were controlled.The findings support the conclusion that morphological awareness was very important for Chinese children to learning to read.
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Chinese Language Learning Disabilities in the ERP Study Memory Encoding
WANG En-guo, SHEN De-li, LV Yong, HU Wei, LI Yong-xin, CHEN Hai-xia
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 164-173.  
Abstract2186)      PDF(pc) (887KB)(1043)       Save
The present research used the ERP paradigm of "learning-recognition"to investigate the brain mechanism during encoding process of keeping character of children who have difficulties in learning Chinese.The results indicated that:(1) for all participants,there was a significant subsequent memory effect between 300ms and 700ms of the encoding process;(2) for the occipital,parietal and central areas,the Dm effect was distributed between 400ms and 700ms during encoding phase,and the wave amplitude of correct recognition was significantly greater than that of false recognition;(3) during extraction stage,between 400ms and 500ms there was a significant old/new effect of occipital region and parietal areas;between 500ms and 700ms there was a significant old/new effect of parietal and central areas,and especially in the central area,the wave amplitude of old character reorganization was larger than the new Chinese characters correct recognition;(4) For the two kinds of processing conditions of Chinese learning disabilities group and control group,there was a significant difference on Dm effect in time and space;(5) Before the onset of the Dm effect,the P2 latency of learning difficulties group was significantly later than that of the control group.We also found that the differences between N2 and LPC of different ability groups were very similar with the Dm effect,the control group was more positive relative than the Chinese learning disabilities group;for the Dm effect is more different,the separation of different ability groups was significantly greater and last longer than that of Dm effect,and till 1000ms later,the time of separation was more longer than that of Dm effect.The control group had a more corrective later positive component.There were differences in the degree of processing between the learning disabilities group and the control group,so that the memory trace of the code project showed different characteristics.
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Research on Adolescent Parents and Peer Attachement in Relation to Self-esteem and Social Adaptation
JU Xiao-yan, LIU Xuan-wen, FANG Xiao-yi
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 174-180.  
Abstract3394)      PDF(pc) (405KB)(2696)       Save
Adolescent aged from 13 to 18 years(N=519) completed Inventory of Parents and Peer Attachment,Self-esteem Scale and Social support Inventory of Middle School Students to examine quality and characteristic of adolescents parents and peers attachment and relative attribution to self-esteem and social adaptation.Results dem-onstrated that(1) as a whole;quality of adolescents' attachment is high.Peers' attachment quality is slightly higher than parents' attachment.(2) Perceived attachment to mother and father did not significantly differ between males and females.However,females scored significantly higher than males on a measure of attachment to peers.With the regards of grade effects,adolescents' attachment to parents tends to decline first and ascend at the middle of adolescence.The junior school students at grade one scored highest and grade three scored lowest on both mother and father attachment.For peers' attachment,however,tend to first ascend and then decline.But there were no significant differences between grades.(3) Father attachment appeared to be more highly related to mental resilience,mother attachment appeared to be more highly related to mental dominance,whereas peers' attachment more highly related to interpersonal adaptation.Moreover,self-esteem partially mediate the relationship of adolescents perceived attachment to important others and social adaptation.
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Relationship between College Students’ Cynicism and Satisfaction with Life: the Moderating Effects of Social Support
XIE Qian, CHEN Xie-ping, ZHANG Jin-fu, HONG Xian-li
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 181-187.  
Abstract2622)      PDF(pc) (432KB)(2040)       Save
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between college students' cynicism and life satisfaction,and the moderation effects of social support.Four hundred and fifty-four university students completed the Cynical Attitudes toward College Scale(CATCS),the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support(MSPSS),and the Satisfaction with Life Scale(SWLS).Results indicated that(1) There was a significant negative relationship between college students' cynical attitude and satisfaction with life;(2) The dimensions of policy cynicism,academy cynicism and social cynicism could negatively predict satisfaction with life,but the influence of institutional cynicism on life satisfaction was not significant;(3) Social support from family,teachers,peers and friends could significantly moderate the relation between college students' cynicism and satisfaction with life,and family support was found to be the most notable moderator of college students' cynicism.
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Relationship between Core Self-evaluation, Coping Style and Job Burnout among Primary Teachers
SUN Pei-zhen, ZHENG Xue, XU Qing-ping, YU Zu-wei
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 188-194.  
