Psychological Development and Education ›› 2011, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (2): 188-194.

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Relationship between Core Self-evaluation, Coping Style and Job Burnout among Primary Teachers

SUN Pei-zhen1,2, ZHENG Xue2, XU Qing-ping2, YU Zu-wei3   

  1. 1. Department of Education Science, Xuzhou Normal University, Xuzhou 221116;
    2. Department of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631;
    3. Department of Management, Broadcasting & TV University of Guangzhou, Guangzhou 510091
  • Online:2011-03-15 Published:2011-03-15

Abstract: To explore the relationship between core self-evaluation and job burnout,and also the mediating effects of coping style,425 primary school teachers in Guangzhou were selected to fill questionnaires of Core Self-evaluation Scale(CSES),Trait Coping Style Questionnaire(TCSQ),and Chinese Maslach Burnout Inventory(CMBI).The results indicated as follows:(1) Core self-evaluation had negative predictions to emotional exhaustion,depersonali-zation and reduced personal accomplishment;(2) Coping style mediated the effect of core self-evaluation on job burnout.Specifically,positive coping style partially mediated the impact of core self-evaluation on emotional exhaustion and reduced personal accomplishment,and fully mediated the relationship between core self-evaluation and depersonalization.Meanwhile,negative coping style partially mediated the relationship between core self-evaluation and emotional exhaustion,and wholly mediated the effect of core self-evaluation on depersonalization.

Key words: core self-evaluation, coping style, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduced personal accomplishment

CLC Number: 

  • G443
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