Psychological Development and Education ›› 2011, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (2): 174-180.

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Research on Adolescent Parents and Peer Attachement in Relation to Self-esteem and Social Adaptation

JU Xiao-yan1, LIU Xuan-wen2, FANG Xiao-yi1   

  1. 1. Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875;
    2. Zhejiang University of Media and Communications, Hangzhou 310018
  • Online:2011-03-15 Published:2011-03-15

Abstract: Adolescent aged from 13 to 18 years(N=519) completed Inventory of Parents and Peer Attachment,Self-esteem Scale and Social support Inventory of Middle School Students to examine quality and characteristic of adolescents parents and peers attachment and relative attribution to self-esteem and social adaptation.Results dem-onstrated that(1) as a whole;quality of adolescents' attachment is high.Peers' attachment quality is slightly higher than parents' attachment.(2) Perceived attachment to mother and father did not significantly differ between males and females.However,females scored significantly higher than males on a measure of attachment to peers.With the regards of grade effects,adolescents' attachment to parents tends to decline first and ascend at the middle of adolescence.The junior school students at grade one scored highest and grade three scored lowest on both mother and father attachment.For peers' attachment,however,tend to first ascend and then decline.But there were no significant differences between grades.(3) Father attachment appeared to be more highly related to mental resilience,mother attachment appeared to be more highly related to mental dominance,whereas peers' attachment more highly related to interpersonal adaptation.Moreover,self-esteem partially mediate the relationship of adolescents perceived attachment to important others and social adaptation.

Key words: adolescent, patents’ attachment, peers’ attachment, self-esteem, social adaptation

CLC Number: 

  • B844.2
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