Abstract2373)      PDF(pc) (383KB)(1938)       Save
To explore the relationship between core self-evaluation and job burnout,and also the mediating effects of coping style,425 primary school teachers in Guangzhou were selected to fill questionnaires of Core Self-evaluation Scale(CSES),Trait Coping Style Questionnaire(TCSQ),and Chinese Maslach Burnout Inventory(CMBI).The results indicated as follows:(1) Core self-evaluation had negative predictions to emotional exhaustion,depersonali-zation and reduced personal accomplishment;(2) Coping style mediated the effect of core self-evaluation on job burnout.Specifically,positive coping style partially mediated the impact of core self-evaluation on emotional exhaustion and reduced personal accomplishment,and fully mediated the relationship between core self-evaluation and depersonalization.Meanwhile,negative coping style partially mediated the relationship between core self-evaluation and emotional exhaustion,and wholly mediated the effect of core self-evaluation on depersonalization.
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The Features of Spouse Support and Its Relationship with MaritalAttachment and Marital Satisfaction among Older Adults
WANG Da-hua, ZHANG Ming-yan
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 195-201.  
Abstract2658)      PDF(pc) (414KB)(1578)       Save
This study mainly explored spouse support of the elderly from twofold dimensions,namely actual versus ideal support,and emotional versus practical support.And this study also aimed at examining the relationship between spouse support,marital attachment and marital satisfaction with a SEM analysis.There were 289 community-dwelling old adults,with age ranging from 60 to 88 years old,who participated in this investigation.Significant Others Scale,Older Adults' Marital Attachment,and the Locke-Wallace Marital Adjustment Test were used to measure spouse support,marital attachment and marital satisfaction.The results showed that:(1) Gender,age and educational level have significant effects on spouse support perceived by older adults;(2) The older adults'spouse support,marital attachment and marital satisfaction were correlated with each other.Furthermore,spouse support could predict marital satisfaction through the mediation of marital attachment.
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Research Approaches and Integration for Life Cognition
XU Xiao-ying, LI Dan
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 202-209.  
Abstract1973)      PDF(pc) (434KB)(1242)       Save
Based on the definition of life cognition and recent research in the field,the article focused on children and adolescent development,summarized and reviewed cognition(emphasizing on the understanding of life and death),emotion(focusing on self feeling about life and death) and intention(paying attention on your own meaning in life) as three major approaches of life cognition.Finally,more emphasis should be put on clarification of conception,combination of three ingredients(cognition,emotion,intention),feasibility of research approaches and selection of research perspective.
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A Review of Decision Consistency Indices of Criteria-Reference Test
CHEN Ping, LI Zhen, XIN Tao, GAO Hui-jian
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 210-215.  
Abstract3056)      PDF(pc) (344KB)(1036)       Save
This paper presented an overview of various procedures for estimating single-administration decision consistency index which is an important quality standard of criterion-referenced test.Researchers have proposed dozens of estimation methods based on classical test theory or item response theory,and have made some comparisons among them.Future studies should focus on validating these methods and exploring its application in educational measurement,providing psychometricians with a basis for choosing the appropriate estimation method for decision consistency in particular situation.
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Dual Effects of Perceived Discrimination and Its Psychological Mechanism
LIU Xia, ZHAO Jing-xin, SHI Bao-guo
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 216-223.  
Abstract3064)      PDF(pc) (436KB)(1851)       Save
Over the last decades,perspectives on prejudice and discrimination have primarily focused on their source-those who are members of dominant social groups,these researches therefore have been considered ‘a psychology of the powerful'.Recently in the time following Branscombe,Schmitt and Harvey(1999) work have systematic attempts to understand the dual effects of perceived discrimination from the psychology of disadvantaged groups.This article introduced the conceptualization and measurement of perceived discrimination and the researches about perceived discrimination's negative effects and indirect positive effects from the perspective of risk and resilience,and then expatiated on the psychological mechanism of the dual effects of perceived discrimination——rejection-identification model.In future research,the membership of disadvantaged groups,the different effects of perceived personal and group discrimination,and the mediator between perceived discrimination and its consequence should be explored in depth.Furthermore,more attention should be paid to the disadvantaged children.
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Cited: Baidu(13)
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (2): 224-224.  
Abstract1464)      PDF(pc) (103KB)(669)       Save
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3 to 5-Year-Old Preschoolers’ Length Transitive Inference under the Visual-Divided-Tasks
MO Xiu-feng, LI Hong, ZHANG Zhong-ming
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (3): 225-232.  
