Psychological Development and Education ›› 2011, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 97-104.

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The Study on Sources of Occupational Stress of Primary and Secondary School Teachers

LI Qiong1, ZHANG Guo-li2, ZHOU Jun1   

  1. 1. Center of Teacher Education Research, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875;
    2. Teaching and Research Section of Psyehology, Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084
  • Online:2011-01-15 Published:2011-01-15

Abstract: This study investigated the feature of primary and secondary school teachers-sources of occupational stress,using the questionnaire of 5525 teachers in Beijing.The results indicated that(1)there were five sources causing teachers-stress,namely,the workload,students achievement,social and school evaluation,teachers-professional development and student misbehaviors,which could satisfactorily explain the variance of the sources of teachers-occupational stress,and(2)the trajectory of occupational stress of teachers with different teaching experience was characterized by a inverse U curve,teachers with 11-15years of teaching getting the highest stress level.(3)The major stress source of primary teachers was students-misbehaviors;while students-achievement,especially the examination stress was the main source that secondary teachers had.

Key words: primary and secondary teachers, occupational stress, sources of occupational stress

CLC Number: 

  • G443
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