Abstract2619)      PDF(pc) (516KB)(1044)       Save
When it comes to investigating preschoolers' transitive inference,there seems to be a dilemma.Children should be free from the load of working memory,and they should not compare directly but deduce transitively.In present study,the visual-divided-tasks were created to investigate 3 to 5-year-old preschoolers' length transitive inference.2 (interval length)×2 (layout)×4 (age) mixed design was adopted.240 preschoolers aged 3 to 5 participated in the study sorted in four groups every 6 months.The results indicate the conclusions as following:(1) preschoolers' ability of transitive inference develops quickly during the age of 3 to 4.It's developmental speed peaks after the age of 4 when preschoolers can make transitive inference in different task; (2) transitive inferences of preschoolers are influenced significantly by the kind of tasks; (3) there is a significant correlation between total accuracy and the frequencies of logic transitivity justifications.It was concluded that:(1) children as young as 4-year-old can make transitive inference with educational value to some extent; (2) there are 4 discriminative sequences during the development of transitive cognition,denoted as the embryonic level,transitional level,stable level,and the higher level,which mainly in turn occurred in preschoolers aged 36-42 months,43-48 months,49-54 months and 55-60 months.
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Preschooler’s Emotion Understanding Development and Its Relation with Parental Meta-Emotion Philosophy
LIANG Zong-bao, ZHANG Guang-zhen, CHEN Hui-chang, ZHANG Ping
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (3): 233-240.  
Abstract3277)      PDF(pc) (609KB)(2075)       Save
Children's emotion understanding is a core component of social cognition,and it is very important to their social interaction with peers and later social adjustment.Parental socialization of emotion has obtained more and more attention during the past two decades.Parental meta-emotion philosophy refers to parents' feelings and approaches to their own and their children's emotions,which reflects parental beliefs and goals of emotion socialization.Parental beliefs and goals have important effect on children's emotion understanding.The current study explored the developmental trend of preschoolers' emotion understanding,and then examined the relation between parental meta-emotion philosophy and preschoolers' emotion understanding.Three hundred and forty-one children aged 3-5 and their parents participated in the study.Children's emotion understanding was assessed by research assistants on Denham's puppet play task.Fathers and mothers reported their own meta-emotion philosophy on Parental Meta-Emotion Philosophy Scale (PMEPQ) respectively.Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Multiple Regression linear (MRL) analyses indicated:(1) Girls' emotion recognition was explicitly better than boys; (2) Preschoolers' emotion understanding showed significant developmental trend,and elder preschoolers' emotion understanding competence was significantly better than younger; (3) Maternal emotion-noninvolvement was positively associated with preschoolers' emotion recognition; maternal emotion-dysfunction was negatively associated with preschoolers' emotion recognition; (4) Paternal emotion-dysfunction was positively associated with preschoolers' emotion recognition and emotion situationunderstanding.
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Individual Differences in Reflective-Impulsive Cognitive Style: Children’s Problem Solving and Metacognition
CHEN Ying-he, HAO Jia-jia
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (3): 241-246.  
Abstract2377)      PDF(pc) (381KB)(1098)       Save
The present study examined the performance of children identified as reflective or impulsive on the three jigsaw-puzzle tasks with different complexity; explored the individual differences of problem solving and metacognition in reflective- impulsive cognitive style.The results revealed:1) Interactive effect between cognitive style and task complexity was significant.The reflective children spent more time for ongoing and offline metacognitive monitoring in simple task,for ongoing metacognitive monitoring in moderate task.2) There was no significant difference on the results of problem solving between the two group children.3) The impulsive children used more steps to solve the problems,and tended to complete the puzzle according the main structure,while the reflective children prefer inferring according the picture clues.
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Study of the Consistency and Its Influence Factors between Laboratory Observation and Maternal-Report on Infant Temperament
YU Heng, ZHANG Ming-hao, CHEN Xin-yin, DENG Hui-hua, LU Zu-hong
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (3): 247-254.  
Abstract2187)      PDF(pc) (626KB)(1646)       Save
The consistency in infant positive and negative emotions between laboratory observation and maternal-report method was investigated in 203 6-month old infants.Positive and negative emotions coded were observed in three different scenes (positive,negative and neutral).The positive and negative emotions observed in positive context were significantly correlated with maternal-reported positive emotion.Maternal depression can predict the difference in negative emotion between the two methods.The gender of children can moderate the parenting stress and the consistency in positive emotion between the two methods.
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The Characteristics of Implicit Theory of Intelligence of Children in Higher Grader of Primary School and the Effects of Praise On it
XING Shu-fen, YU Guo-liang, LIN Chong-de
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (3): 255-259.  
Abstract2485)      PDF(pc) (487KB)(1888)       Save
With 101 children of 5th-grade students as subjects,the experimental study explored the characteristics of the development of implicit theory of intelligence and the influences of praise on it.The results were:(a) All children in three different conditions endorsed an incremental theory of intelligence,indicating children in higher grader of primary school in our country emphasized the plasticity of intelligence; children in the control condition rated effort more important than ability,indicating children in higher grader of primary school considered effort more important for our achievement; (b) The degree to which the groups endorsed an entity theory of intelligence showed significant differences among the children in the three conditions,children that praised for ability more inclined to consider intelligence as an fixed、uncontrollable trait.
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The Influencing Factors and Mechanism of Adolescents’ Gratitude
WANG Jian-ping, YU Cheng-fu, ZENG Yi-yin, YE Ting, ZHANG Wei
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (3): 260-266.  
Abstract2885)      PDF(pc) (473KB)(1512)       Save
To investigate the influencing factors and mechanism of adolescents' gratitude,1217 secondary students were tested with gratitude questionnaire,self-esteem scale,coping efficacy scale,parent-child relationship questionnaire,peer support questionnaire,peer rejection questionnaire,school connectedness scale,community safety questionnaire and community satisfaction questionnaire.The results indicated that:(1) Self-esteem,coping efficacy,parent-child relationship,peer support,school connectedness,community safety and community satisfaction were significantly positively associated with their gratitude,peer rejection was significantly negatively associated with their gratitude.(2) Self-esteem had partial mediation effects among parent-child relationship,school connectedness and adolescents' gratitude; coping efficacy had partial mediation effect among parent-child relationships,peer support,school connectedness and adolescent's gratitude.It is suggested that Individual factors (e.g.,elf-esteem,coping efficacy) relative to environmental factors (e.g.,parent-child relationship,peer support,school connectedness) are more proximal factors of adolescents'gratitude.
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Current Status of Adolescents Parental Monitoring and its Effect on Their Social Adjustment
ZHANG Wen-juan, ZOU Hong, LI Xiao-wei
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (3): 267-273.  
Abstract2187)      PDF(pc) (402KB)(1277)       Save
2324 students participated in a study conducted to explore the current conditions of adolescents' parental monitoring and its effect on their social adjustment together with the moderate effect of Neuroticism.Parental Monitoring Questionnaires and Adolescents' Social Adjustment Assessment Questionnaires were used to measure the participants' current status of parental monitoring and their social adjustment.The results showed that:(1)Significant differences of parental monitoring were found between adolescents'of varied grades and different sexes.Parental knowledge about girls was significantly higher than parental knowledge about boys,there are significantly more negative feedbacks from boys than from girls; parental knowledge and autonomy granting of lower grades adolescents was significantly higher than that of higher grades adolescents.And negative feedback from participates of Grade 8 was significantly higher than those from Grade 10 and Grade 11.(2) The adolescents'parental monitoring could be categorized into 3 styles,namely democratic style,controlling style and Laissez-Faire style,the proportions of which were 38%,30% and 32% respectively.(3) The 3 styles differed significantly in all aspects of social adjustment.(4)Neuroticism served as a moderate variable in the relationship between parental monitoring and negative social adjustment.
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The Construct of Graduates’ Employability and its Effect on Graduates’ Employment Results
QIAO Zhi-hong, WANG Shuang, XIE Bing-qing, WANG Zhen
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (3): 274-281.  
Abstract2676)      PDF(pc) (786KB)(2201)       Save
This study chose 1017 graduates from universities in order to investigate the construct of graduates' employability,and analyze its effect on graduates' employment results.The study verified the employability model (Fugate,Kinicki,& Ashforth,2004) by structural equation modeling,which includes adaptability,vocational identity,human capital and social capital.Furthermore,we found positive relationship between employability and several employment results.The results showed that vocational identity and human capital have significant effects on the number of job offer.University type and human capital has significant effects on graduates' starting salary.University type,human capital,vocational identity and adaptability have significant effect on graduates' job satisfaction.At last,graduates'adaptability has significant predictive effect on their work adjustment half-year later.
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An Experimental Study on Enhancing Story-writing Quality of Pupils with Writing Difficulties through Planning Strategy Instruction
TIAN Lan, ZHANG Da-jun
Psychological Development and Education    2011, 27 (3): 282-288.  
Abstract2316)      PDF(pc) (482KB)(1875)       Save
Using a pre-test and post-test experimental design,and through SRSD strategy instruction model,23 pupils with writing difficulties were taught strategies of planning.The results showed that before the training,differences on story length,six quality items and overall quality between experimental group and control group were not significant.But following instruction,compared to control group,students in experimental group got significantly higher scores on plot attractiveness,order clarity and overall quality.Effect size on experimental group's overall quality was up to 0.80.Therefore,story-writing quality of pupils with writing difficulties can be significantly enhanced through instruction of planning strategies.
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